• Published 14th Nov 2016
  • 574 Views, 51 Comments

Loved by the Sun and Moon - Bahamut0

Burst never expected to get two girlfriends. But then again, he can't complain with women like Celestia and Moon.

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Chapter 6: In your dreams

"Gotta say. As long as Pinkie's throwing a party you'll never get bored!", Burst said with exhaustion evident in his voice as he and Moon returned home. "But now I'm beat. I don't know about you Moon, but I'm hitting the hay."

"Sounds good to me.", Moon said with a tired smile. "Sweet dreams Burst." Burst showered and got into his pajamas and Moon did the same. Both of them collapsed on Burst's bed and were whisked away to sleep. Once she was in the dreamscape, Moon decided to walk into Burst's dream. In his dream Burst was resting on Celestia's lap while Moon was resting on his chest. "Hi Burst!", Moon greeted him and promptly making Burst aware he was dreaming.

"Moon?! But! You were..How?"

"I'm dream walking. Now all I need to do is find Celestia's dreams and we can all spend more time together!"

"So we're literally in my dreams?"


"Sweet. Now I can dream up any crazy idea I had during my childhood!"

"Hm. I never had a childhood. I literally popped into existence from Luna's jealousy." Moon was caught off guard when Burst hugged her tightly.

"You poor thing." A TV with a DVD player and a bunch of movies soon materialized. "I'm going to give you the best one possible with the movies and TV shows that brought me joy!" And so the two of them binged almost every TV show that made up Burst's childhood. Moon especially loved Power Rangers and Transformers. "Wouldn't have pegged you as a fan Moon."

"What can I say? I like action! So what's next on the list?" Burst put on Dragon Ball Z, and the two of them were soon re-enacting one of the classic scenes. "What does the scouter say about his power level?", Moon asked.

"IT'S OVER 9000!", Burst shouted at the top of his lungs! Both were laughing hysterically after this.

"So what next?"

"Movies!" Moon was wide-eyed when Burst showed her the original Star Wars trilogy! They also viewed Jurrasic Park, Back to the Future, and almost every Marvel Superhero Movie.

"Thanks for giving me the childhood I never had!", Moon said with a smile. "So what do we do now?"

"Now comes my favorite part: videogames!" Burst played about five rounds of Super Smash Bros., and showed off Metroid and Devil May Cry. The two then got into a heated round of Street Fighter. "I'm guessing Luna's gaming skills rubbed off on you?"

"A little.", Moon said with a smirk. "You're pretty good yourself. Well I think we've hit all the key points. So what now?"

"We could see what Celestia's up to in her dreams."

"Good idea!" Moon warped the two of them into Celestia's dream. Once they arrived they saw her on a date with Burst. "I wonder if she'd like to have a dream date with the genuine article?", Moon said with a smile as she and Burst entered the dream. "Hi Celly!", Moon greeted!

"Well this is pleasant surprise. But how are you and Burst here Moon?"

"Dream walking. Burst had just finished up giving me the childhood I never had.", Moon said with a smile. "So would you like the three of us to go on a literal dream date?"

"Sounds wonderful. And I think I know just how to start it.", Celestia said with a smile. The three of them found themselves in a movie theater. "I take it Burst told you how much of a fan of the Elemental Heroes? So why not start with a movie?" The three of them sat down and enjoyed the movie. Burst shared a kiss with Celestia and Moon as the end credits rolled. "I think there's only one way this could be better.", Celestia said with a mischievous smile. Burst was wondering what Celestia had in mind, and soon blushed when he saw that he was shirtless!

"Agh! How is this better?!"

"Come on Burst.", Celestia said her voice dripping with allure. "Aren't you comfortable with showing off for your girlfriends." She inched closer as Burst found himself stuck between her and Moon.

"Well....I guess I don't mind as long as it's you two.", Burst said with a small smile.

"You're cute when you get nervous.", Moon whispered into his ear.

"And you've got a voice like silk and Celestia has voice like music.", Burst said with a smirk. "So I guess we're making out now?" Celestia and Moon just smiled to answer him, and soon Burst found himself in their arms and kissing them. "Best. Dream. Ever.", Burst said as he rested in between the women he loved.