• Published 14th Nov 2016
  • 574 Views, 51 Comments

Loved by the Sun and Moon - Bahamut0

Burst never expected to get two girlfriends. But then again, he can't complain with women like Celestia and Moon.

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Chapter 5: Acceptance

Burst stirred as he woke up, but found himself unable to move his arms. Then he noticed Moon holding him in quite the intimate position. 'She must've had a real good dream. I almost feel bad for waking her up. Almost.' "Wakey, wakey sleeping beauty."

"Mmmm. Good morning Burst.", Moon said with a smile. "That was some of the best sleep I've ever had. I guess today you're introducing me to your friends?"

"Yeah. No better place to start. They're some of the nicest people I know, so don't worry!"

"If you say so.", Moon said with a nervous smile as the two of them headed for school. Burst introduced her to his friends, and like he said all of them seemed to like her pretty well. 'Burst was right. All of them do seem to accept me with no problem.', Moon thought to herself with a smile. As the day went on, another one of Burst's friends, Sunset, had challenged Moon to a duel. Moon won, but she couldn't shake this weird feeling she got from Sunset. 'She looks at me like she recognizes me from Equestria. Maybe it's nothing. I'm happy here, and I've got friends. And there's no place I'd rather be.' Soon the intercom went off and Moon was called to Principal Celestia's office. "You wanted to see me ma'am?"

"Yes. It's clear that you gave me the wrong name when you enrolled here. I hope you don't mind correcting it?"

"Not at all. There that should clear away any confusion."

"Thank you. You're free to go." The rest of the day went on fairly normal, until that night. Burst had gotten a text from Sunset saying it was urgent and that he and Moon were needed and that she had texted everyone. Burst let his mom know that he and Moon might be coming home late. Moon was not prepared for what she was about to see. Sunset and the others were waiting by the statue in front of the school. Even Principal Celestia was there. Not a moment later, Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Twilight came through the portal that was linked to the statue. Moon was panicking on the inside while she kept a calm exterior.

"Nice to see you again princesses.", Burst greeted. "But why are you here?"

"I'll only ask this once Burst.", Luna said bluntly. "Where is Nightmare Moon?" Moon stepped out from behind Burst to face Luna. "Hold still Burst." Luna then used her magic to scan Burst. "There's no enchantment on you, so she hasn't manipulated you." After a brief interruption by Ace and Sonata, Luna quickly brought the focus back where it should be. "My sister, Twilight, Sunset, and I would like a word with Nightmare Moon in private." Burst was about to protest, but Moon stopped him.

"Burst. It's alright. It's time for me to face what lies ahead." Moon left with the princesses to see what her fate would be. Burst in the meantime, turned his attention to Principal Celestia and his friends.

"What could Moon have done that the princesses would come here to talk to her?", Inferno asked. Burst sighed.

"Moon told me her whole history. You all might want to sit down for this." Burst told them about how Moon had come to be, her defeat at the elements of harmony, her separation from Luna, how she had managed to restore herself, and what she had done in their world. And lastly he told them about how much she regretted what she had done. "And now you know everything. You don't have to like her, but all I ask is that you don't hate her." Inferno was the first to find his voice.

"After all she's been through, how can we not feel for her? More then ever, I think she needs good friends. Like us."

"Indeed darling.", Rarity spoke up. "She may have had a rough past, but then again we have friends who were in more or less the same boat."

"Poor Moon's been lonely for so long. I don't want to leave her alone now that I know what happened to her. Even if she did used to be scary.", Fluttershy added.

"The fact she's trying to make up for what she did makes her awesome in my book!", Rainbow declared.

"The Moon Ah got ta know ain't nothin' like the way she used to be. Ah say we give her a chance!", Aj said.

"I don't want Moon to leave either! I had planned her party for tonight!", Pinkie chirped.

"If my family could change, I don't see why Moon couldn't!", Sonata said with a smile.

"I'm with Sonata.", Ace said. "Moon regrets her actions. Which is more than I can say about my brother."

"I'm inclined to agree with all of you.", Principal Celestia said with a smile. "Moon's past doesn't matter if she can have a fresh start here." Burst was crying tears of joy at hearing this.

"You guys...you're the best!" Soon the princesses and Moon returned. "What are you going to do with Moon?" As each of his friends pleaded their case, the princesses gave them a knowing smile.

"Moon will be staying here with all of you.", Princess Celestia said. "Upon hearing her talk about how you people have changed her, and how you've made her feel loved, my sister, Twilight, and I have decided she should stay here. She spoke quite highly of you Burst. She's lucky to have you." After hearing this news, Moon rushed up to Burst and kissed him! It was unexpected, but not unwelcome.

"Um, Moon? You do know I'm dating my world's Celestia right?"

"I believe we can work something out.", Principal Celestia said as she walked up to them with a smile. "No reason why we can't share right?"

"I've got no problem with Burst having more than one girlfriend! What about you Burst?", Moon asked in a flirty tone. Burst cracked a grin.

"The more the merrier." As everyone was about to celebrate, one of Burst's old foes, Sombra, returned to seek vengeance on Burst. However, he quickly fell and the group went on to celebrate their newest friend, and Burst's newest girlfriend. Burst and the guys soon took the stage and were about to give a performance.

"You're in for quite the treat.", Celestia said with a smile. "Burst sang for me on our first date. Just wait until you hear his voice." Moon was nearly in tears at how well Burst was able to perform. He poured his heart into every lyric! As soon as the guys were done with their performance, they joined their respective significant other.

"I believe I owe you two a dance?", Burst asked with a charming smile.

"You sure know how to speak to a girl.", Celestia said with a smile. "I take it you dedicated that performance to Moon?"

"Burst! Did you really do all that for me?", Moon's heart was soaring when she heard that.

"I did. I meant every word I sang. I don't care about your past as long as you love me."

"C'mere.", Moon and Celestia said as they brought in Burst for a kiss and they danced the night away.