• Published 9th Nov 2016
  • 257 Views, 4 Comments

The Legend of Winds Requiem (an OC backstory) - HeroOfWinds

This is the detailed backstory behind my OC, Winds Requiem. How he became a hero and learned of his mysterious powers.

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Chapter 3: To be a Hero

Hiding in the bushes I continued to wait for an opportunity. The rogues had gathered on front of the overturned wagons and were speaking to their captives. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but common sense told me it was their demands or threats about what they were going to do. Once again my wings started to itch terribly and I was forced to unfold them and shake them. Unfortunately my right wings clipped a low tree branch and caused it to make a small rustle. Immediately i flew up into the tree right before the rogues noticed the noise. I saw one of the rogues wearing a bandana point towards the bushes where I just was and one of the other stallions started walking over to check it out. Making a mental note on the stallion with the bandana that he was probably the leader, I came up with an idea.

Just as the rogue started looking down around the bushes, I purposefully rustled a tree branch and zipped into the next tree before he could see me. I continued doing this for a good 50 feet until the rogue had followed my sounds just outside the line of sight of his companions. As the rogue searched for the latest sound source, I jumped him from behind hoping to knock him out. This is where my grand plan fell apart as I forgot to account for the fact that this was a full grown stallion and I was not yet full grown myself.

"Hey!" He barked out as he swung around and delivered a kick to my stomach that sent me sprawling.

"What do you think your doing you little punk? Trying to be some sort of hero?"

The rogue then draws his short sword and walks towards me. Moaning in the dirt I know I have to do something or I was going to die. Once again my wings started itching and I leapt backwards flapping my wings as hard as I could trying to stop the distracting itch and escape the rogue trying to kill me. All I could think about was pushing away from him, and a strange feeling came over me as my wings continued to flap harder and faster than I ever had before. The rogue with the sword seemed to be struggling to keep walking towards me as if an invisible force was preventing him from approaching.

"Ugh. What is with this sudden gust of wind? Your lucky you little punk! Im still going to get you!"

This caused a realization on my head. I did not know how or why, but somehow I was causing this burst of wind. Feeling a sensation in my body, i decided to give into it and let it flow. I imagined the wind increasing in power and blowing this rogue hard into a tree, and i flapped my wings faster shutting my eyes.

"Whoa, what is going ooooonnnnnnn Ooooofffff..."
the rogue was blown off his hooves and slammed into the tree, knocking him unconcious. I opened my eyes and saw this, so i stopped beating my wings and ran over to the stallion. He was out cold. I quickly discarded my toy sword and picked up his real one, my mind pondering what to do next. Any minute now the other 4 rogues would realize their companion was still gone, and I very well could not take all of them at once. Then I realized what I had justdone with my wings. Somehow I had directed and controlled the winds... I needed to do it again.

I sneaked back towards the clearing where the rogues had everypony trapped and saw the 4 remaining stallions standing apart, the leader in the middle. I decided to reveal myself by testing my newfound abilities. I focused hard on the stallion closest to and imagined the winds blowing a strong gust that would send him flying into his comrade. I flapped my wings and felt that surge of power again and tapped into it with my mind. As I did, the rogue I was focused on turned towards me and saw me. Right before he could call out, a massive gust of winds blew him off his hooves and sent him careening into his comrade near him. Both collapsed unconcious as the leader and the other rogue turns their attention to me.

"YOU!" The rogue leader calls out, "What did you do? How did you do that?"

I stand firm and draw the sword I stole from the first rogue.

"Oh, your the little hero trying the save these pathetic ponies?"

"Well then, you sure you want to do that kiddo? Your funeral"

Both rogues advance towards me. My brow beads with sweat as I focus on remembering everything I learned about swordfighting. Using my wings i flew high into the air. Forcing them to look up for me I fly back directly with the sun at my back. I imagine myself swinging the sword as hard as possible. The surge of power within me responds and my sword clangs with the other rogues sword with such force its knocked clean out of his mouth taking a tooth with it. Swiftly i double back and deliver a kick reinforced by a strong gust of wind knocking the rogue out. I turn and face the leader and see him about to swing the sword at a death angle at my neck. Without hesitation I imagine myself protected by strong gusts of wind blowing away from my body, and as the rogues sword beats down on my neck it suddnely swerves away and only grazes my shoulder. Wincing in pain I return the attack with my own sword. The rogue swiftly dodges and strikes back with his own blade to which i narrowly deflect with my own sword. We go back and forth trading blows for what feels like hours. Finally I make a mistake and his sword cuts deep into my side, the wind shield i had been using prevented the blow from slicing me in half. Through immense pain I see my chance and twist my body yanking the sword out of his grasp still stuck in my own body. Gritting my teeth I turn back to face him. Him without a weapon.

"Heh, not bad kid. Your really tough. Maybe you just are a hero after all hahaha."

He lunges forward trying to grasp the sword embedded in my side. I dodge him and through immense pain flap my wings harder focusing on the blade in my side and the rogue. Tapping into the surge i start to feel again, i let it flow and the rogue leader is blasted by a torrent of wind. Crying out in pain as his sword is yanked out of me by the wind, i quickly tear my tunic and staunch the bleeding. Meanwhile the rogue leader is sprawled up against a tree by the strong winds, unable to move. His sword gets picked up by the winds, and flies spinning towards him.

"Noooooo!" He cries as his sword spins sround and flies straight into his chest. With a shudder, the rogue leader holds his chest and then falls over dead. Weakly I stand to my hooves and look towards the rest of the tour ponies who had already lifted the carts trapping them away. I hear ny name being chanted as I slowly drift into a welcoming blackness.

Author's Note:

Edited in paragraph spacing as best as i could since I have to use my phone for all my writing.

Comments ( 4 )

Heya Hero... Winds? anyway that was fun!:twilightsmile:
I could tell you used your phone; as there were some mistakes a phone would add... that sounds far more different than I thought... but I do have a question.
Is the story finished or is there a fourth chapter?

7708442 i have it marked as incomplete. There is at least 1 more chapter. Probably one more and then an epilogue

7708880 Cool I'm looking forward to reading it then!

Comment posted by Jontrondidnothingwrong deleted Sep 30th, 2017
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