• Published 30th Jun 2012
  • 3,404 Views, 44 Comments

The Wraith Reborn - Dusk Stalker

Soul Reaver/MLP Fim Crossover, Vampire, Soul, Wraith, Raziel,

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Chapter 5: Mixed Hysteria

Authors Notice: For the Any Devil Hunter among Pony fans who also like this story, I am in a tiny bit of a block and am trying my hardest to get both up. Damn its getting hard lol but oh well I will get caught up soon...hopefully, before Season 3 pops up.

An hour before Raziel's arrival in Ponyville

"You wish for me to do what?" Raziel could not believe what he was hearing from Celestia's mouth, yes being dropped in this world was one thing, sentient animals he could live with; but going to a village to meet up with his attacker? Out of the question one hundred percent in his mind, he would rather face his brothers again then deal with this, come to think of it he would have rather returned to the forest and probably talk with Zecora a little, from what he could see she was in the same position and even though he only met her for a short time he seemed a little bit comfortable around her.

But not even close to being truly relaxed.

" I know this seems a bit forward and a bit...well...difficult for you to do accept." Celestia said, somehow she knew Raziel would react like this and she was lucky to prepare for the worst to come.

" You believe me going to this place would truly enlighten me? You honestly think that your student would personally apologize for that little action she did in the forest? " Raziel while calm, had that sudden outburst of anger, thousands of years he bottled it up only letting some out in his journey. He held on to it the first time he saw Kain when he arose from the Spectral Realm? Of Kain desecrating a Sarafan Priest? Of him going back in time and Scion help him how many times he had to break the rules of time stream to stop his fate but having it played out again?

Those bits of anger were to name a few of those instances, Wrath was poison to oneself even if Raziel drenched himself with it during his time as a lieutenant as he was thrown to suffer in the lake.

" I believe it would be better to hear the apology from her mouth instead of mine and to your anger, but I know that isn't the only thing bugging you Raziel." Celestia explained.

" Yes the fact I am not from this world and the fact your village would throw me out." He really hoped that the outcome would happen...he really did once he arrived and he would be all too happy to oblige.

" Please Raziel give it chance, Ponyville is home to some of the nicest ponies you will ever meet and I urge you to just give it a chance, just one chance, if you don't like it there you can come back to the castle or wherever you choose and I won't ask you to go back for good." Celestia could understand Raziel's position, but the fact that he was rejecting the idea outright was unbelievable and almost mythical to her. Sure it was nice to hear someone reject an idea at times from her and the fact that most ponies here who would hear her idea would immediately agree with it, it was almost suffocating.

Raziel on the other hand sensed a trap, the only thing he knew was force and betrayal and hearing a plead in Celestia's voice raised his suspicions. Never in his life had he heard someone as his time as a Wraith ask nicely, it was almost foreign to him. Raziel literally stabbed himself with one of his claws as he was massaging his head, he sighed not believing he was going to say, and honestly it would be almost the last thing on his list of things that would be said.

" When do I leave?" Celestia smiled at his answer and levitated a note to him and a small piece of paper, " Now if you wish to." Celestia said leading Raziel to the chariots.

" Scion...what have I got myself into?"

Present time

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" screams were exploding everywhere around Raziel as he closed his eyes with his arms crossed. Even though it didn't bother him, it still felt like his ears were bleeding.

This is what he exactly expected as he could see Pony's dashing away in a cloud of dust on a path leading out of town, he could see the cloud of dust grow smaller and smaller as the distance between him and them furthered. Raziel sighed as he said the one thing that pretty much simplified this situation.

"Called it." Raziel said to himself reading the small slip of paper that Celestia gave him, scanning over the instructions over and over again.

"A giant tree....library inside...not even surprising." Raziel thought to himself as he calmly walked the streets of Ponyville, seeing more ponies curious to find out what the commotion was, met only the same reaction as they ran out of town before Raziel could look up. "As expected each of them runs from me, the sight must be horrendous." Raziel said to himself as others who weren't in the general area were also curious to what caused the screaming, but as usual, they either ran out of town or ran into their houses and boarded the windows as the tips of nails started appearing on the outer walls.

" I have been here only a minute...interesting." Raziel sighed, he kept walking down the street until he finally had enough walking as he decided to go on the roofs. He went to one house on its side that had its windows boarded up, eyes could be seen through the boarded windows as Raziel rammed his claws through the wall of the house and climbed his way up, each one creating moderate sized holes for the ponies inside to see. As Raziel made it to the top he could see clearly a giant tree in the distance, but he could also see the tree had windows, shadows moving back and forth on the ground floor and a tiny silhouette of someone on the top floor.

" It seems like that is my destination."

Ponyville Library

Raziel landed right in front of the tree, and to his amusement it did seem to be roomy and warm, but to his lack of taste it was a trap nonetheless; that was his theory though. Raziel passed the sign and held his hand up and froze, he could leave and pretend Princess Celestia's order did not exist, he was a paradox and in a technical terms didn't exist when he killed himself, so how could Celestia know and what was to stop her from trying to make him? But he decided to play with fate as he knocked on the door a couple times.

"I can't believe I am doing this." Most of the enemies he fought and killed knew he was there, but this was truly foreign altogether doing something so casual as knocking on a door. The door opened as Raziel looked down to see not a pony, but a small purple dragon with green spines and green eyes looking up at him. Raziel itched his head and took a deep breath, but before he could say anything, someone spoke from behind the dragon and judging from the volume of the voice, it was just coming downstairs.

" Spike whose at the door?" A voice behind him said.

" Ummmm." The dragon was trying to take in Raziel's body and in his mind trying to find the right words to describe him. " Well you got to see this."

Or that would have been simpler.

"Ugh Spike you know its rude to describe a p-." Raziel then finally could see the voice and low and behold it was the same purple unicorn he saved in the forest. The pony froze at the sight of Raziel, and Raziel knew what the outcome was going to be.


The door slammed right in his face and the purple unicorn was running upstairs a trail of dust behind her, Raziel on the other hand...was actually glad of this situation as he turned his back on the library and was walking towards the outskirts of town, he knew it would be nigh impossible for what the princess was proposing and the prospect of seeing this world just came into Raziel's mind. But as soon as Raziel was about a step away from the library door, the door creaked open to reveal the same small dragon.

" Sorry about that." the dragon said, Raziel turned his head to the dragon and sighed, " It would seem your hostess is not in the terms of welcoming someone isn't she?"

" No that's Pinkie Pie's job." The dragon stated with a grin.

"What in the four realms and the pillars name is a Pinkie Pie?"

On the summit of a mountain

Somewhere on an unknown summit, a Pink earth Pony sneezed as her whole body blew up like a balloon and shrank back down to her regular size as she landed neatly right on the summit with a blue bucket at her side and snow inside the bucket, an impish but playful smile adorning her face.

" OH GOODIE A NEW PONY!" Her voice echoing around her.

Back in Ponyville

Raziel thought to himself about this world, the name being one of them, many things were being questioned in his mind, but this was one of the many hundred.

" So have you bumped into her?" The dragon finished as Raziel snapped out of his train of thought he shook his head, as the tiny dragon gave a surprised look then, but it seemed to slim down to a grin though.

" Well it is a surprise she doesn't know that someone new has come to town, she usually welcomes everyone to Ponyville."

"An honor which shall remain impossible to achieve."

" I guess." Raziel shrugged his shoulders.

" But anyway...I'm Spike what's yours?" Raziel was caught off guard, why was this young lizard so welcoming to him?

" Raziel..." Raziel was a bit reluctant on giving his name to just anyone, more or less to someone that knew the same purple unicorn.

" That's a weird name...but I'm glad someone finally arrived in town that isn't a pony, don't get me wrong I like all ponies but it almost becomes...well crazy." Spike said with a bit of pep.

" Yes well," One hand Raziel really didn't care, but on the other hand, " It seems I am supposed to give this to the one called..." and this was the moment that he felt like he wanted to throw up as he said with a slowly with the air that someone was judging bad food and didn't want to say anything rude. But with Raziel, it was almost impossible, " Twilight Sparkle." he finished as he gave the scroll to Spike who gestured for him to come inside. Raziel could see not even surprising to him was the fact the room was full of books, shelves laden with a load of books as Spike went up the stairs and creaked open a bit of her lavender mane was protruding from the door with a purple eye peeking down at Raziel who was admiring the collection.

He always had a thing for knowledge but not as much as Kain, but still he was impressed more or less with the collection of books then the prospect of meeting a dragon.

Just suddenly he heard hooves coming down the stairs to see Twilight edging slowly, letter in the air and her pupils shrinking, this thing saved her and she just stunned without any provocation is what it said in the letter and to add to that the reason for Raziel coming to Ponyville. His green eyes met her purple eyes as they kept staring at each other, sweat was leaking down the side of Twilight's face as Raziel's still remained emotionless.

" Your name is Raziel...right?" Twilight asked, still nervous that she was almost face to face with the wraith she attacked, a wraith that saved her life to add to the nervousness.

" It is." Raziel said.

" Ummmm..." Twilight was itching the back of her neck as Raziel crossed his arms and tapped his feet waiting for her response, Spike on the other hand went out to finish what Twilight had for him outside her home. Raziel could feel the tension from her and it was nearly back breaking to anyone else. He gave a soft sigh and itched his arm,

"This is going to be awhile."

Authors Notice: Sorry for the wait (And grammar mistakes and short chapter, may add a tiny bit more) but i had alot to think about lol. Again I hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to leave a comment, I won't bite.

Comments ( 14 )

good chapter. even if it is small. best to come in small dossis. you know?

*charges in, grabs Raziel, and runs away, fangirl sqweeing all the way*

1501002 I concur with your previously stated actions:moustache:... :yay:

Huzzah! A fellow Fangirl!

I leave you two fangirls with this :) :

But Hash'Ak'Gik was also Turel in this form in Defiance:

You also forget the opening Soul Reaver 2 when Kain and Raziel are conversing in the Chronoplast, When Raziel was conversing with his past self, and when he was conversing The Hylden Lord a couple times, but thats a few.

And yes I am looking for an editor(Thats a no brainer:P) but when....well in the words of Kain:

" Is there a crack in your omniscience Moebius?"

But who knows, I am looking.

This is a pretty good crossover keep up with it,it's interesting.

Too bad that you can not continue writing :ajsleepy:

I like your story really

Sir if you're still there, I have a question, are you having trouble writing this fic?

Well, I'll tell you that you were one of my inspirations to write this fic (sorry for the shameless self promotion) becuase it saddens me to see this story not being updated.

I'll admit, I don't know much about Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver. So I decided to read this fanfic and judge Raziel's personality/attitude based on how he interacts with the ponies.

He seems like a pretty chill dude, even after getting attacked from behind by Twilight Sparkle:twilightblush:

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