• Published 17th Sep 2016
  • 256 Views, 1 Comments

Getting a Clue - Skyller

Lost in Equestria, a confused filly stumbles around unfamiliar land while trying to make sense of it all.

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In the Castle

The inside of the castle looked as aged as its walls; most of the décor still in one piece, littered with dust, but some paintings were tattered or artefacts were smashed. A couple of suits of armour were neatly lined near the building’s wooden gate.

“I don’t look too bad,” I eyed my messy and scratchy appearance on a discarded shield. My mane looked sillier with little thorns poking out of it and a couple of scratches and cuts were found on my light spring green coat but those didn’t hurt too much. The metal might have stained and dirty but it was a pretty good mirror.

I turned my gaze back to the interior of the castle. You know, for something so old, it didn’t look too bad. The outside walls might have been a bit cracked and mouldy but inside was just really dusty. It didn’t look ransacked; it still had a lot of fancy paintings and cool looking artefacts, like the line of suits of armour that guarded the giant wooden doors.

I stepped away from the shield and continued inspecting the main hall.

I had a frown on my snout as I looked down on the dusty floor. Only a small set of prints could be seen and no one else’s.

And the abandoned castle is truly abandoned,’ I thought dejected. No sign of any archaeological equipment nor a whisper of voices talking about the history of this place. ‘Just great.’

Then again, this place looks pretty big, having a giant door in the middle of the room and two long passages on either side of the room. I could just be in one unknown area and some other – ponies? – beings could be on the other.

It was unlikely but not possible.

It is because of hope that you continue to move beneath the trials you face.”

I have no idea where those words came from but hearing it said was comforting.

I stood straighter than ever and started trotting to the left wing’s entrance. If I can’t find someone, then I’ll find a clue on where am I and how to get a move on from this place as much as my stubby little legs can go.

After peeking into a dozen rooms in the west wing, I can conclude a couple of things:

1. This was a castle. If there was doubt in me before then it withered away when I lied eyes on a small pile of gold and gems in a large jewelled vault.

From the size of the vault, it looked like it can contain more than a few mountains the pile it had, so someone must’ve transferred those before the

place was abandoned.

2. Horses lived here before. Or ponies, judging from the fact that not one painting lacked some sort of multicoloured miniature equine in it and some

them look too small to be a horse. I think horses are a lot bigger than that. And do they usually wear that fancy clothes?

3. I was definitely alone. Not a step in the dust but mine and some rodents and even them I couldn’t see.

And lastly, there were a heck lot of rooms in this place. I wonder how royalty can live in a place so big? I mean I guess they’d have to have servants and all but won’t a much smaller castle – better yet a cottage – be better than this?

Anyways, a lot of the rooms found in the west wing were bedrooms, some in better condition than others; an unfortunately empty kitchen – not like I can eat anything even if it had something – and near to it was a small dining room; the vault, I may have nicked a gold coin or three plus a nice looking gem – for future finance purposes; and a ye old bathroom at the far end. I felt myself shiver and turned green at the memory of the smell that still lingered even after all these years; never in my short life did I ever thought a couple of pots would terrify me.

“Alright, focus” I shook my head wildly only to stop and yawn instead.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked at the door in front of me. The first of many in the east wing.

Maybe it’ll be another bedroom,’ I thought. I walked and ran – galloped – for a long while now and some sleep would be really nice right now. The thought of a nice warm bed sounds so good right now.

I forced my sluggish body to push the old squeaky door and my droopy eyes immediately widened at the sight of rows upon rows of shelves and books.


It wasn’t a bedroom but it was a place that could tell me more about the world I’m in.

I rushed to the nearest shelf – leaving the door wide open – and grabbed the first book I could lay my hooves on. I pulled hard and the book fell to the floor. I blew the dust off the cover and started flipping through the pages.

Only to find weird symbols instead of letters.

“What is this?” I cocked a brow and continued to browse the book only to find the similarly squiggly lines filling each ‘paragraph’.

I pushed to the book aside and quickly chose a couple more, this time from different shelves.

No change in the writing or alphabet used.

“Stupid books, you can’t even do the one thing you’re supposed to do!” I kicked the pile stacked in front of me and sat down watching in frustration as they tumbled onto the marbled floor.

I felt the corners of my eyes moisten and quickly lift a hoof to rub them.

“Uuwaah,” Tears of frustration soon turned into tears of drowsiness as I let out another yawn.

Of course the books have to be written in some sort of ancient language,’ I thought tiredly. I should try looking again after I get some sleep. ‘Yeah, that sound soo nice right now.’

I got up, not once glancing at the pile of scattered books around me. The books that are probably more than centuries old – of course it was probably written in the tongues of that time – and presently useless.

I sighed and began to make my way out of the library, carefully avoiding stepping on anything. My eyes flinched and I grimaced when I saw a couple of books had missing pages, a more than a few leaves of paper strewn about them; I shouldn’t have taken my anger on precious pieces of history.

No use cryin’ over spilt milk now,' I chided myself as I head to one of the better bedrooms in the west wing. ‘Hopefully, those books weren’t too important.’ I tried looking at the brighter side, I mean, how important could a few books be in a place filled with them?

Who am I kidding. Those books were probably had no other copies in that place and held one of the most important records of that time and I

A blue aura began to surround the books I’ve used – abused – and missing the pages started to bind themselves to their respective tomes.

I watched gaping astonishment as the other books began to glow all the same; a strong gust then swept through the library as each book floats in the air before shortly going back to their respective place. As the last book was stacked, the gust left with a shimmer of stars.

Woah, what. Huh, magic? A magic library?’ was all I could think off. Most of the books still look dusty but, it was if I’ve never touched them at all. ‘Either that, or I’m already dreaming.’

Clop, clop, clop.

Wait, what was that? The sound of steps soon distracted me from the magical performance.

I stood as straight as my sluggish body can allow and started listening for the sound.

“Come on girls, spread out. We have to find…”

Voices! Even better.

Someone’s out there! I’m not alone!’ And it sounds like they’re not too far off! They probably just arrived at the main entrance.

I felt determination pulse through me and pushed back sleeping deep into my mind and quickly raced towards the steps and sounds. Whoever they are can definitely help me out! Heck, they might know me!

I felt my wings began to beat in rhythm as I ran through the hall before seeing a glimpse of something… pink?

“Is that a pink… pony?”

“Yes sirrriie, and a super duper pink party pony to boot!”

“AAAHHH!” I screamed as I jumped in the air and crashed next to the pink party pony right by my… side?

“Hi there! My name’s Pinkie Pie! And You bet your cupcakes I'm a pink pony! And ooh! Do you think I can be a purple pony? I mean, like Twilight – she's my friend! Then again a lot of unicorns are my friends but then – Oh wait," She pushed my gaping mouth closed and continued talking, "there we go! Don't wanna let flies get in there ya know?" and sent me a wink?

When did she get here?!’ I stared wide eyed as she bounced around me still chattering. ‘She, I, but, from afar and how did she – Wah?

" – and I've never seen you before! You know what that means? You're a new pony! ‘Cause you can't be from Ponyville since I know everypony in Ponyville and – heeeeyyy wait a minute." Pinkie Pie stopped her chatter and leant closer, her bright blue eyes staring deep in my eyes while a hoof placed on her chin in a thinking position. It's unsettling how her eyes looked at me unblinkingly, it's like she can see into through my soul.

“What’s a little filly like you doing alone in this castle?” She questioned me, from the frown on her snout and the furrow in her brows. She was serious, so different from how chirpy and happy she was a while ago.

“I’m lost,” I told her truthfully. “I kinda woke up without any memories and I just kinda stumbled my way through a forest and found myself here.” It was better to get straight to the point. I’m a lost kid and I’m just thankful I finally found someone.

“Lost? WITHOUT ANY MEMORIES?!” And just like a switch in her flipped as her irises shrank and she jumped into the air and…

Wait. How is she staying that long in the air without any wings?’ It was looking at a picture, the way the pink pony – Pinkie, I correct myself – just froze there for a moment or two.

Time resumed for her and she quickly held my head in her hooves. “What about all the parties you had? All your friends and family?!”

I felt my ears flopped on my head as I frowned. I tried searching for any memories or feelings only to draw a blank.

I shook my head.

Pinkie then suddenly had her forelegs around me as she gave me a hug that both covered me and lifts me off the ground.

“Mwwfff et gwwa o’ mi,” My voice was muffled as I struggled to be free. All I saw was pink and it was a bit horrifying, to be honest.” As much as I’m thankful for someone, I didn’t want someone suffocating me with hugs. Despite how nice it felt.

"Pinkie Pie! There you are, sugarcube," Another voice soon joined us. "We were mighty worried about you when you disappeared at the drop of a hat.” Her voice had a bit of a southern twang.

Pinkie’s grip loosened and I turned and quickly gulped in air. Finally, I can breathe!

I looked towards the accented voice as another pony came into view. It was another regular pony. An orange mare with one of those western hats sitting on top of her blonde mane.

“I sure hope ya’ll didn’t get too distracted…” The mare trailed off when she saw her companion – friend, if I had to guess – had company. “What in the hay is a little filly doing in the Everfree woods?”

The mare had a more surprised look on her face when she saw me.

Then again, who won’t?’ I thought.

Finding a filly in an abandoned castle in the middle of a spooky forest was like finding a diamond in a haystack on a farm. Is it possible? Highly unlikely, but yes, but heck why would something – someone, in my case – be there in the first place?

Then again, it might be because Pinkie was still holding said filly within her arms.

“Applejack! Thank goodness you’re here,” Pinkie started, still hugging me close. “We got a lost filly here and she can’t remember anything!” Her grip tightened as I was once again smooshed back into her chest. “not her friends, her family, and probably not a cake.”

“Uuh Pinkie,” Applejack began.

Pinkie gasps loudly, her eyes widened as she thought of something more disastrous than not remembering the taste of cake. “OR ANY PARTIES AT ALL! THAT’S HORRIBLE! HOW CAN ANYPONY GO ON NOT THINKING OF PARTIES?!” Her grip was starting to really block off any air.

“Pinkie,” Applejack spoke again, this time with a firmer tone in her voice.

It may be because of the amnesia, but I have a feeling I’m not all that into parties,’ My ear twitched and then flattened in irritation as her booming voice echoed in my head. ‘If parties are full of noises and voices as loud as hers then I’m going to skip those'. I had a sinking feeling that's not gonna happen. Her grip tightened even more and – oh? I think I’m turning blue.

“PINKIE!” Applejack finally shouts. “THE FILLY’S NEEDS TA BREATHE!”

I think that must have startled Pinkie too as I felt her arms finally let go and I unceremoniously dropped on the castle ground.

I said again and I’ll say it before,’ My thoughts were mixed up as I stared at the ceiling. ‘I love the ground.’

I had a shaky feeling this was going to be a thing with the ground.

I heard a few hoofsteps go around me before a soft – muzzle? – push me to sit up.

“You alright there, sugarcube?” Applejack’s voiced piped up from behind before greeting me with a concerned look. I still might have been a bit woozy but her eyes are really green. A really nice green.

Pinkie gave me a sheepish grin. “Oopsie, sorry ‘bout that little filly.”

“Ah, yeah. I am, Ma’am,” I answered Applejack. Taking one another deep breath, I got back on my hooves and turned to Pinkie with a smile. “And it’s fine. I’m just so happy I finally found someone.” The hug didn’t hurt too much and it did make feel better, so nothing lost and something gained, right?

“Good,” Applejack nodded with satisfaction. She bent over me, probably to make sure I’m okay and – Hey, what’s she doing?!

“H-hey, what are you doing?” I felt something bit me on the skin of my neck before lifting me up. “PUT ME DOWN.” Come on! I just got back on the ground!

Applejack grunted and place me on her back. “Sorry li’l fella but we gotta meet with the rest of the girls soon.” She gave the walls around us an uneasy glance. “The sooner the better. Ah don’t want to be around here too long.”

“I can walk on my own,” I protested. They may be bigger than me, but I can take care of myself! I’ve done a great job so far. It was weird, being carried by someone else as we walked.

“Silly filly, with your legs you can’t keep with us for too long,” Pinkie said, bouncing with every step we take. I’m slightly glad, she wasn’t the one carrying me. Just looking at her bouncing is already making me dizzy.

“And to not mentioned we have to find the Elements of Harmony soon so we can beat Black Snooty and –”

“Pinkie, hush,” Applejack interrupted Pinkie’s chatter. She sent her friend a frown before turning to me. There was an uncertain look on her face but she quickly replaced it with a small frown. “Nothin’ to worry your little head over sugarcube. Let’s just focus on finding our friends.”

“Okay,” From the look on her face it was clear that she wasn’t going to talk any further about the subject nor answer any of my questions. I quietly agreed but began to wonder.

Elements of Harmony? Black Snooty?’ My thoughts were still stuck on what Pinkie said. It almost sounds like one of those adventure stories. Where heroes go on and defeat an old evil with some sort of ancient and forgotten relic. The way Applejack was acting was also worrisome. It’s like she expecting something to grow out of the walls and jump us.

Why are they in the castle and what is with us?

I had a feeling I was going to find out soon.

Comments ( 1 )

Your story seems really interesting, thought what is the name of your character? Would like to see where this story goes and hope you update soon :pinkiesmile:

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