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Chapter 9 (Start the preparations)

“This is weird, how can you stand like this all the time?” Rainbow was whining about her new looks which was starting to get on Metei’s nerves.

“I’ve been standing like this for all my life. Now stop whining, this is supposed to be a stealth mission remember?”

The group moved to the next room before Rainbow started again.

“I look weird; I mean I’m standing on two legs and got these things called hands! Not only that but I’ve got a grey body”
Metei was getting pissed off.

“Where the fuck am I you shithead?” Metei was seething anger through his words, making his counterpart frown.

“What’s with the hostility? I don’t understand why you’re angry at me?” Metei chuckled at his good self. The humour quickly disappeared and was replaced with intent to harm. “Besides, it should be me who should be angry at you. You’ve gotten soft. Have you forgotten what we’ve learned through the training?”

“It’s not ‘we’ it’s me. You did not exist back then. You did not learn the lessons through person. You only learned through my mind. You are a part of me that got out. You are not real”

Metei walked over to his original and pounded his face in. “Was that real? Or was that not real like me as you say?” Metei didn't let up and continued his assault. Once he ceased the physical assault, he let his other get up.

“You didn't answer my question. Where am I?” Metei walked to the other side of the room. He lifted his hoof up, causing the wall to ascend. What Metei saw left him speechless. The wall gave way to the rows of troops. The entire area was swarming with l33ts. Only a few squadrons had the A.C.P agents in them. They were not many, but were heavily armed.

“You brought them into this world?!”

“But of course. What else would I bring to win this war?”

“This is madness. They will obliterate everything in their path. For god’s sake, they’re wielding guns. They will destroy all the populace in this world” All he got back was a light chuckle; except it didn’t stop there. The light chuckle turned into laughter which turned into a maniacal laugh. He had gone completely insane.

“OF COURSE THIS IS MADNESS! IS THERE ANY OTHER WAY I WOULD HAVE IT!” He continued his laugh. Metei could only stare in horror.

“You’re completely insane” Metei stopped his laughing and looked at his half.

“Of course I’m insane. After seeing you living with those ponies” The last word was laced with what felt like poison. Metei understood why he was doing everything.

“You want me to suffer don’t you?”

“Of course, but there is another reason. Do you feel the improbabilities flowing through you?”

“No I don’t feel its power, why?” It took a minute for it to sink in his mind, his face going from confusion to complete horror.

“Y-you, you have the drive don’t you?”

“Ding, ding, ding, ding! Well done, you’ve figured out the most fucking obvious thing ever!”

“If you took the drive than why not take the halo also?”

Metei sighed at the question, disappointed with what he was about to say.

“I can’t take the halo. It rejected me when I tried to take it as well. I think it took a fucking liking to your stupid ass”

Metei was baffled. The halo rejected the evil and stayed with him. It was like it had a mind of its own.

“Well since there’s nothing else to see here, I guess I’ll send you back”

Metei broke out of his trance and looked at his clone.


“You heard me. Besides, it’s not fun if you die by my hand right now, where’s the fun in killing the enemy when you know that they’ve got no chance to defeat you. I want a challenge. Now off you go”

Before Metei could say anymore, the same bright light that brought him here sent him back.

The library was in complete silence, confusion spreading around in the air. All the ponies were in total confusion as why Metei had just disappeared. They looked around everywhere for any signs of the stallion; nothing came up as to where he had gone to. All the ponies took a break from their search for rest and to deal with their hunger and thirst. They all went into the kitchen to find any food that could be eaten without any preparation. They all settled on biscuits.

Celestia looked at the mane six; some eating in silence. The only ones that are talking were her student and Pinkie Pie, the latter talking while chewing. Celestia glanced up the stairs towards the bedroom door. Beyond the door laid three ponies. Luna was tired from the events that had transpired, Shining Armour was resting cause of the wounds, and Cadence worried herself out and fell asleep. Celestia gazed down at her hooves, sadness seeping in her.

Everypony’s musings were cut off when light shone at the spot where Metei disappeared. They all galloped into the room and stood with their mouths opened. Once all light ceased, all that remained was Metei. Everypony couldn’t believe their eyes; all were happy to see that he was back, especially Pinkie who tackled him, causing the two to fall to the floor and give Metei a bone crushing hug.

“Pinkie I know that you’re ecstatic to see me but I can’t breathe, so would you, you know?”

“Oops, ehehe, sorry” Pinkie got off the downed Metei and allowed him some personal space. Celestia moved in front of Metei and gave him a questioning look.

“What happened to you?”

“I got transported to a place where the enemies lay”

“I still don’t trust you”

“Of course you don’t but if you want to win this war then you need to start with the trusting issues” Celestia was unmoved by his words. True, she had to trust him since he just went to see the enemy except she still suspected that he was a spy.

“I’m not a spy” Metei got a reaction from the princess. She was surprised that he heard her thoughts.

“How did you-”

“How did I know what you were thinking? Easy your body language gave it away”

“Alright then; tell me what we have to do if you have a plan? That is if you have a plan”

“Of course I’ve got a plan. First Celestia can you get all the soldiers that are still alive. If there is hardly any left than we gotta set up recruitment centres around Equestria, can you do that?” The princess nodded.

“Good, that settles that. Next, do you have anypony that can make weapons around here?” Twilight answered.

“We have a blacksmith in Ponyville”

“Good, get him to make weapons. Celestia look out for anymore blacksmiths, we need all of them to supply the soldiers. Alright now to assign roles”

5 minutes later

“Okay I’ll go over it again. Me, Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow will infiltrate their base and destroy their armoury. After that we cut off their communications room. After that’s done we kill all the other bastards that are in our way to the exit” Metei was getting impatient as the group was still a bit confused.

“What about Fluttershy, Rarity and me?” Pinkie asked Metei, who upon seeing her calmed down slightly

“As I've already said, you and Fluttershy are to be in charge of the medic division. Rarity is in charge of designing better armour for the soldiers”

“Oh, okay”

“Good, everypony understand the plan?” Everypony in the room nodded their heads. “Good”

Celestia was surprised at the stallion. He has shown great leadership in times of trouble and even had a great motivational speech to get more recruits.

‘Maybe he’s the one who can save Equestria?’

“Alright, now get moving; you all know your roles. Get back here within 1 hour. After we regroup then we shall make the first move”

The flames have ignited.