Madness Combat, Ponies with Improbabilities

by Metei

First published

Metei was a slave to the A.A.H.W, testing out new dangerous prototypes when he comes across a fallen halo and the P.I.D
With just a brief window opening for escaping and getting the peace he sought out for all his life, he takes a chance, however where he ends up might not be the place he wanted to go

(Second Story. Let's see if this is better)

Prologue (Escaping the hellhole with a shower)

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Subject 1A27; please step forward to the platform

The announcement rang throughout the facility loud and clear, making the people who were waiting shoot their heads up towards the door. The silence was eerie as the room behind the door was usually accompanied with screams of help and mercy or usually just shooting and explosions. However, this time the room was silent. Tension was growing between the test subjects as they were left to guess what the hell was happening in there.

Just as the test subjects were about to talk to each other, the sound of a gun discharging rang from out the door. With the gunshot, a bloodcurdling scream came after in just a millisecond.

As the test subjects were about to brace for the sight of their fellow test subject’s corpse to be dragged out of the room towards the waste compartment, an alarm sounded with an announcement.

All guards, a test subject has escaped. Last known location: testing facility room number 147.

The entire test subjects out in the hall looked towards the door for the sign that told what testing room it was, room number 147

In room 147 there was nothing really special about it. Blood spatter was the only decoration and colour on the war instead of the dull grey that every other building in Nevada was painted with. The room had only one piece of furniture, one lone metal table. The table itself was not interesting nor was it used in the tests. It was what lied on top of the table that was used in the tests.

The test that was supposed to be carried out today was the test of the new prototype handgun, which the creators called APSFDB (All Purpose Small Firearms Death Bringer) and was totally a shit name when the people who was testing them first found out what it was called.

The gun was in a small brown box when it was bought into the room, except the gun had been stolen. It was stolen by the test subject and replaced the original contents of the box with the head of the tester.

There was another interesting thing that was in the room. It was the window, the window which the test subject escaped through.

The test subject ran through the empty hallway as the guards that patrolled the area had left to go see the empty testing area. The test subject ran past the other poor victims as they were bound to the wall with shackles and could not escape themselves.

The test subject kept up his sprint until he had to stop and rather abruptly. Up ahead where the seemingly endless hallway turned to the left, he could hear faint voices, voices which seemed to be shouting orders as if they were guards.
With no choice, the test subject ran towards the group as he had the element of surprise on his side. As the guards turned around the corner they were greeted with the end of a gun that was aiming towards them.

With no hesitation, the test subject began to gun down his victims, starting with the one on the far left. He fired one round through the poor guards crossed face, strafing to the right to avoid the gunfire coming out of the others rifles.
Time seemed to slow down for the test subject as his adrenaline from this whole ordeal had made his senses heighten to inhuman levels.

He grabbed the muzzle of a rifle and proceeded to smack the guards face with the butt of the rifle. Seeing that the guard had lowered his hold on the rifle, he put a bullet through his heart, going through and getting lodged into his buddy next to him. 3 guards were down ad only 2 were remaining.

He jumped through the air and unloaded al the bullets from the rifle into the bodies of the guards.

Happy that they were all finished off, he started to change his clothes with the deceased guard that died first. Once he swapped clothes, he picked up a rifle and a keycard from the one he assumed was the squad leader.

He walked back down the corridor as he had spotted a door that had a lock that required a keycard. He swiped the card
downwards and waited for the tell-tale ding that indicated that the door was now unlocked.

Inside the previously locked door, the entire room was bathed in darkness. He surveyed the room to see if anything hostile would come rushing towards him. When nothing came he switched on night-vision mode on the mask that the guards wore. Thankful for the scientists who urged the guards that the night-vision was necessary, he walked into the room on guard, pistol at the ready if he found guards waiting for him. However, he did not expect the door to suddenly shut behind him, locked

However what he found was the most peculiar thing ever, on the floor, towards the right back corner, laid a dead body. Why there was a dead body in the room was anyone’s guess. The test subject’s face lit up in recognition and horror as the body belonged to Jesus. When he angled his head to the left he saw something else that surprised him. There just lying on the floor, was the P.I.D (Portable Improbability Drive)

He looked at the two of them and came up with the conclusion. If he wanted to have a chance to escape, then he would need two items:

1. The P.I.D and

2. The halo, which was still on top of Jesus’ head.

He bent down and grabbed the halo, which shook in his hands and lightning which came from the floor came into contact with the halo. He quickly put it on top of his head so the lightning would stop arcing towards the halo. The usually bright yellow colour on the halo changed to snow white, leaving the test subject confused as to why it changed. He next picked up the P.I.D and held it in his hands. He was thinking on how to carry it while holding guns when the P.I.D got absorbed into him.

Before he had time to register what just happened, the test subject could hear someone speaking. He could only make out some words ‘He’s here… Locked room… The corpse… Blow it up!’

That last remark snapped him out of his stupor and thought on how to escape. As he was thinking on how to escape, a bright light filled his body and he began to disappear. He looked on in a surprised yet scared manner as the floor beneath him gave way, showing that he was plummeting down towards a colourful planet, so he did the only thing he thought of, becoming a meteor.

In Equestria, a group of locals, or ponies as they are called, were busy with looking up at the night sky, which was housing a meteor shower that only came once in a hundred years. Everyone, or everypony in their native tongue, was fascinated in the shower. One pony was particularly fascinated, as she bought along a book to read about the shower.


Twilight cringe at the volume her friend was shouting at. To make it even worse, her friend was nearby.

“No thank you rainbow, I’m still reading. It’ll be some time until I’m finished”

Her friend Rainbow Dash gave her a dead pan look. She sighed.

“Twilight you are a real egghead, you know that right?”

Twilight huffed in anger; being called egghead was a real insult towards her. She let it go when she just chalked it up to as Rainbow’s behaviour. She did not understand her friend’s behaviour sometimes, for example: playing hoofball at night, or Pinkie’s behaviour.

Twilight was about to go back to reading when she saw one meteor heading in the opposite direction then all the others, not only that but it was curving, curving towards where they were and at high speeds.

“What in the name of Celes- Everypony look out!”

Everypony who was near Twilight could hear the urgency in her voice and all activity stopped, even the hoofball tournament stopped. Once they all stopped, everypony heeded her warning and ducked for cover. It took a minute for the meteor to go through the stratosphere and aiming towards the group of ponies. However it did not land where they were, instead going straight towards the Everfree Forest.

Once impact was made, the sound was deafening and the force of the crash blew some ponies off their hooves, even some houses got utterly demolished.

In the Everfree forest, the meteor was glowing a faint hue of grey. One stallion was walking along the edge of the forest when the explosion got his attention. Picking himself up, he quickly limped towards the crash site, curiosity taking a hold of him. Once there, what he found took his breath away. He had found the meteor and thought that the discovery was going to make him rich, dancing on the spot. What he failed to realise was that the meteor was shrinking, shrinking down to a more humanoid appearance. Once the shape had taken place, two hands shot out and grabbed the stallion by the neck. All he could get out was his struggled breath when he felt himself being absorbed. Where the human was standing was now a silhouette of a stallion glowing, indicating the changes and lighting up the forest. When the light began to die down, the only thing left glowing was the stallions’ red eyes. He only uttered four words.

“This will be interesting”

Chapter 1 (Meeting with peace and... cupcakes?)

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"So, if I don't know who you are then that means that you're new to Ponyville, RIGHT? Oh, oh, that means I can throw you a WELCOME-TO-PONYVILLE-PARTY!"

Pinkie spoke with clear enthusiasm, excited that there was a new pony in Ponyville, which meant a reason to throw a party. The test subject had to block his ears from that last statement, which was said- no SHOUTED in his ear. The ringing of his ears started to die down, so he opened his previously shut eyes from the vocal assault, and staggered backwards a bit. The ever growing grin which Pinkie was wearing made the test subject shift uncomfortably, swaying back and forth. It was not helping that the grin was accompanied with an intent stare that was unusual for the pink party pony.

"Yeah, I am new here, but why are you so happy to throw me a party. No less, throw a party for a pony you've just met?"

Pinkie pondered a bit on the question, confusion etched on her face. This seemed to go on for an eternity until the pink mare opened her mouth while the test subject prepared for another shouting speech.

"Well why can't I. Parties should be enjoyed by everypony, even new ponies"

The test subject gave her a dead panned look as he processed the thought of throwing a party to a complete stranger. The idea turned from ridiculous to understanding. A new pony, who probably doesn't know anypony, would have a party in their name, just so they get introduced to maybe their future neighbors and friends.

"What, I totally forgot to ask you something really important.I forgot to ask for your name. I mean I can't throw a party for you if I don't know your name and if I don't know your name then I can't write it on your welcome banner and if I don't write your name on your banner how is everypony else supposed to know who you are and if that happens then they have to guess your name and if that happens then you or somepony might not like my party and if somepony doesn't like my party then I'll be all saddy-waddy and I can't handle that again. QUICK, I need to fix this problem! WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!"

The test subject stood dumbfounded as to how Pinkie could say all that in just one breath. Pinkie had to shake him to get his attention again. The test subject cleared his throat and answered the question. However, the one thing he forgot was that he did not have a name. He was raised in the testing facility and the people there only called him by his serial number. Glancing around him, he tried to find something, anything so he could have a name. His gaze shifted down to the shirt tag on his jacket, or more importantly the name of the company that made the jacket. He lifted his head from behind him and looked at Pinkie.

"My name is Metei"

The town of Canterlot, Equestria's capitol, was home to one of the most snobby, pretentious ponies in all of Equestria. It was far away, high up in the mountains where the views were breath-taking. Some of the notable things that Canterlot has is that it is home to the Royal family and also the place where rich ponies strut around, thinking that they are better than everypony else.

When the meteor hit the Everfree forest, the impact could be heard all the way to Canterlot. All the ponies stopped their night-time activities and looked towards the epicenter of the large explosion. Seeing that it was all the way out towards Ponyville, all ponies almost simultaneously, began to resume their activities. Only two ponies had their gaze fixed on the small town.

Princess Celestia was the controller of the sun while her sister, Princess Luna controlled the Moon. Both were tall and strikingly beautiful as they were powerful. Celestia was filled with worry, however she did not show it as years of being in rooms full of ponies that cared for their own self had honed her skill to cover what she was really thinking. Her sister on the other hand did not have as much practice as Celestia and was showing her worry.

They both saw went happen from the highest balcony of the castle. They saw the meteor flying low. They saw the meteor heading towards Ponyville. And they also saw and heard the impact. They met eye to eye, nodding in agreement as if they had telepathic communication and took off for Ponyville.

The Everfree forest was now empty as the explosion scared off the animals, leaving only silence in their wake. The test subject looked at his surroundings. Seeing as there was a likely chance that all the dangerous predators have been scared off, he walked or in his case, trotted towards a lake that was to his right. He looked in the pool of water and saw his appearance. He was a pony. He had already realized that he changed into one as he absorbed the poor bastard who let his curiosity take over him. What he didn't know was what he actually looked like. He gazed at his reflection and was surprised at what he saw.

He had a coat of light gray and white flames which were, what he thought, was his mane and tail. What really surprised him was that he was still wearing the body armor from before except now it was a blue jacket with pockets that looked like it would hold knives and ammo, also he had red tinted glasses over his eyes. Lifting his shades upwards, he took notice of his eyes. They were pitch black, like looking straight into death's eyes. He shuddered at his own piercing gaze. He looked at his behind and saw something peculiar. He had a mark on his ass! The mark looked like as if it was two swords going through each other in the middle and behind the swords was a white lightning strike.

Still looking at his ass, a low growl snapped his attention towards the left. He could not see what was there, except he knew that he had to leave or he'd be somethings lunch-err dinner. Picking a direction, he ran towards the way he thought would lead him to the exit, silently praying that he picked the right direction.

His prayers were answered as he found light that indicated civilization. He continued running even though he was out of the forest. He didn't stop until something had hit him in the face, making him tumble to the floor. Picking up his hand-err hoof, he wiped away the dirt and... cupcake? He looked up and saw a smiling pink pony.

Chapter 2 (First conversation with a pink one)

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Metei gazed around the inside of Sugarcube Corners, or whatever Pinkie called the place. The entire shop was filled to the brim of decoration, food, games and ponies, eager to meet the new pony in town. Metei was tearing up as back at Nevada he was a prisoner, and therefore did not have parties, even when he was a child, the only thing close to a party would have been for the people who ran the place while the test subjects ate the scraps.

“Hey Metei, why are you all sad?”

Metei looked at Pinkie who was right next to him, concern etched on her face, only being intensified by her deflated mane.

“I’m not sad; it’s just tears of joy. I’ve never had a party or friends since childhood”

Pinkie wrapped her hoof around his neck, bringing him close for a hug.

“Well, you’ll never be alone ever again”

The pink pony still smiled at the test subject, grinning madly at the scene in front of her. The pink pony backed off to let some space for the test subject to get up. The pink pony opened her mouth as if she was going to say something. If any other pony noticed her doing that, than they would have tried to shut her mouth, block their ears or ran away. However the test subject did not know the danger of letting the pink pony talk. A moment of silence for the test subject please.


The test subject stared at her, not accepting that she just said three sentences without breathing.

“That is correct. You don’t know me and I don’t know you either”

"So, if I don't know who you are then that means that you're new to Ponyville, RIGHT? Oh, oh, that means I can throw you a WELCOME-TO-PONYVILLE-PARTY!"

"I've never had a party before, so why are you doing this?"

Pinkie stopped looking happy and looked at Metei, dumbfounded.

"WHAT?! You have never had a party before? Well today is you lucky day since it's time for your welcome party"

Pinkie spoke with clear enthusiasm, excited that there was a new pony in Ponyville, which meant a reason to throw a party. The test subject had to block his ears from that last statement, which was said- no SHOUTED in his ear. The ringing of his ears started to die down, so he opened his previously shut eyes from the vocal assault, and staggered backwards a bit. The ever growing grin which Pinkie was wearing made the test subject shift uncomfortably, swaying back and forth. It was not helping that the grin was accompanied with an intent stare that was unusual for the pink party pony.

"Yeah, I am new here, but why are you so happy to throw me a party. No less, throw a party for a pony you've just met?"

Pinkie pondered a bit on the question, confusion etched on her face. This seemed to go on for an eternity until the pink mare opened her mouth while the test subject prepared for another shouting speech.

"Well why I can’t I, parties should be enjoyed by everypony, even new ponies"

The test subject gave her a dead panned look as he processed the thought of throwing a party to a complete stranger. The idea turned from ridiculous to understanding. A new pony, who probably doesn't know anypony, would have a party in their name, just so they get introduced to maybe their future neighbours and friends.

"What, I totally forgot to ask you something really important. I forgot to ask for your name. I mean I can't throw a party for you if I don't know your name and if I don't know your name then I can't write it on your welcome banner and if I don't write your name on your banner how is everypony else supposed to know who you are and if that happens then they have to guess your name and if that happens then you or somepony might not like my party and if somepony doesn't like my party then I'll be all saddy-waddy and I can't handle that again. QUICK, I need to fix this problem! WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!"

The test subject stood dumbfounded as to how Pinkie could say all that in just one breath. Pinkie had to shake him to get his attention again. The test subject cleared his throat and answered the question. However, the one thing he forgot was that he did not have a name. He was raised in the testing facility and the people there only called him by his serial number. Glancing around him, he tried to find something, anything so he could have a name. His gaze shifted down to the shirt tag on his jacket, or more importantly the name of the company that made the jacket. He lifted his head from behind him and looked at Pinkie.

"My name is Metei"

Pinkie smiled at him, happy to learn her new friend’s name. She took notice of his mane and what was on top of it.

“Hey Metei, what’s that white ring on top of your head?”

Metei looked up and saw what she meant. He did not notice his halo since it was being camouflaged by his mane.

“That’s just an accessory. Nothing special”

Pinkie took the lie and asked another question, this time about the shades he had over his eyes.

“Why are you wearing glasses? Are you a DJ like Vinyl?!”

“I don’t know who this Vinyl is but I am not a DJ”

Disappointment came across her face when Metei told her he was not one, shattering her dreams of having an epic party with two DJ’s.

“Well then why do you wear them?”

“I can’t explain it. Here let me show you”

Metei lifted his shades and gazed into Pinkie’s eyes. Pinkie was shocked to see that his eyes were full black. She knew that Vinyl wore her shades to hide her blood red eyes and to hide what her true feelings were for some things, not only that but it is also a great accessory for her job. Metei had the glasses to hide his cold, black, dead eyes.

She felt her knees wobble from the stare that Metei was giving her. As her legs gave away, Metei lunged forward to catch her, only succeeding by just mere luck.

“Sorry about that, didn’t mean for you to faint”

Metei gave a sorry look towards Pinkie. Pinkie only smiled at her companion, taking the apology and offering her own.

“Don’t worry, besides I should be the one that’s sorry since I wanted to look at your eyes”

Metei lifted her up and stayed by her side, in case she decided to collapse again.

“Well I should get going to prepare for your party. See you later!”

Pinkie waved at her friend as her figure started to shrink from Metei’s sight. Turning around to explore the town he stopped dead in his tracks. Two huge ponies’ chests were blocking him. Looking up, he gazed into the faces of the two Princesses.

“We know that you’re the meteor that crashed into the forest”

Chapter 3 (Meet the evil)

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Metei gazed into the eyes of the glaring sun goddess. She did not look happy but then she did not look overly angry. No, she just looked right enough to make even the most hardened soldier cower in fear. Compared to Fluttershy’s stare, the latter would have been behind the massive shadow. Metei however was not ordinary. He did not get frightened by her, only stepping back for just a second before regaining his foot hold. Her stare did not let up.

“You were the one in the meteor, were you not?”

Metei didn’t answer immediately thus provoking the lunar mare behind Celestia.


Luna was threatening Metei for no apparent reason. He was confused beyond his belief as to why she would just openly do that in the middle of the street. He sighed in resignation as he couldn’t be bothered to tell the lie. It was his philosophy back at Nevada. If the guards knew you were lying, than you spend your one and final night in the pit. Those who went in never came out. He could not tell a lie since he feared for his life. That is why that if Applejack were to mysteriously disappears, than Metei would be a perfect replacement.

“Fine, I am the meteor, but how did you find out”

Celestia was eyeing Metei suspiciously, seeing if he was to be trusted to what she was going to say. Seeing that she did not care if he found out, thinking that he can’t do anything to them, she decided to tell him.

“Our spy was in the forest at the time for who knows what he was doing, but instead found you. I know you killed him but before you did, he sent me a telepathic message and image”

“FUCK! I should have been more careful!”

Celestia was taken aback at his foul language. Never in her lifetime did she hear somepony say those disgusting words and never in the presence of one of the princesses, but this pony did, right in front of her.

“Please do not use that kind of language here. I do not need ponies complaining to me about what you are spouting out”

“Fuck off; I do what I fucking want. I’m not afraid of you”

Celestia was even more surprised. Metei was still swearing, but this time it was aimed towards her. Luna was filled with rage, this pony, this THING was swearing at her sister. He had already ruined her beautiful night sky with the meteors, destroyed part of the Everfree forest and killed a pony. It was time to take him down.


Luna’s booming command produced a number of guards by the way of teleporting, but to Metei they looked like they were spawned from white lightning. Taking a defensive stance, he readied himself for whatever they threw at him.
“Bring it assholes”

Pinkie was done with the final touches of the welcome party. She had stated that this was going to be the best party ever for Metei since he never had one. Happy with the preparations finished, she put on her basket and walked out of Sugarcube Corners to invite all the residents of Ponyville. Wearing a big grin, she opened the door.

The guards that rushed Metei first were introduced to his fist (hoof?) in their face. The others decided to hang back to see if their comrades can take him on. Metei grabbed one guard and punched him in the stomach. The guard curled into a ball before being stepped on his head. With one down, he pivoted towards the other guards, smashing one in the face with his hoof. Two down. The guards became wary that they needed some weapons to take the bastard on, so they armed themselves with spears. Metei shook his head and chuckled. Even with weapons they could not take him on.

Looking at his victims in his eyes, Metei was gone in a blink of an eye, punching at all of the guards in front of him. Sixteen down. Metei got behind one group and decided to choke one of them. Seeing their comrade in trouble, the guards tried to help him, only receiving the legs of the trapped guards in the face. Metei spun him round and round before letting go, scoring seven points in knocking down the guards.

The only ones left were the unicorns, and they were thinking twice about approaching him head on. Seeing that they would not make the first move, Metei sprinted towards them on his hind legs. He grabbed the one in front and kneed him in the stomach three times before letting him go. He broke the neck of the second one, but did not kill him. He snapped an arm and beat another until his face was puffy and bruised.

He felt something grab him and hoist him in the air. He could not determine who was lifting him but he did feel the force of smashing into the ground. He gazed up into the eyes of a white stallion with two tints of blue in his mane.

“Thank you Shining Armour that was easy enough”

Metei recognized the voice as Celestia before being engulfed with a bright white light. The next thing anypony knew, Metei’s body went kamikaze. The explosion was gigantic as the two princesses were flung back, Shining was knocked into a building and the guards all flung in different directions.

The smoke was clearing as it gave the ponies a sight of a shadow. The smoke cleared, revealing a Metei with a twisted, sadistic, evil smile. One of the lenses on his shades were cracked while the other was smashed, revealing his eyes. However they were not the black that was dead, no they were blood filled, like he was unleashing a monster that could wipe out Equestria and paint the wall and river red. Cracking his neck twice he eyed the two princesses and grinned menacingly at them.

“Well that was not nice”

In an alley somewhere in Ponyville, a pony laid there. He began to stir in his unconscious state, revelling in the cool shadows that loomed over him. When it became too cold his eyes opened. Metei lifted his head up, wondering what just happened.

“What the fuck just happened. I remember that I was looking at something in my mind. Something looked like red eyes. No matter, it doesn’t matter to me”

Oh Metei, it really matters. He walked out of the alley to run into... Pinkie!

“Oh, oh, METEI, I finally found you. I was trying to find you to say that your party is done and that you need to come with me like now or you’ll miss your party, and what kind of welcome party is it if you’re not there, and if that happens then-“

Pinkie’s mouth was blocked by Metei’s hoof.

“Alright Pinkie, let’s go to the party”

“GREAT! The party is at Sugarcube Corners so go like now since it started now!”

“Wait Pinkie we could go together!”

But it was too late. Pinkie had already sped off for the party.

“Might as well”

Metei gazed around the inside of Sugarcube Corners, or whatever Pinkie called the place. The entire shop was filled to the brim of decoration, food, games and ponies, eager to meet the new pony in town. Metei was tearing up as back at Nevada he was a prisoner, and therefore did not have parties, even when he was a child, the only thing close to a party would have been for the people who ran the place while the test subjects ate the scraps.

“Hey Metei, why are you all sad?”

Metei looked at Pinkie who was right next to him, concern etched on her face, only being intensified by her deflated mane.

“I’m not sad; it’s just tears of joy. I’ve never had a party or friends since childhood”

Pinkie wrapped her hoof around his neck, bringing him close for a hug.

“Well, you’ll never be alone ever again”

Metei was subdued with a bind of magic which the princesses conjured up after knocking him out with their combined blast of magic.

“Take him away”

“Yes your majesty”

The guard’s teleported away for Canterlot while the princesses stayed behind. Luna looked at Celestia with worry about their new prisoner.

“Tia did you feel the foul chaos emitting from him?”

Celestia was frowning at what that could mean.

“Are you thinking that he is Discord or will set him free?”


“I fear for that too”

The princesses looked at the sky, hoping that wasn’t what would happen. If Discord was free then he would make the pony’s life hell. They were off the mark with what Metei was thinking of doing. Murder all the ponies.

The cage that held the criminal was locked tightly as two pegasi guards were taking off for Canterlot. The prisoner opened his eyes and laughed. Both pegasi disappeared from the sky.

Chapter 4 (Starting the fire)

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“You have not experienced true misery. I have watched everyone close to me die, my home ravaged by a plague and I have been hunted down. So tell me, what makes you think that your life is shit just because you couldn’t get into your fucking dream job?”

Metei glared at the surprised Rainbow Dash, surprised that she was complaining that she didn’t get into the Wonderbolts and stated that her life was over, when the pony in front of her had experienced more pain and suffering than anypony else.

“Not so responsive are we? Good I need you to be quiet then”

Black flames took over his snow white mane and covered his back, his red eyes shining brightly through his glasses, his mouth turning upwards and revealing razor sharp teeth in a manic grin. All was silent except for a struggled scream.

The welcome party went off with a great start. Metei met a few pones, conversed with them and made a few friends. Everything was great until Metei stepped out of the store. Pinkie watched him leave with great concern, wondering what happened to him that caused him to leave. Pinkie followed in his wake and exited the party. Metei was sitting down on his hindquarters looking up at the stars. Pinkie sat next to him.

“What are you doing out here by yourself?”

Metei looked at Pinkie who was looking back with worry.

“Don’t worry Pinkie. It’s just that I don’t feel comfortable in there. I mean I’ve never been to a party before and in there just made me feel a bit claustrophobic”

Pinkie giggled at him, relaxing the both of them. Pinkie relaxed because he didn’t leave because it was a bad party and Metei relaxed since he noticed that Pinkie wasn’t going to laugh at his problem.

“Come on let’s go back to the party. They’re probably wondering where the host and guest of honour is”

Pinkie took Metei’s hoof and led them inside.

A pony looked out at the city on top of a building, seeing any signs of the two that imprisoned him. Metei was ecstatic to see the look on the faces of the two princesses when they see that he had escaped from his cage.

Seeing no sign of any of them, he sighed in disappointment. Cracking his neck, he decided to enact phase one of his plans. Metei teleported to the castle exterior and summoned some C4, placing them in strategic places around Canterlot for his plans. While he was busy with setting up, he did not notice somepony watching him from the shadows. Artemis was taking note as to what the grey pony was doing. He had already seen the brawl with the guards at Ponyville square and watched him mercilessly murder the two guards.

“What are you planning?”

Artemis whispered softly as he had always when he was on recon missions. Turning his back to go back to the mountains to tell the high council of what is happening; he did not expect to see that Metei was looking at him with the wild grin on his face. Artemis was scared out of his mind, seeing that he had been caught by the one he was watching. Metei leaned in so his muzzle was next to Artemis’s ear.

“Tell your masters that war is on the way against your kind”

Artemis was pissed off, thinking that the pony in front of him was declaring war against the griffons.

“No ponies can take on the griffons”

“Who said it was ponies that were going against you?”

This left Artemis confused as to what Metei meant. Metei was impatient with the griffon, so he beat the crap out of him and sent him on his way.

“This will be the ember that will start the fire”

Griffon’s were strong fliers, even stronger than pegasi, however when one is brutally beat by a crazed pony, then one was to have trouble flying. Artemis did not reach the Nest until six hours later, surprising the guards who thought he would arrive at a much sooner time.

Walking through the grand hall in the council house, Artemis was still amazed from the design of the building. All griffon buildings were simple and plain; however such design did not go into the council house. The ceiling was covered with intricate designs and paintings that would have made Michelangelo proud. Griffon’s were not known for their panting skills, so when one paints beautifully, than they would have been famous and rich. The hallways were made from marble as was the pillars holding up the ceiling. The council house resembled to some churches in Rome, mostly the Vatican.

Passing through the ornate doors, Artemis bowed down in front of the elders.

“Rise Artemis, tell us about the recon... And those wounds”

Artemis looked at his legs, which were covered in slashes while his feathers were torn off.

“The mission went well, except for the part of me being found out”

The elders were surprised that out of all their spies, that Artemis was the one that was discovered.

“Is that how you got those wounds?”

“Yes. Not only that but I have a message. The pony said that he would wage war against us”

The elders laughed at the thought just like Artemis had.

“Ponies thinking that they can take us on, ahahaha, how rich”

“He said that ponies were not going to be in the war”

The elders stopped laughing and looked at Artemis, demanding an answer.

“That was what he had said. He said that ponies were not the one to be fighting against us”

The elders were left confused as to what the message meant.

“Alright, you are dismissed Artemis, rest up and heal, we will call for you when we need you”

Artemis put an arm across his chest, reciting the old saying known only to the elites.

“We rule the skies and hunt in the night”

The elders did the same.

“For we shall rule the kingdom in the new age”

Artemis walked out of the house and took flight to the hospital.

All the ponies left Sugarcube Corners, since partying till your drunk took a toll on the ponies. All ponies left until there was only Metei and Pinkie left.

“I should get going, since it’s really late”

Pinkie stopped him from walking out the door by grabbing his hoof.

“Wait, you don’t have anywhere to sleep do you?”

Metei shook his head.

“Well then stay with me”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course”

Metei made his way upstairs where he found Pinkie’s room, taking the couch and resting there. Pinkie looked at the tired Metei and smiled, making her way to the bed after turning out the lights.

“Good night Metei”

Metei mumbled since his muzzle was blocked by the couch.

“Good night Pinkie”

Both had slept easy that night.

Chapter 5 (Real misery is for those who suffered the most)

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“Rainbow! What happened to you?”

Twilight’s voice was laced with worry from seeing her friend in a terrible state. Rainbow had blood covering her face, slashes on her body and her feathers mostly gone. A strange mark was on her side, depicting black fire. Twilight did not know what it meant.

“I was attacked by a pony. It was-“

Rainbow cut off her conversation as she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. There, sat Pinkie but it was who she was with that caught Rainbow’s eye. She ran up to the pony and tackled him, her right hoof raised, ready to strike down on the pony.

“Ow, what the hell, Rainbow? What are you doing?”


Rage seethed out of her like poison. Everypony in the area looked at Rainbow. Even Metei was surprised at the accusation.

They all screamed in harmony.


Metei looked over his handiwork. All the C4 had been place, so when war broke out, the first place to go bye was Canterlot, which would be lit up like a goddamn nuke explosion. Content with the placing of his bombs, he turned and began walking away to his next target, Ponyville. The only sound that was heard from that night was laughter, the kind that would turn your blood to ice.

The next morning, Metei woke up with a massive hangover. In all his years, he had never ever touched alcohol as the substance would diminish your performance; therefore diminish the chance of surviving the tests and getting you killed in the field. A lot of agents did since they were drunk, out of getting killed by Hank, Deimos or Sanford, or just idiots shooting at each other for fun.

Metei looked around the room and noticed that Pinkie was already up. Metei remembered the party last night vaguely thanks to Pinkie’s drinking contest, now that he thought about it, Pinkie had a lot more than he did. So why was she up so early?

Reaching to the coffee table, Metei put his glasses over his now light sensitive eyes, grateful that they blocked out the damn bright sun. Deciding to get his lazy ass off the couch, Metei stood up, or what he called standing. As he put his hooves down on the hard wooden floor, his legs gave way and fell down.

“Fucking drinking contest. GODDAMN IT MY HEAD HURTS!”

Screaming was not the right way to get rid of a hangover. Sadly Metei had to find out the hard way. The headache intensified from his fit, causing him to lose his cool. By losing his cool, he destroyed the wall that was separating even more harsh sunlight from the room.

Pinkie ran upstairs to see what the large bang was. She did not expect her wall to be obliterated. Metei looked over his shoulder and gave her a sheepish smile, adding a chuckle and gave her a sorry look.

“Sorry, freaking hangover. I’ll fix the wall”

Metei expected her to yell at him for doing something terrible; however she just gave him a warm smile.

“Don’t worry about it. Spike destroyed my entire house once!”

“But you live with the Cakes and the store”

“Yep, he totally destroyed it all!”

Metei was surprised. The little dragon he met last night seemed so harmless but from Pinkie he had destroyed the store.


“Yep, now do you want some breakfast?”

“No thanks, besides I think I overstayed my welcome”

“Don’t be silly. Now come on, you need to eat. I am not taking no for an answer”

Metei saw no way to change her mind and only accepted. He looked out of the hole, staring at Ponyville. He did not see the shadow in the alley.

“Surprise motherfucker”

Metei looked at himself and cursed at him (self). He was disgusted that he would go and live with a pony.

“Fucking disgrace. I’m glad I got separated from that fucktard. Honestly how could he live with them? Did he forget the training, our morals, and our fucking motto?! If he did, well he would have to die right? Yes, he shall die”

Metei laughed at himself evilly, his plans coming to together.

“Well now, no point in just standing around, I have a schedule to stick to”

Metei walked out of the dark alley and continued setting up the bombs. This wet on until it was dusk.

“That was freaking hard. Oh, well, hard work is usually always paid off when you do it right”

Rainbow Dash was getting back to Ponyville after a tryout for the Wonderbolts at Cloudsdale. After getting rejected by them, she was in a bad mood. She did not know what went wrong with her performance that made them reject her. As far as she was concerned she did everything right. Sighing, Rainbow flew low as it made her even more depressed when she was flying high. She wanted to find Applejack and get comforted by her. After years of being with the country mare, she finally got the courage to ask her out. A few months later and they were happy with their relationship.

Looking to her right she saw somepony familiar. It was Metei since she remembered him from last night challenging her to a drinking match. Metei had won weirdly, but he could not beat Pinkie when he vomited from the first drink with the party pony.

She stopped behind him since he said that he wanted to talk to her in private after he party.

“Hey Metei, wait up”

Metei stopped and looked for the source of the voice. When he turned he saw Rainbow.

“Oh, it’s you. What do you want?”

“I just want to talk. I-I got rejected from the Wonderbolts”

Metei looked at her.

“And you’re sad because they turned you down?”

Rainbow nodded. Metei looked at her before laughing.

“What’s so funny?!”

Rainbow was outraged that somepony was laughing at her, not only that but it was a friend that was producing the mean sound.

Metei stopped laughing and looked at Rainbow. The air around them grew intense as he looked at her seriously

“You have not experienced true misery. I have watched everyone close to me die, my home ravaged by a plague and I have been hunted down. So tell me, what makes you think that your life is shit just because you couldn’t get into your fucking dream job?”

Metei glared at the surprised Rainbow Dash, surprised that she was complaining that she didn’t get into the Wonderbolts and stated that her life was over, when the pony in front of her had experienced more pain and suffering than anypony else.

“Not so responsive are we? Good I need you to be quiet then”

Black flames took over his snow white mane and covered his back, his red eyes shining brightly through his glasses, his mouth turning upwards and revealing razor sharp teeth in a manic grin. All was silent except for a struggled scream.

Chapter 6 (Can I get a word in?)

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“You again, I thought I put your ass behind bars”

“Well sadly it looks like I escaped you fat bitch”

Celestia glared at the disrespectful pony.

“Guards take him away”

Twilight stepped in when things were getting messy.

“Wait princess! Metei has urgent news! Please listen princess!”

“Yeah listen to your most faithful student you fucking ass”

Celestia walked towards Metei and lowered her head. Before she could get a shot in, Shining Armour punched him in the stomach.

“Is that all you got kiss-ass?”

Metei smirked.

Applejack was worried. Rainbow Dash was never late in coming back to the farm. If she was held back, then Rainbow would have sent a letter. She was never this late without a reason. Applejack glanced at the clock hung up on the wall, its face reading that it was past midnight. Sighing sadly, Applejack made her slow walk up the stairs to her bedroom.

“You know Pinkie; you should have told me that you had babysitting to do today, I would have helped y’know? “

“Exactly, if you knew then you would have tried to help me, and that meant that whatever you had planned for the day would have gone out the window”

“That’s the thing Pinkie. I have absolutely nothing to do. Anything would have been fine, even taking care of little fucktar- I mean shithe- I mean foals”

Pinkie frowned at Metei.

“Did you call the Cakes’ foals what I think you called them?”

“Err, what did you think I called them?”

Pinkie sighed at the behaviour Metei was still letting out.

“We have to fix that swearing problem”

“I don’t have a swearing problem”

“Yes you do, you just called the Cakes’ foals bad stuff”

Metei sighed. Back in his old life no one seemed to care if he swore, but here they treated it as if were a weapon of mass destruction or the plague.

“Whatever I’m going to sleep”

Metei went back to the couch and collapsed on it. Hanging out with Pinkie had drained up his energy and only wished he could get some shut eye.

The next morning was a repeat of the last one. Metei woke up and saw Pinkie out of bed. He goes downstairs to get breakfast only to have a bucket fall on his head, dowsing him with water.

He had enough of her morning antics on him, so he stepped outside to go to a restaurant, hoping to escape Pinkie’s pranks. He spotted a good restaurant when he was blocked by something. Something big, with what looked like brown feathers? He glanced upwards looking at the towering griffon.

“We meet yet again pony. We have accepted to engage war with you. Let the griffon race obliterate ponykind and whatever you throw at us”

Metei was utterly confused as to what the griffon was talking about until one word bounced around in his head, still echoing around in his ear. War. Metei snapped out of the confusion and went straight into horror and surprise.


The griffon flew off before Metei could question him further on the matter. Hearing his distressed call, Pinkie bounced towards him, wanting to find out what made him scream out loud.

“Hey Metei what’s wrong? You screamed really loud that I heard it from across the town, not only that but it looks like you've seen a ghost. Oh, oh did you see any ghost ponies? Ooh, that would be so cool!”


Pinkie stopped her jabbering and looked at Metei who had a serious face.

“Pinkie can you round up your friends? I’ve got to talk to them. Tell them to meet me at that restaurant over there”

Metei pointed to the restaurant he was walking towards earlier.

“Got it!”

Pinkie ran off towards an unknown direction.

Half an hour later five ponies sat with Metei, who had ordered them breakfast as an apology for waking them up. Metei counted again as he swore there was one missing. There was.

“Pinkie, where’s Rainbow Dash?”

“Dunno, I Checked everywhere and I couldn’t find her”

Metei groaned, the one time that Rainbow couldn’t be found and it had to be when they were going to have a war discussion.

“No matter, Applejack can you tell Rainbow when we are done talking?”

“Course, but ah don’t know where she is”

“We will figure that out later but right now-”

Metei was cut off by the elegant (but sometimes a giant bitch) Rarity.

“Excuse me darling, but why have you called us out here, I haven’t finished my beauty sleep”

“Yes well, what I was going to say was-”

He was cut off once again by Twilight.

“I haven’t even finished my report yet, if you don’t hurry up then I’ll miss a deadline”

“Well if I can just get a sentence in then I can tell you that-”



Metei was raging beyond belief. Everypony at the restaurant turned to look for the source of the commotion. Once seeing that it was a pony with no manners, they went back to eating. Fluttershy however, cowered in fear as Metei was yelling. Everypony at the table glared at Metei for what he had done to Fluttershy.

“My word that was unnecessary. Did you really have to yell, and at Fluttershy too?”

“Yeah, why did you go an scare Fluttershy like that, what’s wrong with you?”

“Well if I could just fucking talk for a second here”

“And stop with the language, there are children here”

“I don’t give a fuck! Now that I have your attention, what I was trying to say before was that we are going to war”

Everypony stared at Metei, not believing that they were in danger.

“Why would we go to war? We are not in bad terms with any of the neighbouring races”

“Yeah well a griffon got in my face and said that they were declaring war”

All eyes were studying Metei to see if he was lying. No of them could find anything, not even Applejack.

“Alright say if that were true, what are we supposed to do?”

“I dunno, you guys were the ones that stopped two ancient evil beings from destroying Equestria so I thought that you would know”

“Well I guess we could send a letter to Princess Celestia”

Metei’s eyes widened when the name was brought up, luckily his glasses concealed his surprise.

“Not happening. Spike is away at Canterlot. However the princess di send me tickets to the gala”

“Oh goddess not again”

“We don’t have to enjoy the night. We could go to the gala and talk to the princess. After that we go home”

“Alright, but only to talk to the princess, I don’t want to run into that stallion again. That reminds me, do you girls still have your dresses?”

Everypony at the table nodded except for Metei who didn’t know what Rarity meant.

“Alright, so that means that I have to make only Metei’s outfit. Metei if you have time, can you come by to my store, if you want to get into the gala then you need something formal and I doubt that you have anything to wear except for your jacket”

Metei nodded dumbly, wondering if she said a compliment or an insult. Everypony got up to leave when a weak voice stopped them from moving.

“Hey-over here-guys”

All eyes turned to the source. There limping out of the shadow, Rainbow Dash was looking at them.


Applejack threw her forearms around Rainbows’ neck, giving her a bone crushing hug. Tears rolled down her closed eyes and down onto the cyan fur.

“Sorry if I scared you AJ”

Applejack removed herself from Rainbow and gave her some space before barraging her with questions. She was bet to it by Twilight.

“Rainbow! What happened to you?”

Twilight’s voice was laced with worry from seeing her friend in a terrible state. Rainbow had blood covering her face, slashes on her body and her feathers mostly gone. A strange mark was on her side, depicting black fire. Twilight did not know what it meant.

“I was attacked by a pony. It was-“

Rainbow cut off her conversation as she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. There, sat Pinkie but it was who she was with that caught Rainbow’s eye. She ran up to the pony and tackled him, her right hoof raised, ready to strike down on the pony.

“Ow, what the hell, Rainbow? What are you doing?”


Rage seethed out of her like poison. Everypony in the area looked at Rainbow. Even Metei was surprised at the accusation.

They all screamed in harmony.


“I didn’t do anything to you!”

“Oh yeah, then we where you last night at ten?”

Pinkie answered the question.

“He was with me all last night”

“Rainbow could it be that you couldn’t see your attackers face? What about his clothes?”

Rainbow replayed the memory again. She could only see the silhouette of her attacker, before he got all up close and personal. She remembered the clothes he was wearing. It was black, not the blue that Metei always wears.

“The clothes were different, except the hairstyle and glasses. Those were yours”

“It could just be a coincidence”

Rainbow stood there, wondering if it really was just a coincidence.

“You know what? I’m tired so maybe a good nap would make me remember. I’m going back to the farm; you wanna come with me Applejack?”

Applejack nodded and walked by Rainbow’s side. Fluttershy was the next to go, Pinkie following suit and went back to take care of the store. Rarity was the next to go, intent on waiting for Metei to come by her store later. It was only Twilight and Metei left.

“Where is Carousel Boutique anyway?”

“Well it’s nearby from where I live so I can show you they way if you want?”

“Thanks Twilight”

The two set off for the boutique, making small talk on their way and also careful to not discuss the upcoming war as to not freak everypony out.

“Do we really have to go to see the princess?”

“Yes we do”

“I don’t know about this”

Metei was having second thoughts about the plan.

“But you have to. If we’re going to war we have to tell the princess”

Twilight’s voice was urgent, the last war ended one thousand years ago. Ponies would not be prepared if they sent a surprise attack.

“But couldn’t we just send a letter to her”

“No we can’t. I told you, Spike is away in Canterlot so we have to tell her face to face”

Metei sighed in defeat, he was not as eager in meeting the princess again.

“The Grand Galloping Gala is happening in two days from now. The train ride to Canterlot would take two days since a lot of ponies would be going to there. Luckily we have tickets to go, not only that but the princess sent an extra one in case any of us got hitched, whatever that means”

“This would not end well”

Metei walked into the boutique, speechless with the tacky colours that were used to paint the building. He decided that he would never step into the building again after this. The only suits he liked were worn by the l33t.

“There you are deary! Come with me so we can get your clothes for the gala done!”

“This is the last straw. I really hope that this building is destroyed when war happens”

A few hours later, Metei was in his formal clothing. He had second thoughts about wanting this building gone.

“This is perfect Rarity, thank you. How much do I owe you?”

“Think nothing of it. This is free of charge since this is for the fate of Equestria”

Metei smiled at such generosity.

Outside in a plain field, Metei was in his final stages of his plans. Looking over at how they were set up, he noticed that a leaf had gotten in his testing area. Vaporizing the leaf, he smiled as he could feel the world on his hooves.

“I don’t know why I had to get the damn Pegasus and griffon feathers but it did say that it wouldn’t work without it”

He looked at the circle he drew. In the circle were four smaller circles, all at the top, bottom, left and right sides. In them were items, feathers from a Pegasus, feathers from a griffon, a horn broken off from a guard and a head from an earth pony.

“Let’s hope this works”

Metei raised his front hooves in the air, lighting shooting from the sky. He aimed the lightning at the circle. A black cloud surrounded the circle, destroying the items. The ground underneath shook from the power the lightning was giving off. Once the black cloud died down, so did the lightning. Where once was the black cloud, there was buildings filling the entire field. The doors opened and revealed a sight that made Metei smile. L33t agents flooded out the doors, armed with weapons. In the sea of l33t, there were some A.T.P agents that were more heavily armed than their weaker counterparts. Metei smiled.

“Let the games begin”

Chapter 7 (The beginning of it all)

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“Okay so we are getting fucked by my fucking clone and some fucking birds?”

“Metei calm down. Now is not the time to be angry. We have to keep a clear head”

Metei took deep breaths and resumed his talk.

“I know but-“

A flash of light signalled that he was being teleported.

Where once Metei stood was know a smouldering circle on the floor.

Metei woke up to see something that he hated.

“Good morning huh me?”

Metei grinned at himself

One day later, Metei and the mane six were standing at the train station, waiting to go to Canterlot for the Grand Galloping Gala. Everypony was wearing their outfits as to not stand out in the formal crowd when they get there. Rainbow stood far away from Metei as she could still not trust him. Applejack was beside her, occasionally glancing from Rainbow and Metei, hoping that they would get along in time.

“I still don’t know about the monocle Metei”

Metei looked at Rarity who was still going on about his eye wear.

“Let it go Rarity. Besides I kind of like it”

“Yeah it kind of suits him”

Pinkie complemented Metei as she had heard their discussion, as did everypony else since they talk loud. After the discussion, everypony stood in silence as there was nothing to talk about then contemplate what was going to happen.

When the train arrived everypony got on board. Metei sat next to a window, watching the scenery change as the train started moving. Pinkie sat down next to Metei and gave him a warm smile. Applejack and Rainbow sat across from them, talking about what competition they should have when they get back to Ponyville. Rarity and Twilight sat behind them, discussing about what spells would make her clothes look flashier. Fluttershy sat in front of them, looking out the window.

“Why do you always make that expression?”

Metei looked at Pinkie, who had a curious face.

“Dunno, I guess it’s just habit”

“Really, because I never seen anypony look so what’s the word? Stoic”


When they arrived at Canterlot, it was already dark.

“Jeez, that train ride took forever”

“I know, but it usually gets here early, really early”

“Guess that’s why when the Gala comes, the business get’s big”

The group of seven walked towards the entrance of the castle, walking straight through the front door.

“Isn’t there supposed to be somepony that checks the tickets?”

Twilight replies back to him in a low whisper.

“I don’t know. Last time we came here there was nopony to check also”

“Then what the hell is with the reason to get the bloody tickets”

Twilight could just only shrug.

The seven of them stepped into the grand entrance, awe struck by the decorations that were around the castle. This only lasted for only a few seconds as they remembered that the last time they were here the night ended badly and also that they were on a mission.

“Well I guess we better go to where the princess is”

The group walked towards the door that held the room where Celestia was.

In the corner of the room, a lone figure spied them exiting the room. Putting down his glass on the table next to him, his mouth curled into a demonic grin, showing his razor sharp teeth.

“There you are”

The group walked towards Celestia, who was busy saying hi to ponies. When Celestia spotted the group of friends, she told everypony to leave the room. Metei hid behind a pillar so Celestia would not see him.

“Twilight, my most faithful student, what are you doing here?”

“We came here to tell you that- Metei where did you go? Get over here”

Twilight’s patience was wearing thin as Metei was hiding away when they were supposed to warn the princess.

“Sorry Twilight”

The look of recognition flashed across Celestia’s face for only the briefest of the seconds, as she had heard the voice from somewhere before. When Metei walked out into the open, Celestia glared at him.


As if the word was a summoning, only Shining Armour appeared.

“Shining where are the others?”

“They are away somewhere. I can’t find them”

Shining looked towards his side and saw Metei. Shining walked right up to him and subdued him in a binding spell. The girls could only watch in confusion and worry.

“You again, I thought I put your ass behind bars”

“Well sadly it looks like I escaped you fat bitch”

Celestia glared at the disrespectful pony.

“Guards take him away”

Twilight stepped in when things were getting messy.

“Wait princess! Metei has urgent news! Please listen princess!”

“Yeah listen to your most faithful student you fucking ass”

Celestia walked towards Metei and lowered her head. Before she could get a shot in, Shining Armour punched him in the stomach.

“Is that all you got kiss-ass?”

Metei smirked.

Shining went in for another punch but got his hoof blocked by Metei’s foreleg. Metei head-butted Shining and threw him towards the princess. Being caught by surprise, the body of Shining Armour hit Celestia, making her collapse.

“Enough of this, I got a message for you”


Metei smirked at Celestia’s comeback.

“Really? Cause I think that war would make you care, oh well”

Celestia’s eyes widened as Metei had just proposed war with Celestia.


“Who said that it was me that wanted war? It’s the griffons that want to start it. Besides, didn’t I already beat your ass and your shitty guards?”

Celestia opened her mouth to say something before hearing another voice. As the voice finished what it was saying, loud whistling noises rang through the air. The ceiling suddenly crumbled down when explosions went off. As the roof
crumbled, Celestia could see something flying. Griffons were dropping bombs down on the castle.

The group ran outside to the back garden only to hear the castle and Canterlot explode, being engulfed in a fiery blaze. Celestia knew that nopony could survive the explosions. Celestia teleported them all to the Ponyville Library.

-Few minutes earlier-

Metei finished making himself invisible and walked into the room with the large group. He walked towards Celestia and stood next to her. When Shining Armour arrived and beat the shit out of Metei, he chuckled to himself, remembering that he took down the stallion and his guards at Ponyville. A movement caught his eye and he looked towards the window. There he could see that the griffons were ahead of schedule and launched a pre-emptive strike against Canterlot. He smiled and whispered in Celestia’s ear.

“It has begun”

Chapter 8 (Hello to me)

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“Okay I’ll go over it again. Me, Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow will infiltrate their base and destroy their armoury. After that we cut off their communications room. After that’s done we kill all the other bastards that are in our way to the exit” Metei was getting impatient as the group was still a bit confused.

“What about Fluttershy, Rarity and me?” Pinkie asked Metei, who upon seeing her calmed down slightly

“As I’ve already said, you and Fluttershy are to be in charge of the medic division. Rarity is in charge of designing better armour for the soldiers”

“Oh, okay”

“Good, everypony understand the plan?” Everypony in the room nodded their heads. “Good”

Celestia was surprised at the stallion. He has shown great leadership in times of trouble and even had a great motivational speech to get more recruits.

“Maybe he’s the one who can save Equestria?”

The group of ponies looked out the window of the library expecting that it was all just an illusion. However it was not to be. The castle had been destroyed and Canterlot was on fire. All toured their gazes away from the ruins, except for two. Celestia wore a sad face for all those who died only a few seconds ago, while Metei had anger on his, angry that he landed in a peaceful world only to be thrown right back into combat because of his arrival.

“Motherfucking son of a bitch!” Metei punched at the wall causing a large dent.

“What do we do now princess?” Twilight asked her mentor only to be responded with silence. She looked up at her, only to see surprisingly that Celestia had tears flowing down her face.

“I don’t know Twilight” Twilight was shocked that her mentor did not have an answer. Never had she heard that her mentor didn't know what to do in her lifetime.

The atmosphere grew dark and gloomy as none of them knew how to proceed with the idea that they were now at war. All of them looked at the ground as each of them felt hopeless in the situation.

Unexpectedly the atmosphere was broken as the air grew cold and electricity sparked from the ground, forming an arc as it touched each other. Light began to flood the room, causing everypony to shield their eyes if they didn’t want to go blind. The light show was soon accompanied by a glowing orb. Said glowing orb started to expand to the size of the room, rumbling the walls. Once all movement seized, the ponies let their eyes open. What they saw made them shocked to the very core.

The princess of the night looked exhausted, panting as if she had run for a mile. However it was not the state the princess that surprised them, it was because she was covered in blood. Her beautiful flowing blue mane was now hosting a patch of red everywhere. Her coat was in terrible state. All ponies blanched at the scene since it was the first time they seen such level of blood, except for two. Metei was fine with the blood as his training had exposed him with even more gore and Celestia as she had participated in a war against Nightmare moons forces seventy years ago. The night princess moved away from her spot making the mane six run towards her, treating any wounds she got on her.

“Princess Celestia! Quick, we need some help! There’s a first aid kit on the far right wall!” Twilight spoke with such authority that it would have made Shining Armour look like a mere grunt. When no response came back or the sounds of hooves moving, Twilight looked back at Celestia. She had not moved from her spot and was staring intently at where Luna was standing.

“Princess what are you doing? Go get the first aid kit!” Still no response, however she could see from the corner of her eye that it was Metei that was going to get the kit. She followed Celestia’s gaze and saw what made her stop all movement. There on the ground, was Shining Armour. He was badly hurt as he had suffered second degree burns on his side and slashes on his foreleg and face, as if he was fighting. Next to him also made her heart stop. Princess Cadence was lying next to him, face down in her hooves sobbing quietly. She also had slashes on her and only mild burns.

“Please don’t die Shining”

That one sentence broke Twilight’s commanding exterior and ran towards her brother. She was no longer a student of the princess nor was she the one who was treating Luna’s wounds. No, she was now the little girl that had insecure problems and who also missed her brother when he joined the ranks.

Metei walked back into the room and kneeled down next to Luna. Opening the box, he put alcohol on a towel and wiped the wounds. He then got the bandages and wrapped them around the shallow wounds on Luna. He pulled out needle and started to stitch the bigger wounds. Once those were done, he wrapped them up also. Leaving his place, he went back to standing next to Celestia.

“How are you able to stay calm in this situation?” The question surprised as it was Celestia who asked, never was she not hostile while he was around.

“I’ve seen worse than this. To be honest, these wounds that they got are pretty tame compared to what I’ve seen”
Celestia was about to question him more when the room started to disappear.

“What’s happening?”

“I don’t know”

The two were surprisingly calm as everypony else was freaking out. The wooden walls were replaced with dull gray ones. The windows melted into the walls, the door was replaced with a metal one. The once colourful library disappeared and was soon replaced with a dull one. The group stared at what just happened as laughter broke the silence. The laughter was soon accompanied with a voice.

“Well I can’t believe that war has begun already. Luckily I have everything ready” They all turned behind them to where the voice was coming from. They were greeted with black flames. The flames danced around on the spot, as if it was saying ‘come and touch me’. It soon morphed into a shape. The shape took on a more equine form. The flames disappeared and were replaced by a stallion. Rainbow gasped as she looked at the stallion.

“That was the guy that attacked me!”

“Are ye sure Rainbow?”

“Of course she’s sure. I should know as I was the one who almost beat her to death” The statement shocked everypony except for Rainbow, who was glaring at the stallion and Metei, who was giving him a look of familiarity.

The stallion caught the look on Metei’s face and grinned at him.

“Why are you looking at me like that? What, you’ve never seen your own self before?”


“You heard me. I am your double”

Metei’s mind stopped all activity and tried to process the thought of him having an exact replica of him.

“Well since you’re all here, I’ve got a confession to make. See, it was me that wanted war. Now hold your applause I’ve still got more to tell you. The griffons aren’t the only thing you should be worried about. Now see ya later dickfaces”

Black flames encircled the group and engulfed them. Their screams could not be heard by anypony as they were being burned.

Since all eyes were closed, they did not know that they were back at the library. When all eyes opened everypony sighed in relief. Metei made the mistake of joining in as well when Rainbow tackled him. She fell on top of him and pinned him down. All of his struggling couldn’t free him from the pony, not until a pink aura wrapped around him, picking him up from the floor.

He sighed in relief. “Thanks Twilight for tha-” His thanks were cut short as he was thrown against the wall. He shut his eyes from the force of the impact. He opened his eyes only to be greeted with six mares glaring at him, only Pinkie looking at him sadly.

“Why do you have a clone? Are you working with him? Are you going to help destroy Equestria? Why should I believe what you have to say?!” Twilight’s anger caught up with her and it exploded. She could not believe that Metei helped the bastard who put her brother on a thin thread that he would make it.

“I am not going to destroy Equestria. I don’t know why I have a clone. I am not working with him and you should believe me because I have nothing to do with this” Metei’s oddly calm response surprised everypony.

“He’s not lying Sugarcube” Applejack’s answer was good enough for Twilight as she could tell when somepony was lying.

Twilight sighed. “Okay what do we know?”

“Okay so we are getting fucked by my fucking clone and some fucking birds?”

“Metei calm down. Now is not the time to be angry. We have to keep a clear head”

Metei took deep breaths and resumed his talk.

“I know but-“

A flash of light signalled that he was being teleported.

Where once Metei stood was know a smouldering circle on the floor.

Metei woke up to see something that he hated.

“Good morning huh me?”

Metei grinned at himself.

Chapter 9 (Start the preparations)

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“This is weird, how can you stand like this all the time?” Rainbow was whining about her new looks which was starting to get on Metei’s nerves.

“I’ve been standing like this for all my life. Now stop whining, this is supposed to be a stealth mission remember?”

The group moved to the next room before Rainbow started again.

“I look weird; I mean I’m standing on two legs and got these things called hands! Not only that but I’ve got a grey body”
Metei was getting pissed off.

“Where the fuck am I you shithead?” Metei was seething anger through his words, making his counterpart frown.

“What’s with the hostility? I don’t understand why you’re angry at me?” Metei chuckled at his good self. The humour quickly disappeared and was replaced with intent to harm. “Besides, it should be me who should be angry at you. You’ve gotten soft. Have you forgotten what we’ve learned through the training?”

“It’s not ‘we’ it’s me. You did not exist back then. You did not learn the lessons through person. You only learned through my mind. You are a part of me that got out. You are not real”

Metei walked over to his original and pounded his face in. “Was that real? Or was that not real like me as you say?” Metei didn't let up and continued his assault. Once he ceased the physical assault, he let his other get up.

“You didn't answer my question. Where am I?” Metei walked to the other side of the room. He lifted his hoof up, causing the wall to ascend. What Metei saw left him speechless. The wall gave way to the rows of troops. The entire area was swarming with l33ts. Only a few squadrons had the A.C.P agents in them. They were not many, but were heavily armed.

“You brought them into this world?!”

“But of course. What else would I bring to win this war?”

“This is madness. They will obliterate everything in their path. For god’s sake, they’re wielding guns. They will destroy all the populace in this world” All he got back was a light chuckle; except it didn’t stop there. The light chuckle turned into laughter which turned into a maniacal laugh. He had gone completely insane.

“OF COURSE THIS IS MADNESS! IS THERE ANY OTHER WAY I WOULD HAVE IT!” He continued his laugh. Metei could only stare in horror.

“You’re completely insane” Metei stopped his laughing and looked at his half.

“Of course I’m insane. After seeing you living with those ponies” The last word was laced with what felt like poison. Metei understood why he was doing everything.

“You want me to suffer don’t you?”

“Of course, but there is another reason. Do you feel the improbabilities flowing through you?”

“No I don’t feel its power, why?” It took a minute for it to sink in his mind, his face going from confusion to complete horror.

“Y-you, you have the drive don’t you?”

“Ding, ding, ding, ding! Well done, you’ve figured out the most fucking obvious thing ever!”

“If you took the drive than why not take the halo also?”

Metei sighed at the question, disappointed with what he was about to say.

“I can’t take the halo. It rejected me when I tried to take it as well. I think it took a fucking liking to your stupid ass”

Metei was baffled. The halo rejected the evil and stayed with him. It was like it had a mind of its own.

“Well since there’s nothing else to see here, I guess I’ll send you back”

Metei broke out of his trance and looked at his clone.


“You heard me. Besides, it’s not fun if you die by my hand right now, where’s the fun in killing the enemy when you know that they’ve got no chance to defeat you. I want a challenge. Now off you go”

Before Metei could say anymore, the same bright light that brought him here sent him back.

The library was in complete silence, confusion spreading around in the air. All the ponies were in total confusion as why Metei had just disappeared. They looked around everywhere for any signs of the stallion; nothing came up as to where he had gone to. All the ponies took a break from their search for rest and to deal with their hunger and thirst. They all went into the kitchen to find any food that could be eaten without any preparation. They all settled on biscuits.

Celestia looked at the mane six; some eating in silence. The only ones that are talking were her student and Pinkie Pie, the latter talking while chewing. Celestia glanced up the stairs towards the bedroom door. Beyond the door laid three ponies. Luna was tired from the events that had transpired, Shining Armour was resting cause of the wounds, and Cadence worried herself out and fell asleep. Celestia gazed down at her hooves, sadness seeping in her.

Everypony’s musings were cut off when light shone at the spot where Metei disappeared. They all galloped into the room and stood with their mouths opened. Once all light ceased, all that remained was Metei. Everypony couldn’t believe their eyes; all were happy to see that he was back, especially Pinkie who tackled him, causing the two to fall to the floor and give Metei a bone crushing hug.

“Pinkie I know that you’re ecstatic to see me but I can’t breathe, so would you, you know?”

“Oops, ehehe, sorry” Pinkie got off the downed Metei and allowed him some personal space. Celestia moved in front of Metei and gave him a questioning look.

“What happened to you?”

“I got transported to a place where the enemies lay”

“I still don’t trust you”

“Of course you don’t but if you want to win this war then you need to start with the trusting issues” Celestia was unmoved by his words. True, she had to trust him since he just went to see the enemy except she still suspected that he was a spy.

“I’m not a spy” Metei got a reaction from the princess. She was surprised that he heard her thoughts.

“How did you-”

“How did I know what you were thinking? Easy your body language gave it away”

“Alright then; tell me what we have to do if you have a plan? That is if you have a plan”

“Of course I’ve got a plan. First Celestia can you get all the soldiers that are still alive. If there is hardly any left than we gotta set up recruitment centres around Equestria, can you do that?” The princess nodded.

“Good, that settles that. Next, do you have anypony that can make weapons around here?” Twilight answered.

“We have a blacksmith in Ponyville”

“Good, get him to make weapons. Celestia look out for anymore blacksmiths, we need all of them to supply the soldiers. Alright now to assign roles”

5 minutes later

“Okay I’ll go over it again. Me, Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow will infiltrate their base and destroy their armoury. After that we cut off their communications room. After that’s done we kill all the other bastards that are in our way to the exit” Metei was getting impatient as the group was still a bit confused.

“What about Fluttershy, Rarity and me?” Pinkie asked Metei, who upon seeing her calmed down slightly

“As I've already said, you and Fluttershy are to be in charge of the medic division. Rarity is in charge of designing better armour for the soldiers”

“Oh, okay”

“Good, everypony understand the plan?” Everypony in the room nodded their heads. “Good”

Celestia was surprised at the stallion. He has shown great leadership in times of trouble and even had a great motivational speech to get more recruits.

‘Maybe he’s the one who can save Equestria?’

“Alright, now get moving; you all know your roles. Get back here within 1 hour. After we regroup then we shall make the first move”

The flames have ignited.

Sorry everyone

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Sorry for the lack of updates but ideas have been scarce right now since I'm back at school and my laptop is goig crap now and I thought that when I came back to my school that ideas would be returning back I will be away for an indefiite amout of time but until then I'll be gone

Future chapter!

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"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!" The laugh of a true mad man echoed through the hallways of the building. Dread was building up in the three mares that was with Metei.



"No. No you're wrong"


"No. No you're wrong. I'm not a demon! I'm not. You are!"


Metei had finally snapped.

Chapter 10 (Infiltration)

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The hour passed by painfully slow for Metei. He was alone at the library with three ponies sleeping in his care, which he was forced to look after. The sun goddess left to recruit more soldiers as well as to find any lucky survivors in Canterlot, but hopes for them were sadly low. He killed time by reading strategy guides that he was gratefully that the library had. Every bit of help he needed now was a tiny step forward in the war. He knew that his counterpart would pull anything so he had to be ready.

The group came when the hour struck, walking through the doors in a slow pace. The first to enter was Celestia who had a group of surviving soldiers in her wake. Behind her were Twilight, Rainbow and Applejack who had supplies in their saddlebags. The next was Rarity who had some paper stuffed in her bag, obviously plans for better armour, and finally bringing up the rear were Fluttershy and Pinkie, the latter who was strangely calm with a determined face.

“Good to see that you all made it back on time” Metei looked at the group in front of him, getting their attention when he spoke.

“Now Celestia did you set up the recruitment centres?” Celestia nodded.

“However I don’t think that we have enough time to train all the recruits for the war” Celestia said stating her doubt about the new fighters.

“Don’t worry about that; with what we’re going to do then it should give us enough time to train them” Metei spoke with confidence.

“Now to tell you all my plan of how we are going to fuck up the enemy”

-An hour later-

“So that’s the plan”

Everypony looked at him sceptically about the plan, unsure if it would really work.

“Now that everypony knows their role can you all please leave the room now since the plan has to start now?”

All ponies except for Metei, Twilight, Rainbow and Applejack remained in the room. The three looked at Metei, wondering what he was going to do now.

“Now to do this I need all of you to change”

Their eyes rose at his order, looking at him as if he was a pervert.

“I’m not a fucking perv but I can see why you thought that when I said it but honestly you all don’t wear bloody clothes for fucks sake!” The three of them blushed embarrassingly at his words, thinking what he said was true.

“By change I mean that I’ll be doing the change for you since you all won’t know how to do it” Their faces looked at him with curiosity.

Metei smirked at their reactions and lifted his front hooves upwards; smashing them at his preferred altitude. Lightning jolted from his hooves and coursed through his body, making him glow. The halo on his head turned yellow at bit until it changed back once the light stopped.

The three mare’s breaths were all caught in their throats when the light dimmed down and a new figure stood where Metei was. Instead of the grey pony they knew now stood a creature that shocked them. Instead on standing on all four legs it stood on two, Instead of being the shape of an equine now it looked like spike without the dragon features. It was wearing the clothes that Metei wore, had no hair on it and its skin was a lighter shade then the usually dark grey and had the monocle on it. But the most surprising thing about it was that it had no eyes but just a cross on its face.

“M-Metei is that you?” Twilight’s nervousness appeared.

“Of course it’s me. Who else could it bloody be?”

“What happened to you?” Rainbow stepped closer to Metei to inspect his new body.

“I just transformed into something that would get the job done faster that’s all”

“Can you change the rest of us?” Twilight’s nerves disappeared when she heard Metei’s voice.

“Was planning to” With that the light returned but this time it was shining on the three mares. They knew that nothing could go absolutely wrong with the transformation so they didn’t bother to be scared. It was safe, right?
The glow died down and the sight made Metei go wide-eyed. They had the same body and colour as Metei but their heads were the colour of their fur. Not only that but they still had their mane and their eyes.

“Wow, didn’t expect that to happen”

“Hey we still have our manes!”

“Ok enough with chatting we’ve got a mission to complete”

-Fifty minutes later-

The group was standing outside, waiting for Metei to give the all clear. Spotting no one in the area, he ordered them to move forward. They got in front of the front door and smashed the lock. Quickly moving in the door, they were greeted with suffocating darkness that came from the building. Rainbow, being the last one to follow, shut the door behind her. As she moved forward, she didn’t notice that a green light on the wall turned red. Fortunately they got in without triggering an alarm. Unfortunately however.


Guards flooded the hallway, coming from the rooms ahead.

"We've got no choice but to kill them all!" Metei ran up to the first L33t and punched him through the chest. The others were horrified by his actions.

"We've got no time! It's kill or be killed! Do you want to let Equestria fall to these fuckers!" That did it, the others snapped out of their fear and charged at the enemy.

Rainbow kicked one in the stomach and ripped his head off. Twilight snapped ones neck and proceeded to the rest. Applejack kicked one so hard that their body went off flying, leaving their head, hands and feet behind. Metei disarmed a charging L33t with a machete and sliced his head off. He jumped into the middle of the crowd and hacked all that came to him. Rainbow had managed to get two daggers and twirled around, slicing through the enemies flesh. Twilight stuck with hand to hand and lodged her hands into their chests. Applejack somehow got an AR-15 and blasted all that was running towards her. Metei's face went from stoic to a satisfied one. The feeling of blood dripping on his skin sent shivers of delight through his spine.

"EYAH!" Metei went psychotic and butchered the rest of the crowd.

"BRING ME MORE BLOOD! EHAHAHAHA!" Metei picked up a decapitated head and proceeded to pound the living shit out of the poor bastards.

The three girls stopped their killings to take a breather. When Rainbow looked up, her blood went cold. The other two girls were curious as to what made Rainbow stop and looked scared. What they saw horrified them. Metei summoned spikes and impaled his enemies to the wall. When that didn’t interest him anymore, he stuck his hands into the poor bastards’ chests and pulled out some still beating hearts making them die slowly while watching him devour their organs.

Blood lust took over Metei completely and made him do some crazy shit. When the mass murder was finished, the only things that remained were Metei who had an evil glint in his nonexistent eyes and the remains of the victims. Metei was completely covered in blood, making his vision a bit blurred.

“There are no more assholes so let’s go” The girls could only nod dumbly and walked towards him.

-Half hour later-

The group had run into more enemies and the outcome would always be the same. The girls just standing there and Metei ripping out flesh. When they got to a room that was sealed off with a steel door; their curiosity showed. When Metei ripped the door out, the group were shocked as to what the room held.

Ponies being used as test subjects.