• Member Since 12th Jul, 2016
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Steel Stud

Me Big Brony

Comments ( 49 )
Comment posted by HHHGREGG deleted Aug 30th, 2016

I wouldn't call this story a "awful garbage fire of a story", but it defiantly needs to be taken down, re-edit and look at again, before posting it back on here. I'm not saying this to be mean but, it is hard to read this story after the first paragraph, to be honest, I stop after reaching the second. With so much error in here, it just too hard to read, to stay focus, or just over all enjoy such a story this could be.

As for the shipping, like Watergod said, just don't do it unless this story has some use for shipping. If you're shipping to try to keep the readers happy or interested then just don't ship at all, it be a terrible idea. Stories that have shipping in them, revolves around that shipping, not the other way round or just having the ship to be a major impact to the story overall. :unsuresweetie:

As a prereader myself, this story need to be second look, there just no other way putting it.

Comment posted by HHHGREGG deleted Dec 7th, 2016

Actually I have two editors Trenderhoof was supposed to be the first zombie they wanted Dr. Whooves and I didn't want to loose their help

I saw your blog post can my OC be in your story pls

Comment posted by ArcticAce01 deleted Aug 30th, 2016

7524950 yay :pinkiehappy: Should I send information

My OC name is Arctic Ace and he is White skin with Purple hair and a purple scarf

7524961 also if I can ask will there be a little romance or love in the story

Thanks he'll probably end up around third or fourth chapter or when I can make room for him

There will be shipping some that have probably never Been thought of

7524968 KK :pinkiehappy: and will be some or little romance in this to because one of the tags is sex tag so just wondering

7524970 :pinkiehappy: if I can ask.. And hope this isn't asking for to much but can my OC be shipped with someone if that's ok with you

I like this chapter! Even though it was short I still love it keep it up with the good work and try your best on this fanfic it's going great

7524925 dont let the story die i believe in it

7776591 I'm not I haven't had any inspiration just a lot of writers block

This chapter was a little confusing he and she are used so intermittently that i am having a hard time keeping track of everything

7779005 sorry me and my editor did like a turn based thing like i wrote one chapter and he wrote the other

Why does this story have so many dislikes? I mean, it can't be that bad, right? ...Right?

I'll edit this for you if you want, cause this is so hard to read...

8036616 how is it that hard too read?

You've got an interesting premise, an intriging story, and I'm curious to see how you diverge from the show.

Mind you I was hoping a little more Fear the Walking dead instead of the walking dead. But still it got me hooked. My only problem being the spelling makes it hard to stay in the story when I have to either A. decipher whats being said at times, or B. need to reread over a passage to understand a specific part.

other than that awesome

That makes sense sense i suck at writing but sense nobody was doing a EQG & TWD fanfic i decided to be the first. Plus i never watched Fear The Walking Dead is it as good as i hear it is

I think Fear of the Walking Dead is pretty good, shows how the fall happened, how people just thought it was just some small time strange illness and that the police were just doing their brutality thing before riots start happening which help increase the zombie pool.

Its very...... realistic of a Zombie Apocalypse if you take away our knowledge of what a zombie is or can do. Something many people fail to realize when they watch these shows and movies and claim everyone is being idiots.

Yeah I can see why you wanted to make this, and also I think I saw a Highschool of the Dead reference in there at the school scene.

Just go ahead and find yourself someone who can edit for ya that way people can be better submerged into your writing without being pulled out by spelling errors and/or confusing words that seemingly have no place there

Would you like to be my editor?

I wouldn't mind editing for ya, might help me out in the long run with my own stuff.

But never been an editor before so you might want to give me the run down on how things like that work

Just fix grammer mistakes and spelling errors.
I will be able to send you what i have by thursday ok?

Alright then, just send it to me via PM and I'll do my best

ALright besides the problem that Koh said, I'm kinda lost when Twi ran into Rick and Lee and made friends with them I'm guessing. Just wondering if I missed something or forgot something.

Where does it say that?

Ok but it will be delayed and i will send it to your when i can

Sorry doing my best

Where does it say that?
I was looking at the show and game for inspiration and accidentally put their names in

It was when she entered Atlanta, they seem to switch and inter change, especially around the point where you kinda start going between he/she that other people started noticing
Alright then, I'll be ready and waiting when ya do

Can you start by editing what i have already?

I'd need ya to send me information regarding certain scenes and what not. I'll get right on it, just gotta make sure I get all the information I need for the 4 chapters you have up.

Sure what scenes do you need info on?

Particularly, the scenes for the last 2 chapters. Mostly cause thats where I got confused when Rick and Lee started showing up out of no where in the story and the he and she hand offs were being made.

Just change Rick to Twilight and Lee to Vinyl they have no point in this story just accidentally added them while watching walking dead as inspiration

alright thank you for that, cause really that was kinda confusing. I'll just redownload the files and start up again. I'll ask ya if I need some information or clarity

Ok send me the finished product when finish and by the way how do you want to to me?

Yes how are you gonna send me the edited chapters?

What you mean i need them edited how are you gonna send them to me?

I'll try sending them to you via PM, will get done as soon as possible. Gotta juggle college

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