• Published 23rd Aug 2016
  • 3,162 Views, 25 Comments

Sunset Sandwich - Troublesome Beast

Twilight Sparkle is going to visit her futa friend, Sunset Shimmer in the mirror world. Twilight's bringing along her trainee top/coltfriend to meet the Princess of Redemption; it's time to make a Sunset Sandwich!

Comments ( 17 )

What doe human Hopper look like?

Why does this have such a dismal rating?

7540714 Much the same below the neck. He's even fairly fuzzy for a human, quite hirstute. Skin is matte black, not African-American shades, but given his origin, he probably shares many body shape features. Shy smile, moderately panicked about the lack of tail until they found his Pony Up trigger, kind eyes. He had a beard, semi-shaggy to start, but Twilight didn't tolerate that. She hit it with a trim spell, but it regrows quickly, so she had to enchant him to keep it at a five o'clock shadow level.

7541209 I used herm pronouns, there's a male alicorn OC who's a top, and it's a clopfic. So I knew going in that I'd be hit by a triple hate parade, minimum, who'd down vote auto regardless of quality. I take it you enjoyed, then? Woot!

7542109 I absolutely detest herm pronouns, and ain't big on male tops usually. But it still interests me.

7542109 What's his pony-up trigger?

7542357 That's one of the most flattering things anyone's said about my work. Thank you very much!
7543394 I'm keeping it vague for the moment, since I want to be very careful about what that is.

So, is Sunset the only hyper in the EQG world?

7542357 You can probably blame me for his use of the herm pronouns, but I am nowhere near as good a writer as Beast and I am still grateful for all of his assistance on my own story.

7545754 Don't worry about forcing yourself to write more, what you've got is gold and over time, it will edge upwards. Glad to see you still kicking stuff [bad taste joke?] and hope you still get motivated to write. Until next time, boss!

7548101 Nah; I first encountered it in linguistic anthropology in '98; then I was seeing it everywhere on the internet. :)

Pain's been getting worse, hence my disappearance for a bit. :/

7547591 Her and Sci-Twi, who's an alicorn. They have Giants instead.

...I clopped, I came, and, at the end there, I cried! Loved every moment, well done!

That thumb ratio is very distressing. I did my part to help but I'm only one guy.

Giant action and waves of fluid? Ahhh, the 90s, when Doug Winger and Gideon were more of a thing. Thank you for the nostslgia.

All of the Apples are Giants, yes, even Granny Smith. And they are _huge_; AJ is 12'. I believe Mac is 16', I know he's the tallest/biggest in the EqG world.

Not that that stopped Sunset from beating him in wrestling (and *wrestling*) matches; shi's much stronger, but very gentle with him. Thankfully for poor Mac, Sunset never even considered him as a part of hir hostile takeover plans nor for hir need to rut in between. Shi was quite strong as even a regular, pre-Awakening 'human'.

Thank you for your kind compliments on the rest!

7721475 Doug was a -- I suppose I wouldn't say close friend, but a good (acquaintance-to-friend) in my days on FurryMUCK and Taps prior to my marriage. I was extremely saddened to hear of his death. A lot of the time I didn't spend with various other giant-players I spent in the Herm Haven, being a very, very young and overenthusiastic type, I hope they will remember me with more charity than accuracy if they remember me at all. I even met Gideon there, and commissioned an artwork of my then-OC (who, since I created that one as a very, very horny young adult, I will be content to let the character fade into utter anonymity to spare my embarrassment) during days when I had more disposable income. And time. They are major inspirations, indeed; in fact, Gideon's artwork is probably the single biggest inspiration for-- well, everyone, even non-hypers, visually.

I'm not trying to be up on myself. But I knew Doug personally, in passing as I am a friend with his roommate (and lived in his house when I was homeless for a while.) He was a little aloof in person but only because he was a very shy and retiring guy. A good fellow all around.

Oh my gosh! I used to be at the Herm Haven every night! I'll bet I saw you there at some point! Did you know Mia Fillene or Nynaeve? I know Nynaeve in real life and he knows Mia.

Hehheheheheh. Mia did a pic of my character that I never was able to find after I lost an old drive. I met Nyn in person several times, never Mia, at the Los Angeles game convention, o Lo these Many Years ago. We gamed a bit, I topped them both a time or two on FM, I'm sure it was completely unsatisfying. God willing, nobody from that era will ever figure out who I am. I was so _young_ and such a pushy asshole. ... Jesus, dude, were you at the LA cons? At the hotel by the airport? DM me if it gets to private info. I did some MiBwork there for SJG, went to... one session? Two? at the home of the GURPS/SJG main rep. I can't remember her name either. My memory has always been bad and, well. Hey, now I know why!

... Hug Nyn, and, hell, Mia online for me, and please tell them that someone in their past is sorry for being a pushy dick, and sorry for completely ghosting.

Good to see you again, Gabe, speaking of. Sorry I disappeared here, too.

And yeah, Doug was ... patient with me then, too. Like Kamber, and ... God. Name started with O, corrupted bunny, showed up a lot in Doug's art, and the other bun who corrupted her, and... gah... chainmail bra, big sword, DJ at the haven... This one squirrel woman who basically ran entire scenes to my kinks and I kept falling exhausted and couldn't keep up. I wish I could remember names, or find my logs. My characters are long disposed of, my morphs vanished to the winds, but I wish I could remember the people as more than character-shaped holes in my head.

So many nice, patient people. I was such a fucking twit. At least I can blame that last one on the fibro.

I still blame myself for not giving back what I was given.

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