• Published 1st Aug 2016
  • 557 Views, 5 Comments

The King Of Dovah - Starlight_Glimmer1267

If you love all things action packed you will love this story. It's about the Dragonborn, Malikir, who finds himself in the dimension of chaos arguing whith the choas spirt, Discord. Then being sent unwillingly to Equestria.

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First Steps

Author's Note:

I would like to know if the song went well with the fic. If you don't mind.

The King Of Dovah

"Ha, mortals are such a fragile race." The prince laughed in giddy at the fact that he had his first real challenge since his creation. Slamming sed mortal into the floor. in the realm of Oblivion, inside Moleg Bal's palace.

"I'm not just any mortal Moleg Bal." The Dragonborn, Malikir, taunted as he stood up from the rubble covered floor that he was slammed into. With barely a scratch.

"I know, thats what makes this fun!" He exclaimed, walking down the stairs, away from his throne and into the main hall. Towards Malikir, who was wearing special Daedric armor that Akatosh had gifted him for the soul purpose of killing a rouge Moleg Bal who gained power by stealing it from the other divines. Along with the only weapon that could ever harm him in that state. Akatosh's blade. A glistening blade with rigged edges all the way to the point. Radiating with the magnificence of Akatosh himself. Glowing red with the enchantment that was bestowed upon that one blade.

The only blade that can stand having so much power, being forged by Akatosh himself it was truly a blade of gods. The enchanted being 'The divines hunger'. The only enchantment powerful enough to absorb the soul of a Daedric prince. And gifted with the 'soul gem of endless sorrow' he would do, no could do exactly what Akatosh had wanted.

"My power far exceeds yours. How can you possibly hope to defeat me!?" The prince shouted. It was true. But Malikir always liked a challenge. Going against impossible odds always made him feel alive. But no number of atrocities he had face could compare to the sweet rhythm his heat was beating to as he faced death incarnate on the edge of oblivion.

"The power of the Dovah!" Malikir shouted, his voice boosted by his thum. Shaking the very foundation they stood upon. Causing chips of debris to rain down from the ceiling.

"THE DOVAH?!" Moleg Bal burst into a fit of laughter. Causing his power to grow. "The Dovah have been forgotten for centuries. How can the power of overgrown lizards help you defeat me anyway?"

"You know the old saying." Malikir chuckled a little. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Malikir charged furiously as the prince. Tearing up stone as he sprinted across the large throne room. Moleg Bal, accepting his challenge charged right back. Malikir sheathed his sword and got ready to fight bare handed. He never had liked to have an unfair advantage against his opponent. The sword being at least twice as strong as the Daedric prince. Their hands locked and as they did lightning bolts flew across the room. Destroying entire columns, lacerating walls, and causing deafining thunder. It wasn't long before Malikir started being pushed back, his feet digging in as far as they would go. But coming to no avail.

In a contest of brute strength Malikir was lucky to be holding on as he was. Thanks to the armor no doubt. But that wasn't what was important to him right now. He smiled under his helmet as he realized he had somethin common with the prince. He had found a worthy opponent. Knowing that he was on the brink of losing only made his heart beat faster, for being the Dragonborn you don't get that sensation much. He raised a knee. Breaking through the his opponents armor. Causing the god like entity to bleed. The princes armor was only cosmetic. As his skin proved much more capable than any metal. But that didn't stop the will power of Malikir.

"RAAAAAAAAAAGGGHH!" Moleg let out a piercing scream. Drawing his head back and slamming forward. Malikir doing the same. The prince had blood pouring down his face but so did Malikir. Even under his helmet the impact made it through. Causing a red waterfall to gush down the nords face. Staining his beard a temporary shade of maroon.

"FUS, RO, DAH!" He shouted. Pushing himself away from the prince, seeing that things were getting a little boring. They charged at each other again. This time Malikir, despite wearing heavy Daedric armor, summersaulted over the enraged Daedric. Causing him to stagger forward. Right when he was turning Malikir bolted toward him. Socking him right in the jaw. Sending him sliding on his feet a little.

"I have to say, your the first mortal to ever hit me." The prince turned in anger. The emotion pouring out of his eyes like rapids, figuratively of course. "That only makes me want to kill you more!"

He roared. Sending a beam of magic directly at our hero. He quickly bolted to the side as the beam slammed into the ground, but Moleg Bal was just as fast. As he turned to face Malikir tge beam followed. Causing the wall in its path to be annihilated. Making the entire portion of the castle from the wall up structurally unstable. Sending the entire top half off the edge of existence. Causing Moleg to become only angrier. And with a glowing purple aura around him. He bolted at the still running Malikir, who was heading for one of the last remaining columns. He jumped up onto the side of the pillar and rocketed off toward Moleg. He pulled out a small knife flew directly at an attacking Moleg Bal. Avoiding his hands, as they were trying to grab him, and shoving the knife into his shoulder.

It had also been enchanted but not as strongly as the blade. That would only stagger the prince. But that was all he needed to do. He spun while sliding off the castle floor, then once aligned with the Dadria he bolted at full spring, unsheathing the blade. But Moleg turned at batted it away, but Malikir turned and stabbed backwards. The familiar feeling of a blade going through was flesh was refreshing.

"Heh." Moleg said, spitting up blood. "That was the most fun I've had in a while."

"I agree." Malikir told him as they were both breathing hard. It was becoming increasingly harder for Moleg as blood was filling his lungs.

"Before I get sucked into the soul gem. I have one favor to ask you." Moleg said.

"Ask away." Malikir insisted.

Moleg told him "Wake up Mr. Malikir. Wake up."


"Wha!" Malikir shot up from his position in the back of a carriage. Lying down on the cold wood as the bitter snowflakes battered his bare face. His helmet lying next to him as the rest of his dragonbone armor covered his body.

"Were here. I know as much as you love my company I do have other customers." The carriage driver told him. Turning to face the mighty warrior who was talking in his sleep about ungodly things for the past 2 hours as they rode from winterhold to windhelm.

"Don't flatter yourself Willis." Malikir joked as he handed him a bag of Septims and hopped off the back. He feet digging into the unforgiving snow that clad the ground. "Thats no way to speak with you number one customer."

"See ya round Mal." Willis waved as the horses started to trot down the path and around a hill, out of sight. Once so he turned and walked down the stone bridge. The imperial guards watched in silence as the mythical warrior of legends was mere feet from them. A dragon roared above them. Causing a guard to yell.

"Battle Stations!" But Malikir put his hand up. Telling the guards silently to stand down. The beast slowly descended. Blowing wind like a hurricane from the flap of its wings. Causing the guards to hold on. But Malikir not being fazed, stepped through the artificial blizzard and stood face to face with Odavving, forgive my spelling.

"You know, two years ago, when I met you I didn't expect us to be meeting like this." Malikir told the winged beast that stood in front of him. "Whats the news?"

Malikir turned and started to walk down the path once again. The dragon following. Making the guards duck for cover. Shaking the very ground with each footstep.

"Hammerfell has decided to join us in the war effort." The Dovah explained.

"Wonderful! Any word on where Black Marsh stands?" Malikir asked.

"Their allegiance stands as undecided. But I'm sure they'll come aboard with a little... motivation, they understand we hold their best interests at heart." He said as they approached the main gate. Malikir turned from his path to face the dragon.

"Yes, with a little motivation anything can become a necessity. Spread word to the jarls. We will be drawing the council to high hrothgar. We will be moving shortly." He explained.

"Yes, master." The Dov took flight. heading toward the closets main city. Other than Winterhold, as Malikir could easily notify her himself. He turned and pushed open the gate. Letting the stench of cheap mead and burning coals was over him. He took a big sniff as he walked into town.

He loved the feeling of being at home. Being born in Winterhold he knew the streets better than anyone else. He took out a bottle of nordic mead and pulled the cork. Slowly sipping the bottle dry as he walked to the bar a few feet away from the main entrance. He was almost jogging up the stairs, turning a corner and opening the door to the bar. Once inside he took a left and went up a other set of stairs. At a more brisk pace this time. Taking care not to break the wood. Him plus the armor is at least 550 pounds of weight. When he reached the top he was greeted by a few other traveling adventurer's. He merely waved back and took a seat at the counter and finished his mead. It didn't take long for the bartender to notice.

"Malikir! What'll it be today." Trenedy asked as she finished drying a glass with a bar rag.

"Actually, I was thinking about what you would like." He said, reaching into his bag and pulling out a gold necklace with a floral pattern going up the sides. A large ruby encrusted in the center.

"Awww. You shouldn't have." She cooed.

"Your right. I didn't." He took the necklace and threw it behind him on the ground. Then reaching down and untying a sheath from his side and placing it one the table. "I got you this."

"Really!?" Her eyes lit up. "Does that mean your finally gonna teach me how to fight?"

"You bet." Trendy wasn't related to him. But she was his daughter. Adopted daughter. He found her lying in an ally. Her real mother killed for being a dark elf. Common in this city. Her father no where to be seen. But she was a half breed. She had the ears of an elf but the body of an imperial. So most people saw her as a wood elf.

"Really!?" She asked again. In shock.bIt was her dream to fight by her his side ever since he saved her. She always thought of it as a debt needing to be paid. But he didn't see it that way. She helped him as much as he helped her. Reminding him what he fights for.

"I think its time you learn some self defense." He explained as they heard a large rumbling outside. Shaking the building they bolted out to see what the hazard was. Malikir, thinking it might be a dragon, drew his sword and launched out the door. But there was no dragon. The only thing there was a weird looking portal. Not like the portals he knew. This one was almost like flowing glass. Rippling at the contact of the air.

"What is it?" Trenedy asked.

"It's a portal of some sort." He explained as the portal seemed to grow. "I'm going in, I'll be back. I promise."

He assured her as he took a step closer, in a battle stance. The portal seemed to be pleased as he stepped closer. Making a weird noise like a pur of a cat. When he stepped into the light he felt as if he was wrapped in a liquid blanket. A warm flow of energy wrapped around him as he found himself in plain whiteness and the portal closed behind him. He heard clapping noises then turned to face where these noises originated. Seeing a Draconequus floating with a smirk on its face.

"What do you want with me?!" Malikir demanded answers. Shaking the endless plain with a Thu'um powered growl.

"Oh, feisty. As why your here. I'm just doing my job. As god of chaos I have to spice things up some how." He chucked a little. "Names Discord. Your Tamriel is becoming unstable. As it should be. Now your needed somewhere else."

"What are you saying?" Malikir asked sheathing his sword, but not leaving battle stance.

"I'm saying your not needed in Tamriel anymore. I can't risk letting you bring back peace. Chaos is the natural order of things. I'm tasked with placing you somewhere your needed." Discord told him.

"What if I don't want to go?" Malikir asked.

"Haha. I'm afraid you have no choice in the matter." He snapped his claws, causing the whiteness of the floor to start creeping up Malikir's leg. Slowly eating more and more of him. "Have a nice trip."

Discord told him as the whiteness reached his torso.

"Oh, I expected this to go alot faster. Just... hold on a second." It finally reached his mouth and he caught a glimpse of Discord waving as it covered his eyes. For a moment he couldn't breath. He struggled for breath. Then it all rushed in. The oxygen painting the inside of his lungs. He opened his eyes a d found himself on a path. Right next to him was a sign that said 'Ponyville Pop. 48'. He looked behind the sign and saw a large crystal castle.

"Well I'm not anywhere in Skyrim. Most likely another plain of existence. But I've never heard of a god named discord." He thought out loud. "Might as well go see the jarl in that town. If they have jarls? I could at least find out where I am."

And with that our hero marched off into the distance. Cape waving, dragonbone sword clanging as it bounced of the matching armor.

Comments ( 5 )

the story so far is interesting, though their are a lot of spelling and punctuation errors. I hope you can fix that. :twilightsmile:

whoops, I meant 'there'. :rainbowderp:


Yeah. I know. I proofread it twice and fixed a lot but still some slipped through. I'm looking for a proofreader.

FUS ROH DA!!!!!!!!!!! Lol I did that to someone at school the other day and they were just like 'What the...???' :rainbowlaugh: btw this fanfic is amazing :twilightsmile:

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