• Published 24th Jul 2016
  • 569 Views, 6 Comments

The Moon,My Savior - Artemis Noctem

A servant in the Dragon Empire is assigned to serve the Princess of the Stars.

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Chapter 1

The Moon, My Savior

Chapter 1

“Wake up!”

I began to stir, as the guard threw a piece of glass at my horns.

“Get yourself somewhat presentable, freak,” he said as he left the dungeons. I got to live in the dungeons, because the king didn't want to waste a bed on me.

I finally got up and began to use a claw to brush my fur and mane You would think after 28 years of being treated like dirt, I would get used to it, but sadly no. Everyday I would see how royalty lived, how they got to eat anything they’d like at a moments notice, how they lived in endless luxury, it was like rubbing salt in a open wound.

I walked to the main hall and began my trek to meet the king. I was overjoyed at the though. As I walked down the hall to the throne room, I started to remember that there was something important happening today, not being sure of the details. As usual, the palace staff wouldn't look at me. The staff used to be so much nicer when the queen was alive. She had taken me in and helped me when I was young, and she had made the king promise to let me keep my job as a servant when she was dying. The king let me keep my job, but treated me like an abomination. How I “loved” life in the Dragon Empire.

I walked into the the throne room. As soon as I stepped in, the king called me to come to the center of the room.

Once I was there he said, “Listen, you are to go to the airship dock and bring the Equestrian Princess here. She will be here for 6 months, so I am assigning you to be her royal servant, since you know the castle best compared to the others.”

I bowed, then left to go to the docks.

I was at the dock’s loading bay waiting for the princess. Rumor was that she was the eldest daughter of High Princess Luna. I couldn't help but wonder if she could craft the magnificent night, like her mother did. Just then, I felt the platform I was standing on rising. It rose to the top level of the deck and the Princess’ airship came into view. It was a beautiful shade of blue with sliver and purple highlights. The draconic guards flew up and began to secure the lines. I folded my leathery wings tight against my dark blue fur and braced myself for the wind from the engines as the ship began its decent.

Once the airship was secure, the hanger door lowered. Two bat-pony guards walked out with their wings spread out. The princess walked down the ramp. Wow, she looked amazing. Her mane and tail were like the universe. Galaxies and stars always moving in that invisible wind. Her coat shimmered like stars in the dark night sky. She looked so regal.

Once off the ramp, she turned to her guards and said “Please see that the ship is properly taken care of. I will wait for you here.”

I had never heard someone of her status speak so kindly to others. She regarded them with all the respect in the world.

A few minutes later her guards were done and so we began our walk back to the throne room.

“Announcing her royal highness, Princess Artemis.”

The king said “Welcome your highness, I hope you had a pleasant and safe trip.”

Princess Artemis bowed and said “Thank you King Inferno, I am honored to be here.”

“The honor is mine, you highness. Also, I would like to apologize for assigning that creature to you,” he said gesturing to me, “but he knows the castle and the surrounding areas better than the others.”

She glanced at me when the king said “that creature”. She looked at him and said “That’s quite alright, your grace.”

“Thank you for understanding princess. Now, servant, take her royal highness to her room. See that she is accommodated properly.”

Princess Artemis bowed and said “Thank you, your grace.”

I walked up to her and said “This way, your highness.” We walked out the doors into the main hall, and began down to the embassy rooms.

The Princess turned to me while we walked and said “Excuse me for asking, but why did the king call you “that creature” as apposed to your name?”

I replied saying “Your highness, the king called me “that creature” because of my species and because I don't have a name. Ah, here we are, your room. Your guards may stay in the room next to yours.”

She looked at her guards and said “Please get settled in, then you may bring my things to my room.”

The guards bowed as they walked into their room.

I looked at her dumbfounded, and said “Your highness, you allow your servants to have a bedroom?”

“They are not my servants, they are my guards. They protect me, and for that I at least owe them a room to stay in.”

I opened the door and we walked in. I said “I understand, forgive me for my foolish question.”

“There is nothing to forgive. You were simply curious.”

I said “ Is there is anything you need your highness?”

“At the moment, no. Please go to your chambers and rest. I will see you tomorrow morning.”

I bowed and said “Good night, your highness.”

As I walked out, I saw her two bat-pony guards laughing as they carried two boxes into their room.

I began to walk to the mess hall to receive my daily piece of bread and cup of water. While walking my mind began to race, the princess was so kind to her guards. She said she owed that to her guards at least.

I walked through the line and picked up my dinner and proceeded to sit down and eat. Eating normally took me 10 minutes, but today it took me half an hour. Mostly because I couldn't stop replaying todays events in my head.

I finally finished my food and proceeded to my make-shift bed in the dungeons.

I finally reached my pile of hay, and lied down. As soon as I closed my eyes, I fell asleep.

“Awww, look at him honey, he's beautiful,” said a feminine voice.

What sounded like a male voice said, “I know sweetheart, but you know we can't stay here too long.”

“I know but, I thought we would have more time.”

“Sweetheart, you know what was going to happen. The others won’t like that fact that he was born in the first place.”

“But….I just wish they could leave us alone.”

“They think just because your a dragon and I’m a draconequus that our child would be dangerous.”

“See, that’s absurd….. They’re here, we have to go.”

Author's Note:

So this is my first story. I know it might not be very good,but I thought of this when making up my characters and just had to get it out :twilightsheepish: