> The Moon,My Savior > by Artemis Noctem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Moon, My Savior Chapter 1 “Wake up!” I began to stir, as the guard threw a piece of glass at my horns. “Get yourself somewhat presentable, freak,” he said as he left the dungeons. I got to live in the dungeons, because the king didn't want to waste a bed on me. I finally got up and began to use a claw to brush my fur and mane You would think after 28 years of being treated like dirt, I would get used to it, but sadly no. Everyday I would see how royalty lived, how they got to eat anything they’d like at a moments notice, how they lived in endless luxury, it was like rubbing salt in a open wound. I walked to the main hall and began my trek to meet the king. I was overjoyed at the though. As I walked down the hall to the throne room, I started to remember that there was something important happening today, not being sure of the details. As usual, the palace staff wouldn't look at me. The staff used to be so much nicer when the queen was alive. She had taken me in and helped me when I was young, and she had made the king promise to let me keep my job as a servant when she was dying. The king let me keep my job, but treated me like an abomination. How I “loved” life in the Dragon Empire. I walked into the the throne room. As soon as I stepped in, the king called me to come to the center of the room. Once I was there he said, “Listen, you are to go to the airship dock and bring the Equestrian Princess here. She will be here for 6 months, so I am assigning you to be her royal servant, since you know the castle best compared to the others.” I bowed, then left to go to the docks. I was at the dock’s loading bay waiting for the princess. Rumor was that she was the eldest daughter of High Princess Luna. I couldn't help but wonder if she could craft the magnificent night, like her mother did. Just then, I felt the platform I was standing on rising. It rose to the top level of the deck and the Princess’ airship came into view. It was a beautiful shade of blue with sliver and purple highlights. The draconic guards flew up and began to secure the lines. I folded my leathery wings tight against my dark blue fur and braced myself for the wind from the engines as the ship began its decent. Once the airship was secure, the hanger door lowered. Two bat-pony guards walked out with their wings spread out. The princess walked down the ramp. Wow, she looked amazing. Her mane and tail were like the universe. Galaxies and stars always moving in that invisible wind. Her coat shimmered like stars in the dark night sky. She looked so regal. Once off the ramp, she turned to her guards and said “Please see that the ship is properly taken care of. I will wait for you here.” I had never heard someone of her status speak so kindly to others. She regarded them with all the respect in the world. A few minutes later her guards were done and so we began our walk back to the throne room. “Announcing her royal highness, Princess Artemis.” The king said “Welcome your highness, I hope you had a pleasant and safe trip.” Princess Artemis bowed and said “Thank you King Inferno, I am honored to be here.” “The honor is mine, you highness. Also, I would like to apologize for assigning that creature to you,” he said gesturing to me, “but he knows the castle and the surrounding areas better than the others.” She glanced at me when the king said “that creature”. She looked at him and said “That’s quite alright, your grace.” “Thank you for understanding princess. Now, servant, take her royal highness to her room. See that she is accommodated properly.” Princess Artemis bowed and said “Thank you, your grace.” I walked up to her and said “This way, your highness.” We walked out the doors into the main hall, and began down to the embassy rooms. The Princess turned to me while we walked and said “Excuse me for asking, but why did the king call you “that creature” as apposed to your name?” I replied saying “Your highness, the king called me “that creature” because of my species and because I don't have a name. Ah, here we are, your room. Your guards may stay in the room next to yours.” She looked at her guards and said “Please get settled in, then you may bring my things to my room.” The guards bowed as they walked into their room. I looked at her dumbfounded, and said “Your highness, you allow your servants to have a bedroom?” “They are not my servants, they are my guards. They protect me, and for that I at least owe them a room to stay in.” I opened the door and we walked in. I said “I understand, forgive me for my foolish question.” “There is nothing to forgive. You were simply curious.” I said “ Is there is anything you need your highness?” “At the moment, no. Please go to your chambers and rest. I will see you tomorrow morning.” I bowed and said “Good night, your highness.” As I walked out, I saw her two bat-pony guards laughing as they carried two boxes into their room. I began to walk to the mess hall to receive my daily piece of bread and cup of water. While walking my mind began to race, the princess was so kind to her guards. She said she owed that to her guards at least. I walked through the line and picked up my dinner and proceeded to sit down and eat. Eating normally took me 10 minutes, but today it took me half an hour. Mostly because I couldn't stop replaying todays events in my head. I finally finished my food and proceeded to my make-shift bed in the dungeons. I finally reached my pile of hay, and lied down. As soon as I closed my eyes, I fell asleep. “Awww, look at him honey, he's beautiful,” said a feminine voice. What sounded like a male voice said, “I know sweetheart, but you know we can't stay here too long.” “I know but, I thought we would have more time.” “Sweetheart, you know what was going to happen. The others won’t like that fact that he was born in the first place.” “But….I just wish they could leave us alone.” “They think just because your a dragon and I’m a draconequus that our child would be dangerous.” “See, that’s absurd….. They’re here, we have to go.” > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Moon, My Savior Chapter 2 The next morning I woke up around 8 am. I began to brush my fur and mane with a claw. As I got up to go greet the Princess, I though about my dream from last night. As I walked up the stairs and though the hall I couldn't help but fell like it was more like a lost memory than a dream. A lost memory….. I had arrived at the princess’ door. I shook my head to clear my thoughts, then knocked and the princess opened the door with a smile. I bowed “Good morning you highness, I hope you slept well.” “Good morning, please come in.” I did as told. When I was inside she invited me to sit at a table on the balcony. She sat across from me and said “I would like to ask you some questions, personal questions, if that’s all right with you.” “Of course princess.” She said “What did you mean when you said the king calls you “that creature” because of your species and because you don't have a name?” I said, “I meant that I was never given a name at birth. Most dragons call me by my species, drakon. Others call me a freak, creature and other degrading things.” She passed for a moment then proceeded to say “What happened to your parents?” I looked down and said “I don’t know, I was told that they’re dead.” She looked at me for a few seconds, then finally spoke up “Are you at least treated well, other than the name thing?” “Fairly well, your highness.” “Please elaborate.” “I mean, I sleep in the dungeons, on a stack of hay. I get to eat a meal once a day at night, before I sleep, and I am allowed to bathe once every 2 days and that’s just because I serve royalty and have to be somewhat presentable.” She just looked at me. I was starting to get nervous. Perhaps I misspoke. She got up and walked over to the door. She then asked a dragon guard outside to bring a menu, closed the door and walked back over. “Princess, I could bring you something to eat if you like.” She smiled and said “No, it’s all right. I was hoping you would join me for breakfast.” I looked at her in shock. “Princess, you don't have to do that, I am accustom to eating once a day. Please, don't trouble yourself.” “It’s no trouble at all. I was hoping to treat you, as my way of thanking you in advance for everything.” All I could say was “Thank you so much.” She smiled. Wow, she had a beautiful smile, “No, don't think like that, she’s royalty,” I scolded myself. Her guards joined us for breakfast. When we finished it was around 10 am. The princess wanted to hear about life in the Empire. I told her all I could. Afterwards, she wanted to take a tour of the city. Her guards came with us as we toured the city. We walked around the parks for a while. She seemed to have an appreciation of architecture. When we reached the sculpture gardens, she was intrigued by the detail in each one. She especially liked this one of a dragon rearing up, with it’s wings spread out while roaring. We proceeded to the mosaic sections of the gardens. Her guards liked one mosaic of a sliver dragon reaching up, trying to grasp a shooting star. The princess liked one of the larger mosaics. It depicted a magnificent sliver moon shining brightly, while the dark night glittered with multi-colored stars. When we arrived back at the castle it was almost time for dinner. She let me eat with her, her guards were eating with us this time as well. The princess turned to one of her two guards and said “Star Spear, what do you think of the empire so far?” The one called Star Spear replied, “ So far, it looks fairly similar to life in Canterlot, princess.” The princess nodded saying, “I agree, it has many similarity to Canterlot. What do you think Silver Comet?” Silver Comet said “ I agree with Star Spear princess. Society here has a nearly identical infrastructure to Equestria. Well, with the acceptation of Equestria having high princesses and high princes, as apposed to a single monarchy.” With a small smile, the princess nodded and looked over the balcony railing, “The city looks beautiful at night.” The guards and I followed her gaze. She was right, it was amazing. The jagged architecture proved a perfect canvas for the moon light. The silvery light bounced off the sharp colorful roofs creating an astounding light show. I had never really realized how majestic the city looks. Then again, I never had a view from this high up. I had always loved the night, it provided an escape from the people who would terrorize me during the day. Besides, how could anyone not adore the night sky. All the different constellations, the sliver light from the moon, and the peace and quite. We finished up dinner and I took the silver wear down to the kitchen on my way to my bed. As I walked my mind began to think back to my dream. Those two voices had sounded so gentle and loving, but those last words “They’re here. We have to go.” I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more than just that. What had they meant by they’re here, who was there that they had to go. I dropped off the sliver wear at the kitchen and proceeded to my bed. This time however, I didn't fall asleep right away. I laid on my back and thought about the last two days. Princess Artemis, who was respectful to everyone, even me. She is pretty, she’s so good at magic too. Then I remembered her off-handily mentioning how dragon magic and unicorn magic is similar, but she said dragons don't have enough magic to use it the way unicorns do. Too bad, it would be really cool to use magic and show all those people that I wasn't worthless. Running. All I felt was the sensation of being carried by someone sprinting. “Get them!” The cry came from somewhere behind me. Suddenly I felt an intense heat on my back. The shouting had stopped. The feminine voice said “Made a dome on fire appear?” The male voice said “Yes.” “Good thinking.” “Thanks. Okay, we’re almost to the cliff. From there we should be good. It has a view of the ocean that leads to the empire, I can teleport us once we reach there.” “Great, I hope the baby’s not hurt by this.” “He’ll be fine dear.” Flapping could be heard over head and a scream,“DIVE!” I woke up in a cold sweat. There was no way that was just a dream. It felt way too real. I walked over to the staff’s showers. While in the shower, I though about my dream, two of the voices were from my last dream but, these other ones, they were new. I got out of the shower and began to get ready to go meet the princess. Today she wanted to tour the castle, namely the library and the guard training facilities. We spent most of the day in the library, as she was reading up on draconic magic. She also read about the history of Lord Ember, and how she founded the empire. That night the four of us had dinner and she asked me about Lord Ember. I told her about the founding of the empire and how Lord Ember ruled as queen for 10 years before getting married and having a son, Inferno. As I walked back to my “room” all I could think about was that last terrible word from my dream, DIVE! > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Moon, My Savior Chapter 3 Month 2 of 6 I can’t believe how fast these last two months have gone by. For first few days Princess Artemis had toured the city and got settled in, but after that she had began attending meetings with the King and the other nobles. She also started to call me Drakon, after a few awkward situations, I don't mind. The meetings normally ran all day long, so I would sit outside with her guards and wait. Star Spear and Silver Comet were really nice, well, when they would talk. During the first few meetings we would sit in silence and just wait. However, after the Princess told them they didn't have be silent during the long hours of the meeting, they began to open up. They told me about training in Equestria, how they were personally trained by Captain Supernova, well, now it’s High Prince Supernova, but none-the-less. They had been hand picked to be his daughter’s personal guards. Honestly, I kinda wanted to join. “Really!? That so cool!” I exclaimed. “Ya I know,” said Silver Comet. “So, you guys really have meet Princess Luna!? I can't believe it! I love the night! The way she creates those constellations and meteor showers is breathtaking!” “Well, actu—” Star Spear was cut off when the doors to the royal conference room creaked, both Sliver and Star shaped to attention and I bowed my head as the King followed by the nobles left the room. After we were sure they had left ear shot the three of us looked into the room to see Princess Artemis looking over documents. She looked up and motioned for us to come in and close the door. “Princess, how was the meeting,” I asked. “It was okay. I never liked dealing with nobles, but all things considered better than I thought.” Star Spear and Silver Comet both looked at each other with a small smile. I looked at them momentarily baffled, then snapped back to reality and said “Princess, would you like something to eat?” She put down the papers and said, “That sounds too good to pass up right now. Could you please tell the guards outside to bring us some food, the four of us will be dining here tonight.” “At once.” I turned to walk to the door to tell the guards down the hall of the princess’ request, when I turned and saw her walking out to the balcony and lighting her horn. As I stepped out into the hall I couldn't help but wonder what she was doing, come to think of it this was the latest any meeting had run since she got here so I had never seen her around this time. After informing the guards of the princess’ request I returned to see the three of them sitting and talking at the table, as I sat down I heard the princess mention an alliance. She sighed and rubbed a temple with a hoof. She looked really tired, Star Spear had told me about how alicorns could go on for long periods of time without sleep, but it looked like she hadn't gotten a goods night rest in months. She yawned and said, “Looks like I’m going to need to sleep to night.” Star smiled and said “About time.” Silver added “Seriously, you've been up for two weeks. I get alicons don't need sleep but it is good for you.” Artemis smirked and said “ Okay, okay. I’ll sleep tonight. I guess Nidra and mom can handle the dream scape for one night without me.” The chef walked in with our food, placed it in front of us took off the covers, bowed and left. Once the sliver cover was off her plate and the chef gone, Artemis licked her lips and dug in, and so did the rest of us. By the time we were done with dinner it was 11 pm and we all walked to the royal wing of the castle. Princess Artemis yawned as we all walked down the hall, she had bags under her eyes. I noticed that when she yawned the stack of papers in her magical turquoise and gold aura dipped ever so slightly. We finally reached her room and parted ways. I found myself yawning as I walked to my “room”, guess yawns really are contagious. I finally got to my room and began to reflect on what happened in the last few hours. I shut the doors behind me as I returned to the conference room to see Princess Artemis doing the same to the patio doors with her magic. As I sat down at the long table Star Spear spoke up, “So, as I was telling you outside Drakon, Princess Luna no longer creates the constellations and meteor showers. Actually for about the last 13/14 years Princess Artemis has taken the responsibility, so all those meteor showers and constellations in the night sky are her hoof work.” I looked over to the Princess who was looking down at some papers while Silver Comet was clearing some stuff away from our part of the table, she was blushing. Sliver Comet chimed in “Ya, and she really liked it when someone appreciates her work.” Purposely looking at Artemis, who’s checks turned even brighter. She elbowed Sliver who yelped and jumped away and with a smile she said “Thank you Drakon, I’m glad you get to enjoy it.” “No no, thank you Princess.” The doors creaked and the chef came in with a cart that had four silver trays on it. Artemis’ eyes followed every move of her tray with the letter A on it, and didn't stop until it sat in front of her. Once the sliver cover was off her plate and the chef gone, Artemis licked her lips and dug in, and so did the rest of us. As I felt my heavy eyes closing I looked up and through the bars of the cell window, and saw the shinning silver moon. But more beautiful than that, the constellations of Orion, Leo, Capricornus and and my favorite Perseus. ROOAARRR!!!! That sound went of like an explosion. I felt the one holding me relax, which was comforting. Then a loud blast went off, like sonic blast . There were screams and some wings flapping, but something yelled "DIE!" followed by another blast. More flapping....then it was quite. I felt wind in my face, as if flying, then it stopped. "Okay, were at the cliff. Can you manage Stygian?" "I think so, okay, hold onto me and let the baby hold my wing." "Ready." "Okay." POOF