• Published 21st Jul 2016
  • 394 Views, 0 Comments

Snails Spicy Story - Genderswapped

This is a story about Spice and how her "secret" gets out to the rest of the world. Their might be some crude jokes about her appearance at first, but they'll just have to accept her for who she is.

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The Predicament

The Carousel Boutique...

“Ring” “Ring”

“Hello and Welcome to the Boutique. I will be with you in a moment.” Rarity said from the other room.

Spice has actually been working for Rarity. She was to go and gather materials on her list of things she needs for her “projects”. Today she had to talk to Rarity about her secret. Spice was really not looking forward to another pony knowing her secret, but she sure as hell didn’t want the rest of the school knowing.

“Snails, what a surprise. You weren’t supposed to come till later.” said Rarity as she came out of the other room. She didn’t notice Snails’ secret because she reactivate her spell that hides her true self. “So what brings you along so early?” asked Rarity.

“Is your sister here right now?” asked Snails.

“No. She’s with her friends. Why?” Rarity responded.

“Well...I have a problem. I have a secret and it got out today, and I was told you can help.” said Snails.

“I might be able to help if I knew what the problem was, so I think I might need to know this secret.”started Rarity,”If that’s okay with you Snails.”

“Rarity,” she started as she dropped her spell,”I’m a mare. I’ve been one my whole life and was recently exposed by my teacher and the nurse.”

“Hmmm. I see.” she said nervously,”Why don’t we talk in my... umm.. office.” So the two walked into Rarity’s office room to talk.

“So. Umm... why didn’t you tell anypony?” asked Rarity.

“Well. It was. When I umm was... I was scared. I didn’t want to leave here. I thought they would transfer me somewhere far away.” Spice said as she began to tear up.

“Well we wouldn’t want that would we. On the other hoof look at your predicament now. I can’t just let you live a lie for your whole life. That stress ponies out to the point of madness.” said Rarity. Spice had never thought of those consequences before.

“What’s your real name?” asked Rarity.

“My real name is Spice.” said Spice in a saddened tone of voice.

“What’s wrong with moving. There’s an orphanage literally down the street.” said Rarity, “Also explain how you were able to fool everypony so well.” After a similar explanation to Cheerilee and Nurse Joy, Rarity decided that she would need more assistance on the subject. “I think we should talk to Princess Twilight.” said Rarity.

“Please do--.” Spice started as she was grabbed by Rarity and was taken in the direction of Princess Twilight’s Castle.

Twilight’s Castle...

“Your majesty.” said Cheerilee and Nurse Joy.

“Please call me Twilight, so umm... What seems to be the issue?” asked Twilight.

“It’s one of the students at school.” said Cheerilee.”She had a secret that was relatively well kept until we found out about it.”

“Who and what secret?” asked Twilight.

“She is more commonly known as Snails.” said Nurse Joy, “Until he was found out to be a she.”

“You mean the tall orange colt, with the green mane, a snail cutie mark, and weak bones was a filly.” said Twilight sarcastically.

“Yep.” Cheerilee responded.

“How did she fool you and the rest of Ponyville without being detected?” asked Twilight.

“She used a spell that cloaks the eye lashes. She used another voice to change the pitch in her voice. She had another spell that cloaked the rest so ponies wouldn’t pick up on it.” replied Cheerilee as Nurse Joy nodded in response.

“Wow that’s still hard to believe did you bring her with you?” asked Twilight

“No, we had her talk to Rarity first before we were going to tal--.” Nurse joy started as she was interrupted by sound of two more ponies entering the room.
“Twilight. Oh umm... sorry I didn’t realize you had plans today.” Rarity said as she pointed at the two mares in front of her. “Anyway we need to talk about her.” she said as she pointed to Spice in the hallway.

“What a coincidence we were just talking about her.” said Twilight she noticed that Snails was a little shorter now that she was exposed.

“Allow me to introduce you to Spice or as you may know her Snails.” said Cheerilee.

“Hmmm. Now I am confused. I think the only way to get an explanation at this point is to hear it from the source.” Twilight said as she pointed at Spice. “I would like to know how you learned this magic ability and why you felt you needed to lie.”

“I-It’s my cutie mark m-majesty. I’m excellent at hiding, but I’m kind of slow in other fields of magic hints the s-snail.” Spice said nervously trying not to upset the Princess of Magic. “I lied i-in fear of moving away from the one place I can call home.”

“I see. Well we need to make changes because you can’t stay at the orphanage you're at right now. Mainly because it is an all male orphanage.” said Twilight. “We have to do this subtly so we don’t cause a large spread confusion.”

“Yes my lieg-,” started Spice.

“Please don’t call me that. Please call me Twilight.” said Twilight interrupting Spice, “SPIKE, GET PLAN 63.”

“WHAT!!? WHY!!?” asked Spike from another part of the castle.

“BECAUSE WE NEED IT WE HAVE CODE 63.” said Twilight. The rest of the girls sat there awkwardly trying to ignore what was happening.

“FINE. I’M COMING.” said Spike. He walked into the room with a scroll with a big gold 63 on it. He then scanned the room and notice Spice. “And you told me we would never use this plan.” said Spike sarcastically as he walked back into the castle.

“Anyways we have the plan and now it was time for the execution to take place.” said Twilight in a serious tone. Spice fainted at the word “execution”. Everypony heard a glass braking noise. Even one of the butlers came to sweep up the mess, but to his surprise it was a filly on the floor passed out no glass to be seen.

“Hhh... I’ll be right back.” sighed Nurse Joy.

Author's Note:

I'm glad you enjoy the series.
I almost lost this chapter but I found it today.