Snails Spicy Story

by Genderswapped

First published

This is a story about Spice and how her "secret" gets out to the rest of the world. Their might be some crude jokes about her appearance at first, but they'll just have to accept her for who she is.

Snails has been a simple colt his whole life. Or should I say Spice has had a complex life since she was found at the orphanage.
Sorry guys I has no Idea who snails Parents are.
R63 warning (ONLY Applies to the following characters, Snails, Pipsqueak, and Featherweight.)
(I know what my writers box says. So umm .... HYPOCRITE Warning)
I was like wouldn't it be fun to give my favorite character problems and write a story about it. Then I was like YES!!!

Secrets Get Out

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It was a normal day in Ponyville. All colts and fillies were in their classrooms learning about how the body works. Everypony was eww and pretending to vomit, all except Snails. Snails was the kind of pony that you looked out and think “Wow he’s dumb”, but in reality he or should I say she wasn’t. Snails’ true identity was an orphaned filly named Spice, but was known as male because they mistaken her looks for it.

“Alright class, do you know what this is called.” Cheerilee said as she pointed to a picture of a male's reproductive organs. Half the class shook their heads and the others just snickered. “Snails, you had your hoof up. What is it called?” asked Cheerilee.

“That is the pENis. Miss CheeRilee.” he squeaked out in a high pitch tone. He, or she, blushed to the color of a ripe tomato. Cheerilee noticed something odd about that squeak as the rest of the class roared out with laughter. Cheerilee just played it off as another one of a odd coincidence. Snails glared at his friend sitting next to him.

“Correct, Thank you.” said Cheerilee.

“Your WELcome.” Snails squeaked again and hit his hoof on his forehead. That’s when the bell rang for recess.

“Class you’re free to go and play.” said Cheerilee as she focused on Snails for a moment and open the doors to let the children out. “That can’t be right. That squeaked sounded girlish. I’ve heard of high pitch male but that wasn’t it. If he was a she wouldn’t the school know this. I sure as hell know that P.E. would at least notice. Oh wait he doesn’t do P.E because of his asthma problem also his bones are terribly weak. With that being said the orphanage should have at least sexed him or her. No wait they don’t it depends if they can’t tell. I’ll think we’ll have a little talk after school.” thought Cheerilee.


“AH, Damn it Spice. I’m gonna get my shit caught if I keep squeaking like this.” Spice thought as she layed on one of the benches in the school hall. “Especially if those fucking bullies find out. I’m so screwed out of my fucking ass. I’m surprise that my body didn’t give me already. Spell on my eyes to hide the eyelashes is still being held up. Oh fuck its Snips.” thought Spice as she went back into character.

“Sup.” said Snails awardly.

“Are you okay, man. You seem more stressed than usual.” Snips said. They had been friends ever since they met last year. They did so much together. They were the definition of to the end. Yet he could never tell him the secret in fear of a ruined friendship, or an awkward relationship.

“Nah. You know me. I’m just tired of being the one portrayed as stupid.” said Snails to Snips.

“But you are. The stupid one. Isn’t that right Silver Spoons,” said Diamond Tiara.

“Yeah.” replied SIlver Spoons.

“Hey, Leave us alone you already have my and his lunch money.” said Snails. As snips cowards behind his friend.

“Like I said stupid.” said Diamond Tiara as she laughed and walked out.

“One of these days I’m gonna give those bitches what they deserve.” said Snails aloud out of the earshot of the bullies. “One of these days.”

“Dude! SHHH! We can’t say words like that right now. I’ll see you later I need to find lunch.” said Snips as he ran away.

“Me too I gue-.” that’s when the bell rang and it was time to go to P.E. Snails made his usual course to the nurse's office.

The Nurse’s Office...

Ever since Snails came to school, he always had to come here. See Snails has issues with in his bones. They’re too fragile. They can walk and stuff but other than that it's a safety hazard. We were playing basketball, and when he was passed the ball, he broke my forehooves and a couple of ribs. That’s when the doctor saw how fragile his bones were. They said no more sports. That's why I'm here right now.

The nurse is really nice. She tells funny stories about her husband and her foal. She usually has me color something or do my homework. She even has a snack or in this case. Lunch. Today was suppose to be a check up. She checked my heart rate, my lungs, and she even did the part with the popsicle stick and the tongue.

“Alrighty then. We’re almost done I just need to check your legs and we should be done.” said the Nurse. That’s when she noticed something peculiar. Usually when she dealt with males she could feel their peculiar parts, but she couldn’t feel anything with him. “Umm, Snails I’m going to ask you a question,” said the Nurse “With an honest answer what gender are you.”

Sweating feverishly now Snails answered nervously “Male.”
Noticing the reaction the nurse was not buying it. “Okay.” said the Nurse. That’s when the nurse casted a spell to see what was under this presumed colt. That’s when she noticed it. “Why did you lie to me?” she asked.
“What do you mean?” asked the puzzled Snails. She didn.t. She couldn’t. She did.
“Why did you tell the school that you were ma--” she began as the bell rang for the last period.
“Please Don’t Tell Anyone.” said Snails.
“Why?” asked the Nurse.
“Because I need it to stay this way so I don’t get harassed. Bye.” she said walked out the door.
“Can I talk to you after school. And not Snails, you.” said the Nurse. Spice nodded her head yes, but on the inside she was dead.
The Nurse thought to herself who else knows.

Almost at the end of class....

Everyday Snails looked forward to the end of the day, but today she wish this day could go to hell and burn there. Miss Cheerilee was teaching math. Snails loved math but wasn’t the greatest at it.

“Snails before we go, can I see you after class.” asked Cheerilee. As the whole class made a ooh sound. Again he glared at his friend for part taking in it.

“Yes. Miss Cheerilee,” Snails said. “Oh man she heard me cursing at the two bullies in the hallway.” Snails thought.

“You're not in trouble I just need to ask you a question.” said Cheerilee. She watched as a sigh of relief came from Snails.


“Please have a seat Snails. I have a feeling we’re going to be here a while.”

“Yes ma’am.” said Snails.

“I’ve been noticing that you’ve been squeaking in my class, and when you squeak you sound out rhythm. I’ve heard a lot of squeaks in my day and I’ve never heard a male make that sound before.” said Cheerilee. Snails sat there puzzled, but then he realized where this was going. “I was wondering if you were a filly?” asked Cheerilee nervously.

“Did the nurse tell you?” asked Snails.

“No why?” asked Cheerilee. As Snails smacked his, or rather her hoof on her head.

“Can I explain this with the Nurse?” Spice asked in her usual tone of voice.

“Why?” asked Cheerilee.

“I promised her first that I would explain it to her. She was suppose to talk to me after school as well.” Spice said as she dropped the spell around her eyes and became more feminine looking.

“Yes, you have a lot of explaining to do young lady.” said Cheerilee.

“My real name is Spice.” Spice said.

After a short walk to the nurse’s office, they met up with the nurse. Nurse Joy was quite surprised to find Ms.Cheerilee alongside Snails in her normal state.

“So, Spice is it. Why did you lie to the whole school that you were a colt?” asked Cheerilee.

“Also how did you fool everypony so well?” asked Nurse Joy in a serious tone.

“Well it all started when I showed up at the orphanage. They found me at the front porch crying and abandoned. They saw a boyish glow and they classified me as male. Growing up I was afraid they would ship me off somewhere else if they found out that I was different. So every way I could I hide my true colors from the world. When I showed up to school my first day at school here they filled out the applicant as if I was just a normal colt. Also I may have picked up some spells that hide the eye lashes. So I adopted a stupid voice to accompany the disguise. It was working up until my body started to change.” said Spice with a single tear rolled down her cheek.

“Well that at least answers those questions. Isn’t that right Nurse Joy.” said Cheerilee to Nurse Joy. Nurse Joy nodded her head in agreement. “Well I think I better talk to a more suited pony for the job. Have you ever met Rarity, Spice?” asked Cheerilee.

“You mean the mare at the Boutique. Yes once, or twice. Why?” asked Spice.

“We need you to talk to her about your predicament. So we can help explain this to the rest of the class.” said Cheerilee.

“PLEASE DON’T TELL THE CLASS!!” exclaimed Spice.

“I’ll tell you what I won’t tell the class if you go and talk to Rarity.” said Nurse Joy.

“Fine. But please don’t tell anypony else” said Spice.

“Fine. We won’t.” they both said as Spice left.

“What did she get herself into.” Cheerilee said as she smacked a hoof into her head.

“This is my fault. If I could have noticed. She wouldn’t be in this predicament.” said Nurse Joy.

“Don’t beat yourself up. We still need a way to fix the problem. I say we talk to Twilight about this.” said Cheerilee.

“I guess.” sighed Nurse Joy.

The Predicament

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The Carousel Boutique...

“Ring” “Ring”

“Hello and Welcome to the Boutique. I will be with you in a moment.” Rarity said from the other room.

Spice has actually been working for Rarity. She was to go and gather materials on her list of things she needs for her “projects”. Today she had to talk to Rarity about her secret. Spice was really not looking forward to another pony knowing her secret, but she sure as hell didn’t want the rest of the school knowing.

“Snails, what a surprise. You weren’t supposed to come till later.” said Rarity as she came out of the other room. She didn’t notice Snails’ secret because she reactivate her spell that hides her true self. “So what brings you along so early?” asked Rarity.

“Is your sister here right now?” asked Snails.

“No. She’s with her friends. Why?” Rarity responded.

“Well...I have a problem. I have a secret and it got out today, and I was told you can help.” said Snails.

“I might be able to help if I knew what the problem was, so I think I might need to know this secret.”started Rarity,”If that’s okay with you Snails.”

“Rarity,” she started as she dropped her spell,”I’m a mare. I’ve been one my whole life and was recently exposed by my teacher and the nurse.”

“Hmmm. I see.” she said nervously,”Why don’t we talk in my... umm.. office.” So the two walked into Rarity’s office room to talk.

“So. Umm... why didn’t you tell anypony?” asked Rarity.

“Well. It was. When I umm was... I was scared. I didn’t want to leave here. I thought they would transfer me somewhere far away.” Spice said as she began to tear up.

“Well we wouldn’t want that would we. On the other hoof look at your predicament now. I can’t just let you live a lie for your whole life. That stress ponies out to the point of madness.” said Rarity. Spice had never thought of those consequences before.

“What’s your real name?” asked Rarity.

“My real name is Spice.” said Spice in a saddened tone of voice.

“What’s wrong with moving. There’s an orphanage literally down the street.” said Rarity, “Also explain how you were able to fool everypony so well.” After a similar explanation to Cheerilee and Nurse Joy, Rarity decided that she would need more assistance on the subject. “I think we should talk to Princess Twilight.” said Rarity.

“Please do--.” Spice started as she was grabbed by Rarity and was taken in the direction of Princess Twilight’s Castle.

Twilight’s Castle...

“Your majesty.” said Cheerilee and Nurse Joy.

“Please call me Twilight, so umm... What seems to be the issue?” asked Twilight.

“It’s one of the students at school.” said Cheerilee.”She had a secret that was relatively well kept until we found out about it.”

“Who and what secret?” asked Twilight.

“She is more commonly known as Snails.” said Nurse Joy, “Until he was found out to be a she.”

“You mean the tall orange colt, with the green mane, a snail cutie mark, and weak bones was a filly.” said Twilight sarcastically.

“Yep.” Cheerilee responded.

“How did she fool you and the rest of Ponyville without being detected?” asked Twilight.

“She used a spell that cloaks the eye lashes. She used another voice to change the pitch in her voice. She had another spell that cloaked the rest so ponies wouldn’t pick up on it.” replied Cheerilee as Nurse Joy nodded in response.

“Wow that’s still hard to believe did you bring her with you?” asked Twilight

“No, we had her talk to Rarity first before we were going to tal--.” Nurse joy started as she was interrupted by sound of two more ponies entering the room.
“Twilight. Oh umm... sorry I didn’t realize you had plans today.” Rarity said as she pointed at the two mares in front of her. “Anyway we need to talk about her.” she said as she pointed to Spice in the hallway.

“What a coincidence we were just talking about her.” said Twilight she noticed that Snails was a little shorter now that she was exposed.

“Allow me to introduce you to Spice or as you may know her Snails.” said Cheerilee.

“Hmmm. Now I am confused. I think the only way to get an explanation at this point is to hear it from the source.” Twilight said as she pointed at Spice. “I would like to know how you learned this magic ability and why you felt you needed to lie.”

“I-It’s my cutie mark m-majesty. I’m excellent at hiding, but I’m kind of slow in other fields of magic hints the s-snail.” Spice said nervously trying not to upset the Princess of Magic. “I lied i-in fear of moving away from the one place I can call home.”

“I see. Well we need to make changes because you can’t stay at the orphanage you're at right now. Mainly because it is an all male orphanage.” said Twilight. “We have to do this subtly so we don’t cause a large spread confusion.”

“Yes my lieg-,” started Spice.

“Please don’t call me that. Please call me Twilight.” said Twilight interrupting Spice, “SPIKE, GET PLAN 63.”

“WHAT!!? WHY!!?” asked Spike from another part of the castle.

“BECAUSE WE NEED IT WE HAVE CODE 63.” said Twilight. The rest of the girls sat there awkwardly trying to ignore what was happening.

“FINE. I’M COMING.” said Spike. He walked into the room with a scroll with a big gold 63 on it. He then scanned the room and notice Spice. “And you told me we would never use this plan.” said Spike sarcastically as he walked back into the castle.

“Anyways we have the plan and now it was time for the execution to take place.” said Twilight in a serious tone. Spice fainted at the word “execution”. Everypony heard a glass braking noise. Even one of the butlers came to sweep up the mess, but to his surprise it was a filly on the floor passed out no glass to be seen.

“Hhh... I’ll be right back.” sighed Nurse Joy.

Oh Fuck me

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Local Hospital...

Spice had awoken in a hospital bed with a cast on her hips. She had broken them the last time she fainted. Yet she couldn’t really see why the cast had to cover her whole leg. That’s when she noticed that she was exposed, and just her luck was her best friend Snips sitting and staring at her with a confused look on his face.

“What?” Spice asked nervously.

“Why did you lie to me?” Snips asked with disgust etching his voice. Spice winced.

“Because you're terrible at keeping secrets.” said as she looked in every direction but his.

“You know that’s not true I can keep a secret. Remember last summer.” Snips said in a matter-oh-fact tone. Spice just shuddered at the thought. “Anyways when the hell were you going to tell me I don’t know... that you were A GIRL.” Snips yelled in whispery tone.

“First of all no one was supposed to fucking find out. Secondly I didn’t want an awkward situation like the one we’re in now. Thirdly, I honestly thought you would get an idea that you're friend hasn’t been in the P.E Locker rooms. Dude, who uses pink card sleeves on their Unicorns versus Pegasi trading cards.” Spice replied.

Snips thought about it for a second. “Okay the first one I don’t understand. Second it would have been easier to just tell me. The third one is because of your bones dude. Fourthly a lot players use pink card sleeves,” Snips replied, “Explain the first one please.”

One backstory later.

Snips just sat back and shock. “Well are you still my friend, dude?” asked Spice.

Snips shook his head back into reality. “Of course. Hhhh, you should have just told me I would’ve understood. You're my best friend. It is going to take more than one little lie like that to making me you're friend,” Snips said staring at his friend,”That’s funny that you're the only girl in the school that plays Unicorns versus Pegasi.”

“Well it is the only game that I can play that I actually like. Plus I’m still a nerd at heart,” Spice said, “Well technically speaking I’m the same pony just looks a little different.”

“Anyways, you're casts require you to use a wheelchair for now. You won’t be healed for at least six months. At least that’s what the doctor said.” Snips said as Spice smacked a hoof into her face for being a fucking fragile idiot. “He also said we’re free to go when you're ready. Wait before we go what’s your name?” asked Snips.

“Spice.” replied Spice as they made their way out of the hospital.

Meanwhile at Princess Twilight’s castle...

“So explain how the plan works again?” asked Cheerilee while Nurse Joy nodded.

“We slowly break it in. Why do you think I sent her best friend to see her first,” said Princess Twilight, “Besides it doesn’t cause widespread confusion. We will have to move her to the orphanage over by Fluttershy’s cottage. That way she isn’t with an all male orphanage. Instead all female orphanage. The good news it isn’t that far out and she won’t lose her friend.”

“I’ll tell the orphanage that she is being transferred and tell the other orphanage of the misunderstanding.” Rarity volunteered.

“We’ll tell Spice,” sighed Twilight, “SPIKE! Do we still have that spell book on how to change the hardness of matter.” said Twilight.

“Yeah but I can't reach it,” Spike said sarcastically, You know exactly where that book is.. it's under your fucking hoof.”

“No its-- woah woah.” Princess Twilight said as she ran into a wall. Nurse Joy and Cheerilee winced as they helped the princess up. “Thanks Spike.” Twilight said sarcastically.

Comic book store…

“Spice, why are we here again?” Snips asked questioningly.

“Because it helps me relax,” she replied as she paid the man for Unicorns vs Pegasi cards, “Besides I need to finish this deck so I can kick your ass tomorrow at this damn tournament.”

“Haha. Fat chance,” Snips said as he chuckled at his friends arrogance, “You know I'm the champion three years in a row. Might as well just give me thatfucking booster box so I don’t have to waste your fucking time.” It was true that her best friend was a total beast when it came to this god forsaken card game. Last year he got lucky, he mother fucking top decked a fireball and kill me that same turn. As they left the card store Spice notice two things, and both of those things were the last thing she wanted to see in her condition, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara.

“Well if it isn’t Fucktard 1 and Fucktard 2.” said Diamond Tiara in disgust.

“Yeah the fucktards.” Silver Spoon chipped in.

“Don’t you fuckers have better shit to do.” said Spice.

“So the rumors about the cripple are true.” said Silver Spoon

“The dickless male with twigs for bones is making threats in his oops should I say her weak condition.” Diamond Tiara said as the two bullies laughed.

“Well fuck off now ain’t gonna get shit from us.” Snips said boldly.

“We already got we came for. Were looking dead at her.” Silver Spoon said as they left the duo.

“What do you think they meant?” Spice asked Snips. Snips just shrugged his shoulders. Little did she know her life was about go to ground zero.

A New Enemy Arises

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Dusk at Spice’s “Home”...

‘Why is Princess Twilight here,’ thought Spice. Well if she plans to move me she’s got another thing coming. She was talking to the head instructor there. She looked happy unlike the confused look on the stallion's face.

“Oh, there “she” is now.” said Mr. Silver to, and not to his surprise the Princess was right yet again. “I’m sure you will explain while she’s being wheeled around by her friends later, but right now I need to ponder on how I missed the simple fact that he was a she.” After explaining herself to yet another pony. He just kinda at sat there. “Well, isn’t that something,” said Mr. Silver, “You should know literally there is a orphanage for fillies right down the street.” As he pointed towards a pink building.

“I-I didn’t realize it till today,” Spice replied as she levitated her wheelchair away and pushed herself on the bench, “Well what happens next?”

“First step is we need to move you over to the other orphanage.” replied Twilight with a smile.

“Then?” asked Spice

“Then we need you to gradually reveal to Ponyville that you are a girl.” said Twilight.

Well that sounds a lot easier’ Spice thought. Well she wishes that she was in a better condition to move her stuff. Wait she remembered the most important piece. “How am I supposed to move my stuff?” she asked.

“No need,” Twilight replied,”Rarity has already met up with Mr. Silver and had your stuff moved over to the new orphanage. Also she found this under your bed.” She handed Spice the one thing that she held higher than any other belonging she had. In her hoof she held a picture of Spice’s mother. On the back it read ‘I will always be with you even when I’m gone.’ Next to the sad text was a dried up blood stain. She took it from Twilight and wiped back a tear of relief.

“Thank you.” said Spice.

“No problem, but next time just tell somepony when you have a problem. I’m sure they can help you, or at the very least try to help you.” said Twilight. As she got back into the wheelchair and said her goodbyes to Mr. Silver. It probably would have taken 5 minutes, but Spice was kinda sluggish and it wasn’t because of the wheelchair. No, she was nervous.

Ms. Gold’s home for Girls...

“Hello, Ms. Gold is it, this is the girl that I was talking about.” said Twilight.

“Spice is it. Well anyway you aren’t the first case we heard like this. Granted the mix ups were found way before the age you are.” said Ms. Gold

“Really, like who?” asked Spice somewhat enthusiastically.

“Well recently discovered to be around your age with similar stories. There was Pipsqueak who was literally discovered not just about a week ago, and Feather Brain recently known as Featherweight,” said Ms. Gold, “Just your luck too, there your room mates. Now if you would be so kind to follow me inside and I’ll show you around.” As they went into the building Spice waved to Twilight goodbye.

“So tell me your story.” said Ms. Gold. After yet another telling of her backstory. “Well that sounds familiar to Pipsqueak’s story. She said her name has always been Pipsqueak, but was mistaken for a boys name, her secret was found out when she was on a check up and the doctor had suspicions that something wasn’t right on “his” check up. Feather Brain’s was found out when she talked out of character at the newspaper club,” said Ms. Gold, “The newspaper club didn’t talk for at least 3 weeks and barely produced any papers. I’m surprised you didn’t notice the headlined paper ‘FEATHER WEIGHTS SECRET REVEALED!!! ONE ANGRY NEWSPAPER CLUB!!!’.” Well Spice didn’t see that one because Pipsqueak and Feather Brain were in the other class, but she was still surprised she had never heard of that.

“Well if you're wondering why you never heard of it. It's because I burned every copy I could find.” said Feather Brain. She was standing next to Pipsqueak. “If you’re wondering how I knew that. You thought it out loud,” said Feather Brain as she slowly shook her head,“Lemme guess... Wrong gender.” Spice just put her head down.

“Hey we all felt that way at first. Trust me some of us more than others,” said Pipsqueak trying to cheer up Spice, “Anyways where did Ms. Gold go?”

“Anyways, we might as well show Spice to her room,” said Feather Brain as she led the way to the room,”In each room here there are three beds and a bathroom.” She said as she walked by several other doors. She then stopped in front of a door that had a poorly drawn skull and crossbones on it.

“Welcome to your room.” said Feather Brain.

“Hey! That’s not how you were suppose to say it.” said Pipsqueak frustratingly.

Feather Brain sighed. “Welcome to Pirate Island. Huh.”

“With two best hostesses, Us,” Pipsqueak announced like somepony from the newspaper club, “To your nnnnneeeewwwww rooom!” As she opened the doors Spice started to look around at the room. On one side of the room it was covered up with newspapers everywhere some were recent and some of them were old. On the other there was a lot of pirate stuff. There were about 40 or so drawings of a pirate ships and skulls and crossbones. Other than that the room seemed like a room similar to the ones at the other orphanage. The rooms interior was a gold paint that shined when hit with any kind of light. The window was covered with a silver curtain. There was a closet that was meant to hold all of their clothes. Which spice didn’t really own because she did not need a P.E. uniform. As she rolled towards her new bed, she noticed a few cracks on the bed’s frame, but the thing that caught her eye was the engraved symbol on the bed. It was a grave with a hand shooting out of the ground.

“You should be ashamed of yourself,” said Pipsqueak to Feather Brain,”And you call yourself head of the newspaper club.”

“We never agreed to do that. Anyway, Spice what do you think of the room.” said Feather Brain.

“Well they're similar to the rooms at the other orphanage.” said Spice.

“Yeah, we know. We just thought that you needed some help breaking into a new room.” said Pipsqueak.

“Thanks, but you didn’t have to go through the trouble.” said Spice. That’s when the bell rang for dinner.

“That’s dinner.” said Pipsqueak. As she bolted out of the room and down the hall.

“Well we better follow her, you coming.” said Feather Brain.

“I’ll be there in a moment, go on without me.” said Spice as Feather Brain shrugged and flew out of the room and down the hall. Spice then refocused herself on the carving on the bed. It felt familiar. She went to graze it with her hoof on the carving when the carving began to light up with a black magic aura.

“Hey Spice I forgot my.... Oh Shit.” said Feather Brain as she saw the black magic encompass Spice. “I see that you're busy, so I’ll... umm... come back.” she squeaked out as she flew out to go find Pipsqueak. Spice was given flashbacks of the day she had shown up at the orphanage. The images then turned to a black silhouette of a pony behind her mother. A pony claw cut her mother and stained her picture.

“Sweets, today you die.” said the silhouette as the flashback faded. Spice sat there for a second with blood trailing from her nose. She had witnessed what had happened to her mother, and now she was angry. She would find this silhouette and make her pay for what it did.