• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 1,550 Views, 6 Comments

This Sun's last Shine - TheAtheistBrony

A human has returned to equestria. Little does anypony know, that this human, will be the down fall of a kingdom. And finally reveal Celestias dark secret.

  • ...

Great Change

"We're here!" Applebloom's small voice rang out.

Only a quiet whimper was said in return.

"Come on fluttershy! Stop standing around!" Applebloom demanded.

"I-It looks sc-sc- scary..." Fluttershy whispered.

"Now that's just crazy talk!" Applebloom protested.

Fluttershy didn't agree however. To her, it looked as if the old, wooden shack was commanding shadowy minions to come and take her away. She could feel it's grip tightening around her, squeezing the air out of her. It's cold and unforgiving aura dragging her down unto eternal darkness.

Applebloom could tell that Fluttershy was becoming scared again, so she used the stratagem that had seemed to work before.

"Fluttershy! You can't afford to be scared! What if the animal is just as scared as you are? It needs your help, and you can't help it by being scared!" Applebloom encouraged, although she may have gone a little overboard.

Fluttershy gasped and a tear filled her eye.

"You're right! It must be scared all alone in that creepy shack!" She suddenly exclaimed. The usually shy and timid Pegasus took a breath and let out a battle cry. "DON'T WORRY SCARED CREATURE! I WILL SAVE YOU! CHAAAAAARRRGE!!!!!!!"


I really didn't have much time to react to the strange and sudden burst of noise that smashed the door off of it's hinges. Nor anything else that happened, really. I'll give you summary of what went down.

Firstly, while sitting down and contemplating if I should ever make contact with ponies again, I heard a peculiar noise and watched as the door was smashed through by a pink and yellow blur. Then, just as I was getting up, I was immediately tackled down by that same pink and yellow blur. When I was hit I smacked my hand on a table Zecora had. I proceeded to scream in pain.

"Oh goodness! Are you okay? I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! Can you stand? Why don't we-"

As the pink and yellow Pegasus ranted on and on, I looked at the stunned Zecora, who had just witnessed this entire event with an open mouth. Zecora then finally regained her composure and intervened.

"Fluttershy! Get off of him! You are about to kill this guy!"

"Wha... Zecora! Why are you still here?" Said a certain filly.

Zecora snapped her head in the direction of the voice. "He is not an enemy, but instead a friend. Now I ask again, get off! You're making his back bend!"

Which was actually true, as I felt tendons being ripped slowly and painfully. The Pegasus only then seemed to realize what was going on and, all in one fluid motion, simultaneously became red in the face, jumped at least 7 feet into the air, shrieked so loud that my ears hurt, and broke a support beam on her way up. This, subsequently, lead to the roof caving in and four confused creatures scuttling around, like lost puppies.

"AAAAAAHHHH!" Was screamed by Applebloom right before being shoved (or punched, I'm still trying to figure that part out) out the door by a familiar looking striped hoof.

Zecora then single hoofedly dragged both me and Fluttershy out through a new-found hole in the wall. After a few minutes of grasping the situation we had found ourselves in, Applebloom finally broke the silence.

"Is everypony alright?" The young apple wearily asked.

"My head hurts..." Whimpered Fluttershy.

"My home is in ruins! Applebloom! Was this your doing!?

"I'm so sorry Zecora! I really didn't think Fluttershy would do something so... Rainbow Dash-ish."

"Why did you come back in the first place? You seemed eager to get away as fast as possible, and at a surprisingly fast pace!"

"I thought ya'll were bein' attacked by that weird-lookin' thing!"

Fluttershy then shouted, "No creature is strange! You just need time to understand them. Then give them all the love and affection that they need. After all, they have the same emotions as us ponies, and should be treated with a certain respect! So he's not strange. Isn't that right?" Fluttershy looked at the human.

"That was overly dramatic." I said to the Pegasus. Not surprisingly, I was met with not love and affection, but instead a, "It can talk?! KILL IT!!!" Which 2 seconds afterwards, Fluttershy fainted.

As we looked at the still yellow Pegasus, we all thought of out own deep and thought provoking questions.

'Is this creature really bad enough to make the shy and kind Fluttershy faint?' Applebloom thought worriedly.

'Will he ever truly fit in? Ponies seem to treat him like he belongs in a trash bin.' Zecora thought with pity.

'Why the f*** was that so funny to me?' The human thought, whilst trying to hold in laughter.


"Your name's what now?" Applebloom replied to the strange sounding word that left the humans lips.

It's been around an hour since Zecora's home had collasped and Fluttershy fainted. In that time Applebloom calmed down enough to get used to my presence and understand that I am not a threat. After that, it seems we get along surprisingly well, despite our rocky introductions. As we were walking through the forest, back to Fluttershy's cottage, she asked if I had a name.

I replied with, "It's Trenton, nice to finally meet you."

"Thats a weird sounding name pal." Applebloom replied with a chuckle.

"Why?" Trenton asked the small pony.

"Its just... Pony names are normally two words that are objects, actions, and stuff like that."

"Huh. Didn't know that." Trenton said with a tone that emphasized he didn't really care, but Applebloom didn't notice.

"Welp, the more you know I suppose!" Applebloom cheerfully stated as they continued their walk.

And while all this was happening, there was Zecora behind them, looking angry. This may have to do with carrying a fully grown pony on her back, or that her home has been smashed to peices. Probably both. But maybe we'll never know.

Author's Note:

That awkward moment when you haven't been on the site for half a year. :rainbowderp:
Yes, I am back, and plan to finish this story. I should have an epic excuse for why I haven't been on here this whole time, but I don't. But lately, I've had a craving for writing, and now I can't stop! While I can't do too much writing because of school, I can make stories to the best of my abilities! I hope to see you around!

Comments ( 2 )

Aren't pony names also puns, redundant or redundant puns?

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