• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 391 Views, 2 Comments

Party Pony Partners - Jan Damz

A big city, friends, and a party needing to be planned? Sounds like another Pinkie story this time with a Cheesy twist to it. Cheesy being Cheese Sandwhich that is.

  • ...

In the Diner

As a new day dawns over Manehatten and the ponies living there, Cheese was up and early to get started with his task. He got himself refreshed, brought Boneless Two along, and headed out of his hotel room. The stallion decided to have his breakfast at the diner he visited last night; one, since the diner had good food, and two, so he could meet Pinks there if she was there.

As Cheese headed towards the hotel lobby and in turn headed out of the hotel, Pinkie has just woken up from her sleep.. She glanced over at Rarity to see her still asleep, then she glanced over to the window to see that the sun is still rising over the horizon. Also a coincidence that the room she and Rarity is staying in has a window facing towards the east, where the sun rises. Pinkie then looked over to her right to see Boneless sitting on the bedside table.

"Good morning Boneless." The mare greeted in a hush tone just so she wouldn't wake up Rarity; though Pinkie couldn't suppress the noise from her stomach telling her she was hungry. She looked over back at Rarity expecting the unicorn to have heard the noise only to see the said unicorn turn to her side, still asleep. Boy, Rarity is a heavy sleeper.

Pinkie took note of what her stomach was trying to say and headed out of the room with Boneless to go grab some breakfast. As she trotted down the hall, she began thinking on what to do for the day.

'I could go look for Cheese.' Pinkie thought to herself, 'Come to think of it, what if Cheese already left Manehatten?'

Just that thought alone got Pinkie a bit down. Though once she remembered that Cheese was in the city to plan a party, she got her hopes up. After all, she hasn't seen any party going on in the city, for now that is, and surely a Cheese Sandwich party would grab her attention if she ever came across one.

'In other words, Cheese is still in the city and I can still bump into him here.' Pinkie thought, though another idea came to her mind.

"What if the party was already over?" Pinkie said aloud, as she paused in her tracks, thinking that he's probably in another part of Equestria by now. Boneless just limped on her back making the pink mare look back.

"Yeah, you're probably right Boneless." Pinkie sighed as she began to walk again, "I shouldn't get so cooped up over this. Besides, a party like Cheese's would surely take time to plan... Right?"

Boneless just laid there on her back, with no response whatsoever.

As Cheese was walking down the streets of Manehatten and was trying to remember the way to the diner he visited last night, he began thinking about the upcoming party he's going to have to host. He still needs the materials though I doubt there's enough time for him to get them and he also needs the food for the event. Most importantly, where could he hold the event in? The little candy shop couldn't hold a big Cheese-y party after all, plus he doesn't know what place can surely allow him to have a party in the city.

"Guess I have to tone things down a bit." Cheese said to nopony in particular.

The diner was only a few steps away and he could already begin to notice how there aren't that much people inside. Probably due to how early it was, or maybe the fact the diner isn't that popular. Cheese walked right into the diner and looked around for a spot to sit down. There was a vacant table just nearby him and seeing as how nopony else was sitting or planning to sit there, he used the table. He sat down on the seat provided, laid Boneless Two right next to him, and waited for the waitress to come over and take his order. While he waited, he also noticed that Pinks was around, so it's either that she already came by or Cheese was very early to head to the diner.

Speaking of which, a familiar pink pony entered the diner which got Cheese's attention. Now at first glance you may think it's Pinkie but seeing as how this pink mare was wearing a familiar hat as well, Cheese knew who this pony is. He then smiled and waved at the pink mare to grab her attention in which he did, earning him a smile and wave from the pink pony as well. Soon enough, she approached Cheese's table.

"Fancy meeting you here again." Pinks started, "Couldn't wait to see me or just having breakfast here?" She added with a smirk.

"The latter. Come take a seat." Cheese gestured for her to sit down in which she did just across him.

"So..." Pinks started off, "We're still going to meet... uh... Randy after breakfast right?"

"Well, that is the plan currently." Cheese replied as he placed his hooves on the table and placed his hat beside him.

A couple seconds passed by the two; three if you count Boneless Two. Gosh, what's up with the awkward pauses between conversations?

"Say, I don't really know much about you and you already know some info about me." Pinks broke the silence, , "It would be fair if you told me more about yourself starting with your rubber chicken friend over here."

"Who? Boneless Two?" Cheese looked over at his rubber pal, "He's my travelling buddy. I don't travel without him."

"So you're some sort of traveler? Travelling salespony? Adventurer?" Pinks went on, "Wait, you're not a drifter are you?"

Well, in another story with an alternate timeline he is... Anyways, Cheese just shook the thought aside and spoke up, "No, I'm neither of those. I'm a travelling party pony. I plan parties all over Equestria. I'd break into song about me but I'm kinda hungry."

"Oh. So that explains why you're in charge of that anniversary thing for that shop."

"Technically, I'm not in charge. Penny's father didn't really ask for me to plan a party saying that he's perfectly fine with what he has."

"But you're still going to throw a party?" Pinks eyed the orange stallion.

"I'm still going to throw a party." Cheese repeated as he nodded his head.

After that, the waitress approached their table.

"Ah Pinks, good to see ya here again." The waitress started as she neared the table, she then took notice of Cheese. "And I see yer with that stallion ya met last night." The waitress looked over at the said stallion.

"What are ya now? Lovers?" She asked as she eyed the two.

This caught both of the ponies of guard. Both of there eyes were wide as saucers at the thought of that and it even made Pinks blush a bit, though she was lucky enough to have a pink coat which made her blush almost unnoticeable. Cheese on the other hand looked like he didn't blush at all but if you payed close attention, then you could see just a wee little tiny blush on his cheeks.

"I- Uh- NO! We are definitely not that!" Pinks started, sounding a little bit nervous here, "He's just a- uh... Friend that I'm helping out."

The waitress watched the two as Cheese shook the thought away and got back into character, clearing his throat in the process. Pinks calmed down a bit too even though she wasn't that nervous.

"Alright, alright." The waitress chuckled to herself as she took out her notepad and pencil, "What do ya two 'friends' want for this morning?"

Pinkie reached the main lobby of the hotel along with her rubber chicken friend, Boneless. Deciding on whether or not to eat out, Pinkie watched as ponies were busy doing whatever they are doing in the lobby. After some careful thinking, Pinkie decided to go eat breakfast out for today. One thing's for sure, she doesn't really know a good place to eat in the city other than that diner she and her friends went to one time for an interview and that restaurant she, Rarity, and Maud went to. The restaurant is obviously out of the list since it'll cost more than that diner so she decided to head over to the diner, if she can remember which way that is. Nah, it'll be fine, she can ask somepony for directions.

As she walked out of the hotel with Boneless in tow, Pinkie started her walk by asking a random pony on the street on where she can find that diner. She looked down onto the street and came up to the first pony she saw. That pony being a light brown stallion... Wait a minute.

"Excuse me sir, may I ask you a question?" Pinkie started as she neared the stallion. Of course, this got the stallion's attention.

"Oh sure thi-" The stallion turned to the pink mare only to look at her with a questionable look. "Pinks? Is that you?" The stallion asked.

"Well, my name's Pinkie, and I guess some ponies call me Pinks so yeah it's me Pinks." Pinkie replied smiling, not having a clue that Pinks was another pony. She then realized something.

"Wait a minute, I don't think I've met you before. How do you know me?"

The light brown stallion looked at Pinkie, confused. He shook his confused expression off before speaking again.

"Don't you remember me? Or did you bonk your noggin or somethin'? Do you need a quick refesher?"

"Uh... Sure?" It was now Pinkie bearing a confused and puzzled look. She's sure that she hasn't met this stallion before but she's met lots of ponies so maybe she did meet him but just forgot about him.

"Well for starters, I also work at where you work at." The stallion started which still got him a confused look from Pinkie.

"I didn't know Mr. and Mrs. Cake hired some pony." Pinkie replied.

"Mr. and Mrs. Cake? Who are they?" The stallion asked.

"Well I work for them at Ponyville."

"Ponyville? Wait, you have a job there?"

"Um, yeah I do."

"I thought you only work at the news office here?"

"News office? I don't work in a news office." Pinkie was now questioning what's going on here, "Look, mister, I have no idea who you are and I don't even live here."

"But Pinks I've known you for a couple of years already. It's not like you have a clone or something that happens to be here in the city." The brown stallion replied. That last sentence made Pinkie think though.

"Wait a minute..." Pinkie started, "You said that I work here and that you've known me for a couple of years right? Yet I hardly know you nor work here. And you called me Pinks and not Pinkie which most ponies call me by, so that means..."

"There's a clone of you walking around Manehatten?" The stallion answered. Pinkie stayed silent for a couple of seconds before speaking up.

"Nah. You probably just have a friend that happens to look like me." Pinkie smiled.

"Alright..." The stallion said unsure, "What was it that you wanted to ask me?"

"Oh right, well, I was wondering on which way do I go to find someplace to eat?"

"Well, my friend Pinks has this diner she likes to go to, I'll be glad to show you where it is if you want."

"Great! Lead the way!" Pinkie motioned for the stallion to go ahead in which he did. Oh yeah, by now, you guys probably knew it was Randy that Pinkie was talking to, right?

Anyways, the two then headed off, with Randy taking the lead.

Back with Cheese and the other Pinkie who's being called Pinks, the two were just about to finish their meal.

Cheese was right, the food was delicious at the diner especially the breakfast course. As the two finished up, their conversation looked like it's still far from over.

"Wait, so you actually became a party pony due to the original Pinkie?" Pinks asked as she finished up her meal.

"Yup, that's right. If it weren't for her, I'd still be roaming around Equestria and end up in who knows where I'd be." Cheese wiped his mouth with a piece of tissue. "Come to think of it, I'd probably be a drifter if that was the case."

"Wowie, who knew how much can one pony affect another pony's life?"

"Well, that's life I guess." Cheese responded, by this time, both of them were done with their meals already; yet were still busy talking to each other to even ask for the bill.

"So, ya two done?" A voice spoke up, interrupting the two's conversation. Both Cheese and Pinks turned to see the waitress right next to their table.

"Oh, yeah we just did." Pinks said after realizing that she just finished her meal.

"Great, Ah was wonderin' when both of ya were goin' to stop talkin' and ask for the bill." The waitress handed- ahem, hoofed over the bill to the two.

"Wait you were listening to our conversation?" Cheese looked at the waitress.

"Eh, just a tiny portion of it." She replied, "So, who's payin'?"

"I am." Both Cheese and Pinks responded to the question which in turn made both of them look at each other for a brief moment.

"Please, let me be the one to pay for the food." Cheese smiled as he reached for some bits in his pocket.

"Nah, I'll handle this one." Pinks smiled back, stopping Cheese from taking out some bits.

"I insist, let me be the one to do it."

"I appreciate the gesture but I can pay for my own."

"No, I-"

"Ya two do know that ya can just pay half and half right?" This time it was the waitress speaking, "Ya know, ya pay half of the price and she pays the other half."

Both Pinks and Cheese looked at the waitress for a second and turned to look at each other.

"Right." Cheese said as he leaned back on his seat. He then took a couple of bits out of his pocket which sums up for half the price of their meal and even added an extra couple more for a tip for the waitress. Pinks did the same as well which also means the waitress got twice as more for a tip.

"Great. Thanks for doin' business with ya." The waitress smiled as she took the coins and started walking back to the counter. "Ya know, ya two looked cute when yer were talkin' with each other." She said before heading off. Cheese watched her leave as Pinks just rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, we should better get going and go meet... Randy was it?" Pinks started as she got out of her seat.

"Oh yeah, shouldn't forget why I'm in this city in the first place." Cheese got out of his seat and grabbed Boneless Two with him, "Alright let's go."

A few minutes after Cheese and Pinks left the diner, another pink pony and a stallion was nearing the food joint.

"So the diner's right over there." Randy stated as he pointed at the general direction.

"Thanks mr." Pinkie thanked the stallion.

"No problem. Anyways, I better get going. I have to meet a friend somewhere." Randy continued on walking, leaving Pinkie behind.

"Okie dokie. And thanks again." Pinkie smiled and waved, then she headed towards the diner.

Upon entering the said food depot, Pinkie looked for a spot to take a seat in. She was getting pretty hungry and she couldn't wait to get her stomach filled with the food the diner has in store. Especially those pancakes she ate there during that interview; let's just hope she could pay for it this time though.

Once she got herself to a seat she's comfortable or at least fine with, she waited for the waitress to come take her order. She waited a few seconds and a few more but it felt like the waitress hasn't noticed her. Good thing she knows how to be patient even when she's hungry and soon enough her patience payed off.

"Pinks? Why are ya still here?" The waitress asked as she neared the table, "And where's that friend of yers?"

Pinkie looked around her to see who the waitress was referring to.

"Uh, are you referring to me?" Pinkie asked as she pointed to herself.

"Well, who else would ah be talkin' too?" The waitress responded.

"Well," Pinkie started, "For one, my name's Pinkie, not Pinks, and I just arrived here."

The waitress looked at the pink mare as if she was closely examining the pony, then gave an odd look.

"Well ya sure sound convincing..." The waitress said, unsure on what to do. "How do ah know you ain't jokin' around?"

"Well, I hardly know you and I live over at Ponyville." Pinkie stated, though that wasn't enough to convince the waitress and even she knew that. "Another thing is that I like to party and have fun all the time. I even bring my party cannon around just for party emergencies." Then out of nowhere, Pinkie pulled out her party cannon and held it next to her.

The waitress was caught off guard when the mare did this. Pulling out a cannon out of nowhere is something she doesn't see everyday and was sure a surprise.

"Okay. Ah believe ya." The waitress said as she took out her pen and notepad, "What can I get ya then Ms?"

"How about a plate full with pancakes? I feel like having one for this morning." Pinkie replied as she hid back her cannon and remembered that time she ate a full stack of pancakes in the diner.

"A'ight, anythin' else?"

"How about some chocolate milk? If you still have that is then I'd like a glass."

"Okay, food would probably be up in a couple of minutes or so, so sit tight." The waitress said before trotting back to the counter to tell the cook of a new order.

As Pinkie waited, she started wondering on who this Pinks fella is and why is she always mistaken for being her. It can't be possible for two ponies to look exactly alike- well, yeah it can happen in the world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic since background ponies are usually just copy pastes of other ponies due to the studio not really focusing on the aesthetics of the ponies, though they still are trying to change it up a bit- but that aside it's not that much of a coincidence that there's a pony that shares the same outside features as the real Pinkie. Another thing is that name sure does sound a lot like her name. Well for now, she pushed the thought aside knowing this isn't any of her business to poke into. That and the fact she was already getting hungry.

As a few minutes passed with Pinkie keeping herself busy and even hum a little tune whilst she waited, the waitress finally came back this time with a glass of chocolate milk and a plate full of a stack of pancakes, with the extra bonus content of maple syrup too which came free with the pancakes by the by. I have no idea why I made it sound like a video game release with extra bonus content available for download.

Continuing on, the waitress placed the plate and glass down on the table and stood back a bit.

"So, anythin' else I can get ya not-Pinks?" She asked.

"It's Pinkie by the way," Pinkie stated just so the waitress wouldn't start calling her not-Pinks, "And yeah I'm currently fine with what I have."

With that, the waitress nodded and turned to leave before Pinkie stopped her.

"Uh, I have a question..."

"Hm?" The waitress turned towards the pink mare.

"Who is this Pinks pony and why do I get mistaken that I'm her?" Pinkie asked, now curious about this.

"Oh Pinks? She visits this place everyday. She usually orders the usual and likes to wear this hat of hers even indoors for some odd reason. She's also pink like ya, has a poofy tail like yers, and she also has balloons as her cutie mark if ah remember correctly."

"Wait, she has a cutie mark that has balloons in it?" Pinkie asked as this got her into the peak of her interest. She knows that there is no two cutie marks alike so she had to check.

"Yeah, it definitely has." The waitress calmly replied but then noticed Pinkie's own cutie mark.

"Say, it looks kinda like yers. With the blue and yellow colors too." She added whilst pointing at Pinkie's flank.

'Okay now there is definitely something off here.' Pinkie thought to herself. 'Pink like me, poofy tail like mine, and cutie mark like mine...'

"Though ah know for sure that she doesn't own a rubber chicken." The waitress added as she looked over at Boneless who was just sitting beside Pinkie. Pinkie looked at her rubber chicken friend, then turned back to the waitress when she continued on talking.

"Today and last night though, she was accompanied by some stallion who had a rubber chicken too."

Pinkie's ears perked up. This was getting even more interesting.

"Stallion with a rubber chicken?" She repeated.

"Yeah, some stallion with a rubber chicken who Pinks seemed quite comfortable being with. Those two surely had a conversation going; kinda cute too. Heck, those two just left a couple of hours ago."

"Does this stallion have an orangey coat, poofy mane, and a sandwich as a cutie mark?" Pinkie asked getting a bit excited about this for some odd reason.

"Well, he was orange ah guess. Couldn't really tell if his mane was poofy due to him not taking off his hat, and I didn't really notice his cutie mark."

"Does he call the rubber chicken Boneless Two?" Pinkie asked.

"Ah don't know, I am quite busy with the diner ya know." The waitress replied now remembering she has a job to do, "Which reminds me that ah need to get back to work. It's been nice talkin' to ya Ms Not-Pinks, but ah gotta go."

"It's Pinkie!" Pinkie exclaimed as the waitress trotted away. She then slumped back on her chair and looked at the tower of pancakes in front of her.

"Is it really who I think it is?" Pinkie sighed then turned to look at Boneless, "And who's this Pinks anyways?"

Author's Note:

Okie Dokie Lokie.

That's about it.
You could guess where I'm heading with this story ;D
Anyways, I'll be busy with some artwork now.