• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 391 Views, 2 Comments

Party Pony Partners - Jan Damz

A big city, friends, and a party needing to be planned? Sounds like another Pinkie story this time with a Cheesy twist to it. Cheesy being Cheese Sandwhich that is.

  • ...

Till We Meet Again

As the party continued on into the night and everypony was having fun all the while, Cheese was leaning on a tree nearby, getting ready to start his journey again along with his rubber friend, Boneless Two. He put on his hat and poncho, and seeing how everything was going well, decided to head out.

"Leaving so soon?" He heard someone say behind him. Cheese turned around to see Pinkie, with a small frown on her face.

"I'm sorry for leaving while the party is still going on, Pinkie," Cheese started as he went near the said mare, "But I've got other parties to go and plan."

"Couldn't you stay just a little while?" Pinkie asked, still giving off a small yet visible frown.

"I would love to Pinkie but as I said, I've got other parties to deal with." Cheese replied. "Oh yeah, how's Boneless doing by the way?" He added as he remembered about his rubbery friend, the first one that is.

"He's doing fine." Pinkie sighed. Boneless was doing very fine to be honest. After Cheese left him to be taken care of Pinkie, said mare has been taking care of the rubber chicken as if it were her own pet. Of course, just right next to Gummy. She plays with him at times, talks to him, even Gummy would hang out with Boneless.

"Do you really have to go?" The pink party pony asked with a frown while even giving out puppy eyes for the extra effect.

"You really want me to stay for a while don't ya?"Cheese asked which made Pinkie nod vigorously. He thought about it for a while and sighed.

"Alright, I'll stay just for a little bit more. Besides, my Cheesy Sense hasn't really picked up any parties that needs planning nearby as of this hour." The orange stallion smiled making Pinkie one happy pony again.

"GREAT!" Pinkie yelled in joy as she gave a quick little hug due to her over happiness, "Come on, there's still so much fun we can do at the party!" She added as she dragged her stallion friend off into the party.

"Hey Rarity." Rainbow Dash greeted as she flew towards the said mare who was standing by the snack table.

"Oh hello Rainbow, are you enjoying this party so far?" Rarity replied as she took a sip from her cup of punch.

"Heck yeah! Cheese and Pinkie surely outdone themselves this tume." Rainbow replied as she landed next to Rarity and took her oen cup of punch. "So watcha up too?" She asked as she drank some punch.

"Oh just admiring everypony having fun and being happy at this party." Rarity replied as she looked at all the ponies who were laughing, cheering, dancing, and were plainly having a good time. She then noticed Pinkie and Cheese at the dessert bar both having a very fun time. Pinkie especially, for she was smiling brighter and laughing more than she'd ever laughed and smile during a party.

"Say, Pinkie sure looks like she's enjoying this party more than anyone here." Rarity said as she watched Pinkie eating some pastries with Cheese but which eventually became a small food fight.

"Yeah, especially whenever she's near Cheese." Rainbow added in as she decided to snack on some knickknacks from the snack table.

"Yup. It's like both of them were meant to be together." Rarity smiled as she watched her pink friend. Rainbow thought about what Rarity said and got an idea.

"Merby dey ar mernt tuh be." Rainbow spoke with a full mouth of food, not even caring if some fell out of her mouth while speaking and some bits even landing on Rarity.

"What?" Rarity asked in a disgust and annoyed tone while she wiped her face from any bits of food or even some saliva. Rainbow swallowed the contents in her mouth and spoke up again.

"Maybe they ARE meant to be." Rainbow Dash said, emphasizing the word 'are'.

"Rainbow, what are you trying to say?" Rarity asked curiously.

"What I'm trying to say Rarity, is that Cheese and Pinkie would make a perfect couple." Rainbow Dash said, lowering her voice down a bit so no other pony can hear, "Think about it. They both like to party, they both like to have a good laugh, they basically have the same personallity!"

"And?" Rarity asked, eyeing the rainbow-maned pegasus.

"And? Rainbow repeated, "What do you mean by 'and'?"

"I get what you're trying to say Rainbow, I mean clearly they are meant to be but that doesn't mean that they are going to be a couple." Rarity replied.

"Well not now that is." Rainbow said as she started to hover again in the air.

"Rainbow, I doubt that would ever change because one, Cheese is a traveling party pony, and two, Pinkie is staying here in Ponyville. If they were to be a couple, it's either Cheese would have to stay but not fulfill his job as a traveling party pony or Pinkie has to leave Ponyville just to be with him. You wouldn't want that to happen now do you?"

"So you're saying you don't like them being a couple?" Rainbow asked with a little sly grin.

"No, that's not wh-"

"Hey guys!" The two's conversation was cut off once a pink pony hopped near both of them, "Watcha talking about?"

"Oh it's nothing really that important Pinkie." Rarity replied as she glanced over to Dash.

"Yeah, we were just talking about you and Cheese." Rainbow added not caring if Rarity gave her a look saying to not tell.

"What's this about me and Cheese?" Pinke asked as she grabbed some punch.

"Oh it's nothing really Pinkie Pie." Rarity chimed in trying to steer off topic, yet Dash wanted to push on forward.

"So Pinkie," Dash started, "What do you think of Cheese?"

"Hmm..." Pinkie thought to herself, "Well, he's funny, fun to be with, loves to plan parties, and a great guy overall."

"Anything else?" Dash asked, interested of anymore info.

"Well, he's cute I guess." The pink party mare added with a small blush appearing on her cheeks though her pink coat made it not that noticable unless you payed really close attention. This made Rarity choke on the punch she was drinking and also made Dash give a off a grin.

"Why are you asking?" Pinkie asked as she eyed Dash.

"Oh it's really nothing. Just wanna know your thoughts about him that's all." Dash chuckled to herself as she went near Pinkie. "You can go along and get back to having fun now." She added while gesturing her front hooves to tell Pinkie to move along.

"Okey dokey lokey?" Pinkie said in a questionable tone as she walked away from the two. Soon, after said mare was out of earshot, Dash whispered over to Rarity.

"See. Pinkie likes him."

"That's still not changing anything Dash. That was just a little compliment about Cheese." Rarity whispered, making sure Pinkie wasn't around since she just left.

"Didn't you see her blush? I mean c'mon, it was obvious!"

"How am I supposed to see somepony, who's literally pink, blush?"

"Well, maybe you need to pay attention more." Dash shrugged which Rarity ignored.

"Still, we- you don't even know Cheese's thoughts about Pinkie." Rarity whispered back to the blue pegasus.

"It's probably the same as Pinkie's anyways."

"What if it's not?"

"Then why don't you go ask him?" Dash said, which sounded more like she's challenging Rarity. Said mare just stood there and looked at her, not even speaking a word. "That settles it. I win this argument." Dash said with a smug look on her face in which Rarity just rolled her eyes.

"What argument?" Pinkie's voice spoke up as the pink mare was heading back towards them. Looks like she wanted more punch and a couple more snacks.

"Oh Pinkie um..." Rarity said as she thought of a good excuse.

"Oh we were just arguing on whether this tablecloth here is clothes, and to me, it's not clothes." Dash said as she looked over Rarity who just nodded hesitantly.

"Uh, I think tablecloth could be used to make clothes Dash." Pinkie said as she placed a hoof on her chin.

"Well, that was the purpose of the argume-"

"Hey Pinkie." Another voice spoke up. The three mares turned to see Cheese heading towards them

"Oh hey Cheese, watcha need?" Pinkie turned to the stallion.

"Well, my Cheesy Sense just went off a while ago. In other words, I have to-"

"Leave the party early, I know, I know." Pinkie finished the sentence with a hint of disappointment in her voice. Cheese heard the tone and sighed a bit.

"I'll be heading over to Manehatten, some big anniversary is happening someplace there in a few days." Cheese added as he put on his hat and poncho.

"Are you gonna come back and visit again?" Pinkie asked.

"Not that I can tell. There might be other parties that need planning somewhere around Equestria, and it's my duty to go and plan them."

Rarity looked over to Rainbow with a look saying 'I told you so.' which Dash just rolled her eyes at.

"Oh. Oh well. Have fun over at Manehatten." Pinkie said, disappointed.

"Hey look, I promise to write to you from time to time okay? That way we can keep in touch." Cheese said as he looked at the disappointed looking mare which cheered her up a bit, "But for now, I'll have to get going. A city needs me."

"Okay, bye Cheese."

"Bye Pinkie."

And with that Cheese walked off and away from the party, heading towards the train station. Pinkie sighed as she watched him walk away but decided to push her disappointment asside and enjoy the rest of the party with her friends.

After the party died down and was over, everyone headed home to get some rest and sleep. All that partying can really make someone pooped after the event, plus, it was getting late and some ponies are getting sleepy.

Pinkie was just about to head to bed and hit the hay but she didn't even feel tired nor sleepy. She laid on her bed and was changing positions from time to time, as if she was trying to keep herself comfortable. This wasn't like her and she even noticed it.

"Why can't I sleep?" She asked herself as she stared at the ceiling. Something was definitely bothering her but she didn't know what.

"Maybe a little midnight snack would help..." Pinkie thought out loud as she got out of bed and quietly got out of her room, making sure to not wake Gummy, or Mr. and Mrs. Cake.

Once Pinkie got downstairs, she immediately headed to the kitchen to prepare herself a snack. She reminded herself that it would only be a little snack so she looked for something that can be a quick bite. She couldn't eat any pastries like cupcakes and cakes at this hour so she skipped that. Then she found some bread and decided to make a sandwich; and yes, it was a cheese sandwich. It was quite delicious too.

After her quick snack and even quick drink of some milk, Pinkie felt a bit more okay than a while ago. She even yawned indicating that she indeed was getting sleepy. Who knew a little midnight snack can make one sleepy? Oh wait, I do that all the time.

Anyways, Pinkie got back to her room and hopped back in bed, sleepiness starting to take over. As she was about to head into dream land, she thought about the yummy snack she took before sleeping and how tasty it was. A cheese sandwich, just that and nothing else. Okay, maybe a glass of milk as well.

On a train to Manehatten, Cheese was looking out the window into the starry night sky. The train was only a few minutes away from Manehatten and was also the last train for the day that was tasked to head to the city, of course it still has another last stop to do. There were not that much passengers on the train too since it was late. To be honest, it looks like Cheese is the only passenger in that train carriage, him and Boneless Two of course. Shouldn't forget about that little boneless friend of his.

As the train kept on chugging, the city lights of Manehatten were closing in on the horizon.

"Almost there bud." Cheese spoke up as he looked over at his rubber companion sitting next to him. The only reply he got was just a little tilt of the head Boneless Two did.

"Yeah, it's a long train ride. We definitely need to get some rest once we get off at the station." The orange stallion said as he looked back outside. The city can already be seen with all it's lights and buildings, especially the giant statue of which is the pony equivalent to the Statue of Liberty. There were some ponies on the streets too even at this late of night, though not that much as how many would be in the day, quite fewer than that I must say.

Once the train stopped at the station, Cheese and the remaining passengers all went out. There were other ponies at the station who entered as soon as the train stopped too since the train's final stop is back at Ponyville. Cheese watched some ponies enter the train and some exit then continued on into the city to find a place to stay. He'll have to find out where in what part of the city his Cheesy Sense is taking him later in the morning.

Cheese was feeling very tired by now, yet he looked okay still. He managed to find a hotel to rest up and due to how much he earns planning parties around Equestria, he rented a room without trouble. His room was located at the 21st floor of the hotel, room number 314 to be exact, and Cheese took the elevator up since stairs is practically a death sentence when climbing up a tall building, especially when you're already tired. Speaking of a tall building, I forgot to describe the hotel.

Well, the hotel was one of the known hotels in Manehatten, I'd say the 3rd known in the city. It's a tall building that's for sure, with about 30 floors, being a hotel of course. Infront of the hotel is a small park with a pond. Usually, the hotel guests would take a stroll there at night or have a early trot in the morning but since it was late already, there was practically nopony in sight there. The hotel itself wasn't that busy too due to the time, and most of the people by now are asleep or out enjoying the night till morning comes.

Anyways, before I steer off the main topic, let's get back to Cheese who already arrived at the hallway leading to his room. Cheese got to the room, opened the door, placed his stuff which is not that much on a table, and headed into bed with Boneless Two right on a cupboard next to the bed. He was surely tired from that party back in Ponyville; it was one of the best ones, and with Pinkie making stay a little longer there made him more tired.

If it were to be placed in a equation, then it'd be:

Party with Pinkie plus extended stay plus travel to Manehatten and add another travel to hotel and to room equals being super tired at the end.

The sleep is going to make him feel better in the morning after all that.

As the sun rises over the mountains marking the start of a new day, the ponies in Ponyville all went through the things they do each day. Pinkie, as we know as the hyperactive pony and fun loving pony, wasn't looking quite like herself today. She was feeling bored and couldn't think of something fun to do. There were no parties that needed to be planned and she already tried baking but that got boring easily, even for her.

Now you might be saying to let her go hangout with her friends but each and everyone of them were busy; plus that would be an inconvenience for the story. Applejack has a ton of apples to harvest, Twilight has some princess related work to do, Rainbow is training at the Wonderbolts Academy again, Fluttershy is taking care of her animal friends, and Rarity is preparing for a trip to Manehatten to go check on her boutique progress there. Yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

'Rarity is preparing for a trip to Manehatten hm...' Pinkie thought, as if she was thinking about what I typed previously which I think she is to be honest.

"That's it!" Pinkie snapped out of her thoughts once she got an idea. She then hopped out of bed, grabbed Boneless, and Gummy just so the gator wouldn't be left out, and headed to Rarity's place.

Upon arriving at the boutique, Pinkie knocked on the front door hoping Rarity didn't leave already. She waited for a few minutes until Rarity answered the door.

"Yes? Who is it?" Rarity asked as she peeped through the small opening she made at the door. "Oh Pinkie, what brings you here?" She added as she fully opened the door once she saw her pink friend. She also noticed Gummy and a rubber chicken on the pink mare's back.

"You're heading over to Manehatten right?" Pinkie asked which got her a curious look from the white unicorn.

"Yes," Rarity replied unsure, "Why?"

"Well, I thought of joining you in heading there!" Pinkie smiled as she looked at Rarity for an answer. Said mare looked at Pinkie for a while, almost as if she was studying her, then gave a sigh.

"You just want to accompany me so that you can go and meet Cheese aren't you?" She asked with a raised brow.

"What? Psh, no I'm not." Pinkie said trying to brush the topic aside and tried acting natural, "Where'd ya get that idea from?"

Rarity didn't fall for it and just continued to look at Pinkie with the same expression. This eventually got to Pinkie making her spill the beans.

"Alright, you got me." Pinkie said, a bit annoyed, "But seriously, can I come with you?"

Rarity thought about it for a while as Pinkie looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Well, I don't see anything wrong," She started which sparked a bit of glee in Pinkie, "But are you absolutely sure that you want to join me in my travel?"

"Absolutely positively very sure I want to come with you to Manehatten." Pinkie replied, "So is that a yes?"

"Uh, I guess I can have somepony to keep me company while heading there." Rarity said as she scratched the back of her head.

"Great! I'll go grab some things before we go. Meet you at the station!" With that, the pink mare was off back to Sugarcube Corner to pack up; not that she had that much to bring to be honest.

Rarity watched Pinkie zoom off and couldn't help but smile a bit.

'Maybe Rainbow was right.' She thought as she went back inside to finish up packing. She wasn't going to stay there in Manehatten for a long time, probably a 2-3 day stay there; plus, she wants to see more of the city.

Once Pinkie got back to Sugarcube Corner, she immediately began packing for the trip. Not that much was to be packed though. She brought some extra bits incase she needs it, a couple of snacks, and her party cannon; though I havs no idea where she's packed it.

"Alrighty, all ready and set to go." Pinkie said as she was about to head out only to stop at the doorway once she remembered something.

"Oops, shouldn't forget about you." She added as she grabbed Boneless from her bed. She then looked over at her pet gator.

"Sorry Gummy, the big city is no place for a gator like you."
Gummy just blinked.

"I'll be back in a day or so, keep this place the way I left it once I get back okay?" Pinkie said before she left the room. She said goodbye to the Cakes and then continued forth towards the train station.

Author's Note:

Badabing Badaboom

Got the second chapter finished, and it contains more dialogue than the previous chapter. Now for me to continue a drawing I never got finished.
Third chapter is gonna come out soon, that is, if school doesn't fill up the plate.

Also, you may have noticed on how I sometimes make fun while writing, usually addressing the story within the story.
Anyways, Tootaloo.