• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 391 Views, 2 Comments

Party Pony Partners - Jan Damz

A big city, friends, and a party needing to be planned? Sounds like another Pinkie story this time with a Cheesy twist to it. Cheesy being Cheese Sandwhich that is.

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Been A Long Time My Friend

Tis another beautiful day in Ponyville, a beautiful day in Equestria to be exact. Ponies wandering around the streets doing whatever they planned to to do for the day, while others were too tired to get up today. One of these busy ponies was a pink mare with three balloons as her cutie mark. Two blue balloons and one yellow in the middle. That mare being none other than Pinkamena Dianne Pie, or Pinkie Pie as her friends call her. What was Pinkie doing? To answer that, she was just buying ingredients for a cake she is going to bake and for a special occasion that's going to happen in a few hours. Why am I talking about this? Well, this is a Pinkie-centered story, so go back if you are looking for another pony story.

Now then, where were we? Ah yes, Pinkie buying the ingredients and materials for the upcoming event.

As the pink mare walked, pardon me, hopped back to Sugarcube Corner, she bumped into one of her friends. A blue pegasus with a multicolored mane. Yup, that pegasus is Rainbow Dash, also known as Pinkie's bestiest bestest best friend; if that was even a word.

"Hey Pinkie Pie," Started the blue mare as she flew up to her, "Watcha up too?"

"I'm planning to bake a yummy chocolate cake. Not just any yummy chocolate cake though, I'm gonna bake the yummiest yummy chocolatiest chocolate cake that has ever existed in yummy chocolate cake history!" Replied the pink and hyper pony. "That and the fact that today's Derpy's birthday and at the same time her anniversary for her years as a mailpony. We can't let that go without a party can't we now?"

"Didn't you say that to the last chocolate cake you baked like about a week ago?" Rainbow Dash asked as she landed next to her pink friend, "And today must be a special day for Derpy huh?" She added.

"Well, I plan to make this cake even yummier than the last yummiest yummy cake." Pinkie replied as she hopped at the last few words, "And yup, quite a special day for her indeed. So, do you wanna help out with the fun? Gummy and I would love a helping hoof."

"I'd love to Pinkie but I'm gonna have to pass," Dash replied as she hovered back up in the air, "I've got Wonderbolt training to do and I don't wanna miss that."

"Okey Dokey Lokey." Pinkie said as she and Rainbow Dash were about to part ways.

"Oh yeah, before I forget." Rainbow Dash stopped mid-flight and handed Pinkie a letter. "This letter is for you, Derpy seemed to have dropped it while she was giving out the mail." She added, "She must be excited for today being her special day and all that she dropped a few letters."

"Nah, that's how she normally delivers the mail, besides, she usually drops the mail near the place it should be." Pinkie said as she took the letter and placed it in her saddlebag, "Like this one time, I found some of my mail on top of a tree near my place."

"What were you doing on a tree?" Dash asked.

"It's nothing really important." Pinkie replied, "Gummy and I were playing a little game of Hide and Seek." Rainbow Dash just shrugged at that reply.

"Anyways, It's been nice talking to you Pinkie, but I have to get going now. I'll be sure to be back in time for the party. See ya around!"

"Alrighty, see ya around too Dashie!" Pinkie said as she waved goodbye, and with a woosh, Dash was off.

'I wonder what's in this letter.' Pinkie thought as she happily hopped back to Sugarcube Corner with the baking ingredients and letter in her saddlebag.

The sun was still high by the time Pinkie got to her destination, I'd say that it's around 11 in the morning. When she got home, also known as Sugarcube Corner, she unpacked all the ingredients and materials she's going to need and started working.

Meanwhile just a few miles away from Ponyville, a lone wanderer was making his way down the path...

A stallion with a sombrero and poncho was accompanied with what looks to be a rubber chicken. As all of you may know by now, that stallion is Cheese Sandwich with his friend, Boneless Two. The rubber chicken description really gave the identity away.

Anyways, what was Cheese doing you may ask? Well, read closely as the dialogue would tell the answer to that question.

"Looks like we're getting closer Boneless Two." Cheese spoke up as soon as he saw some familiar buildings over the horizon.

"Yeah, looks like another party is about to happen there." Cheese said as he continued forth. "What? The occasion? Well from what I sensed, it's going to be another birthaversary party." He added as he looked at his chicken friend who was just riding on his back.

"Ya know, two parties can happen at the same time near each other all over Equestria so of course I won't always visit Ponyville to plan a party, same goes with other towns. Besides, today I sensed only one party and that one's being in Ponyville." Cheese said to his companion which just leaned a bit back as a response.

"What do you mean by letting Pinkie handle this one, Boneless Two?" Cheese asked as he stopped in his tracks to look at his rubbery friend, "I know she plan's most of the parties in Ponyville but c'mon, what's wrong with helping out. Like I said, I sensed only one party happening nearby and that party's in Ponyville so what's better than to head there to help plan out a party."

"Alright, now that we cleared things up, let's keep moving. I already sent Pinkie a letter telling her that we're coming to visit, we can't keep her waiting now can we?" Cheese said as he continued on his tracks. 'Yeesh, Boneless Two sure talks more than Boneless.' He thought to himself as he gave a quick glance over to his non-feathery chicken friend.

A few hours in, and Pinkie finished baking the cake only to have eaten it a few minutes after it was finished.

"Well, that leaves one more thing to do." Pinkie said as she licked the remaining chocolate off of her face. She then cleaned up and hopped out to prepare for Derpy's special day.

That being said, the pink mare readied banners and streamers in celebration of the derp one's special day. Of course, there is still plenty of work to do which Pinkie didn't mind, though she'll soon be getting help from a friend later on. As time passed, which usually occurs in this story from time to time, Pinkie has made lots of progress but wasn't entirely finished setting up. She's about twenty-five percent done, after all, this is a big event since it's a birthday party and anniversary at the same time. It was around three o'clock and so far so good. Pinkie was so caught up in planning and setting up the party that she almost forgot about the letter Dash gave her which she placed in her saddlebag. Lucky for her, the author of this story remembered about the letter as well which made Pinkie remember about the letter too.

As Pinkie planned and readied the party, a little voice in her head reminded her about the letter in her saddlebag, which was coincidentally being carried by her at the moment. She grabbed the letter out of her bag and opened it up to read what's inside of it, and oh boy did it make her smile with excitement after reading it.

The letter read:

Dear Pinkie,

How's it going my party planning buddy? How's Boneless doing? I bet he's doing fine under your care. Anyways, I'm writing this letter to you to tell you that Boneless Two and I are heading over there again. I sensed something quite special coming up and I couldn't resist. Doesn't that sound great! Hope to see you again later and by the time you're reading this, I might just be nearing Ponyville by now.

You're party pal,
Cheese Sandwich

"OOOOH Cheese is coming to visit Ponyville again!" Pinkie exclaimed in excitement, crumpling the letter a bit in the process, "I just can't wait of all the things he's got planned for this party, plus I have somepony to help me with it as well!"

Pinkie bounced as she placed the letter back in her saddlebag and prepared for Cheese's arrival. Of course, without forgetting to grab a little snack first.

Cheese was nearing Ponyville every step he took. Not a single second was wasted as he was eager to meet his friends again and even plan a huge party. There were some occasional conversations with Boneless Two along the way but it wasn't that long nor time consuming.

Speaking of which, I actually wonder how Boneless is doing. Cheese also pondered about this, thinking what Pinkie has done to his other rubbery friend. His pondering was cut short though as he was already a couple meters away from Ponyville

"Well, looks like we're here." Cheese started as he tilted his hat up a bit so he can see a bit more. He noticed that there were already a bunch of decorations being set up once he entered the town.

"I guess Pinkie has gotten ahead and started decorating already." Cheese said as he admired all of the decorations from the garlands to the balloons, though there wasn't that plenty making assume she had just started. Speaking of said mare, you might be wondering what she's doing as of the moment; which also didn't slip by Cheese's train of thought.

Turns out that after Pinkie got herself a little snack from preparing Derpy's special day, she went on resume working for the preparations as usual all the while waiting for her orange stallion friend (A/N: I'm not entirely sure he's orange since I can't define shades of color well but he's a still a shade of orange). Where she is exactly? I actually don't know. Hey, don't blame me for not planning ahead on what to write in the beginning.

Anyways, enough of this nonsense, time to get back to the main part of the this chapter being Pinkie and Cheese meeting again.

As Cheese walked down the path with his hat just tilted a bit forward covering just a little of his eyes, He can't help but recall the last time he and Pinkie threw a party together in Ponyville His busy thinking about the time but was brought back to reality upon hearing somepony speak up near him.

"Say, you look quite familiar..." The voice started off making Cheese glance over to whom owned the voice. That owner owner of the voice was actually Rarity who was just passing by. As soon as Rarity managed to identify Cheese, she gasped a bit and smiled.

"Cheese? My how long has it been since you've been here?" She asked.

"Hello too Rarity." Cheese greeted her, "And I guess it's been like, I'd say, 3 or 4 months so I guess." He added as he tried to remember how far was today from his last visit.

"Well, it sure is a pleasure meeting you again and Pinkie would be much pleased to know you're here." Rarity said, "Hmm, last I remember seeing her was eating a bunch of cupcakes at Sugarcube Corner."

"Oh she knows I'm coming over for a visit." Cheese chimed in, "You see, I sent her a letter before setting off on a journey going here. I guess by now she already read it and is waiting for me right now."

"Oh well ain't that delightful." Rarity smiled at the orange stallion, "Though it seems you still have to find that party pony because I don't know where she is."

"Okay, thanks for the heads up Rarity!" Cheese said as he started to walk off and search for the pink party pony Pinkie.

"Any time dear." Rarity replied as she continued to trot towards her boutique.

The party was still not yet set up but Pinkie didn't mind due to her waiting for Cheese to arrive. After she took a quick, or for other ponies, big snack break, she decided to rest up a bit which wasn't really something Pinkie would do in the midst of setting up a party. Well, she is expecting another super duper party pony to arrive anytime soon which can help her out so she might of decided to take a bit of time, besides, having Cheese with her side in setting up the party would make up for the lost time and Cheese would have just as the same amount of work Pinkie did which would be fun for both of them.

Though Pinkie's short break really was a short break. She immediately got back to setting up the party all the while expecting for a certain pony to pop up.

"I just hope Cheese would arrive just in time for the fun." Pinkie said to herself as she positioned some banners of Derpy being her special day of course. "And I hope Derpy would love this party, especially that muffin cake I baked." She added as she looked over at the said cake on the pastry table.

"Well, well, well. Looks like somepony's doing well with the decorations." A very familiar voice spoke up which Pinkie almost immediately identified.

"CHEESE!" Pinkie squealed as she spun around with the biggest smile plastered on her face.

"PINKIE!" Cheese returned the expression in which Pinkie decided to wrap her forelegs around her friend and gave a friendly hug which Cheese happily returned.

"Long time no see my pink party pony pal." Cheese greeted as he and Pinkie broke from the hug.

"Long time no see too Cheese." Pinkie Pie smiled, "Looks like you've arrived just in time too. I needed the extra hoof."

"Well I can't argue with that this being a birthaversary and all." Cheese replied with a grin, "Say who is the pony who's celebrating this special day?"

"It's the mailmare, Derpy." Pinkie replied as she showed a small banner of an image of Derpy along with her name.

"I'm guessing it's her birthday and at the same time her anniversary as a mailmare, am I correct?" Cheese asked as he looked at Pinkie who was putting the banner down.

"You betcha! I'm making this one of the best parties she'd ever experienced and with you around, we can make this party even ten times better!" Pinkie beamed with glee. "C'mon, let's set everything up and get the party and fun starting!" She added as she pulled Cheese off, which caught Cheese of guard a bit but he went along just fine.

The preparations were going quite well while both Pinkie and Cheese were enjoying it. They were already having fun even before the real party started. Probably because they were enjoying each other's company, I mean come on, who wouldn't have fun with even the littlest things with someone who's almost like your exact copy. They had fun putting up the garlands together, had fun setting up the food together, had fun messing up at times together, did I mention that they were having fun together?

Ahem. Anyways, time flew by yet again and everything was set to go. Cheese double checked and surely enough they were about to start the party. One thing was missing though.
"Where is Derpy?" Cheese asked.

"She's probably on her way here. Just look out for a gray mare with eyes that looks like this." Pinkie replied as she faced Cheese and made her eyes look the way Derpy has them, which Cheese thought was cute and funny at the same time.

"Well, I guess I know why she's called Derpy now." Cheese chuckled to himself as he kept a keen eye on any derp-eyed pony.

"Wait, I think I see her!" Pinkie spoke up as she pointed her hoof at the direction she was looking at. Cheese turned his gaze to where Pinkie was pointing to indeed see a gray mare with derp eyes, and she looked like she just came from Sugarcube Corner from the looks of her munching on some muffins. She probably forgot that today was her special day too but that soon came to her mind when she took notice of all the party decorations and banners at the party site. Derpy stared in awe as she looked at the banners containing words like happy birthday and what not that she almost dropped the muffins she was carrying.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND 5 YEARS OF BEING A MAILPONY DERPY!" Pinkie cheered along with everypony who attended as Pinkie slid down a twisty slide towards the pegasus. Cheese followed the pink mare too.

"I-Is this..." Derpy started still not able to believe what's going on. Yes, she experienced a Pinkie party before but that was just for her birthday; this, was a party for her birthday and anniversary of her job which won't be a regular ol' Pinkie Pie party, no sir.

"Eeyup! Courtesy of the lovely Pinkie.." Cheese said which that made Pinkie feel a tiny rush of blood coming to her cheeks, a.k.a a tiny blush, upon hearing what Cheese described her, "And of course there's me too."

Derpy was speechless, no, she was beyond speechless. Nopony really does these awesome things for her and here she is, at a huge party headed by two well-known party planners for her special day which was making her very happy. What made her even more happy was the huge muffin cake Pinkie baked her. That's what a party from Pinkie and Cheese will do alright; make a special day of just a background character into something grand.

"Anyways, why don't we get this party started!" Pinkie cheered as she brought out her party cannon seemingly out of nowhere and shot out confetti. Soon enough, the party went into full swing, or what I would like to say, maximum pony party-drive (I feel bad for even typing that). Everyone was having fun. Laughs were shared among everpony, gifts were given to Derpy, heck said mare was smiling brightly than she can ever smile before. That night was a night to remember, especially for our derp-eyed friend.

That aside, Cheese would still have to leave soon, knowing his ways. The thought of that bothered Pinkie a bit but seeing it as a normal thing Cheese does, she pushed the thought aside. After all, she's here to enjoy the party with her friends.

Author's Note:

So that concludes this chapter. I'm a bit rusty since it's been a long time since my last time I wrote fics. Also, I'm new here and this officially makes this my first fic here. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter so far. I'm currently writing the next chap so it's gonna get out sooner or later.

Anyhow, I'll be off now.