• Published 20th May 2016
  • 415 Views, 0 Comments

The Love Demon - Hazel_Hester777

A demon from Bunny's past has come back for Fluttershy, as well as an old "scar". Can she enlist Twilight to stop destruction across Equestria, or will it all end up like how she saw it the last time?

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Weird Behaviour

Bunny expected that anytime right now, and Fluttershy is gonna wake her up with a sobbing cry, as always. Ever since the day “Twinky”, as she calls it, happened, Bunny couldn’t sleep fully anymore. Her eyelids were getting slightly darker, she and the other animals were feeling woozy, and they had a tendency to sleep with their eyes wide open. But it didn’t happen that day. They all finally slept peacefully and undisturbed.

Bunny woke up well-rested, yet confused why. She looked at her mistress, who was still fast asleep. Not wanting to stick around for longer, she headed downstairs to feed Angel and the other animals. Angel was rather confused, he gestured Bunny that he could talk, so she nodded and used Translate.

“Why isn’t she still awake?” he asked.

“I don’t know, it’s just not like her these days”

“Do you think she finally moved on?” he smiled.

“Can’t have. Fluttershy is the most delicate pony I ever met, maybe she’s just so tired that she ended up sleeping like a filly” Bunny giggled.
Fluttershy finally came downstairs after a minute. But she looked rather pale, sick, had eyebugs, and was practically wobbly on her hooves. The only everyday feature was the sad and empty look on her face. Nonetheless, Bunny gestured her boss to eat.

Fluttershy barely touched her food, she would always act like this in the morning. “C’mon, Fluttershy. You gotta eat something, you’re as pale as a ghost” Bunny said with her concerned look.

“If only I told her earlier, Bunny. She could’ve been mine”

Bunny had to do, or say, something. She went right in front of Fluttershy. “Okay, how about this: after breakfast, let’s go visit Twilight and act like a good friend, you’ve been distant to almost everypony these days”

“Okay!” the mare said and started to eat right away.

“That was fast” she said to Angel. The rabbit gestured that they go up. “Shy, me and Angel are just gonna go up and fix the beds right now, back in a bit” the alien said as she and her friend went up.

Bunny used her paws to fix the beds as she and Angel talked. “What’s wrong with her?” he asked.

His friend sighed. “I don’t know, Angel. But, these days, I keep smelling something’s on her”

“Why? What do you smell?”

“It’s hard to describe. It smells…Demonic”

He stared at Bunny with wide, open eyes. “Demonic? Why? And how do you know if it’s demonic?”

“Because I smelled it before, on somepony who didn’t survive the exorcism” Bunny looked down sadly recalling the moment. The beds were now finally fixed. Angel went near the alien, put a paw over her shoulder, and said “I’m sorry for your loss. But if it really is what’s happening around my owner, don’t fail to save her.”

Bunny nodded, wiped a tear off, and thanked Angel. Her leash ready, she went out with Fluttershy to meet with the root of the mare’s sorrow.


Bunny’s Curing Spell had already taken affect while the victims were asleep. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity woke up feeling normal. Twilight, however, was confused. When she woke up, she wasn’t feeling right. She was feeling upset about hurting Pinkie’s feelings if she told the truth, but felt something else for Fluttershy.

“What’s wrong, Twilight?” Spike asked.

“I don’t know, Spike. I’ve got these weird thoughts coming in my head. It’s like I’m feeling something for…” at that moment, Twilight heard a knock on the door.

“Oh! Hi Fluttershy! Hello, Bunny! What brings you both by?” the Alicorn greeted when she opened the door to a yellow Pegasus and an orange rabbit-like alien. Spike, on the other hoof, was excited when he heard the name of the alien.

“Hello, Twilight. Me and Bunny just decided to come and visit you today.” Fluttershy said, looking down and dragging a hoof on the ground.

“How nice of you! Come on in!” Twilight smiled and gestured for them to enter.

Spike greeted Bunny when she entered the library.” Bunny!”

“Spikey!” Bunny greeted back at the baby dragon.

“Grr!” Spike faked a growl. “Rawr!” Bunny faked a roar. They laughed after doing their signature greetings.

“Bunny, what’s up? What are you and Fluttershy doing here out of the bloom?” he asked with a smile, quite happy to finally see his friend again after such a long time.

“Nothing much, Spike. Fluttershy and I just wanted to say hello” she looked down while speaking.

Spike couldn’t help but wonder why Bunny was acting upset. “Hey, what’s wrong?”.

“Fluttershy’s acting strange today. I’m worried for her”

“Worried? Why?”

“She’s barely getting enough sleep these days, she’s barely eating, and she can’t stop crying.”

“Well, now that you mention it, she does look rather sick today”

Bunny nodded, looking down.

“Hey, Bunny, your right hind paw’s glowing” Spike said, pointing.

Bunny felt her ears move on their own and pointing to Twilight. The alien stared at the color for a few seconds, and gasped.

“What’s wrong?” Spike asked.

“Spike, it’s magenta!” Bunny responded.

The baby dragon knew what that meant. “Magenta?! On Twilight?! Bunny, are you saying she’s?”

“Positive, my Alien Sense is never wrong. Just listen to them”. So they did.

Twilight was worried about the Pegasus. “Say, are you okay, Fluttershy? Do you want something to drink?”.

“No thank you, Twilight. I’m okay”

At that moment, Bunny’s right hind paw stopped glowing, but then her diamond stripe glowed yellow.

“Are you sure? You’re as pale as a ghost. And as cold as death! What’s happened to you?” she exclaimed when she felt her friend’s hoof.

“I’m fine, Twilight” she yawned. “Just didn’t get enough sleep these days”

“Um. Okay, are you sure you’re oka-“ but at that moment, Fluttershy fainted. Bunny’s diamond stripe went back to normal, but after a second her right hind leg turned magenta again.

“Fluttershy!” Twilight shouted, hurrying to the unconscious mare. “What’s wrong with her?”

Bunny ran to her mistress, took her pulse and said “She just fainted. Spike, get some pneumonia. Twilight, lay Fluttershy on her back.” Spike ran off to get what was needed, Twilight (quite confused) turned Fluttershy on her back, and Bunny rummaged through her medicine bag to grab a few herbs, a motar, and a pestle.

“Bunny, what are those things?” Twilight asked.

“The Lagundi I’m pounding with the Baby’s Breath Flowers are revivers that I can add to the pneumonia to wake Fluttershy up. When completely mixed together, I’ll pour them into a spray, spray it on her nose once, she’ll wake up” Bunny replied as she continued on with her pounding.

“I just hope she’s okay” Twilight looked at the Pegasus, wondering what she may be seeing in there.


In Fluttershy’s mind…

Fluttershy woke up in what looked like an empty, dark void. Rather confused, she looked around scared and wondering. She was sure she was just dreaming at first, but after realizing her apprentice was not by her side she knew it must be something else.

“Hello? Twilight? Bunny? Spike?” she called out, but all she heard were the echoes of her own voice. Atleast, until she heard hoofsteps. She turned around and saw a figure. The figure looked to be a pony, but quite different. It had skin as white as snow, a mane and tail that was red and black. It’s eyes were black and blood poured out of them.

“Who…who are you?” she was slowly backing away.

The figure moved closer. “I am the Love Demon” was what it said.

“Lo-love d-d-demon?! What do you mean?”

“I’m that darkness waiting inside you, but now I have enough power to take control of you”

Fluttershy cringed low with small pupils. Even more scared when it mentioned “And don’t worry, I’ll take good care of your precious Twilight”.
The demon turned into a black mist, circled around Fluttershy, eventually nearly eating her soul. But in the nick of time, a white light lead Fluttershy out of the void, and back to reality.


Fluttershy woke up with a sneeze after Bunny sprayed the reviver on her nose. The Pegasus was shaken up, still pale. “What…what happened?”. Twilight ran to Fluttershy, and hugged her. Both were blushing slightly in the process.

“You fainted. Again” Bunny facepawed at the last word.

“Again? What do you mean ‘again’, Bunny?” Twilight questioned the alien as she let go of Fluttershy.

“Oh, nothing much. Fluttershy kept fainting every now and then due to lack of sleep. If it happens in public, I have to carry her in a wagon just to get her back home. A WAGON!” Bunny threw her arms up in the air to prove her point. She was obviously still cranky about the lack of sleep she and the animals were having in contrast to the others sleeping like foals.

“Okay, Bunny” Fluttershy yawned. ”I think it’s time to go home”

“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go before ‘you-know-who’ comes to ask Twilight out” The alien looked around, almost as though she was afraid Pinkie Pie was about to come after them.

“See you girls later, get some sleep” Twilight bid as the Pegasus had her hoof tied to the leash of her alien companion. Before Bunny took off, the Alicorn couldn’t help but notice the sad look on her shy friend’s face.

Spike closed the door regrettably, because now his friend was gone again. “That was a rather short reunion. Right, Twilight? Twilight?”

The lavender mare did not respond, she was frozen in place. She was feeling all the more upset about both her friends. But she felt something stronger for Fluttershy. It was like what she felt when she took the Love Poison and fell inlove for Pinkie. But, it wasn’t like that. It was pure, real, natural. Now that the Love Poison’s spell was broken, she finally realized it was Fluttershy all along. And because of how the Pegasus has been acting, she knew that it was the look of a broken heart. It was no wonder they were both so distant.

“Twilight? Hello? Equestria to Twilight, come in.” The Alicorn’s head snapped back to reality when Spike waved his hand in front of her face.

“Oh! Sorry, Spike!”

“No worries, you were having a daze”

But then the mare just remembered something from earlier. “What were you and Bunny talking about a while ago? Why was her paw glowing magenta?”

“Oh that. It’s just that her ears were suddenly pointing on their own to you as that color glowed on that specific paw. A magenta right hind leg means Love. When it pointed to you and Fluttershy, she concluded that you have feelings for that shy Pegasus. Can you believe her?”
Spike giggled as though it was a joke, but he stopped when he noticed his friend wasn’t saying or doing anything.

“Spike, you shouldn’t giggle. Bunny’s right” Twilight lowered her head.

Spike’s pupils shrunk. “Twilight, are you saying…?”

The Alicorn nodded. “I love Fluttershy”