• Published 19th May 2016
  • 523 Views, 1 Comments

Equestrian Beauty - The Cavalry

Spike the dragon comes of age, unwittingly setting into motion a globetrotting adventure that will test the bonds of love and friendship. And all Spike had really wanted was some ice cream!

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Chapter 1: Once You Party With Ponies

"The first time I saw her, was like getting sucker punched with beauty."

CHAPTER ONE: Once You Party with Ponies



Spike the dragon was snoring loudly. Thankfully, between his room and Twilight Sparkle's was a very powerful soundproofing spell. Underneath the dragon, a small bed of gems glittered. Folded on either side of him were a new pair of leathery wings. He stretched his adult-pony-sized body plus tail, and rolled onto his back. The drake was dead to the world. He had spent all day in merciless flying practice with Rainbow Dash (“You're gonna do wing-ups 'til I get tired!”). He was sore, exhausted, and just then, he became Mr. Spike the Dragon. Or maybe Sir. He liked Sir.

Ice cream.

A glorious landscape of ice cream stretched for miles before Spike's gaze. There were mountains of Rocky Road and rivers of strawberry shake. The trees were chocolate with shimmering leaves of mint. Armed with nothing but an oversized spoon, Spike knew this land was his to conquer! He tossed the spoon aside and dived in, tunneling underground. A sun of orange sorbet and a moon of cheesecake were silent witnesses to the gluttony below.

Spike emerged several acres later very sticky. He grinned and cleaned off with that tongue trick he knew. Gross, but effective.

And then there was Princess Luna, about an inch from his face.

“Good Dreaming Master Spike! How do you fare this Night?” She said cordially, as Spike fell back with a splat.

“P-princess!” Exclaimed the dragon, bowing quickly. His voice about an octave lower and richer since his chubby kid days. “I'm doing all right.”

“I thought you might enjoy this dream.” Replied the Princess of the Night, admiring the pastel-colored view. “All of the fun, and none of the tummy ache. Consider it a birthday gift.”

“Thank you Your Highness! It's beautiful.” Said Spike, embarrassed for some reason.

Luna smiled enigmatically. I'll let you get back to your ice cream, but first We wish to extend to you a special invitation to the palace, after you have finished celebrating with your friends.”

“A special invitation to the palace?” Said Spike, feeling the gravity of the royal “We”.

I think you may find your visit...illuminating.” Said the princess. Your friends may come along, or you may leave them behind. The choice is up to you, Master Spike.”

Princess Luna was already fading, her face dissolving like the Cheshire Cat into the moon.

Spike called after her. “Princess! Does this mean I'm old enough now to know the truth?”

“Dear Spike...in my opinion, you * have * been old enough.”

Spike watched the moon until Luna was gone. Maybe he'd always be a little bit scared of her, no matter how big and toothy he got.

Spike plucked an enormous cherry from a nearby sundae and chowed down. He rolled onto his back, reveling in his ice cream paradise, marshmallow clouds drifting lazily above him. What more could he want?

“Spiiiike!...Spiiike...” Called a sweetly musical voice.

Spike sat up just in time to catch the owner of that voice as she fell into him. They laughed as they tumbled together, and floated to rest in a meadow of butter pecan.

Rarity the unicorn giggled and rolled beside the drake. She stretched out her body as her amethyst mane fell luxuriously around her.

Spike sighed as his eyes drank in the sight. Goddess, she was beautiful. She knew it too. This was only a dream, but it was so vivid. Even her scent was right....

Dream Rarity sidled up to the drake and nuzzled him. She kissed his lips and then licked some ice cream from under his chin.

“You missed a spot.”

An electric bolt of pleasure shot through the young dragon, leaving him drunk and breathless.

“Anything you want, I'll give it...anything.”

Dream Rarity smiled coyly. “Spike darling, I want you to wake up.”


“Wake up Spike!”

The drake snorted as he was shaken. It was still nighttime, and somepony had spoken in a harsh whisper. Her horn was lit. It wasn't Twilight.

Spike blinked. “I'm not dreaming, am I?”

“I can say with reasonable confidence you are not dreaming.” Replied the Element of Generosity. “But come along darling, we're going out.”

“Right now?!”

“Naturally.” Said Rarity, already heading out the door. “From now on, you have no bedtime.”

All his tiredness forgotten, Spike arose and followed her.

Ponyville was sleeping. A crescent moon and a million stars shined over the little town. Rarity took a steady but scenic route, past Sugarcube Corner, Past Quills and Sofas, past even Rarity's own shop, down the path toward Whitetail Wood.

Spike was learning to come to terms with being a predator. Even if the idea of eating meat made him queasy, he couldn't deny he was made for hunting.

And protecting too, he liked to remind himself.

For instance, there were his new, heightened senses, which could be overwhelming sometimes. At the moment, information about his surroundings and their potential dangers competed for attention in Spike's brain, especially as the one he wanted so much to protect trotted enigmatically beside him. Though it was the middle of the night, Spike could see her and everything else just fine.

Still, she did not speak, which was a little unsettling.

Did my dream get too spicy? Was I saying or doing anything in my sleep when she came in?! Oh Celestia...

Unaware of Spike's discomfort, Rarity broke the silence. “Spike darling, have you thought about what you will do in the future? Surely you don't intend to be Twilight's assistant forever.”

Spike thought of saying 'Why not? It's a steady gig.' just to get a reaction, but instead he said, “You know that manuscript you read a while back? I've gotten some positive responses from a few publishers.” 'Course they don't know I'm a dragon...

“Oh Spike, that's wonderful! Beamed the unicorn. Didn't I tell you your writing is stylish and engaging?”

I don't know about all that, but...”

“Don't be so modest darling.” The unicorn admonished. You have many talents.” And all the time in the world to develop them. “Consider me first in line to buy your books.”

“I'll even sign 'em: To (all at once) the most beautiful and unattainable girl in Equestria.” Spike grinned.

They laughed as they were almost to the edge of the woods, but soon they were quiet again.

“And....there's one more thing I have to do...and I don't know how long it'll take.” Said Spike, breaking the silence himself this time. “ I'm going to track down my parents.”

Rarity stopped and turned. “Have you had a breakthrough?”

Spike looked back into those enormous sapphire eyes he loved. “Princess Luna appeared to me in a dream. She invited me to the palace to talk about my heritage. I think that's what she wants. You know how she is.”

Rarity understood completely. The Princess of the Night held dreams in just as high regard as waking life for relaying information. This sometimes left her subjects in confusion as to what was real, and what were undigested hay fries.

“How do you feel about that dear?”

“Exited. Hopeful. Angry. Apprehensive. The Princesses waited all this time.” The drake smirked.
“I doubt I'll be playing catch in the park with 'dear old Dad' at the end of this.”

Then Spike's thoughts turned to the events of a few days ago. “And there's something else.”

The object had come in the mail, addressed to 'Spike the Dragon' and wrapped in brown paper and rope with no return address. Twilight Sparkle had been out of town at the time, and Spike was “holding down the fort” by writing, and constructing enormous sandwiches. He hadn't been expecting any mail. He carefully untied the rope, and unwrapped the object.

Exquisite metalwork glinted in his eyes, like nothing he'd seen in Equestria. It was fashioned into a set of oval rings formed into a line that curved slightly downward. On either side of each ring, there were branches of ornamentation. Etched on every inch of the thing both inside and out were words, runes and symbols. Spike recognized some of the writing as Dragonish.

“Whoever sent it knows who I am.” Said Spike. “That thing must be really valuable, probably dangerous, definitely magic. And...the moment I got it, I knew it was mine, and hid it. I'm nervous because I don't want to hoard, but I haven't told anypony about it either... until now.”

“My stars, Spike.” Said Rarity.

Seized with some urgency, Spike said, “When I go to the palace, Please say you'll come with me.”

“Of course, I would be honored.” Replied Rarity, flustered, “...But wouldn't Twilight be a more appropriate--”

“No!” Said Spike louder than he intended. “No.” He said more gently, stopping in his tracks. “ It's not like I won't tell Twilight and the girls, but...”

“It's all right Spike.” Rarity reassured. “You don't have to explain yourself. You're not a child anymore, and this is your journey.”

Spike pointed. “That right there, is one reason. You have...discretion. I love Twi, but I feel like if the news is bad, she might freak out and be all traumatized.”

“Oh, but you have no problem traumatizing me.” Said Rarity in mock indignation.

Spike dared to lean his head in intimately. “Rares, you and I both know you're really the strongest of us all.”

The unicorn blushed invisibly in the darkness (or so she thought!). “Such faith!”

“Naw, don't need it.” Said spike, imitating Applejack's drawl. “Any pony who can summon her fainting couch from miles away while fainting, is pretty strong.”

“I'm afraid I won't be able to summon it from Canterlot.” Said Rarity dryly.

“Then I'll have to catch you.”

“My money's on you fainting first.”

Spike gestured toward the dark silhouette of Whitetail Wood.

“That's why I'm glad to have a tough pony like you around to protect me, a near minor, from the dangers here.”

Rarity giggled. “Says the young dragon, more formidable than anything in these woods.”

“The squirrels terrify me.”

Spike and Rarity went deeper into the woods, with no noise but the nighttime murmur of the forest. They reached a clearing. Rarity was the first to step out into it, drowning in the moonlight, and she beckoned Spike to follow.


Alouicious the owl swooped dramatically around the clearing, and came to rest on a branch across from Spike, the space between the trees suddenly glowing gold. Soon a swarm of other nocturnal birds, bats, and insects swooped into the clearing and alighted on the trees, chattering, chirping, whistling and making a racket as other voids between the trees filled in with colored light. Soon there were six. Inside of each was a silhouette of a special pony. In the center of the lights, there was Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“Eighteen years ago today, was a very special day.” Exclaimed her Canterlot-enhanced voice. "Not only did each of us discover our destiny, but I was blessed with my oldest and dearest friend.”

“It was obvious he was gonna be larger than life.” Said Rainbow Dash, swooping forward.

“That he'd be one of a kind!” Said Applejack, tipping her hat.

“He'd be willing to help his friends forever, and that's a long time.” Said Fluttershy, fluttering.

“But never be too grown up to have fun!” Said Pinkie in a cartwheel.

“And he's grown up beautifully right before our eyes.” Said Rarity, in a curtsey.

“All too soon it seems!” Exclaimed Twilight Sparkle, her horn sparking.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPIKE!!” The mares shouted in unison, as an extra-large banner materialized in front of Spike in the clearing. The space flooded with party lights, as did most of the residents of Ponyville, cheering.

You are our most wonderful friend and you'll be in our hearts forever
Come on now and party with us on this glorious night, together!

How did the years go by? And where has the time gone?
Aren't you the child I held yesterday?
Now time flies and so do you, and you're so brave and strong
I'm prouder of you than I can say!

Come what may
Whatever you may do
Our love comes shining through
To light the path before us

Can't you see
Your future's looking bright
We brought you here tonight
To listen to our chorus

We all know you've grown up with us, so it's clear you're already winning
Let's have a cheer for the past and a toast to a new beginning!

It's time to celebrate the birth of our dear friend
The most beautiful, generous heart that I know
May you always keep that heart, your friendships never end
They'll help you on your way through tomorrow

Though its true, the seasons they may change
Thunderstorms may rage
And distance is infernal

The more things change, the more they stay the same
Our love will never fade
Friendship's fire's eternal!

Quit dragon' your heels and give in to the feels of the moment!

Come join us in the sky
Our cares are down below
We're happy, young and free among the clouds

The stars are saying hi
The moon is shining so
You're eighteen and we couldn't be more proud!

Come on now and party with us on this glorious night, together
You are our most wonderful friend and you'll be in our hearts forever!


Morning was dawning, and their bellies full, the seven friends reclined on the hillside on the edge of town, watching the sunrise. For some reason, Pinkie Pie had bubbles, and the friends watched them dance lazily in the breeze. Spike blew smoke rings around them.

Rainbow Dash yawned loudly. “Aaw boooy, epic party, Pinks.” Waaay better than getting wasted with the 'bolts.”

“That's the nicest thing anypony's ever said to me.” Replied Pinkie, tearfully.

“Ugh, Pinkie Pie, go home, you're drunk.” gurgled Twilight, beginning to feel the dire consequences of her actions.

“We're all drunk, Twi.” Said Applejack. “Pinkie's usually good at hidin' it. Unlike somepony who spent half the time with a punch bowl on her head, bawlin' her eyes out. (Mah baybeeeee!”)

They all laughed, while Twilight Sparkle turned her head away from Applejack, utterly jealous of the earth pony's ability to still be functional and upright.

“Har har, girls. Just wait 'til (hic) you have kids.”

“There there, Twilight.” Said Fluttershy, patting her friend a little clumsily. “We're still waiting for you to have kids.”

They all laughed even louder.


Spike was only half listening, as Rarity snored beside him on the grass. She'd nuzzled up next to him in her sleep to keep warm, and what kind of monster would he be to wake her?

“You feeling comfy there, Spike?” Rainbow Dash snickered.

The drake was the picture of innocence. "It's kinda cold out here, y'know."

"Hey Spike, I'm cold too! the pegasus smirked, as an apple-print quilt was thrown over her.

“Ah hardly see Rarity nowadays, and when ah do, she's mighty busy.” Applejack observed. “ Maybe it's this new store she's openin' in Manehattan. Over doin' it, in my opinion.”

“And now she's leaving again for nearly a year." Said Fluttershy.

“Well, at least she did a lot to help organize this party." Said Pinkie. Everything looked beyuu-tee-ful. It is a burden, that all us social butterflies must bear.” Said Pinkie Pie, resting a foreleg on her brow in a dramatic imitation of Rarity.

“By the way,” Said Spike sincerely, Thanks everypony. It was really the most fantastic party I've ever been to. And and it was all for me. That really means a lot. I'll always remember it." For a moment, Spike was sobered by the idea that, of course, his girls wouldn't always be with him, but he quickly pushed that aside. "I know I won't forget this hangover, wow."

"Welcome to adulthood!" Congratulated Twilight Sparkle.

"You wanted it so bad, now you got it." Said Applejack, grinning.

Fluttershy yawned. "We should go home."

They all made sounds of agreement.

"...I'm getting up riiight now." Said Spike.

Further sounds of agreement.


Nopony moved a muscle.

Author's Note:

Hi everyone, and welcome to our first story on FimFiction. Maybe someday we'll play the little party song that the Mane 6 sing in this chapter on YouTube. Since it's a song for super-heroines to sing together, our main inspiration for it was "Moon Revenge" from Sailor Moon. Thanks for reading!

--The Cavalry!

Comments ( 1 )

Awesome set up! My favote part was the banter between spike and rarity in the woods! Something that threw me for a loop was the pacing at the beginning of the chapter. Everything transitioned a little too fast for me, but that just might be me.

“By the way,”  Said Spike sincerely,   "Thanks everypony.  It was really the most fantastic party I've ever been to.  And and it was all for me.  That really means a lot.  I'll always remember it."

missing a quotation mark, but other than that and the early pacing issue, this looks like it'll become something special!:pinkiehappy: Can't wait for more! Also that song was so cool! Keep up the awesome work!

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