• Member Since 24th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen May 24th


i live to serve the princess of the night, aka the goddess of the moon aka princess luna...^^

Comments ( 35 )

It's definitely a nice story though I do feel it could have been better, I guess? I don't know, I ain't good at critiquing stuff. I would recommend ya get some to give you a short review I suppose.

I like it a lot, good job!

Ah. The waifu fantasy fic again.

7218015 Do you wake every day and think to yourself..."gee just how can i leave troll comment on fics that sound like they might be done to death when in reality they are just get used by people who don't know how to make the writing or the story interesting in SPITE of there being so many like it?"


7218429 Grammar aside, I think I understood your response. Is this what you think trolling is? A blunt critique (which was only one sentence) lacking in personal attacks, copious swearing, or spam. I gotta ask, how old are you?

7218429 I gotta agree with 7218015 this reeks of wish fulfillment, which wouldn't necessarily be a deal breaker except that's all it is. It's three super hot girls who are in a harem for a main character that is ostensibly you given that it's written in the first person. What's the point of the story then if not just a fantasy.

You instantly had my approval the minute you put my girls in the story. 10/10

7221925 and if you don't know who this is its Radiant I changed my name and photo to my new OC. But all and all it looks like it's gonna be a good story. Gonna go read it now.

7218015 There is nothing wrong with Waifu fantasies. People can like what they want.

7221932 Liking your fictional characters to the point where you write a story about screwing them, is, well, sad. Funny, but sad. Like in a Michael Scott sort of funny.

7221925 At least you're being honest with your lack of standards.

7222019 I don't see how what I like in a story or show as an issue. There is nothing wrong with liking a character to the point of sexual fantasies. I'd rather have a person writting about them to release there stress then have them doing something much worse. In short I have several "Waifu" characters in more then just MLP but yet I am no different from you. We both enjoy mlp our bones are white and our blood is red. Judging someone because the "like a character to much" is idiotic. People can think whatever they want so long as it harms no one in the process. It's OK if you don't like the Waifu thing that's fine it's your life live it how you want. Do Not judge other people for doing the same thing. Lastly my standards are not low I just have a thing called pride. I'm happy with liking characters and writing lewd stories about them. I also like drinking and watch anime. Hell I even love working. Just stop judging people because of there "fetish"

7222052 Judging? No. More like a convenient chuckle at your fetish. As for standards, what did you say? "You included my girls, 10/10"? Based on that criteria, if I wrote a crossover where this day at the beach ends with a surprise visit from Jaws and your waifus being eaten, would you still say "10/10"?

7222125 yes I love a good plot twist or sad or bad ending. See they may be Waifus but there just characters. It's not like there real people.

7222125 well 10/10 as long as the plot, build up, and conclusion is good then yes an easy 10/10

7222125 there is no reason to chuckle. It's a fetish I have them and you have them. "Fetish" is a broad term technically being hetro and homosexual are types of Fetish's cause the can stimulate sexual pleasure.

7222154 Sexual orientation and a sexual fetish aren't the same thing genius.

7222227 not in a natural snese yes but psychology there the same. I should know I'm a psychology student.

7222147 Note to self...make sure the next (and only other) chap has all that...

Oh my~

That is all I can say :P

Another fun story, thanks for taking the time to write it.

7228676 I love using the more siren like form I gave the dazzlings, its more akin to the more traditional mythos of the mermaid,

The three of them now have silky fish like fins on the sides of their heads, more webbing in between their fingers and toes along with fins on their ankles, like the wings of Hermes himself. Their eyes are more slit like, more serpentine and predatory than their regular ones, Skin a lot shinier, more sleek and reflective. Like dolphin skin, rubbery and very soft. They smile at me and thankfully they FINALLY learn not to sharpen their teeth, tails; fins (they feel more like jewels woven into fabric than fish scales) and devious eyes I can handle, but I am NOT that kinda guy into the barracuda mouth thing. They supplemented this by instead having two slightly...Slightly sharp cuspids and forked tongues, oh well I can live with that.

as opposed to the more disney like literal half woman half fish, which i then make a little joke about.

forget Ariel and her Jodi Benson body fellas, the real deal was not something that would make you hit puberty early.

one more thing, while working on this story I got the idea for another more...general audience oriented one that should make a nice summer special, think ill have it ready by memorial day to kick it off. :rainbowdetermined2:

7229242 what was it the sex or the more mermaid like Equestria girls forms I give my waifs?

Kinda like how there is some kind of new content of this character even though the story feels kinda like filler in a way.

Not a 100% sure was kinda tired when I wrote that.

hey whatever the pic you have there it's not showing up i think you may have to reupload it or something cause the pic that should be in the story is not there and good story btw

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