• Published 3rd May 2016
  • 2,674 Views, 27 Comments

"So, uh, How Was It?" - Dr Atlas

Twilight asks Trixie a rather...strange question after her performance.

  • ...

Was it nice?

Trixie stared at Twilight with the blankest face she had ever put on in her life, thinking that part of her brain had clearly hit something and now she was hearing her friend ask the most strangest question she had ever heard, it only made it stranger with how soon she asked it, being only minutes after the whole thing went down. “Uh...w-what?” Trixie asked, her left eye twitching.

Twilight continued smiling, a smile that was both embarrassing for her to put on and for Trixie to see. “W-Well, y-you know...just...w-what was it like?”

“Wh-What was it like?” Trixie stomped her hoof on the backstage floor. “It was horrible! D-Do you know how terrified I was, that Trixie would be performing her last show after that act!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “You act like being shot into the mouth of a manticore would kill you. All that’s gonna happen is it swallowing you before resting in its belly, it’s not tha-”

“Resting!?” Trixie eyes widened. “T-Trixie was far from ‘resting’ inside that beast, she was afraid for her life!” She took a deep breath. “I’m just thankful Starlight helped...I can only imagine what would’ve happened if...if-”

“If you stayed inside that soft, warm, wet, pulsating, stomach?” Twilight’s smile didn’t go away after that sentence, making Trixie question her friend’s choice of words.

Trixie slowly nodded. “U-Uh...yes...I-I’m sure Trixie wouldn't have survived if-”

Twilight crossed her arms. “There you go again with ‘eaten equals death.’ That’s not the case, Trixie.”

Now the show mare was really confused. “Um...Sparkle...T-Trixie might not be the smartest mare, but she sure knows that staying inside the belly of the beast eventually leads to-”

“Not if you know the right spells!”

“Wh-what?” Trixie wasn’t sure if even spells could protect you against such a thing.

Twilight nodded with an even bigger smile. “Yeah, there’s some types of magic that can help against things like this, even Star swirl made one so he would survive his encounter with a dragon.” She rubbed her arm. “I-It might not be for the same purpose and intentions I have, but isn’t it great to know that even he might've had a thing for this?”

Trixie blinked. “T-Thing for what?”

Now Twilight looked at her like she was asking strange questions. “What do you think I’ve been talking about this whole time, Trixie? I’m talking about the joy of being inside a soft, warm, cozy and moist belly, m-maybe even have them rub the outside while you move around in there, you know?”

Trixie was starting to think she was insane. “T-Twilight! How can you even imagine something like that, you would surely perish if you stayed inside a stomach for-”

“I already told you: It can be repelled with a simple spell, and I’m sure air can’t be that hard to get into while someone’s in a stomach, right?” Twilight rubbed her own stomach. “There’s even an enlargement spell so you can even stretch out somepony’s belly large enough so they can fit, isn’t that wonderful?”

Trixie’s left eye twitched and her right ear flicked. “M-Making a belly bigger?”

Twilight nodded, her smile still not going away. “Same size is pretty nice, but for me, I prefer a stomach that’s not too cramped but not too big.”

Trixie was too afraid to ask. “U-Um...h-how do you...know about-”

“We’ve probably all sorta experienced it as a filly, right?” Twilight didn’t wait for an answer and continued. “Late at night sleeping and pulling the covers over you, pretending you’re inside smarty pants as you squirm around and curl up in a ball.” Twilight looked away dreamily. “You experienced something like that when you were little, right?”

Trixie couldn’t stop cringing the entire time she was talking. “Um...Twilight-”

“A-and you were almost eaten by that ursa minor that one time too, I-I’m sure that must've been exciting, right?”

The gears in Trixie’s brain skipped a bit. “T-Twilight, T-Trixie doesn’t feel that comfortable right now with all these questions you’re asking her.” She stepped back, only for Twilight to come closer.

“But I need to know, Trixie, because I wanna know what it’s like being inside the real stomach and not just the mouth.”

“Twilight, I-” She then realized what she said. “M-Mouth?” Was all she could say in response.

Twilight stepped uncomfortably close to Trixie. “Listen, Trixie, I, to, have felt what it’s like, to have a creature eat-”

Trixie shoved a hoof in Twilight’s mouth. “Sparkle, Trixie would rather not talk about you having similar...encounters…”

Twilight pushed her hoof away. “But it was so amazing! To be inside the mouth of that tatzlwurm with tentacle like tongues just coiling over every inch of your body.” Twilight closed her eyes and leaned back. “Just feeling it wrap around you as the sounds of squelching and the aroma of the interior of that mouth...doesn’t it just...just…Trixie” When Twilight opened her eyes, Trixie was staring off into space, it was only when Twilight waved a hoof in front of her face that brought her mind back into the conversation.

“Wh-Wha? Huh?” Trixie blinked rapidly and shook her head. “T-Trixie blanked out for a second.” She rubbed her eyes. “W-What did you say?”

Twilight sighed and decided to start over. “I said that, even though I was in there for a few short seconds, it was the most amazing seconds I’ve ever had in my life…”

Trixie put her hooves up. “S-So let Trixie get this straight, you were eaten by a tatzlwurm-”

“Only orally.” Twilight corrected.

Trixie didn’t even want to question it. “Um...right, that, s-so anyway, that happened to you, a-and you...uh, enjoyed it...” Trixie couldn’t look Twilight in the eye after saying that, since said eye was starting to glimmer a bit. “A-And now you want Trixie to tell you...h-how uh, how was it for her?”

Twilight nodded rapidly. “You’ve gotta go into detail, h-how was it being in it’s mouth? W-What was it’s throat like? H-How was it in the belly? Would you think about doing it agai-”

“NO!” Trixie yelled, making Twilight step back. “N-No...Sparkle, Trixie certainly doesn’t want to have it happen again, a-and she certainly doesn’t want to go into...detail about the experience either.”

Twilight put on a pleading face. “Come on, Trixie, just a little bit? I have to know what a manticore's belly-”

“No means NO, Sparkle, just...just leave and hopefully Trixie can forget this conversation ever happened.” She shivered unpleasantly and walked to the other end of the backstage, leaving Twilight to herself.

Eventually, Twilight looked down and made her way outside, Starlight leaning against the wall next to the door. “So,” She said. “is she into it?”

Twilight sighed and shook her head. “No, apparently she thinks it’s disgusting.”

Starlight chuckled. “Yeah, I thought that’s what she’d say.” She rested her arm on Twilight. “Don’t worry though, I’m sure you’ll find someone who’s into...that…”

“It was like I was talking to Cadance again, I mean, I-It’s not the worst thing you can be into, right?”

Starlight shrugged. “Eh, depends on who you ask that to, some react calmly…” She pointed at herself. “while others…” She pointed to the door. “not so much.”

Twilight sighed even louder. “She could’ve at least told me what it was like being inside that-”

Starlight had to stop her there. “Listen, Twilight, maybe you should...stop talking about this and just...ya know, keep your kinks to yourself.”

Twilight shrugged innocently. “It was just a question, Starlight, I asked Cadance about the same thing, and all she did was stare at me in confusion, at least with Trixie she gave an answer, unlike her who just walked away…” Twilight thought about this. “Maybe I should ask her again, she probably-”

Starlight tapped Twilight’s nose. “Keep it. To. Yourself!”

Author's Note:

Couldn't resist.

Comments ( 27 )

Hm... So will Starlight NOM Twilight?

Trixie put her hooves up. “S-So let Trixie get this straight, you were eaten by a tatzlwurm-”

“Only orally.” Twilight corrected.

As if there are other ways to get eaten? :ajsmug:

Don't answer that :ajbemused:


This pleases me.

Starlight tapped Twilight’s nose. “Keep it. To. Yourself!”

Starlight Glimmer: The Voice of Reason.

But knowing Twilight, I bet she just has to ask just one more pony about what—pleasures her. :twilightsheepish:

You say arm a lot are they anthro?

I feel like the word "vore" should be included somewhere in the description, because I had no idea and did not care for the way I found out.



Comment posted by TGM deleted May 3rd, 2016

most blankest face

A face so blank it needed a non-existent adjective with an adjective.

love this! that's why i like twilight!!


As if there are other ways to get eaten?

Oh, you have no idea...

Oh, and let me say that author's note is hilarious.

Yeah her chance of landing a stallion are dropping like balls.

...And only now do I realize why she is the only Mane 9 (Spike, Starlight, and Sunset included) that I haven't been able to ship with anycreature.

“It was like I was talking to Cadance again, I mean, I-It’s not the worst thing you can be into, right?”

Well, not the worse. She could get off by killing ponies.

:trixieshiftleft: So let Trixie get this straight... :trixieshiftright: You, like the idea of being eaten?
:twilightangry2: Stop kinkshaming me!

One hell of an awkward moment followed by a hilarious Author's note. Very nice :rainbowlaugh:

It really is hard to talk fetishes to certain people unless both decidedly meet in the middle to do so.

Except for when balls actually retract upward in response to hearing stuff like this.

Warning, The Amusmentist.exe has encounterd an error and must be shut down.


So much what.

:trixieshiftright: ...Trixie opening up to the Princess of Kink about her own things? 'Just so you don't feel like Trixie is going to blackmail you over this.'

Or not. Since, you know. What.

Have a thumb.


That's all I'll say :rainbowlaugh:

... ooooookay... then...

so .... twilight is into vore, huh? Well, considering i'd probably have to leave the country if i'd ever cone clean about all of my fetishes, i suppose i have no right to judge her.

Wow, Twi, dude, keep it to yourself, man!


Well I guess trixie isn't into vore. Twilight is, though.

7183345 :pinkiecrazy:

And then Twilight Sparkle disappeared into the Everfree forest, and was never seen again.
A dead manticore was found a few miles away, apparent cause of death being intestinal blockage...
We can only hope Twilight's last moments were happy ones.

7349482 eh,she's princess,she doesn't have to leave the country,simply pass a law never to mention it again.XD

Wouldn't the Tatzlewurm apply to two fetishes at once? You know, vore as well as tentacles?

I imagine it is quite different to be swallowed up (not chewed) by the Tatzlwurm than a manticore.


I need to read that one Tatzlwurm "nsfw" fic again with Twilight and Cadance being subjugated to the given condition stated above.:trollestia:

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