• Published 10th May 2016
  • 446 Views, 7 Comments

Contact: Equestria - Scourge the yellow cat

How would Equestria fare with an alien that commands a powerful army?

  • ...


DATE: 5/3/2016

"Alreight gentalemen!" Yelled a tall, skinny Navy Captin with a french accent standing next to a stand to his crew insight of the Aircraft Carrier U.S.H United States, surrounded by 1 destroyer, 1 patrol boat, 1 crusier, and by 1 battleship. "Zeis 'cerrier eis state-of-the-art and if zou noticed, we have ze higher-ups of ze militory branch USGF behind moi, ze shadows in ze water near ze corners, as well as ze odd engines in ze control room. Ze Americons has claimed zis 'carrier for zemselves for reasons, as well as another 'carrier for ze Navy. Scourge, if you may?"

"Gladly." Replied a yellow humanoid cat, wearing a black sleeveless jacket and blue jeans as it walked up to the stand. Scourge struggled for a second to get on the stool that was placed behind the stand (because Scourge is about 3½ feet tall, versus the 6 foot tall adult human). After Scourge was able to stand on the stool, he started his speech.

"My fellow Airmen, Marines, Army men, Seamen, and Coast Guards men, when the foundin' fathers helped create this glorious nation, they relied on the patriots to defend this nation, which they did. Everytime America was attacked, soldiers like you went and completed that one eternal misson, to protect America and her intrests. We always needed the tech to fight for it, but also the men willin' to die for it. Now, advances in technology has given us this,"

Suddenly, the Aircraft Carrier, followed by the fleet, started to lurch as the scared Seamen looked on. Then, something amazing happened,

The ships flew.

Each had 2 engines that were as large as a city block on each side. the largest, the Aircraft Carrier U.S.H United States, started to fly toward Scourge and the awe-struck Seamen.

"Welcome to the Heli Age. They are called by these names, the heli-destroyer," Said Scourge as he pointed at the hovering destroyer,
"The heli-crusier, Patrol-heli, Battle-heli, and finally, the Helicarrier. To help everyone out, the 'heli's are the flying form of the original. Questions?"

"Why arn't they falling apart? Because I'm sure the engines produce the flight." A sailor that raised his hand asked.

"Correct, and the heli-ships are made out of Socanium, which was recently discovered." Replied Scourge.

Socanium is a combination of Titanium, Vibranium, and plasma (like the STAR WARS™ kind). It is 50% lighter than carbon tubes and even more stronger than it COMBINED with Titanium and Vibranium (give or take by 1,000% more). But it costs twice more then Titanium to produce a square foot. Scourge stepped off the stand and boarded the awaiting helicarrier...


DATE: 5/3/2016

"Yes, Grimy Gears?" Asked Princess Celestia to a tan pegasus that had green eyes, with a gear and a wrench as his cutiemark. Right next to him was a machine labled P-TM9001.

"My ruler," Said Grimy Gears, "I have invented a machine that can teleport between planets without the use of magic!"

Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow. She then said,

"May we see it work?"

"Sure, my ruler."

With that, Grimy Gears trotted to the machine and turned it on. The machine came on with lights blazing when it made a concerning sound,


"That's not supposed to happen." Said a scared Grimy Gears as he started to try to shut the machine down as it made more sounds before it blew up in a white light.

"Sorry, my ruler." Grimy Gears apologized to a shocked Princess Celestia that was looking at the smoldering black mini crater where the machine once stood just before he ran out of the castle...

I wonder how Princess Celestia likes her red carpet having a smoldering hole on it?


DATE: 5/3/2016

"Are you sure?"

"Bingo, partner. She is built out of Socanium. Heck, she can survive hell." Replied Scourge to his Second-in-Command. The Second-in-Command nodded and pressed a button.


The hangar opened to reveal a heavily modified A-10 Thunderbolt II (requested by Scourge to the U.S government as his personal aircraft) labled American Thunderbolt. Scourge got in.

"Time to take this puppy for a test spin." Said Scourge as he started the engines up.

{Ready to go, Sonic.} Said the radio operater (via radio).

"Roger that, Tango."


With that, Scourge flew off the helicarrier.

At Mach 3.

"WOOOOOOHOOOOO!" Yelled Scourge as the American Thunderbolt reached Mach 3.

{Uh, Sonic,} Said Scourge's radio, {You've been surrounded by an energy.}

Scourge's ears perked up.

"What?" He replied.

{It seems that-}

The radio was cut short.


"WARNING! WARNING!" Yelled the computer, "ALL ENGINES ARE OFF-"

The last thing that Scourge saw before he crashed into the sea was a bright light...


DATE: 5/3/2016

"ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO!" Yelled Ditzy 'Derpy' Hooves as she waved the starting flag. Exactly 0.4 miliseconds later, Rainbow Dash and Lightning Blitz soared passed her with a sonic blast. Ditzy was almost sucked to the ground caused by the 2 pegasi.

"HA!" Yelled Rainbow Dash as she was already a mile ahead of Lightning Blitz. All too-wait, isn't Lightning Dust supposed to be– Rainbow Dash thought before she was interrupted with a bright flash (at this point, she was over the part where the Everfree Forest was near Ponyville).

What...The...Buck? Thought Rainbow Dash as she looked in front of her...


DATE: 5/3/2016


Wha? Thought Scourge as he looked around confused.

Scourge looked at the Mach meter.

Mach 23

MACH 23?!
Scourge barely had time to react when he looked up.

He was about to hit a cyan rainbow-maned Pegasus.

Time slowed...

Scourge forced the joystick down...

Just as the American Thunderbolt reached passed the Mach table, it also crashed into the ground outside of the forest, opening the cockpit and sending an uncouncous Scourge flying for 25 meters and hitting the ground...

The cyan rainbow-maned Pegasus saw all of this just before flying to Ponyville to get help,

That help would be in the form of a purple alicorn...

Author's Note:

I hope you liked this story so far!
And PLEASE post a comment telling me if I did great (or at least for now!), or if there's somethin' I should fix.
And remember, this is Sci-Fi.
