• Published 17th Apr 2016
  • 699 Views, 7 Comments

My Fair Little Spike (A very awful fic) - DakariKingMykan

A Story about Spike wanting Rarity to be his special Somepony on Hearts and Hooves Day

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Amends of Friends


The angry males glared at Rarity as they closed in on her. The poor dear quivered and whimpered fearfully, when suddenly… POOF, Twilight appeared and then teleported them both out of the house. “Let’s go find her!” shouted one of the males, and the entre mob dashed off.

Meanwhile, Spike was sitting all alone near the river, still feeling a bit glum that he’d be spending Hearts and Hooves day dateless. “I bet she’s already chosen somepony else.” he kept telling himself. He was so lost in his gloominess, he didn’t see Twilight and Rarity poof out of nowhere on the other side of the river.

“Oh, Twilight, thank you, thank you ever so much!” Rarity sobbed, but Twilight acted all smug. “I knew this would happen to you, Rarity.”

“Oh, yes… you were right all along. How could I have been so blind? Now everypony in town is after me, and not in a pleasant way.”

The ground suddenly began to rumble softly as the sound of a huge stampede was coming, and sure enough a huge stampede of many mares and fillies were storming across the meadows. “There she is!” they shouted.

“You stole all the boys in town!”

“You’re going to pay!”

“RUN!!” shouted Twilight, and she and Rarity took off as fast as their hooves could carry them. Spike overheard everything and saw the commotion. Rarity was in huge trouble and he wasn’t about to just sit and let this happen. So he jogged off hoping to catch up to the girls.

As the girls ran, they felt it best of they fled into Everfree Forest to try and lose them, but the mob still followed them in, splitting up in so many different directions covering as much ground as they could.

Rarity and Twilight took refuge behind a large tree as some of the girls ran right past them, but Rarity knew she wasn’t safe, and Twilight wouldn’t be able to teleport them out as practically everypony in town was after her. There was no safe place to go, and now she was involved as well for helping Rarity get away.

“Oh, Twilight what am I going to do?” Rarity cried.

“Can’t you just try and apologize to them?” Twilight suggested “Maybe if you give them back all their gifts and stuff they’ll forgive you.”

Rarity felt that was a great idea, but first she’d have to get back home which meant getting past the mobs and that wouldn’t be easy. “Don’t you have an invisibility spell of some sort I can use?”

Twilight shook her head sadly. Their only hope was quietly tried to creep out of the forest without being seen. They slunk and crept about through all the thickets and brambles, ducking out of sight whenever members of the mob came by.

They had many close encounters with getting caught, and just as they were able to make their way to leave the forest, all covered in twigs and leaves and mud-- Rarity did all she could to keep herself from screaming or groaning in disgust the whole way-- when suddenly Rarity stepped on one single twig, snapping it very loudly. She and Twilight gasped softly, but members of the mob already saw them “There they are! Get them!” and the girls found themselves on the run again with the mob quick on their tails, but as they reached the forest edge the skidded to a grinding halt, as the mob of boys were there, snarling and growling at Rarity, and at Twilight for helping her.

The girls quivered and shook with fear and held each other, whimpering as the angry ponies approached them slowly, getting closer, and closer, but just as things were about to get really ugly. “…STOP!!!” Spike shouted as he came hopping along the heads of all the ponies into the circle by the girls. “Stop…! Stop, Stop, Stop!!”

“Spike!!” the girls cried.

The mob glared at the little dragon, but Spike didn’t even budge. He just stood tall and proud before the girls and glared at the mob “Look at you and what you’ve become. Rarity made a mistake, she tried to apologize, and quite frankly I’m surprised at all of you! True, Rarity is pretty and pretty kind at times, but all of you go after her completely ignoring all the other single girls out there whom you left nearly dateless for Hearts and Hooves day!”

The facial features in the mobs slowly changed in realization.

Twilight couldn’t believe Spike was actually saying all this, but Rarity thought it was rather touching, and exactly right.

“Is this what Hearts and Hooves is all about?” Spike continued “Is about presents… showing off… fighting… jealousy?! I’ll tell you what it should be about.” He turned to gaze at Twilight “It’s about being yourself, the best you can be.”

Twilight smiled at him, and then Spike gazed back to Rarity “And it’s also about being around someone you really like, but not because of their popularity, but rather for real feelings.”

A tear rolled down Rarity’s cheek, and the mob ultimately decided Spike was right, and they had all been acting foolish, and the mob began to breakup and everyone headed back into Ponyville. Some even walked out as couples, side-by-side.

“Spike…” Rarity said “Thank you, you really helped there. That’s another one of the bravest things you’ve ever done for me.”

Spike felt like he was glowing.

Twilight approached them. “Spike… don’t you have something else you want to say?” she was hinting at Rarity. Spike gazed at Rarity nervously and she blinked her long eyelashes at him twice. He stuttered and stammered a little, and rubbed the back of his head. “Um… Rarity… I…”

“Yes… Spike…?”

Spike then found a single wildflower where he was standing and plucked it, got down on one knee and held it out to her “Hearts and Hooves day is coming… and… I was… wondering… will you be my very special somepony for that day?”

Rarity felt really flattered, and seeing as Spike was being sweet and honest, not to mention he just saved her rump form being seriously kicked. “Oh, Spikey-Wikey… of course I will.” And she gave him a huge long peck on the cheek… and you can bet Spike fell over in a lovey-dovey daze, giggling softly.

The girls couldn’t help but giggle at him.

Rarity and Spike both learned from this, so they thought it fair they both write a friendship report together.

Dear Princess Celestia…

We both learned big things about actions and attitude.

Rarity learned that’s it not nice to get other ponies’ hopes up and to take gifts from them all for nearly nothing. Not only can it break their hearts, but it can break the hearts and hurt feelings of those beside them which can lead to fighting and arguing from which they might not resolve without there being big trouble.

Spike learned that’s it’s foolish trying to try and be or act like someone you’re just not, and what others do is their own thing, and may not really be the right thing for you. He learned the best way to act is like himself, which helped him realize what Hearts and Hooves is really about.

We both promise not to try and get carried away like this more often.

--Rarity and Spike

Over the next few days, Rarity did well on her word and returned all the gifts to all the boys which they used to give to their real dates. Then, it was Hearts and Hooves day at last, and keeping her promise, Rarity arrived at the library and she and Spike spent the whole day together.

*Moonlight Becomes You plays in the background*

Spike even dressed up a cute little tux, and gave her another flower identical to the original one he had planned to give her before, to which she accepted graciously. They went for a long walk together. They ate out for lunch, and Spike paid for the whole meal using some of his favorite gems from his collection, flattering her deeply.

They went to Pinkie Pie’s Hearts and Hooves party and enjoyed the fun and games with everyone, and they spun the rolling pin and it pointed at them both. They exchanged pecks on the cheeks, but it didn’t end there.

At night they went for a romantic coach ride together, and Spike lead her to a spot place in the moonlit meadows where he had a beautiful picnic dinner set up, which foods he bought, not made. Rarity couldn’t believe he went to all this trouble just for her. Spike even brought a phonograph with soft gentle music and asked if maybe she’d like to dance under the moonlight… and they certainly did.

And a while latter, they just sat together side-by-side leaned against one another while they gazed up at the moon and stars, and Rarity pecked him again, and he pecked her softly in return. It was truly a Hearts and Hooves to remember for them both.

As for Celestia, she had just unwrapped a card given to her by Twilight, and it was still blank, but inside with the card was a detected letter that said “I left it blank because no matter how hard I tried, no words could describe how grateful I feel towards you and all that you’ve done for me.”

Celestia smiled and sighed heavenly “Happy Hearts and Hooves, Twilight.”

Author's Note:

I rate this garbage Negative 100 out of 10

Comments ( 4 )
Comment posted by Jake The Army Guy deleted Apr 17th, 2016
Comment posted by Maniak deleted Apr 18th, 2016
Comment posted by DuskPhoenix deleted Apr 20th, 2016
Comment posted by Mystic Sunrise deleted Jan 12th, 2018
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