• Published 15th Apr 2016
  • 852 Views, 12 Comments

Out of Time (rout of evil) - theredbregade

One man with the power to manipulate time in a world of peace and harmony. Hero or Threat

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Out of Time

(P.O.V: Sam)

"So were are we going now big bro?" I asked my brother Mike as we drove from the parking lot of the pizza parlor. He turned his head to look at me with those green eyes I loved so much and with a smile he said.

"Where every you want dude. It's your birthday after all!" I was only 18 when it happened, it was my birthday and both Mike and I went out for some pizza and hung out at the arcade for a few hours. When we left the darkness of the arcade, it was almost sun set. There was one last thing I wanted to do before we went home and that was to see the sun set with the person I loved so much.

"Hey dude, can you park the car for a minute." Mike pulled over to the side of the road and turned off the car to save gas.

"You ok?" Mike asked with a worried expression. "You didn't eat to much pizza did you." I laughed and shook my head.

"No silly! I...just want to watch the sunset...with you." He smiled and ruffled my hair like he did when I was a kid.

"Sure!" He pulls his seat back and lets out a content sigh


"Hmm" I shifted in my seat so I was facing his semi prone form in his car seat.

"Do you think mom and dad could see us now" Mike and I never liked to talk about our parents after they died during their flight to Las Vegas. Our mom was a professional architect who designed skyscrapers and homes, and our dad was a famous scientist who studied time travel. When he came home he would tell me amazing stories such as time when he gave the first human the ability to control time. 'crazy I know' On the other hand when our mom came home she brought back tons of books which she read to us. Before they left dad gave me his black leather jacket. "Take good care of it champ." That was the last thing he ever said.

Mike looked out the window and watched as the sun began to set, one lone tear trailing down his cheek "Were ever they are I'm sure they are proud of the man you've become. I was just about to ask Sam if we could just go home when out of the blue the sounds of screeching tires pierced the silence. I only had time to see Sam throw something onto my lap when the car was struck by a mighty force. I shut my eyes expecting the inevitable death only to feel nothing. I cracked open an eye and what I saw shocked me to the core. Everything was frozen in time! I looked around the car and saw various things floating in mid air. Glass, blood, and other junk in the car just float right in front of me. I tapped on a small piece of glass causing it to float a few inches away from me. 'Curious.' I thought was I undid my seatbelt.

I slowly get off my seat and peaked over the head of my brother's car seat only to see the frozen look of horror on his face. Quickly deciding not to waste anymore time, I scrambled out of my seat ,and tried to pull him out of his, but to my horror his foot was pinned to the floor by some metal shrapnel from the crash. No matter how hard I pulled I couldn't pull him out, so I did the next best thing and climbed out the window to get help. 'Someone must have heard the explosion!"

When I escaped the car I looked around and much to my shock everything was frozen jut like the car. People were stuck pointing at our destroyed car and I even noticed a few birds stuck hovering in mid air! 'Time is completely frozen' I thought as I began hyperventilating, but stopped when I felt something painful lodged in my thigh. I looked down and sure enough a small peace of metal was stuck firmly in my flesh. When I pulled it out I oddly enough felt a rush of energy and then without warning time unfroze. I whipped my head around just in time to see the truck that hit our car explode, sending me flying backwards. The last thing I saw was a flash of light then nothing.

(Meanwhile 1 minute ago)

(P.O.V: Celestia)

I was just lowering the sun when I heard a loud booming sound. I looked out the window and noticed some creature of sorts was flying right towards me! I only had seconds to react so I quickly encased it in my magic causing the limp body to freeze just as we were about to collide. In all my years of ruling over Equestria I've met griffons, orcs, even dragons! This creature was completely new and look similar to a monkey. I one thing that caught my attention was the large cuts and bruises covering it's body.

"Oh dear! I must get 'him' to the infirmary now!" With a burst of magic I teleported us there in seconds. "Doctor I got an injured creature that need immediate attention!" The doctor didn't even stop to question my request and quickly had the unknown creature put on one of the Minotaur sized stretchers. The unicorn nurses then proceeded to carefully run him into one of the rooms. I give one last weary look towards the creature then teleported myself to my sisters room. 'I do hope he is alright' I thought worriedly.

I knocked on my sister Luna's bedroom door and she opened it in an instant. "What do thou need of us dearest sister?" I then told how the creature fell from the sky and how I brought it to the castle's infirmary. When I was finished Luna was starring at me wide eyed. "Tia what if this creature were to awak-"

"Princess Celestia the creature has awaken!!!" a guard shouted out in the hallway. Me and Luna both shared equally surprised expressions before quickly teleporting away without saying a thing. When we arrived the whole place was a mess! Ponies were running and screaming in different directions I asked one of the nurses what was going on and she said that the creature was missing from it's room!

"Oh dear"

Comments ( 12 )

Good chapte

Not read this but you probably want to add more tags besides 'Sex'.


Oops my bad:twilightblush: thanks for telling me

7128183 sorry was extremely tired and wanted 2 sleep badly

7128482 Does this have anything to do with Quantum Break? I'm just asking, I didn't read it yet, and no, its not a negative question. I just wanna know before hand.


The story is inspired by quantum break:twilightsmile: Im surprised you came up with the question. good job!

7130664 I love Quantum Break lol ill track this story to see where it goes :yay:

Thou hast peeked thy interest in many ways!

1: The smell of mystery and exploration
2: The idea of tinkering with time
3: The romance and Fluttershy tag at the same time (don't disappoint me)

Only time can tell

What a punny description :moustache::moustache::moustache:

What a shame this story died on chapter 1...

I would like this not to be dead, thank you

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