• Published 15th Jun 2012
  • 453 Views, 2 Comments

Backfire's Story - Backfire_Sparks

This is his story, nothing more, nothing less.

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Chapter 2

As Backfire was flying home he couldn’t help but think of how lucky he was to meet a real dragon, one that didn’t wanna kill and eat him for food. As he got closer to the town he noticed a dark form floating from the ground, getting a worried feeling he started flying faster. The sight he beheld when he got to the town was of horror and surprise, half the houses had been destroyed, the other half burned or half way destroyed. Feeling sick he flew down and ran to the nearest pony he saw, “what happened here!?” he exclaimed. “A dragon attacked, he was furious and we couldn’t do anything to stop him”, the pony said. Quickly Backfire ran towards his house, when he got there he couldn’t even recognize the house anymore, it was so destroyed, so ravaged he couldn’t make out the front door. Backfire panicked and started shout for his parents, but they were nowhere to be found. He ran to the neighbor who was just coming out of his wrecked house, “Have you seen my parents!?” Backfire yelled. Before the hurt and scared pony could reply Backfire heard his name, he turned and called, “Mom? Is that you!?” he listened. From under the rubble he heard his name again, “Mother, father!!!” he shouted and ran for the destroyed house. Running towards the house he noticed part of the ruble move, franticly he ran to the spot and began digging, throwing the debris away. As he dug deeper he began to see blood smeared on the debris, even more scared now he dug faster and fast, until at last, he got to where his parents were. What he thought was a call of his name was just the debris settling. His parent both lay at his hooves, lifeless and unmoving. The last thing he remembered from the day before was telling his mom he’d see them for dinner, he wasn’t able to say anything to his father because he had left for work. Panic set in, Backfire broke down right there and then. Nothing else in the world mattered anymore, he had lost everything, his family, friends, neighbors, house, everything! He snapped, he ran out of the town and back into the forest, he ran until he couldn’t run anymore, then he collapsed and wept. “Mom and Dad, what have I done!” he cried out loudly. After what seemed like days he finally remembered the only place he could go now, Crystal’s cave. He would be safe there right? She wouldn’t kick him out right away, would she? “Agh this is all so confusing!!” Backfire yelled starting to fly towards the cave. Maybe just maybe, she wouldn’t care and would welcome him there. He hoped…

Comments ( 2 )

Wall of text, no good backstory, and the ever so cliché "It was a dark lonely Night". My advice is to space out your paragraphs, follow the writing rule of "show but don't tell", and please work on a interesting concept.

Agreed with this guy.

Wall of text = no will whatsoever to read the rest of it.

Also, filly means in human term girl, or little girl. Unless your character got through a sex-change when he was still a minor, which is highly unlikely. The word you were looking for is colt.

Start new paraghraphs when they talk, it becomes much less confusing. No cookies for this one.

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