• Published 22nd Sep 2016
  • 1,399 Views, 10 Comments

What is Right - Stahl

After Discord is turned to stone, Luna is left having doubts about how her sister rules.

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What is Right

The moon blotted the night sky, stars packing in around it. A breeze wafted through the dead silent courtyard. The blades of grass were already drenched in dew, and the trees groaned as the wind picked up. Upon a balcony overlooking the garden, Princess Luna and a single guard stood.

Luna sighed, the moon already halfway raised. It slowly ascended as Luna shuddered, her brow furrowing and sweat flowing off of her soaked fur. It then shook, copying its raiser’s legs. Luna gasped, her shoulders dropping down, as the moon froze in the sky, her horn’s glow falling to a simple glimmer.

“Princess, are you all right?” A bat pony walked up to her, his wings slightly lowering with his shoulders. “You seem to be struggling with raising the moon tonight.”

Luna collapsed onto her haunches. “I am doing fine, Eventide. I am merely fatigued from dealing with Discord.” Her horn’s glow simmered down into nothingness. “I will get over this.”

“I do not believe it is that simple, Your Majesty. It appears to me that you are struggling great with bringing the night. If you would like, I could notify your sister—”

Luna slammed down a hoof. “No! She does not need to know!”

Eventide flinched, his wings slightly opening up, but were soon relaxed once more. “As you wish, Princess.” He turned away, starting to walk back toward his post. “Though, I must say, you should tell somepony about this. It would be a shock if one day you were unable to bring the night at all.”

Luna whipped her head around, her lip curling upward. “What are you trying to say? Are you saying that I am not fit to raise the moon each night?”

“No, no, Princess. I am merely stating the possible outcome of what may happen if you continue to go on like this.” Now at his post, Eventide turned around. “You are not all right.”

“I do believe that I am better than you think.” Luna stood up onto her hooves. “I, of all ponies, do not need help in doing what I was created for.” She walked past Eventide, her nose in above him. “Now, First Sergeant Eventide, I suggest you cease speaking out before it gets you in trouble.”

Eventide’s head lowered, his ears drooping. “Yes, Your Majesty. I am sorry for speaking out of turn.”

“Now, come. I would like to have breakfast before I begin my duties for this night.” With Eventide following, Luna walked inside from the balcony and into the dining room. Unlike usual, it was empty, for Princess Celestia had not yet returned from a task of her own. Luna focused on a chair at the head of the table—though it was slightly smaller than the chair that sat beside it—and walked to it, Eventide remaining watch at the room’s main doors.

A server walked into the room, a tray being held in his telekinetic grasp. “Princess.” He bowed. “I have a small appetizer for you here. Is celery to your liking?”

“Yes. It will do for now. Thank you, Silver Platter.”

“Ah, you’re welcome, Princess.” The tray was sat down in front of her. “I will be back with your usual in no more than ten minutes. The cooks will be on it right away.” Bowing once more, he walked out of the room through door smaller than the main set.

Luna picked up a celery stick in her magic and bit into it. She took the rest of the stick and shoved it into her mouth. Another piece was raised into the air and eaten, followed by more. Soon, an empty tray sat before her, her ears slightly drooping as she looked down at the bare platter.

The main doors of the room opened, and Princess Celestia trotted in, a smile plastered on her face. “Hello, Lulu!” She took her seat next to Luna, wrapping a wing around her in a small hug.

“Good evening, Tia.” A small smile found its place on Luna’s muzzle. “I take it from your chipper mood that the diplomacy meeting with Queen Aletheia went astoundingly well.”

Celestia’s shoulders slumped, and her smile fell. “It… did not.”

“What transpired?” Luna shifted out of Celestia’s hug. “And then why are you so chipper?”

Celestia turned her head away from Luna. “Aletheia is still… not trusting of us.” Celestia sighed. “She believes that because we turned Discord to stone and that we banished Sombra, we will come for her next.” She scoffed. “As if we would do such a thing. Aletheia is the Element of Honesty; we have no reason to betray her.”

Luna looked away. “Though we did so with Discord and Sombra.”

Celestia gasped. “Luna! They were evil! We did not have a choice in the matter!”

“But we did.”

Celestia looked back at her, her expression locked in a scowl. “Luna—”

“As Discord said, we could have tried to reform them. They were fellow Elements of Harmony.” Luna looked back to Celestia. “Was what we did right?”

“Luna, we had no choice. Discord would have not come back to reason, nor would Sombra. They were both horrible, evil beings. There are some that you cannot change.”

“That may be what you believe, sister, but I feel as if there was some other road we could have taken.” Luna pushed back the chair she sat in and stood up. “I will be going back to my quarters. Please tell the nobles that Night Court has been cancelled for the night. I have personal matters to attend to.”

The doors opened, and Silver Platter trotted in, pushing a cart in his magic. “Hello, Princesses, I am back with your—”

Luna walked past him. “There is no need for that, Silver. I will not be eating tonight, though my sister will. She has had a long day.”

His ears lowered, but he still bowed. “Yes, Your Majesty. I look forward until the next time you shall dine.”

“Thank you.” She glanced toward the door. “Eventide, escort me to my room.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Eventide walked forward and to the main doors, opening one up for Luna as she walked through it.

“Sister—” The door closed, cutting Celestia off.
“Princess,” Eventide said, “I do believe I know why you are acting the way you are.”

Luna remained silent.

“Is it because you are guilty for banishing Discord? And Som—”

“Call him by his actual name.”

“Er… King Shining Gleam.”

Luna looked away. “No, I do not feel guilty because of those reasons. While I do know that there could have been another way, what we did seemed necessary at the time.”

“But, Princess, they were your friends.” Eventide walked in front of her, blocking her path.

Luna brushed past him. “No. They were both doing evil deeds. I cannot call anything doing such things a friend. It would do their subjects injustice.”

Eventide looked away. “Whatever you say, Your Majesty. I still believe you are guil—”

“Yet I am not!” With her eyes shimmering down from a white glow, Luna harrumphed, going ahead of Eventide. “Now, Eventide, if you need me, I will be attending to matters in my quarters. Do not disturb me unless it is a matter of national security.” Luna, opening two navy blue doors with her magic, walked through them and into her room.

“Yes, Your Majesty. I will stand watch out here.” The doors slammed shut.

Luna sat down and sighed. “Eventide,” she whispered, “stop being so damned nosy. I do not wish for you to know about every strife I have.” She levitated over an open book, a quill, and a vile of ink. Setting the book down in front of her, she began to write:

Date: July 14, 634 G.A.

Tonight has been difficult. Aside from having difficulty in raising the moon, it seems that First Sergeant Eventide has noticed my distress. However, he would not understand why I feel so. While an amazing friend, he could not understand how I feel about my sister. Sometimes, though, I feel as if Discord was correct in his assumptions of how Celestia is.

Speaking of her, her negotiations with Queen Aletheia did not go well. I do not know why it is, but it seems that all of the Elements of Harmony have not been getting along like how we used to. Could it be that we are… growing apart? If so, I do not wish for this to happen. Maybe I should visit Queen Aletheia before I do anything rash. I do not wish to upset the balance of things in the world.

That actually does not sound like a bad idea. If I were to visit Aletheia, then I could get a second opinion on how Celestia is. Maybe I am in the wrong here, and Discord is just playing with my mind even after his banishment. For all as I could know, that could be what he wanted. However, I cannot be for sure. I shall fly to visit her first thing in the morning, and I will only take a select few guards with me. I cannot let this meeting be common knowledge throughout the land.

Until next time, Luna.

Luna looked up from her book. “I am really going to do this,” she realized. “I need to find out if she seems strange to anypony else.” She stood up from the floor before placing the book back in a drawer from her desk. She slightly knocked on her door.

It opened, revealing Eventide, his brows furrowed. “Is there something you wish, Princess?”

“I would like to apologize to you, Eventide. I was not in my right mind earlier, though I still may not be.” She looked away, but spoke up again before Eventide could start speaking. “I must ask a favor of you. I plan to fly to meet with Queen Aletheia first thing in the morn. I would like for you to accompany me when I depart.”

Eventide lowered his head. “Your wish is my command, Princess. I will follow you until the end of the world.”

“That is pleasing to hear, Eventide. Go notify Sergeant Moonshot that he will have to take the second half of your shift tonight. I wish for you to be well rested, and inform First Sergeant Butterscotch and Captain Broad Stroke that I wish to fly with them soon.”

Eventide saluted. “Your wish shall be done, Your Majesty. I will be back in right before the sun rises. For now, though, I will go get rest.”

The doors gently closed, and Luna went to her bed, taking off her royal regalia. Slowly, she lay down upon her bed. “I do hope that this is the right call,” she mumbled before closing her eyes.


Once more, Luna stood on a balcony. This one, however, being the one directly connected to her own room. Flapping wings were faintly heard as a set of three ponies approached, the leading one being Eventide. Following him, was a yellow coated pegasus mare and gray pegasus stallion.

They landed on the balcony before Luna, all bowing. “I have returned with those you asked for and at the time you wished,” Eventide said before standing back up. “Shall you do the briefing?”

“Yes, I shall. Please stand.” Luna walked over to them, and they stood back up. “Tonight, we are flying out to the Valley of Flowers. I wish to speak with Queen Aletheia in private. You three are to accompany me, but I do not want a single word of this reaching my sister, nor anyone else. This is a matter of secrecy. Do you understand?”

The three saluted. “Yes, Your Highness!”

“We shall fly as soon as I set the moon.” Luna’s horn was set aglow in the dim world. Ever so slowly, the moon was surrounded in a light blue glow, which caused it to slowly descend behind the hills of the west. The beautiful stars faded from the night as a bright light grew over the eastern hills, covering the land in shadows. The moon, only halfway down, quaked, Luna’s horn suddenly becoming dark.

“Princess!” Butterscotch shouted. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine, First Sergeant Butterscotch. Do not worry about me.” Sweat poured off of her as her horn’s magic grew darker, a purple glow coming off her closed eyes. The moon shot downward and into the horizon as Luna panted, her horn’s magic becoming naught.

Broad Stroke leapt under her, preventing her from falling. “Do you still believe it is wise to set out for the Valley of Flowers, Princess?”

“Yes. We must, Captain. It is of dire circumstances.” Luna looked up to Butterscotch and Eventide, the latter having his ears drooped and muzzle away from her. “You two, go fetch me my chariot. I must rest for the time being.”

They bowed before flying off, leaving Luna alone with Broad Stroke. “Princess,” he spoke, “why must you see Queen Aletheia on such short notice? Is it a matter of national security?”

Moving off of him, Luna nodded. “Yes, Captain. I believe that there is something wrong with my sister. I must ask her if she has noticed anything about her. If so, I fear for the worst.”

He gasped, his ears flying back. “Wrong? How so? She seems fine to me, Princess.”

“I… do not know. It is just a feeling I have, yet I cannot leave it alone. I am sorry for dragging you through this, but it truly is necessary.” Panting, Luna splayed out her wings, slightly fanning them in the new sunlight. “Eventide and Butterscotch will be returning with the chariot soon. I ask that you are one to pull it. I have matters to discuss with First Sergeant Eventide, and it is no time for a nocturnal pony such as him to be flying.”

He bowed. “As you command, Princess Luna.”

The chariot soon appeared, the sunlight gleaming off of its silver color. It landed in front of her as both Eventide and Butterscotch bowed. “Eventide, I would ask you to please dismount and let Captain Broad Stroke pull. We have some matters to discuss.”

Slowly, Eventide detached the harness and gave it to Broad Stroke. Luna stepped onto the chariot, gesturing to Eventide to follow. “What would you like, Princess?”

Luna looked away. “It is about of the twilight of yesterday. You are… correct in the sense that there is something wrong.” The chariot gathered speed as its pullers galloped forward and leapt into the air.

“And what of it? Are you still refusing to let me tell your sister?”

She stood up straighter, her muzzle now simply facing forward. “Yes, Eventide. Princess Celestia cannot know, for she is the major factor in my inner conflict.”

His ears perked up. “What do you mean?”

“I cannot ask you this directly, for you have not known her for decades. However, it appears to me that she has changed.” She sighed and faced Eventide. “Even though it is not wise, I consider you to be a friend, Eventide. You are, quite possibly, my only friend left in this world.”

“It honors me that you think that way, Princess. I would like to consider you the same. You have always been there for me, and I try to be there for now. However, is your sister not there for you? I would believe that she is a close friend of yours too.”

“As you know, Eventide, her and I recently defeated Discord. However, there is something he said to me; it is something that I cannot get out of my head either.” Luna once again looked away, out toward the rising sun. “He told me that Celestia is controlling. That if everything does not go her way, she forces it to. And… to be quite frank, I am starting to believe him.”

Eventide gasped. “You’re not saying that your sister is a… t-tyrant, are you?”

“No. I would never say such a thing. What I am saying is that she is a young leader. She seems to believe that whatever she does is correct. That her kindness is the type that should be spread amongst all creatures of the world.”

He nodded. “And her kindness is a great one, Princess.”

“It is, but is it truly correct to force something like that upon the world? She believes that her views are the correct ones, and that there is no room for compromise. That is why I believe Discord is in stone currently.” Luna faced Eventide once again. “Therefore, I am venturing to the Valley of Flowers to speak with Queen Aletheia to ask her if she has noticed anything as well. As I, she has known Celestia since the Dark Ages, and I do hope that I am wrong. However, the diplomacy meeting not going well is troubling to me. It makes me believe that maybe she is changing.”

Eventide bowed his head. “I am sorry, Princess, but I do not see it as of now.” He sighed. “I see Princess Celestia as a caring ruler who treats all of her ponies equally, no matter if you are a farmer or a noble.” Sighing once more, he looked back up to Luna. “But, if you see something of this caliber, then I will believe you. Princess, I am your sword, and it is my duty to protect you. I must do so until the end.”

Luna wrapped a wing around his back, pulling him into a slight hug. “Thank you, Eventide. That is something I needed to hear. For now, though, I’d wish that you get some rest. I do know that the day is something you never wish to be out in.”

Nodding, Eventide leaned into her, resting his head on her soft fur as he closed his eyes. Luna, however, continued to look on as the rolling hills and forests passed on, not daring to take an eye away from it, so she would not miss her destination. Eventually, though, the forests gave way unto fields as the beautiful farmland passed beneath them, which soon turned into uninhabited, wild hills. Suddenly, the hills gave way to a great field trapped between them as mountains rose to the north and south.

The fields gleamed off the sunlight, the flowers that filled them turning into a beautiful prism of colors. They stretched on for miles, their beauty never diminishing, but only increasing. Luna smiled and nudged Eventide awake. Rubbing his eyes, he smiled at the sight as well.

“We have almost reached our destination.” Luna pointed to a large flower—towering over a hundred meters—that lay in the distance. “That is where she rules.” Luna looked to Butterscotch and Broad Stroke. “Land up there! At the top of the Flower!”

The two nodded and dived down from the sky, onto the top of the golden flower that was in full blossom. Slowly, Luna glanced off the side of the flower, noticing the hundreds of smaller flowers—only around ten meters tall each—in the surrounding area. “This is the beautiful city of Evenglide.”

Butterscotch peered over the edge. “Isn’t it a bit quiet for a city?”

Luna nodded before stepping off the chariot. “Yes. Therefore, I want you and Broad Stroke to stay here to watch the chariot. While I hope everything is fine, I am worried that something horrid has taken place. Eventide, I wish for you to come with me.”

They all saluted before Luna and Eventide walked away from the group, nearing the center of the flower. Luna spread her wings, Eventide copying her, and jumped down into the flower’s hollow stem. The two glided down until they reached the center of the stem, where Luna jumped off and toward a small balcony. While there, the silence of the kingdom still ravaged on. “Eventide,” she whispered, “follow me in. Through here is the throne room. Be prepared for anything.”

After his nodding, Luna reached out with her magic and opened the door, slowly walking into the dimly lit room. Glowing fungus lined the walls as the silhouettes of guards surrounded them, spears being shoved toward them. In the middle of the room, a chair much higher than any other stood with a heavy curtain draping down from above, blocking the view of whoever sat upon it.

Snarling was heard throughout the room as the black silhouettes stepped forward. Eventide, spread out a wing that draped over Luna’s barrel, and pulled a sword out of a hilt with his mouth.

“Queen Aletheia,” Luna shouted, “it is I, Princess Luna of Equestria, who has come here to visit you.”

The curtain shifted slightly. “Guards, take back your weapons!” The spears were pulled away. “Now, leave us!” They herded out of the room, closing the doors with a bit of excessive force.

“Yes, Luna, I know that it is you, but your visit is quite unexpected. Did you not have time to schedule our meeting like your sister did?”

Slowly, Luna walked forward, her eyes darting around the room. “Can an old friend not visit another without a scheduling a time?”

“Yet that is not why you are here, is it, Luna?”

Luna’s expression remained neutral. “And why do you figure that?”

“For starters, you have your guard with you. If this visit was nothing but casual, he would remain outside, and you’d be here alone. Secondly, with the failed meeting Princess Celestia and I had yesterday, it is only understandable why she would send—”

Luna stiffened, her eyes focusing into a glare. “My sister did not send me, Aletheia. I am here on my own accord.”

“And that is my third point. You seem to be angry at Celestia for something. Did she eat the last piece of cake again? Or did she play with your toys?”

“I am not a foal anymore, Aletheia, and you know it.”

“Of course I do, though it is always fun to see you defending yourself like so.” The curtains were entrapped in a pink hue as they were slowly pulled aside. “Ah, that is much better.” With one last tug, the curtain fully opened. Sitting on the throne was a simple, peach coated pony. A horn jutted out from her forehead, and her orange mane sat atop her head. She sat up straight and spread out her wings, those of which were the same that belonged to a monarch butterfly. A gentle smile caressed Queen Aletheia’s lips, and she fluttered down to the floor.

“It is always wonderful to see you, Luna. I have missed you dearly.” She wrapped Luna in a hug. “Though, I must ask, why are you here? Surely it is something to do with Celestia or your moon raising ability.”

A blush alighted Luna’s cheeks. “You noticed that?”

“The entire world has.”

Luna sighed. “Damn it all to Tartarus,” she mumbled.

Aletheia let out a fake gasp. “Such language!”

Luna stared at her right before the two burst out into laughter. Wrapping Aletheia in a hug of her own, Luna smiled. “It is wonderful to see you again too.” Breaking away from the hug, she gestured toward Eventide. “I would like to introduce a guard and personal friend of mine, First Sergeant Eventide.”

He bowed. “It is an honor to meet you, Queen Aletheia.”

She chuckled before waving him off. “You don’t have to do such a thing, Eventide. We are in private here; we do need to keep appearances.”

Luna frowned. “Aletheia, as much as I would love it to be, this is not a casual meeting. I need to ask you a question.”

“And what is it?”

“Whenever she was here yesterday, did Celestia seem different to you?”

Aletheia put a hoof up to her chin. “Different how?”

“Any way.” Luna looked away. “This has troubled my mind ever since we defeated Discord. It makes me wonder if what we did was actually the correct thing to do.”

Aletheia sighed. “I am sorry, Luna, but I must confirm your fears. Yesterday… she was more… demanding in her policies. It seemed like she would not take no for an answer, and it eventually led to me forcing her out of the kingdom.”

“You did what?” Luna gasped, a hoof coming up to her chest.

“Yes, I feared that it was the only way that she would actually take no for an answer.” She sighed once more, her ears drooping down. “I do wish there was some other way. However… I must ask, what did Discord say to get this thought in your head?”

Luna walked past her, looking solely at the throne. “He said that she is controlling. That, even if she did not realize it, she was forcing her kindness upon thousands of ponies who may or may not have wanted it. And… if anyone were to go against her views, she would stop them by force. I believe you know what happened to Shining Gleam by now.”

“Yes, I do. It is truly a tragic thing, but it had to have come to him eventually.” Aletheia put a hoof on Luna’s back. “Though, if I were to be honest to you…” She looked away. “Celestia is not the only one who has changed.”

Luna jerked her head back. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, Gleam and Discord did as well. Gleam eventually fell into his own greedy desires to the point where he took away more freedoms than he gave, and Discord stopped trying to put smiles on others faces, only wanting to put one on his own.” She looked away. “And those are not the only ones. Even you and I.”

Luna’s frown deepened as moisture built up near her eyes. “Whatever do you mean?”

“Look at yourself, Luna. You are conducting this meeting in secret from your sister. Doesn’t this go against your Loyalty? If your sister found out you went behind her back and did this, how do you think she would react?”

Luna froze, her mouth hanging wide open. “Celestia would be furious.”

“Exactly. However, I envy you. At least your change is nothing physical.” Aletheia backed away. “Things have not gone well here.”

“What do you mean?”

Slowly, she extended her wings. “Being honest… it is impossible to do as a monarch. The more honest you are with your subjects, the more they reject you. The more they resent you!” Tears formed at the corners of her eyes. “Luna, I have had to lie to them! I have had to lie to my subjects!

“Aletheia!” Luna reared back. “How…?”

“I don’t know, Luna. What I do know, though, is that it strikes a hole in my heart every time I do so.” She looked away with her horn alight. “Figuratively and literally.” A green flame washed over her, and it revealed what she had hidden for so long: her beautiful wings were ragged, her legs bore parts where no fur was visible, and even her horn had a missing chunk from its center.

Luna gasped, taking a few steps back. “Aletheia…”

“I am sorry, Luna, but I cannot be who I was meant to. It… is impossible.” Her tears streamed down her face, falling to the floor. “It seems… that none of us can be what we were meant to. That all of us were doomed from the start. Is it even possible to have such things as honesty, loyalty, kindness, generosity, and laughter in a world like this?”

Luna lowered her head, looking to the side. “I… do not know.”

Aletheia turned and walked away from Luna. “Luna, I do not believe we can. While we have some attributes to the Elements, nobody is perfectly attuned with them” She brought a hoof up, glaring at its furless holes. “And they punish us for that. We are not the correct ones to wield them. We were a mistake.”

Luna walked up to her. “I do not believe that.” She wrapped a wing around Aletheia and gave her a smile that did not reach her eyes. “We all change over time. Starswirl did not receive anything as a punishment, did he?”

“Luna, he was the Element of Magic, yet he was the only one who was not gifted immortality. There is some form of irony behind that.” Aletheia broke away from the hug, walking toward her throne. “We just have to admit that we are not the right ponies to wield these artifacts. We never were.”

Luna’s ears dropped as she fell onto her haunches. “I am sorry.” Slowly, she rose. “I am sorry for everything.” She sniffled. “For everything I have done and will do, but I must go, Aletheia. I must speak with my sister about this matter.”

Aletheia nodded. “What must be done shall be. Please come back after you speak with her. I wish to hear how she reacts to all of this.”

“I will, Aletheia. I promise to.” Luna opened the door out to the balcony. She flared her wings and jumped into the air, Eventide following close behind her. “Eventide, we must return to Everfree. We need to tell Celestia about the Elements. If we do not, then we may lose her forever.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”


The sun hung over the Castle of Everfree, storm clouds slowly drifting in to block it. The carriage descended to the balcony connected to the dining room. Luna stepped off of it. “Thank you for your services, Butterscotch and Broad Stroke, but they are no longer needed. Please go and get some rest.”

The two guards bowed as Eventide walked up to Luna’s side. “What about me, Princess?”

“I would like you to stay, Eventide. If something were to go wrong, you are the only pony I am able to rely on.” Luna walked toward the ornate door, opening it with her magic.

Eventide nodded and followed after her.

Celestia sat at the table, staring away from the doors. Silver Platter walked up to Luna, bowing. “Princess Luna, I have already prepared your plate.”

“Thank you.” Luna walked to the chair next to Celestia’s and sat down.

“Luna.” Celestia nodded.

“Celestia.” Luna eyed her plate before picking up a piece of pineapple to bite into it.

Celestia picked up a slice of banana. “If I may ask, where were you today? You seemed to have gone out.”

“I went to the Valley of Flowers to speak with Aletheia. Her and I needed to speak.”

“Oh? About what?”

“We spoke of the Elements, Tia.” Luna looked away, glancing at Eventide who had remained at the door.

“And what of them?”

“Tia, the Elements are changing us. They are making us the opposite of what they represent.” Luna sighed.

Celestia looked to the side. “Are you just now noticing this?”

Luna shot up, her back straightening and eyes widening. “Are you saying that you knew this?”

“It was obvious. If you just look at what happened with Sombra, Discord—” she locked eyes with Luna “—and even you.”

Luna blinked. “Me?”

Celestia nodded. “You went to speak with Aletheia on your own accord. I am the one who needed to make peace with her, not you.”

Luna scoffed. “Tia, you surely cannot be mad about that. Aletheia and I have—”

“Talked about how I am ‘controlling’ and how even I am ‘changing’?” Celestia chuckled. “Lulu, you must not believe the nonsense Discord said. He was only trying to get into your head.”

“Tia…” Luna moved her gaze to look at Celestia directly. “You are controlling, though. You have done things recently that have shown that. You make demands at Aletheia in a land that you have no authority in, you force what you believe onto others like Discord and Gleam, and you’re even mad at me here about how I spoke with a friend. Do you not see what is happening to you?”

Celestia waved her wing. “I am no different than I was twenty years ago, Luna. You are being blinded by the betrayal of all of our friends.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “All of our friends?”

Celestia nodded.

“Even Aletheia?”


Luna’s jaw dropped. “T-Tia, how could you say—”

“I am only stating the facts, Luna.” Celestia stood up, walking away from the table. “Aletheia is keeping something from us. If there is no trust between nations, then she too has betrayed us.” She looked back to Luna. “I am sorry, but this is how it is.”

Luna stared at her. “I am sorry, Tia.” She turned and walked away. “But I cannot stand for this. Aletheia is a friend we can trust. If you do not see that, then I am afraid that you cannot trust me either.” The door was enwrapped in magic and opened.

“I guess I cannot.” Celestia turned away. “Some Element of Loyalty you turned out to be.”

Deeply breathing in, Luna marched out of the dining room, Eventide following after her. “Eventide, please leave. I wish to be alone at this time.”

“But, Princess, I must remain at your side at—”
“No. Leave, Eventide.” Her horn lit up in a light blue glow. “I’ll be away for now.” The room flashed as she teleported away.


A soft breeze wafted through Luna’s mane. The sun shone down upon the multicolored flowers of the clearing that Luna stood in. Her nostrils flared as she stomped a hoof against the earth. A stream of tears traveled down her face as she collapsed.

The flowers around her shriveled up as the wind picked up. Luna pushed her muzzle into her forelegs. She shivered as her coat was put on edge. Her ears swiveled around, and she removed her head from her forelegs. “Who’s here?”

Light faded out of existence. What was left of the flowers at her hooves had ice formed on them.

A soft, melodic voice cut through the air, “Relax, Luna. I mean you know harm.”

Luna’s head whipped side to side, her eyes wandering around in the darkness. “Show yourself!”

It chuckled. “I cannot do such a thing, for I do not have a physical form. However, you do know me.”

“How so?” Luna stiffened up.

“You have used me to defeat Evanescence and many other foes. In fact, if I happened to not help, I am sure you would have lost.”
“And who are you? How have I never seen you?”

“But you have, Luna. I am the Element of Loyalty.” A shade of black darker than the surrounding area formed in front of her as a pair of turquoise eyes opened.

Luna stepped back. “You do not have a physical form. You are naught but a jewel!”

The creature danced around her. “I am merely the power of it.” It chuckled. “Now, Luna, you must admit, there is a difference in the meaning of Loyalty. While originally you were loyal to your sister, you must realize that your loyalty has to change for the good of the nation.”

“What do you mean?” Luna asked, her eyes focusing on it.

“I mean that Celestia is going against our ideals, Luna. With her leading us, Equestria will not last another five years. You have to change your loyalty—from your sister to your nation. In times like these, you must ask yourself what is better for the world.” It stopped in front of her. “Equis has seen peace for so long that if Equestria were to fall, it would lead to pandemonium.” They locked eyes. “You would be a much better leader for this nation. You are a calm, fair ruler while Celestia lets her emotions get to her.”
Luna turned away. “You’re right.”

“I know I am. Let me take control, Luna. After all, I make everything right again”

She looked back to it, her gaze now hard. “And how do I know you are you who claim to be?”

“Should knowing about Evanescence be enough? How many were lost in the final battle? Hundreds of thousands, Luna. Nopony other than you and your friends made it out, nor know of her now.” It brought a tendril of black to her chin. “I am your Element. We are the same, though I just have the confidence to do this action.”
Luna’s gaze softened as her shoulders relaxed. “Fine, though I want to regain control whenever I ask for it.”

“Deal.” Pearly white teeth shown briefly before it rocketed into Luna.

She flinched back as the creature took its spot in her. Luna’s coat changed to an oily black as her pupils turned slit and her teeth sharpened. She collapsed to the ground, her hooves clutching at her head and her eyes winced shut.

“What are you doing?” she shouted.

“Just making you more powerful.”

Luna screamed. It was already in her. It was shoving itself into every crevasse of her mind. She slammed her head onto the dirt, her horn lighting up in a dark blue glow.

A silence washed over the clearing as her horn continued glowing. She stood up and glanced around, a smile pursing her lips. “Finally,” she whispered. “I have returned in the flesh.” Her horn lit up once more as her wings flared out. “Now it is time to take this land for my own.” In a flash, she disappeared.

Comments ( 10 )

“I guess I cannot.” Celestia turned away. “Some Element of Loyalty you turned out to be.”

Excuse me. Need to slap Celestia is rising...

Anyway, I do remember this. very nice. It's marked as finished... but it's only the beginning!

7586514 It's going to be a series of three one-shots~

And of course, by breaking her loyalty to her sister she fall's to her own darkness.

I like the idea behind this story, and most of the chapter expect for trying to put Celestia on the same level as the other characters because she never did anything a bad as the rest of them and didn't appear to fall to the corruption of her Element.

Isn't it great? :rainbowkiss:
She hasn't done anything horribly bad yet. :scootangel:

Spotted a couple lingering typos along the way. I love the concept of this though. It's pretty damn imaginative and fits together nicely. Definitely made me think, and that is always a plus.

This was so deep... I liked it. Also, is the "Element of Loyalty" what turned Luna into Nightmare Moon? Also, have a follow. I rarely follow people from the first story I've read from them, but I'll make an exception this time. :raritywink:

Wow am I late on replying to you on this one, but if you liked this one, you should definitely check out its prequel, "That's Your Downfall". Both this and that story are two of my favorites that I actually have written.

Thanks for the compliment by the way! :twilightsmile:

I really enjoyed seeing a sequel to That's Your Downfall continue with your unique world-building. I hope that you continue to release projects. I saw that there were upcoming projects on your page.

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