• Published 16th Mar 2016
  • 348 Views, 4 Comments

Harmony's Shadow - PenOfLuck

What happens when Harmony goes astray? Is it the will of nature, or some other unseen force? Whatever the case, Princess Cadence must stop the takeover of Equestria, and she has an idea. A risky one that involves a certain mirror to another world.

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Chapter 1, Infiltration

Author's Note:

I know the prologue came out and didn't receive a lot of views, but hopefully, that will change soon enough. Although I really wish I could have gotten this chapter out a lot sooner, but things such as Summer Camp, school , and medical issues have really proved to obstruct me from writing this. I just want to reiterate that this is my first major piece of fanfiction, so it's likely there will be some kinks that need to be worked out. :twilightblush:

Hope You Enjoy!

Comments and feedback are appreciated! :scootangel:




I can feel drops of sweat slipping off my brow. As I walk through the halls of my sister-in-law’s castle I hear naught a sound but the clink of my armour with every step. It worries me, as it is very disconcerting not being able to use my magic due to this clunky armour. I peek around a corner only to feel the weight of my armour shifting to one side, throwing me off balance. I silently search the halls, but I can’t help thinking about how I got into this situation.

The plan for me to infiltrate the so-called Castle of Friendship was risky, desperate, and a very disheveled plan to begin with. Not to mention how obscene the task of what I’m supposed to do once I get inside. I was… hesitant to take part. However, it was concluded that it is the only solution. Despite the fact that Shining, Celestia, Luna, and I thought this out to the best of our ability, it doesn’t change the fact that we only had brief moments of preparation once the plan was in place. Although I wish my armour was easier to maneuver with, we didn’t have the luxury of time to imbue it with the normal enchantments found on the Royal Guards’ armour. The only remnants of magic on my simple suit is that of a concealment spell of Celestia’s creation. Despite the necessity of not getting caught, I still wish it was easier to move… I’m still trying to ignore the fact that my magic won’t work. Alas, we had little time, so I was sent straight here. Hay, I’m a lucky mare to have even gotten this far.

I continue exploring the maze-like halls of Twilight’s castle, checking each and every room for my objective. I hear footsteps coming my way as I take the next turn. I panic as I see two guards walking my way. It takes all my sense of duty and knowledge of my situation to not turn tail, run, and hide. I continue to walk past them and am thankfully ignored. The guard's’ eyes search the halls like spotlights, nothing going unnoticed. Once I got out of sight I pause to let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. Thank Celestia the disguise works, or I would have been in shackles by now. Or even worse... Dead. I hear the footsteps fading, going in the opposite direction.

I feel disgust twisting and churning in my stomach. It sickens me. Those guards were once honorable members of Equestria’s military. They were full of life and energy, they had a sense of pride to their work. It took a trained eye to see it in on-duty soldiers, but when you were able to have a casual conversation, their honor and pride in their work was plain to see. Now you can’t even see a hint of emotion in their faces. They have all become identical, emotionless puppets to the darkness who would kill without hesitation. The only satisfaction they now have is that of destruction. I feel not hate at those who have changed, but at the…. Thing, the terrible monstrous thing that made them into what they are. I can not help but feel a glistening tear down my cheek as I pity the guards’ now darkened existence.

I sigh and take in the surrounding pieces of art. These halls were once filled with colorful images of love, peace, and the everyday life of a pony. Great artists would have been honored to have their work displayed here, and many came here for inspiration in life. Now all they show is bloodshed, tyrants, and catastrophes. I take note of one particular image. I can not help but feel emotionally upset at the sight of it. It was a grand painting, commissioned by myself as one of my Hearth's Warming gifts to Twlight last year. I look upon what had once been a beautiful tapestry commemorating the very first Hearth's Warming where the tribes first united, openly shedding tears at the sight of it. It was slashed to pieces, and what was left of it had plainly been altered to show the windigos ending the lives of the three ponies present. I lose the will to stand as I fall to the ground in a heap. I feel myself trembling, I want to scream.

Even so, my mission will decide the fate of Equestria. I quickly get up and compose myself to the best of my ability. As I stretch my wings I use my ironclad hooves to rub my eyes and, with a shaky breath, I march on. As I walk, I realize how enormous the castle truly is. It really defies logic, as the castle isn’t nearly as large from the outside. It was nowhere near total comprehension, but it let me realize how great of feats the Tree of Harmony is capable of. I scoff at the thought. The Tree of Harmony is of no use to us in this war. The Elements of Harmony have been rendered virtually useless… In this war, it isn’t some unknown evil we face. No… We fight the Bearers of Harmony.

It pains me to take arms against those I once called friends. Against one I once called sister. My greatest wish is to see them come to their senses and let us go as if this all never happened. I close my eyes and sigh. The one little filly whom I cared so much for, the young mare I was so proud to call my sister… Has become a monster…. A thing. It pains me to no measure to say those things, but she has done too many evil deeds. Too much has been left in ruins, too many lives have been lost. I can only imagine how Celestia feels… I can’t help but feel a twang of guilt when I think of my aunt. Here I am, selfishly grieving at my own losses, and I didn’t even consider her. We both lost our greatest friends, she lost an entire kingdom. I feel a new spark of determination. “I will make things right Celestia, or Faust damn my soul!”

I wince as I hear my voice echoing throughout the endless halls. To what matters it will reach is unknown, all I know is that I put myself in immediate danger. My appearance may be that of a pegasus guard, but my voice is surely not. It would be easily recognized here, and by some chance its not, I’ll still be targeted as an anomaly. My training and instincts I’ve developed over the past months suddenly kick in. I finally took notice of something I had fully tried to ignore since I arrived here, something that has constantly been sapping my strength since the moment I set foot in the castle. A dark magic is present, constantly watching me and everything else in this Celestia-forsaken place. Only now, I can sense the entirety of its focus on me.

Observing everything that could be a potential threat, I slowly make my way forward trying to act as if I belong. The pressure in the air is building, and I don’t like it. Dark magic works in strange ways, and I don’t want to be around to see it in action. I hear the clank of armour and the sounds of heavy footsteps coming my way. I continued my steadfast march through the halls, acting as inconspicuous as possible. The dark presence not fading at all in the meanwhile. However, that’s the least of my concerns right now. Walking towards me is another guard, however, this one had the markings of a First Lieutenant on his armour. This will present some issues to my mission. While a normal soldier may walk right by and not give me a second thought, a higher ranked military personnel could prove to be a challenge to fool.

With my composure failing, I tremble as I approach the officer. I bite my lip in concern as he makes eye contact with me. I attempt to walk right past but he puts a hoof to my side, stopping me in place. I stand at attention as a soldier would back home as I resist the urge to run. Albeit, if it came to a fight I was fully capable. Minutes past as he silently observed me, however, it felt like an eternity for me. He began to speak to speak with a crisp, scornful tone.

“Why are you not at your post soldier?” He said with no emotion to be found. I gulped, I could not afford to respond, lest my voice betray my disguise. He maneuvered around me so he could be face-to-face. He began again, “Answer me! Identify yourself”. Again I did not respond, and I stood at perfect attention. I took the time to observe him. He is a unicorn, so he may prove to be a difficult adversary if I can’t get my armour off. Also, clear strapped to his side is a sheathed sword. I can easily sense the enchantments on his weapon, despite seeming poorly done, they could prove to still be as effective.

“Hmph! An uncooperative soldier is useless!” I go wide-eyed as I see him unsheathe his blade with his magic. I instantly run forward, sprinting down the hall. However not before he casts a simple magic projectile spell. The pulse of magic makes quick work of my mundane armour and leaves a shallow gash on the right side of my body. It stings, but it's not serious. With the concealment spell now broken, the officer recognizes the status and power of his enemy and begins to call for reinforcements.

As I run I use the weak point in my armour to easily strip it off. To be completely honest, I couldn’t be happier to rid myself of that dreadful assortment of metal. Now, concealment spells often work in extreme ways, and this particular one was designed by Celestia herself. As I remove my armour I feel my magic coursing through me once again. It keeps building up until the point where it lets off a not so solemn pulse and I stumble to the floor. I rub my horn atop off my head, a feat I couldn't dream of doing while wearing that stupid dark steel helmet, and was comforted by its presence.

My magic, now returned, opened numerous new senses. Trying to explain the feeling to a non-unicorn is futile. Just like when an Earth Pony explains their nature senses to a pegasus, it just can’t be understood. Despite my 6th sense per se being reopened, I can still plainly detect magical interference. However… I can detect a strong magical artifact nearby.

I hop to my hooves in delight, the magical signature is uncanny! It has to be it! The Magic Mirror is nearby! My momentary outburst was cut short by the abrupt reminder that I am being pursued. The officer from before was rushing up from behind me with a squadron of a dozen soldiers. I follow my senses and took flight for the Magic Mirror room with the hopes of losing the soldiers. Arrows and spells whizz past my head as I begin to recognize some of the halls. “Of course the mirrors in the library. Of course!” I say angrily under my breath as I fly.

A beam of magic hit my left wing and I hear an audible snapping noise. I immediately lose control and slam into the ground crumbled in a heap. The opposing soldiers surround me as I charge up for a counterspell. I feel a similar dark power focus on me, yet slightly different from the original form that is still ever present. I can’t seem to comprehend what happens next. A shadow, someone or something, takes out fours soldiers in the blink of an eye. Then it comes from the other side of the hall and takes out five more as it swoops upwards. The officer and his three remaining soldiers lose interest in me as they prepare to fight for their lives. This preparation however, is futile, as the dark entity zooms from the side to wipe them out of existence. I’m terrified, as this is no friendly aura. I can sense its maliciousness as if that were its magic power. I manage to stand as I back myself into a corner so I can’t be flanked. I sit there and wait with a defensive spell at the ready, but nothing happens. It's as if the soldiers never existed, as if the shadow was never here.

Cautiously, I step out of the corner. Wincing in pain with every little motion, I only then realize the severity of the wound to my wing. Well, nothing can be done about it now, I just hope I’ll be able to fly when this is all through. As I make my way towards the library I prepare a requipment conjuration that allows me to equip my signature armour and sword at a moment's notice. Just in case, but it will consume a lot of magic energy in the process. I open the doors of the library and creep in. I spy the Magic Mirror in the corner of the room. Opening the satchel that has miraculously stayed intact and in my possession throughout this ordeal, I pull out a special book.

This special book had an inscription of Celestia’s cutie mark on the cover. This magical book once was used to communicate with the other side of the portal, but sadly had been locked. Although, through much research we had recently discovered that the link was still intact, so we sought to create this plan. I gingerly place the book into its slot in the machine that has been attached to the mirror. Low and behold, the mirror activates.

Now I have never been to the world on the other side, but I’ve heard stories from Twilight… I had always wished to travel to this world with Twilight and meet the ponies… erm, people there. I had never imagined it being for something like this… However, our hooves have been forced. I must find the Bearers of Harmony in this alternate dimension and beg for their help. The fate of Equestria depends on this.

“Well here goes nothing!” And with that, I step into the mirror....

Comments ( 1 )

Ok Twilight and the other turning evil...Kinda reminds me of the comic wit he hot spring turning any pony evil.
I wodne what going on, but I figured this no matter what Twilight and the others will never be forgiven I'm sure.

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