• Published 10th Mar 2016
  • 860 Views, 31 Comments

Anglosphere - NYChris824

What happens when four teenagers, all from Englsoh speaking countries wake up in Equestria?

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"Anyone know how to shoot a gun?" I ask and immediately realize the answer. The UK has tough gun laws and Australia isn't far behind either. You may as well try and sell crack to the Queen first before trying to buy a gun. Canada was a little better, not as strict, but they have waiting periods have stricter background checks than the U.S.
"I know, a little," Noah says "visited some family in Idaho and shot some pistols." So I was right.

"You know what you shot? 9mil? .45?" I ask

"9mil" Noah says back

"Good. Here, it's ready to shoot, just chamber the round and flip the safety off and you're set." I said handing him the 9mil from my Carhartt and two mags.

"Wot does any of that mean?" Brian asks

"You'll find out soon Bria-" I start to say, but I'm interrupted by a now beautiful sight. Civilization. We all stare at the small village and the surrounding area. The east and west side are surrounded by forests, farther south, maybe 30 or 40 miles is a mountain range, Nelson points out something on a mountain side, it looks almost like a city. Nelson must have some damn good eyesight to make that out, granted it may be a city and not something small like a tree or a boulder. The town it self makes zero sense to us, most building are straight out of the Middle Ages, thatch roofs and framed with timber. From there it got weirder, an oak tree near the center with windows and a door. Nelson pointed out a building made out of "biscuits". I thought it looked like a gingerbread house, but to each their own. Noah pointed out a multistory gazebo in the center, we agreed they had town hall meetings there. We kept walking to he town when Noah pointed something out.

"Where is everyone?" He's right we haven't seen anyone since we first saw the town, as we turned a bend that led down the main road into the town, we saw the inhabitants, and we're we confused. Miniature horses or ponies maybe, were walking around, talking, buying and selling in an open air market or shops and wearing winter gear.
This is not Earth.

"Shite get over here" Brian called out, ducking into some bushes and trees, naked due to the season, but better than standing around twiddling our thumbs in the ope . We looked around and noticed another shocker, some had wings and flew around, some had horns and appeared to levitate things from the market into bags on their sides, while some had neither and looked like horses back home. We also noticed a awful smell coming from something near us, we had no idea what it was but we hated it. I put on my gas mask because why not and the guys slowly shifted away while we kept watching the town.

Meanwhile in Ponyville, ponies we're going about their day, winter would be ending soon and that meant getting ready for Winter Wrap-Up. Ponyville was on edge, waiting for the beasts to emerge from the Everfree and run for their lives, when a howl rose up from the Everfree.

"You hear that mates?" Nelson whispered. Howls and guessing there may have been at least 10, the ponies began to panic and ran for some where to hide, except for six. A purple unicorn, a pink normal pony, a yellow pegasus, a blue pegasus, a tannish normal one and a white unicorn stood in the middle waiting.
"They have be their version of the police or something" Noah said as we watched, I loaded my Mosin just in case I needed it, when the wolves came out. They looked like wolves at least, brownish in color and had neon green eyes, 12 of them came running out of the forest on the other side of town.

"Fuck it I'm helping." I said, my voice muffled by my mask, I went prone and begun to shoot the wolves.
One down
Two down
BANG, I clipped this one in the leg causing it to slow down with neon green blood coming out
Three down, I noticed they broke up into a pile of sticks after they died.
Four down, one hurt not bad.

The ponies took out some more, leaving six alive. They seemed confused by the sound of my gun and the wolves just randomly dying.
"I'm going in there." I called out as I stood up and charged, I was tempted to yell as I charged in, it decided not to, I thought the ponies would flip out by a giant charging them.

I noticed two more, including Limps McGee were killed as I charged in. I ran at the nearest wolf and stabbed him with my bayonet and killed him, putting him down so hard, my bayonet got stuck in the frozen earth. On my way in only four were left and I just killed one, the purple one shot a beam at another, killing it. Two left, the tan one kicked another in the head and it dissolved into firewood.

One left

A howl came from behind me, I turned around and saw the last one charging me, 150 feet. I couldn't pull the bayonet out, so I took it off, leaving sticking out of the wolf. I grabbed the front to hold it like a club, not grabbing the hot metal barrel. 50 feet. I turned around to face it, 20 feet. I pulled my gun back and swing like a bat as he leaped at me.
The bottom of the stock hit him right in the skull, right as a hoof attached to a blue leg hit the other side of his skull, shrinking the size of its skull by half. I stood there breathing heavily as I looked at the pile of sticks. With the blue pegasus flying in place as the others walked over to us. They all looked at me with two distinct emotions, fear of what I was and curiosity of what I was. I think.

"Wowzees!Thanksforthehelpmistermonster! What are you? Where did you come from? Are there more of you? Do you like cupcakes? My favorite is Supery-Dupery Chco-"

The pink one was slinced by a purple dome, but she failed to notice, I couldn't hear a word anymore. He mouth was still moving a mile a minute, when she finished she had a smile that was way too large for her face.

"What are ya" asked the tan one. I froze, how do I explain do I start off and say "I'm from another planet possibly" or "I'm a human and have no idea where I am.". My mouth moved up and down trying form a sentence, but was covered by my mask still, so only my eyes could be seen.

"Ya alright ther Mister?" She asked, at this point I realized she had a southern accent and she wore a cowboy hat.

"Yeah... J-Just trying to piece together a sentence," I said back "I'm a human." I said as they looked at me with awe stricken eyes. I guess humans are myths are, kinda like unicorns and pegasi back home are or surprised we speak the same language.

"How did you get here?" The purple one asks. Damn, I wish I knew too I thought.

"No clue, woke up in my house by myself, couple other guys are here too."

"You mean there's more of you!" she exclaims. What else could I have meant?

"Yea, give me a moment,"I said, turning around to the brush and waving my hand in a "come here" motion. Nelson, Noah and Brian all came out and walked over. The ponies eyes grew in size at what they saw, three more humans came out.

"Oh yeah." I said and they all turned to me, as I removed my gas mask and felt the cold air hitting my face, causing my facial hair to stand up. "Tah Dahhh" I said with my face uncovered.

"You alrite mate?" Brian asked me

"Never better man!" I shot back

We all turned back to the ponies, unsure of what to do next.

"Now what?" Asked the blue pegasus.

We all looked at each other trying to think of what to, when we heard a thud behind us. We all turned around and saw a gold trimmed carriage sitting behind us with four pegasi wearin golden armorpulling it, when one unhitched themself and walked over to us.

"Miss Sparkle, the Princess requires you and your friends in Cantarlot." Oh shit. We never thought about leaders we all looked at each other with that "we are so screwed look", only Brian seemed confused. I guess he was expecting the Queen to see us or something.

"Well if your Princess want to see you all, we'll head back to our place, it's about a kilometer that way" Noah said to the ponies. I silently thought what do they use for measures stuff, do they use 'hooves' like we use feet? These are some weird questions I'm asking myself.

"You're leaving already?" Asked the white unicorn, she had a slight British accent and an air of high class.

"Your Princess asked for you six, not us" he replied. He's right, I guess when they go they'll explain us to her, as long as they don't break out the army and siege us out when she finds out about four aliens twice as tall as the average pony.

"Strong Shield, is it possible for these four errrr humans join us?" Asked the purple one

"Of course, only I don't know how she'll react so its in your hooves." He said back. Awesome, not even here for five hours and I'm meeting world leaders. I collected my bayonet from the pile of wood and walked back over to the group. We climbed into the carriage and prepared to ride off into the morning sun and boy we were wrong.

Author's Note:

Chapter 1 is up and things are picking up, I think. Any feedback is appreciated, pla having some fun in the next couple of chapters and I have a good idea on how to introduce Princess Cadence (maniacal laugh)

Update: This sucker got approved!