• Published 10th Mar 2016
  • 860 Views, 31 Comments

Anglosphere - NYChris824

What happens when four teenagers, all from Englsoh speaking countries wake up in Equestria?

  • ...


I wake up confused, startled and still tired. Monday morning. God damn, I can't wait to graduate high school, just three more months. I sit up, groan, pop my back and get out of bed and head to the bathroom. With one head flushing the toilet and the other reaching to open the shade I turn around and panic. Where is my neighbor's house? Where's the forest and the hill I live on? Why is there snow on the ground and that house was not there last night and by hill I mean a steep incline of a hill not some little thing that goes on for 5 yards or something.I go to my sister room and start knocking and yelling in a panic "HEATHER GET UP SOMETHING IS WRONG!" Nothing. I keep knocking and get nothing, I open the door and the bed is empty. I notice I haven't seen my dog and I get no response from calling his name. I go downstairs and see the birdcage (and with it the bird) are also gone along with her and my dog's food/treats. I head back up grab my Mosin Nagant and head to my parents room. I may be a red blooded American patriot who runs on freedom, but the Russians make some good shit. My parents were out for the weekend, so I knew they weren't there. My parents were NYPD cops so they have a good amount of guns, granted handguns, 9mils and .38 but guns. As such, I know about guns, mostly handguns, but better than nothing. With them having been cops I have some of their stuff in my room, mainly my dad's gun belt and gas mask. I grab a 9mil and a .38 I've used before and prepare to go outside, the thermometer say it's 26 out so I dress warm. A shirt, a long sleeve shirt, basketball shorts and jeans. I decide to take my Carhartt for the pockets and durability of it and a balaclava so someone could only see my eyes and keep my neck and chin warm. Just before I go, I look and my windows and see beyond some trees, a building; its white so it blends in with the snowy area. It the distinct red cross on the second story makes it pop out. Finally I grab my mosin, 15 rounds and the bayonet for it. The I realized something, I have running water and electricity, nice to know the power lines and water pipes are still in one piece, somehow. I go down stairs, open the door into the garage, grab a pair of gloves, put on my boots and go outside to wherever-the-hell-Iam-ville.

I go outside and look around, I see three houses near mine. One across, one next and I see the corner of the house I can see from my bathroom. "HELLO! ANYONE OUT THERE!!" I wait a couple of minutes before I try again. "HEL-" I look at across from me and see a garage door opening. I slowly walk towards it, barely halfway down my snow-covered driveway. I see a man, around The same as me, so 17 or 18.
"Hullo there," he calls out "where are we". Great a damn Brit, I now have the urge to throw tea into a large body of water.

"No idea," I respond "But I saw the top of a hospital that way" as I point south. I meet him in the middle of the road and shake hands with him.

"Brian" he says

"Chris" I reply.

" Any idea where we are?" He asks

"Well, back home it was supposed to be in the 70s. Fahrenheit" I say as I add Fahrenheit quickly as his eyes showed panic.
If 100C is boiling point in Fahrenheit then what was 70C, I think to my self.
"Here comes someone else" Brian says dragging me out of my thoughts, walking over to us was the person from the house I can see from my bathroom. I noticed he dressed pretty appropriately like me, I glance at Brian and notice he is too. We walk over to meet him halfway.


"Hello" he says back.
Brian and I introduce ourselves
"I'm Noah" he says, "warmer here than back in Toronto." he mutters, I now have the urge to ride a moose while chugging maple syrup now.

We all turn around walk up the road, towards the hospital and civilization, hopefully.
"Who lives OUVer there" Noah asks, with his stereotypical accent.

"No idea, they haven't appeared yet," Brian replies "Should we head over there?"

"Screw it why not. Let's check up on our neighbor." I said.

America leading his old father and his step brother, as always.

Ding Dooong Diing, we stood around waiting for a response.
"Just a min" someone said from inside. Definitely a male, sounds like Brian maybe Australia or New Zealand? After about 30 seconds, someone was coming to the door, a man also around our age answered.

"G'day mates, Ah reckon Ah ain't in Queensland".

With my vast knowledge of Australia, I knew that was... Somewhere in Australia, sounds about right. I have an urge to ride a kangaroo to the Sydney Opera House, I wonder of the other have an urge to blow shit up while drinking beer or something epic like that when they found out I'm American. The Aussie's name was Nelson and was from Australia, so the 4 inches of snow was a shock and was packing some stuff to head out, he had a sick machete he's had for a few years. After a couple minutes of talking about what we all knew: none of us knew where we are and the hospital I saw was the best bet to find out where we are. We started to walk down the road to hope possibly , with only a 90 year old rifle, a 9mil a. 38 and a machete to protect the four of us.

It was a bad week for Ponyville, all sorts of strange monsters and beasts having been coming out of the Everfree Forest. One day, it was a pack of manticores, another, a bugbear come out and rampage through the town, damaging several homes and yesterday an Ursa Minor came through causing more damage. The townsfolk have been edge all day, and it was only 9:36am, waiting for the next beast to attack. Only, no pony knew the answer to the problem had arrived.

Author's Note:

First story! I hope to carry this out for a long time, also any feedback is appreciated!
I thought a small chapter would do to start off while I cook up the rest.
Also, I haven't set up a "time period" of when this all occurs i.e before season 3 or after season 5. I may start off at the end of season 6, while skipping some parts of what happened.