• Published 10th Aug 2016
  • 1,960 Views, 61 Comments

Problems, Progress, and Parents - Spookyrus

They've vanquished evils. They've conquered demons. They've spread the magic of friendship across Equestria and beyond. Now, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her Friendship council must face their greatest challenge yet; normal life.

  • ...

1F. Rekindling Relationships

"So just sign here, please..."

Applejack scribbled her name onto the line at the bottom of the form, Apple Bloom hopping up and down beside her as she did so. When she had finished, Applejack spit the pen out and nodded. "There ya go, partner."

"Then we're all set!" Jack Hammer retracted the clipboard he held and skimmed over it. "That's all the information we need. I'll forward this to Princess Twilight, and sessions will start in September."

"Well alrighty then!" Applejack said.

"Ah can't believe it!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, hugging her sister's leg with giddy excitement. "This is really happenin'! Ah'm gonna get real lessons! From a real mentor!"

Applejack chuckled. "Ah, shoot, Apple Bloom," she shook the filly off of her leg, "Ah don't think Ah've ever heard a pony so excited to be goin' back ta school after she graduates."

"But it's not normal school!" Apple Bloom said. "Ah'll be learnin' how ta build! How ta fix!" She set down pressing her hooves against the sides of her face. "Imagine how much Ah'll be able ta help with what that kind a skill! Y'all won't have ta spend all day on the roof every time the shingles have to be replaced!"

Applejack smiled down at her gleeful little sibling. She couldn't be prouder of Apple Bloom's ambition to get a degree, and she'd actually chosen something that could really help out things on the farm. And it wasn't out of obligation, it was because she genuinely wanted to learn craftsmanship. That was more than Applejack could say of herself. Well, really, the biggest reason that Applejack never pursued a degree was because the farm wouldn't have been able to flourish without her there, which was a cold reality that Apple Bloom did not have to face. Still, Applejack probably wouldn't have gone looking for anything more even if it were an option. She had been perfectly content with life the way it was when she was her sister's age. Still was, as a matter of fact.

So it was great that Apple Bloom was chasing those desires of hers.

"Now remember, kid," Jack Hammer told the zealous child, "you can back out any time you want if something comes up or it gets too intense."

"No way!" Apple Bloom cried, her tail swishing back and forth. "Ah'm not a quitter! No matter what happens, Ah'll never back down!"

"He he! That's mah girl." Applejack ruffled her sister's hair with a forehoof. "Never one ta turn away from a challenge."

"That's right!"

Jack Hammer chuckled. "Well, I can see your mind's made up. It's good to see a filly with your kind of attitude." He extended his hoof, so that he and Bloom could share another shake. "I'll be keeping you posted on any new information that comes up. I should have the date of your first lesson by August."

"Thank ya kindly, Mister Hammer," said AJ, tipping her hat. "This means a lot to us that ya'll are willin' ta teach 'er."

"Well, I'm happy to teach," Jack Hammer replied. "I remember the last time I had a student. That kid turned out to be a great fixer. I'm looking forward to making another."

Apple Bloom nodded. "Ah promise Ah'll do even better than yher old student!" she said.

"Is that so?" Jack Hammer smiled. "Well then, you have quite a bit of work to do if you want to live up to that."

"Well Ah'll do it! Ah'll do all the work Ah have to!"

"Great!" With an impressed grin, Jack lightly pushed Apple Bloom's shoulder.

Applejack wrapped her tail over her smallish sister's back to pull her closer. "Alright, sugarcube, it's gettin' late. Time ta go home."

"Aw, already?"

"Listen to your sister, kid," Jack instructed. "Wouldn't want to be teaching a trouble maker."

"Oh, alright."

"See you in September, kid!" Jack called as the two siblings exited his store.

"Ah'll be here!" Bloom replied.

As they began the trek back to the orchards, Apple Bloom dashed ahead of AJ enthusiastically. "Oh boy, Ah can't wait! Ah just can't wait this is gonna be the greatest thing since we got our cutie marks!" She turned around and ran back up to her sister. "Y'know, since Scootaloo an' Sweetie Belle always had things that they were inta, Ah figured Ah should find somethin' ta work on that I'm good at too! An' now Ah have!"

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Ah thought you were really inta potion makin'," she said. "You sure were spendin' quite a bit a time with Zecora there."

Bloom's ears flattened. "Well, yeah, Ah do enjoy that. 'S a fun hobby, an' Zecora told me 's a good skill ta have." She faced forward again, trotting alongside Applejack. "But realistically, don'cha think Ah should be focusin' on somethin' that Ah can use ta help..."

"Ah can see yher line a' thinkin' there, Apple Bloom," AJ replied. "As long as you're happy, then Ah'm not gonna stop you from whatever you wanna do."

"Ah'm happy!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"Well, there ya go!" AJ chuckled. "But remember, this all ain't gonna start 'till September. An' that's almost five months away. So fer now, you've gotta focus on passin' yer finals."

Apple Bloom's tongue poked out of her mouth. "Yeah, yeah, Ah know... But ya'll don't have ta worry about that! Miss Cheerilee says that mah grades are some of the best in mah class!"

"Is that so? Well then, Ah suppose you won't have a problem with finishin' up yher homework fer Monday when we get home."

"What?! But it's Saturday!"

"And if ya finish it tonight, ya won't have ta do it tomorrow."

"Ugh. Fine."

Turns out that Apple Bloom's grades really were a bucket load better than most of her classmates, because Cheerilee literally approached Applejack while she was bringing a cart of honeycrisps into the barn. What was she doing there? Hay if Applejack knew, probably checking out her brother. But whatever she was doing, Cheerilee most certainly had some interesting things to say.

"You want mah sister to wah??" Applejack questioned.

"Tutor the other students," Cheerilee repeated. "Her grades are the second highest in her class, and the first refused my offer."

AJ scratched her head. "Well... Ah suppose if it helps 'er classmates, an' she's comfortable with it... Is there anywhere specific you'd like 'er ta start?"

Cheerilee nodded. "As a matter of fact, yes. I did find one student who could really use the help, and won't cause Apple Bloom to step too far out of her comfort zone..."

"Alrighty then, who is it?"

"...Diamond Tiara."

Applejack blinked. Hoo-wee, had it been a while since she'd seen that filly. Ever since the Crusaders helped her overcome that mule's rump she called a mother and find the true meaning of her cutie mark, they had considered themselves friends. Thing is, they never actually talked to each other that often. Didn't have much of reason to, really. They were comfortable around each other, they just didn't hang out was all. Only time Applejack ever saw Diamond was around town.

That girl might've had the money to buy and sell Applejack's entire family, but she wasn't exactly the brightest crayon in the box. AJ could specifically remember Apple Bloom telling her one day when she and Diamond weren't on even footing that Diamond had an outburst in class over a failing test grade. No surprise there that she needed help getting through finals.

"Ah'm sure that Apple Bloom would be happy to help her," Applejack said. "Ah'll talk ta her about it next Ah see 'er."

"Oh, thank you, Applejack." Cheerilee pressed a hoof against her chest and bowed her head gratefully. "You have no idea how much this means. This will help everypony so much during the finals. I really can't thank you enough."

"Aw, shoot. You should he thankin' mah sister fer bein' so darn clever." AJ waved her hoof, starting back down the trail to the barn. "If'n that's all there is, Ah'll take things inta mah own hooves from here."

When Wednesday rolled around, Applejack walked down to the schoolhouse by herself, watching the sun hanging overhead. Almost but not quite time. But that was okay, she could wait.

Waiting wasn't something she ended up needing to do for very long, because she was only standing around for a few minutes before she heard the *briiiiiing* of the school bell, and the door opened into a flood of excited foals ready to return to their homes. AJ took a few paces back to make way for the students, a few of them waving and greeting her as they passed. Shortly after, out came the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"So you're sure neither of ya'll need any help?" Apple Bloom inquired. "'Cuz Ah'm totally okay with helpin' you guys too."

"Nah, I'm not worried," Scootaloo replied, grabbing her scooter from beside the entrance. "I'll just read over my notes before the tests start."

"The notes that you slept on instead of writing?" Sweetie Belle teased.

Scootaloo scowled. "Hey, that was only once!"

"Twice," Sweetie corrected. Scootaloo stepped onto the scooter, pulling Sweetie Belle up to stand behind her. "Don't worry, Apple Bloom, I'll let her copy the notes she doesn't have from mine."

"Alright, if yher sure. See ya later."

"Good luck with your tutoring!" Sweetie called, as Scootaloo pushed forward and the scooter carried both of them away.

Bloom smiled, then glanced back inside the building. She was distracted from whatever she was looking for when she spotted Applejack approaching her. "Applejack?" she questioned, hopping down the stairs to meet her. "You didn't tell me you were comin'."

"Ah didn't decide to until jus' a couple hours ago," AJ replied. "Figured it'd be nice fer all of us ta go together." She frowned. "Where is that girl, anyway?"

"Hold on, I'm coming!" Apple Bloom turned back as Diamond Tiara bounded out of the school and trotted towards them, readjusting the straps on her saddlebags.

"Got ev'rything?" Bloom asked.

"I think so," Diamond replied. "Er-- Hi, Applejack."

"Howdy, Diamond Tiara." AJ tipped her hat. "Ready to get yer study on?"

Apple Bloom facehoofed. "Never say anythin' like that ever again."

AJ grinned. "Oh, Ah'm just messin' with ya." She nudged her sister's shoulder playfully. "But seriously, you two have got some work ta do, so let's get a move on."

"Right!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "C'mon DT, the sooner we get there, the sooner we'll be finished!"

"Uh, okay."

Applejack watched her sister storm down the dirt path, shouting at Diamond about keeping up. AJ smiled and rolled her eyes, taking after the fillies. In all honesty, the reason she had decided to walk them home was because of Diamond Tiara. She hated herself for thinking like this, but AJ still just couldn't bring herself to completely trust that filly. She couldn't forget the days when poor little Apple Bloom would come home crying over the things Diamond would say to her. She didn't doubt that she was a better pony now, but... Well, you know those times when you think you know something, but there's this little voice in the back of your head telling you it's not true and making you do stupid things? That was what Applejack was feeling.

Applejack knew she was being stupid, because Diamond hardly said anything on the way home other than agreeing with what Apple Bloom said, and said even less when they got there. Bloom grabbed a bottle of apple juice out of the fridge and the two went up to her room and got right to work. Consarnit AJ, quit that worrying.

She did. Or at least, she tried. She got back to work in the fields, finished up a harvest and brought the load back inside. You know, the usual. Did a good job too, if she did say so herself. The sun was looking about ready to set when she was finished, so she dusted herself off and headed back inside.

In the kitchen, she found Big Mac fussing over the stove in an attempt to cook dinner.

"You doin' okay there?"


"Need any help?"


"Alrighty then."

Up the stairs and across the hall, a sleepy Winona lifted her head curiously as Applejack stepped past her. AJ approached the door to Apple Bloom's bedroom and lifted her hoof to knock. Then she stopped. Some mysterious force compelled her to lower the hoof, and instead press her ear against the door.

"So... change in field value over the distance between two points..."

"Yup, that's right. So, what's the answer?"

"Um... negative four over five?"

"You got it! See, was that so hard?"

Applejack huffed. She was being stupid, they were doing exactly what they had come here to do.

"Usually they let ya use a calculator, but 's not too hard too do on paper."

"Okay, just let me write down the formula."

*knock knock*

"Yeah?" Apple Bloom called.

"'S dinner time!" Applejack replied.

"Alright, we'll be down in a minute!"

Applejack shook her head at herself and went back downstairs, Winona at her heels. Winona padded over to her dish and nudged it with her nose, barking a couple times. AJ picked up the bag sitting beside the dish and poured some dry dog food into it, Winona beginning to lap it up before she had even finished pouring. Not long after AJ had set the bag down, Apple Bloom hopped down the stairs, saying, "...an' if ya ever need a dictionary, Sweetie Belle's got a few of 'em at 'er house!"

"Thanks, Apple Bloom." Diamond Tiara followed down to the first floor. "I feel a lot more confident now."

"Maybe next time Ah can teach you the quadratic formula."

Diamond clenched her teeth. "...Right."

"Math is important."

"I know it's important, that doesn't make it any less boring."

"...Point taken."

Diamond readjusted her saddlebags again as Apple Bloom led her into the kitchen. "Thanks again for the help," she said. "It's really... nice of you."

"'S no big deal. That's what friends 're for."

Diamond smiled weakly. "Er... I should probably get going."

Applejack glanced at the two, and Apple Bloom looked confused. "Oh... yher not gonna stay fer dinner?"

Now Diamond looked confused too. "Wait, I didn't think you wanted me to."

"Why wouldn't we?" Bloom questioned. "Yher more than welcome to stay! Right, Applejack?"

AJ blinked. "Uh-- Of course. A' course she is!" She made herself grin. "A friend of Apple Bloom is a friend of ours, an' friends are practically family. Mac!"


"Fix up four plates! We got ourselves a guest."

Diamond's ears flattened. "Oh, um... Okay, if you want me to--"

"Great!" Apple Bloom shoved Diamond over to the dining table and pulled out a chair for her. "C'mon! We haven't talked in a while, there's a lot ta catch up on."

The four of them sat down together, Winona laying under the table in hopes of scraps. Apple Bloom talked a bit about the lessons she was gonna be getting, then about a unicorn filly the Crusaders had met on a trip to Canterlot who they helped to get her cutie mark. Diamond listened politely, asking a couple questions to move the story along. When she was finished, Bloom queried about what Diamond had been up to. The girl didn't have much to say, but she explained that her father had recently been trying to teach her the ins and outs of business techniques in hopes that she could succeed his company. Applejack didn't say anything during these conversations.

When everyone was done eating, Diamond thanked Big Mac for the meal, to which he unsurprisingly responded with a hearty, "Eeyup." She then went on to thank Applejack for letting her stay, and was also responded to with an, "Eeyup." Then Winona tried to lick her face, and Apple Bloom had to distract the dog with table scraps.

"C'mon, Ah'll walk ya home," Bloom offered, once their goodbyes had been said.

"But then you'll have to go back on your own," Diamond said.

"Don't matter, Ah've done it before. 'Sides, we're practically adults now. We can walk around on our own."

"Thanks. You're... really, really nice."

"Yah, you've established that."

Applejack bit her lip, considering going with them.

"Alright, Applejack!" She was snapped to attention by her sister's voice. "Ah'll be back in about half 'n hour, alright?"

"Er--" AJ gritted her teeth. "You--"

Apple Bloom stared up at her, wide-eyed with mild curiosity. AJ swallowed.

"Alright." She nudged the two fillies out the door encouragingly. "Go on. Don't get inta any trouble."

Apple Bloom grinned. "Don' worry about us, Applejack!" she called, leading her friend away from the barn. "We'll be fine!"

Author's Note:

Alternative Title: "Author Fails at Countryisms".
Applejack says "alrighty then" three times in this chapter what the hell am I doing
I almost considered going this whole chapter writing out narration with Applejack's accent. Luckily for you, I decided against it.
If anybody's wondering, the student with the highest grades is Dinky.
Next chapter, the moment you've all been waiting for! Well, all of you who came for the SunsetSparkle.
Does anybody here actually care about plot #3?