• Published 10th Aug 2016
  • 1,960 Views, 61 Comments

Problems, Progress, and Parents - Spookyrus

They've vanquished evils. They've conquered demons. They've spread the magic of friendship across Equestria and beyond. Now, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her Friendship council must face their greatest challenge yet; normal life.

  • ...

1D. Dinner... Date?

Pinkie Pie was happy! Of course, Pinkie Pie was hardly ever not happy. There were just so many things to be happy about! Like the pretty evening sky! And all of the nice ponies getting along in Ponyville! And the fact that Pinkie got invited to dinner with Rarity and Dashie!

Oh sure, it was pretty obvious to Pinkie what Rarity was trying to accomplish, but it didn't matter. All that mattered to Pinkie was that she would get to spend some quality time with her best friends! And who knows? Maybe she could even convince Rarity to throw those silly ideas of hers out the window so they could just have a nice, normal, fantastically fun night!

Honestly, Pinkie wasn't entirely sure where Rarity had gotten a silly idea like that from! And by "silly idea", we of course mean that Rarity seemed to think that Pinkie Pie had a bit of a thing for Rainbow Dash. Well, a big thing really. Like a huge, enormous, GIGUNDOUS thing. Like, Rarity thought that Pinkie Pie wanted to be more than just bestest best best friends with Dashie! But she didn't! Because that would just be silly. Rarity was being a silly pony.

Although, Pinkie was being a pretty silly pony too. Mostly because she was treating Dashie different than her other friends. She didn't want that to happen! Pinkie Pie wanted all of her friends to feel special, not just one of them! But, she wasn't doing a very good job of that if Rarity could see what she was doing. Bad Pinkie! Don't leap on Dashie every time you see her! And if you are going to, you have to do it to Twilight and Rarity and Fluttershy and Applejack too! After all, all of our friends are important.

And here's the place! Rarity's place, to be exact. This is where Rarity said to meet her and Dashie! And look! There she was!

"Dashie!" Pinkie zoomed forward and tackled the pegasus, sending them both rolling in the dirt. Rainbow Dash gave a squeaky laugh as she took over their tussle, pinning Pinkie down beneath her.

"Ha! Got you!" Dash exclaimed. Pinkie giggled, playfully squirming in an attempt to escape from her captor. She failed, and Dash smirked. Then her wings unfurled and reached downwards, and Pinkie found herself being tickled. The earth pony squealed. Not the tickles! Anything but the tickles! But she couldn't speak any protests through her giggles.

"Eek! Stop! I surrender!" she eventually managed.

Rainbow Dash chuckled, folded her wings back up and stepping away from her best friend. "That's for jumping me!" she declared.

Pinkie rolled over onto her stomach, trying to control her breathing as the laughs still didn't cease. "He he! Okay, I deserved that." She hopped back up, enthusiastically shaking dust out of her coat. "So! Where's Rarity?"

Dashie snorted, making a not-happy face. "She's still inside!" the pegasus growled. "She told me that she's getting ready!" She stomped a hoof in frustration. "I really can't believe that pony sometimes! I mean, she's the one who invited us!"

"Oh, that's just Rarity being Rarity!" Pinkie waved her hoof dismissively. "She'll probably be out in a minute!"

And then Pinkie felt a feeling. A very familiar feeling! Her ear flopped, her eye fluttered, her knee twitched... uh oh! She leaned forward and grabbed Rainbow by the shoulders, and then pulled the pegasus towards her. They both fell back on the ground, but Pinkie had rescued Dashie from being totally squashed by the door to the boutique! Rarity stepped outside, wearing a pretty dress that of course she made herself! It wasn't the most extravagant thing she'd ever worn, but that was okay! It was probably for the best.

"Rainbow Dash! Pinkie Pie!" the unicorn exclaimed, observing the two she had named rolling in the dirt. "Whatever are you doing? We're in public, and you're filthy!"

"Sorry Rarity!" Pinkie apologized, leaning over and whirling her tail to free some of the filth.

Rainbow Dash spat on the ground indignantly in response to Rarity's scolding. "Just be happy I showed up!" she said. "What in Equestria are we doing, anyway?"

"I've already told you, darling!" Rarity replied, flipping her hair. "We're going out to dinner! Just the three of us!"

"Sounds good to me!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Ha ha, Rarity, don't think we can't see that look you're giving us. That silly pony really did have something up her sleeve, but Pinkie didn't care! Dashie didn't seem to notice, so it wouldn't be a problem. Rarity was just worried about Pinkie, and that was okay! It probably wouldn't take her long to realize what a silly pony she was being.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" Rainbow Dash said, flapping her wings to lift herself off the ground. "I'm starving! Let's get to the grub!"

Rarity huffed. "Yes, of course your mind is on the food. Come along, it's this way."

So she began to trot away from her home. Dashie followed, and Pinkie Pie hopped along behind them.

Wowzers! There was a whole lot of things on this menu! Things with cheese! Things with chocolate! How would Pinkie ever decide? Rarity said that she would pay for all three of them, but Pinkie didn't want to be rude so she brought along her own little Pinkie Piggy Bank. There wasn't much in it. Because Pinkie had a savings account. That Twilight controlled because she didn't trust Pinkie with it.

This was nice! Pinkie didn't get invited out very often. Which was okay, because she knew she had a tendency to make things explode. She didn't really like fancy food, anyway.

"Hey Rarity," said Rainbow Dash, causing both Rarity and Pinkie to perk. "You said that there was something you wanted to talk about. That was why you wanted us to come here."

"Oh, yes." Rarity lowered the menu she was holding up with her magic. "Indeed, there was something I wanted to discuss with you.

Pinkie bit her tongue.

"Well?" Dashie prompted. "What was it?"

Rarity was about to answer Dashie's question, but was interrupted when the waiter (whom Pinkie could identify as Savoir Fare) approached their table. "May I get you ze drink?" he inquired with that fancy accent Pinkie knew Applejack hated.

"I'll have a glass of water, thank you," Rarity answered.

Rainbow Dash blew a hair away from her face, resting an elbow on the table and making Rarity scowl. "I just have some Para-Sprite," she said.

Savoir turned to Pinkie, who blinked. She pushed the menu against her face and quickly skimmed over it a couple more times, before placing it down in front of her with a wide grin. "One Triple Hot Fudge Peppermint Strawberry Marshmallow Dark Chocolate Cinnamon Pretzel Root Beer Float, if you would so kindly, good sir!"

Savoir stared at Pinkie with a blank expression, then pulled a notepad and pencil out of his coat. "Could... you repeat that, mademoiselle?"

"One Triple Hot Fudge Peppermint Strawberry Marshmallow Dark Chocolate Cinnamon Pretzel Root Beer Float," Pinkie paused to take a deep breath, "if you would so kindly, good sir!"

Savoir Fare finished writing Pinkie's order in his notebook, before tucking both the notepad and pencil back into his coat. "Of... course."

He began to leave, until Pinkie called, "Ooh! Make it two!" Savoir rolled his eyes and continued. "And don't forget the sprinkles!"

Dashie was snickering. "Pinkie Pie, I have absolutely no idea how you can eat something like that."

"It's easy!" Pinkie exclaimed, her grin even wider. "I put it in my mouth, and then I swallow it!"

With a snort, Dashie burst out laughing, drawing some attention that Rarity wasn't particularly fond of. He he! Pinkie liked making Dashie laugh. Well, she liked making anypony laugh! But Pinkie liked it when Dashie laughed. Because when Dashie laughed at Pinkie, she laughed really hard! Like, harder than any other pony ever did! It made Pinkie really happy to make Dashie happy.

This was something that Rarity had seemed to pick up on.

Pinkie covered her smile with her hooves. Nngh! Bad Pinkie! Stop it! Stop!

"It's a lovely night, don't you think?" Rainbow Dash's laughing fit ceased when Rarity spoke.

Pinkie Pie made a quick movement that caused the table to wobble, folding her forelegs behind her head and crossing her hind legs on top of the table. "Yeahhhh, it surrrrre is!" she shouted, her eyes flicking back and forth. Rainbow Dash looked at her curiously, causing her to sweat. Wow Pinkie, you're really bad at this.

"Indeed." Rarity nodded. It was pretty nice. The cafe's lights were dim, so most of the light was coming in from the sunset outside. It was pretty pretty. Where was Rarity going with this...? "It's a bit dark, though," said the unicorn. Her head ducked under the table, and when she came back up, she was carrying a candle. She placed it at the center of the table and used her magic to light it. "Ah, much better."

Pinkie's eyes widened.

No! No, Pinkie. Let Rarity do her thing. Dashie... Rainbow Dash doesn't suspect anything, so don't act like we do.

"Hm, come to think of it..."

Rarity, no.

"...this table is a bit bland. It could use a bit of decor."

Rarity, no.

And then there was a vase full of flowers on the table.

Darn it, Rarity.

"Really, Rarity?" Rainbow Dash questioned. "Flowers? I think any table you can eat off of is a fine table."

Rarity snorted. "Of course you do." She tapped a hoof against her chin, and Pinkie detected a scrap of that evil smirk she sometimes had. "Oh, what is taking our drinks? I'm going to go find our waiter." She hopped out of her chair and trotted away, leaving Rainbow Dash to scowl at her.

"Rarity! Rarity, you still haven't told us what you... what you..." Rainbow Dash grumbled, laying back in her own chair. "Whatever..."

All of a sudden there was a sound, a sound that made Pinkie cringe and drew Rainbow Dash's gaze over to the edge of the cafe. It wasn't just any sound, oh no. Oh, no. It was music, being played by a performer Pinkie knew as Octavia Melody. How had Rarity managed to convince her to do this?!

Calm down Pinkie! It's okay. Rainbow Dash still didn't suspect anything, even though Rarity was very obviously hiding behind those potted plants over there.

But, whatever! Pinkie Pie had promised herself that she would would have fun that night, no matter what crazy scheme Rarity had cooked up in that kooky head of hers. So Pinkie sucked it up. This would be a good night! Pinkie was determined!

"Hey, Pinkie?"

"Yes, Dashie?"

"Why are you sitting like that?"

It then occurred to Pinkie that she was still leaned back with both sets of legs crossed. She quickly corrected this, smiling nervously.

Their drinks eventually came, and Dashie made a comment about Rarity not being back yet, which Pinkie was speedy to change the topic from. Soon Pinkie was drinking the first of two elaborate root beer floats and listening to a story about an epic crash Soarin had during Wonderbolts practice. Dashie had a tendency to get really, super into her storytelling, making big hoof motions and shouting a lot. Pinkie liked listening to Dashie tell stories. She always made them super duper interesting!

Rarity the silly pony trudged out from her hiding spot upon realizing that things weren't going to escalate at all at this rate. Dashie made a query about where Rarity had gone off to, and she answered that she went to the bathroom.

Then they argued for like, five minutes.

"So you were in the bathroom for half an hour?!"

"No, I was... trying to find the waiter!"

"You just said that you were in the bathroom!"

"I did go to the bathroom!"

"For half an hour?!"

"No, for three minutes! And then I tried to find the waiter!"

"The waiter visited us fifteen minutes after you left!"

Pinkie's gaze darted between the two, and she loudly slurped from her drink as it did so. Normally Pinkie didn't like to see her friends fighting, but hey! At least Rarity was distracted from her plan.

Eventually food came! Food always makes Pinkie Pie happy. She had ordered a big plate of mac and cheese. But it was fancy mac and cheese with, like, five different kinds of pastas, and twelve different kinds of cheeses! It also had some weird seasonings on it? And some of them were kind of bitter, and bitter was Pinkie's least favorite flavor. So the mac and cheese was maybe a little bit too fancy for Pinkie's tastes. But that's okay, because there wasn't even that much on the plate. It was only about two pounds! That's hardly even a snack for us.

Dashie had skipped straight to dessert and ordered pie. That's our Dashie! And Rarity just had, like, this tiny bread ball drowned in almond juice and topped with vegetables, and that didn't look especially appetizing to Pinkie. Rarity seemed to like it, though! She always ate in this delicate and poised way, Pinkie thought it was pretty funny.

"Alright, Rarity," Pinkie detected Dashie's voice whilst in the midst of slamming her second root beer float. "No more messing around. You said you wanted to talk, so what the hay did you want to talk about?!"

Pinkie smacked her lips, then turned towards Rarity. She looked like there were some serious gears grinding up there in her head. Maybe she wasn't going to tell Rainbow Dash about her suspicions of Pinkie?

Rarity placed her fork neatly beside her plate, and then, after clearing her throat, she spoke. "You see, Rainbow Dash, it's recently come to my attention that there may have been some..."


"...affections circulating around our group of friends, as of late."

Why, Rarity.

Rainbow Dash put on a thinking face while she tried to figure out what Rarity is implying. She eventually came to a conclusion, but judging by her less-than-surprised expression, Pinkie presumed it wasn't the right one. "You mean Twilight crushing on that egghead girl from the human world?" the pegasus questioned. "Rarity, I think we all know about that. Well, maybe not Fluttershy, but she doesn't really care about that stuff."

Rarity scowled. "No, Rainbow Dash, that's not what I'm talking about."

Please, no.

The unicorn's expression softened. "Rainbow, darling, what I've been observing is a bit more... so to say, 'personal' to you and Miss Pie here."

Please, no.

Rainbow Dash cocked an eyebrow. "Rarity, what in Equestria are you talking about?"

Do not.

"Well, I wanted to create, a nice, safe environment here," Rarity explained, "so that the three of us could have a little discussion about our feelings." She paused, a kind and patient smile on her face. "Or, more accurately, so that the two of you could have a little discussion about your feelings." Rainbow Dash looked confused. Pinkie felt fire burning in her chest as Rarity turned to her. "Pinkie Pie, is there anything that you would like to tell Rainbow Dash?"

Pinkie's ears flattened. She felt Rainbow Dash's gaze burning into the side of her head. But she put on her best grin. She wasn't going to let Rarity win.

"He he! You're so silly, Rarity!" Pinkie squeaked. "I don't have anything I want to tell Dashie, because she's my bestest best best friend! I'd never keep any secrets from her!"

"Rarity, what's going on?" Pinkie heard Dashie's voice, and it sounded worried.

Pinkie looked to Rarity, who gazed back at her. Please, Rarity. The happy pink earth pony poured all of the pleading into her eyes that she possibly could. Pinkie didn't want this. She didn't want to see Dashie confused or upset, and she knew that what Rarity was doing was just making Pinkie's bestest best best friend worry. It wouldn't do any good for Rarity to get what she wanted right now. It would only cause problems. Pinkie knew this for a definitive fact.

And Rarity seemed to understand this.

"Perhaps I was wrong," Rarity said. "I thought there was something that Pinkie wanted to tell you, Rainbow Dash. I was worried that it needed the proper setting to be said... but it seems that Pinkie doesn't have anything to say after all." Pinkie smiled weakly, and Rarity nodded in response. Then the unicorn turned back to Rainbow Dash. "I sincerely apologize for wasting your time like this."

"Aw, that's okay, Rarity!" Pinkie sang, grinning just as brightly as she usually did. "Everypony makes mistakes! Besides, we got to have food!"

Unfortunately for Pinkie, Rainbow didn't look like she was quite finished with this conversation. She scratched her chin, then rested her gaze on the table for a moment... and then her eyes widened in sudden understanding. She looked up at Pinkie. And then she turned to Rarity. "Wait, wait." The pegasus shook her head briskly. "Were you trying to say... that Pinkie Pie..."


"...has a crush on me?!"

Pinkie_Pie.exe has stopped working.

Rarity clenched her teeth, her eyes looking from Pinkie to Rainbow Dash and back again. "Um...? Well, I suppose that was the assumption I made...?"

Rainbow Dash's brow furrowed. Pinkie Pie was frozen.

No, Dashie! Please don't be mad! It isn't true, we swear!

And then, Rainbow Dash started... laughing? Oh.



"Ha! Rarity, that's one imagination you have!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Pinkie Pie doesn't have a crush on me! That would be ridiculous!"

She was laughing hard. She... really didn't believe Rarity! And she thought it was funny! She wasn't upset at all!

What a relief! Pinkie was so relieved that she joined Dashie's laughing. There wasn't anything to worry about after all!

"Jeez, Rarity!" Rainbow spoke between chuckles, "Where did you even get a crazy idea like that?!"

Rarity rolled her eyes, returning to the food in front of her. "Oh, you know. I just get the strangest things in my head sometimes."

Even if things were okay for now, Pinkie could see Rarity examining her. She still wasn't completely certain that her assumption was wrong, was she? Looked like things really weren't over...

But that was okay! Because at least for now, things were okay! And that was what was important to Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash was happy, and there was nothing that made Pinkie happier than Rainbow Dash being happy.

Hold on, was that music Pinkie heard? No, not the cello, something different. Something... familiar. Very familiar! A certain special song that was played on a very special day in any pony's life... it was a birthday party! Just across the room!

And do you know what happens when Pinkie finds a party?

She pulls out the party cannon.

And Rarity has to add a rather hefty tip to our already hefty bill.

Author's Note:

The story got reshelved in the RainbowPie group because I was a stupid person and put it in the Main folder instead of the Background one.
Next chapter will most likely be more from plot #3, though which character it's told through is up to you. Don't worry, we'll get back to plot #1 shortly after that!