• Published 4th Mar 2016
  • 14,600 Views, 71 Comments

The White Dove - RetiredAccount

The Yaks are preparing for war. Celestia is the only one that can stop the horde from pillaging Equestria, she will not let her country devolve into chaos. Even if it means giving her own body as a peace offering.

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Comments ( 69 )

before i read is there a happy ending? not that i care!

Uuuh... I'm not sure if you could say it is a happy ending for everyone, but if you are afraid that this story ends in a depressing note, then don't worry. Even my darkest stories end with a positive note, this one is no exception.

I feel like any story with rape in the trigger warning should have a Dark tag by default. This earnestly is not a romance story.

Hah! That ending was fantastic. We need more fics like this.

It has nothing to do with the fact that you know my fetish. Hit it right square in the center. Nothing at all.

I'm not sure, I think the "dark" tag doesn't fit with this kind of story. I did use that tag on my first story because the setting was very bleak, containing some things like mild torture, mind break and brutal rape. I think it's good to be able to differentiate from the stories that are grim and the ones that try to be more light in tone.

Of course not, that would be gross and decadent nepotism. Why I never!
Also thank you very much! The ending went a little off the rails, was kinda wasted when I wrote the first draft, but it made me laugh too much to take it out.

6998986 I... suppose so. After skimming it, I can see that you made it pretty clear that Celestia is more or less in control of the situation the whole time. Which is interesting, all things considered.

Suppose as long as you keep the warning in the description, discretion will do. Sorry :twilightsheepish:

I like the idea of having a power-struggle over plain one sided domination when it comes to this type of fetish. Makes things more interesting in my opinion.

And yeah, the least I can do is be clear about what kinds of fetishes the story contains. Makes it easier for people looking for it and gives warning to those that don't want to read that. Nothing worst than getting blindsided by a fetish you find disgusting.

Interesting choice of a premise. Celestia could have dropped the sun on top of their kingdom, causing morale to become nonexistent in her enemies, but she didn't. Above all, I can understand why. Even with the incredible power she possesses, it would have disastrous consequences for her. For starters, it would be a P.R. nightmare!



Yeah, in canon we don't really know what Celestia is truly capable of, what with her getting kicked around by every villain that shows up, but I like to think that she has the power to defend herself. I mean she did manage to defend Equestria up to this point, and it's only now that she can rely on Twilight & Co that she gets beaten around. Maybe she's holding back because she knows others can do it better, and history would prove that idea to be correct: NMM banished by her < Luna redeemed by main 6, Discord stoned < Discord reformed, Sombra imprisoned along with the empire < empire freed and Sombra blown to pieces (not very peaceful, but it got the job done).

I spent way too much time on that line, playing around with different versions like "thine arse" or "beggeth for mercy, we cometh in dry"... For my defense I was really shitfaced at that point.

This was actually pretty dang good, though you might want to fix that glaring typo in the second chapter title. It gives a bad impression, which is a shame because everything else seemed solid. I do think you got a little too detailed on the actions themselves at some points, which leads to a bit of otherwise avoidable repetition, but at least you didn't try and cover that up with terrible euphemisms as well. Overall, good job.

7000905 A wise ruler uses their assets to the best of their ability, to get the best possible outcome for their people and allies.

Oh crap, I wrote "negotiations" with the French spelling... That's embarrassing, thanks for telling me! Fixed.
This story might have been a little rushed, I will admit, since I wrote it in just a couple of days between working on my other stories. So it might be a liiitle rough around the edges. Not a very good thing to do, but I had to get it out of my head, it was driving me crazy!
Thank you for the feedback, I'll go over the story once more and try to trim it down a notch. Cheers!

Even if it gets her banished to the moon, imprisoned in a cocoon, sent to Tartarus or abducted by plants. Now that is a leader that knows how to take one for the team.



7000905 Makes sense, I mean, she ruled alone for a thousand years. She must have been able to solve problems by herself.

I'm pretty sure Princess Celestia could easily defeat the entire Yak nation by herself. Hell, I think Flurry Heart could probably take down the yaks by herself.

6998885 Stop being a little bitch.

Well yes, I agree Celestia could do it, I reference it in this story.But the question is: would she?

It was a valid point, since most stories involving rape do deserve the "dark" tag but seldom receive it, no need to be rude my friend.

Okay, that video is hilarious, but please don't start a shitposting war in the comment section :twilightsmile:

7000905 I still found it funny

7001979 You really did just get off of Tumblr, didn't you? :ajbemused:

7002030 Loved this story, bit it was too tame to even deserve a Dark tag, even if there was rape involved. Besides, there's been too much of calling for Trigger Warnings for the easily offended on the Internet these days. Saying what's in the story is good, but having a big Disclaimer like "TRIGGER WARNING" is retarded. These people need to grow a spine, think for themselves, and avoid the shit they don't like instead of telling creators what to do.

It also ticks me off that something that was originally meant for PTSD stricken war survivors is now used in this manner.

Maaan, do you really want to have a debate on SJWs in here? Comooon, why you gotta be like that? My balls, why you gotta be breaking my balls?!

Okay, on the subject of trigger warnings, I do agree that some people can be really too sensitive, to the point of becoming ridiculous. That practice undermines the current feminist movement by projecting the stereotype of the emotional woman that can't deal with the real world (as an old-school activist that counter productive rhetoric drives me completely nuts) and it is disrespectful for the ones that are afflicted by PTSD, like soldiers or first responders. Started with a good idea, went off the rails in a most spectacular way.

But, if you put all this tumblr drama aside, you can still find uses in the so called "trigger warnings". If you don't like a certain fetish, you can look at that warning to make sure you won't get your reading ruined. That's why I always put what my stories/chapters contain in the description. It's not always about being offended, it can be about having your boner ruined because a character suddenly farts in the face of another and your erection crashes and burns and you just don't know what the fuck just happened. Fetishes are weird like that. Also you can't dismiss the fact that the internet can be a brutal place, if some people want a better experience, I don't see the problem in doing a little something to help them out. As long as they don't ask for everyone to change everything to conform to their own ideas, of course. It's all about giving the option to opt out.

All this bullshit aside, I'm glad you like the story, all I do is for the readers enjoyment.

Hope it's to your taste. Laughed out loud when I read the name of the library you put this story under :rainbowlaugh:

Aww, jeez... Anthro? Really? *sighs* Fine... I'll read it.


Stop making like things I don't normally like! :flutterrage:

NEVER! :twilightangry2:

Though I have to say that anthro isn't usually my cup of tea either, with a few exceptions (I like the way Very Sleepy writes his stories for example), so I totally understand the hesitation. But when I saw that image by Audrarius I just had to write something to go with it. It was just too hot not to. Glad you liked it!

As soon as I saw that cover art, I knew I was going to like what I would read. It's about time someone made a story off of it and I'm glad it was you. Great job!

As a side note, you did mention impregnation which was heavily implied during the sex scenes. I was kinda hoping to see that come to fruition in the end here. Celestia having the prince's child sounds incredibly hot. Other than that, this fic is amazing!

Just eXACTLY the type of fic i like!!! That was awesom story:pinkiehappy:

Nice. It would have been better if Celestia eventually liked it and ended it that way. But that ending was kinda. . . .eh. It seems that Maledom is always viewed as disgusting and in parallel to rape. This is not the case, it is simply a fetish(exactly like Femdom, which is also nice) . I will never understand why this site discourages it and actively downvotes it. Much like video games, it will never translate to any real world action.

Happy you enjoyed the story, particularly since you knew about the pic that inspired it. Audrarius makes some great art, I'm thinking about doing something with his pic featuring Science Twilight and Pony Twilight doing the nasty, not sure yet.

I thought about doing an epilogue that would take place a few years after, getting to explore what happened with this dysfunctional herd, but I decided to let the reader decide what he thinks will happen. Will Rutherford reclaim his power in this three-way relationship? Will Luna take over the Yak hordes and use them as political leverage against Equestria's enemies? Will Celestia find true happiness in motherhood? You decide.

I have to admit that I have a slight preference for Femdom over Maledom, but what I really like is when the two collide: I would take a power struggle over plain one sided domination. Though the ending with Celestia losing herself to lust might have happened, if I was not dead set on having Luna yell that dumb line. I regret nothing.
And is maledom really actively punished in this site? I mean stories like the awesome Chase Me that are all about male domination/"rape" play don't seem to get an unfair amount of hate. When a story has actual rape though, then you can clearly see people sharpening the pitchforks.

7005445 I know exactly which pic you're talking about and it would be something I'd definitely read. You just can't have enough Twilight.

"BE QUIET AND PREPARE THY ANUS!!!!!" Oh gods thats too rich!!!! too much!!!

Two Twilights for the price of one. Plus futa pony on human female action. Plus an awesome pic to get inspiration from. Can't get any better than this.
If I fuck it up I'll eat my work shoes, steel toe and all, Charlie Chaplin style.

So Celestia gets the last laugh.

My 666th favorite. Get me off of this site.

I love it.

Yep, karma's a bitch, but I wouldn't say Celestia is the type to laugh at Rutherford's fate. Luna on the other hand...

Naaah, enjoy the madness to the end, you need 666 more!

Mission accomplished!

7051508 Well, with the stories you write, I'm already well on my way to 1332.

That moment where Celestia accepted her fate after some mental gymnastics and rationalizing, thinking she may as well enjoy it, was strangely incredibly arousing to me. Especially when she gave the approaching general that look that said she'd been claimed as his broodmare with some pride. Well done on that.

The ending was a bit weird. I thought it funny, but also felt it didn't really belong in this story, perhaps for that reason. Still, it's probably better than ending with the sad knowledge that Celestia is going to be stuck in that role for the next five years. So I'm not sure what to think of it.

Overall, I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did. I do not think this deserves the 'Romance' tag, though.

The pregnancy fetish isn't for everyone, that's why I tried (emphasis on tried) to tone it down in my latest story. As for the spelling issues, I'm sorry there are still some left, I'm struggling to get better but I still make a ton of mistakes. English isn't my first language and I have some leftover dyslexia (I keep forgetting words or replacing them), so I'm pretty bad at it. Hopefully will get better as time goes by.

Wait, you can have sex stories without the romance tag now? Oh... ops :twilightblush:
Yeah, I wanted Celestia to surrender to her desires, but I didn't want her to be completely subjugated, she's still an all powerful alicorn after all. But that's what made the acceptance of her role more exciting, I think. The mighty brought down is always a hot topic.

As for the ending, I wanted it to be in a continuation of Celestia's mission. She's there to avoid war, bring peace between the species but above all to avoid her sister going crazy with rage. By sacrificing herself she reaches the first two goals, and by sacrificing Rutherford she reaches the third. That's how I see Celestia: will do anything, including lie and manipulate, as long as she reaches her goals for peace. Granted it's in complete opposition to the rest of the story that was about maledom, but that was all about balance.


Yeah. Part of the reason why I can enjoy this story is because I know Celestia can get over it. She probably had to do much worse things in her life and evidently got out okay. She's a strong pony and I think pretty highly of her. But if it was, say, Fluttershy in her position, it would just be mean and I wouldn't be interested.

Fun thought exercise: What would it take to get Luna to accept a role like this and surrender to it? She'd have to be pretty desperate. Maybe to get her sister out of trouble? That could be quite an interesting scenario as well.

This is by far the best fic I've seen with Luna being herself, (before she was banished she wasn't super nice like she is in the show) but the one line...


I lost it! :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:
Props to you my friend, VERY well played

I almost died, to funny.:rainbowlaugh:

You know that luna fucking him with a cock would only be temporary he would soon have both for 5 years right?. just saying, i would take it for both princesses.

Far from it.” Celestia approached her husband, pressing her chest to his side. “I have just sent her an invitation to join our… herd as it were.”
“And I would be able to mount her as much as I desire, taking her as a second wife?”
“Sister, if you may leave the room?” She licked her lips. “I wish to get acquainted with our new… husband.”

just my thoughts <3

You are free to interpret the end as you like :pinkiehappy:
Though really, even if Luna kept her new toy, having Celestia might make it worth Rutherford having some... rough times with his second wife. Or he could end up dominating Luna too, who knows!

7448643 hm yeah good job on the story too.

Warning, never try and dom a Futa, it never ends well.

Thanks mate! I had fun writing this story, happy you liked reading it too!
Yeah, Celestia seems like a force of nature that wouldn't let something like this bring her down, thought I like the idea of her being coerced into being a kinky mare. An idea I used for the story I'm writing right now by the way.



Welp. That's the best Luna royal canterlot voice quote I've ever seen. What's better is I can just hear it, echoing in my head.

So, for a clop fic, this was surprisingly well thought out. Sure, you appealed to the blackmail fetish, but at the same time you subverted it with both Luna and Celestia being capable while also subverting the Celestia's seeming powerlessness.

Overall, pretty nice and one that didn't leave me uncomfortable like certain other somewhat similar but darker fics.

Thanks for the compliment, I did try to have fun with the blackmail/rape trope with this one. Frankly I don't even know if I'd be able to do a truly grimdark story, even the one story I have tagged "Dark" ends on a cute note. Actually, i may try something grimdark after the next story.

Happy you liked it, cheers!

Oh this was great. Clearly underrated. :raritywink:

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