• Published 22nd Mar 2016
  • 473 Views, 12 Comments

The Bass Falls - Okami1197

John and Angelle are pulled from their home and put into a world not their own.

  • ...

Unwanted Events

The wait did not seem as long as it was. Luna gave Angelle and me some thick books on Equestrian society so that we would at least know something of the country we were in. Both me and Angelle were not allowed out of the room when Luna left saying to ask the two guards outside if we needed anything. To say the least it was quite boring in the room. It got down to the point of asking the guards to take turns keeping us occupied with some of the stories they have heard or of the things they did. When Luna finally came back it was right after the sun went down, "Gather what little things that are yours and follow me." Luna ordered before she turned and walked out the room without waiting for a response from us. The two guards moved to stand on side of Angelle and me.

"Well do you think she will try and kill me again?" I asked jokingly only to be slapped in the back of the head by Angelle, "What I just wanted to ask a question." Angelle pushed me forward and started to walk.

"Just do what she says so we won't have any jail time alright. You can explain your actions once we get to were ever we are going." I sighed and started to walk alongside her.

Luna glanced behind her, "I never caught your names."

I looked at the midnight blue alicorn in shock from the lack of hostility in her voice, "My name is John." I responded.

"And I am Angelle."

"Well, John and Angelle, we shall be taking a chariot to Canterlot. Once there you will only speak when spoken to and only then. You will not touch anything unless given permission by me or my sister. Is that understood?" Luna said coldly.

"Perfectly." I said and Angelle just nodded, "At least I can watch the night sky on the way. This would be a lot worse if it was during the day." I mussed to myself.

A small brief smile graced Luna's lips when I said that.


"Princess Celestia." a guard in gold armor said as he saluted.

"Yes, Sgt. Shield." Princess Celestia responded from her throne.

"Princess Luna is leaving Ponyville with the two unknown creatures that Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends found."

"Thank you for the report Sgt. please go and spend the night with you family. I am sure that they would love to see you." Celestia responded with a motherly smile. Before Sgt. Shield left the throne room, "I hope these creatures are not what I think they are. We have known peace for to long to have them return."


The chariot touched down in some kind of courtyard full of guards. At the head of the guards was a tall white alicorn, who I could only guess was Princess Celestia, "Come we shall speak in the throne room. Guards you are to stay outside the room and are not to let anypony in. Am I clear?" Luna ordered receiving salutes from all the present guards.

Luna walked over to the white alicorn and they talked quietly. The other alicorn nodded and motioned for us to follow. Nothing interesting happened while we walked through the white halls of the castle. As expected we got odd looks from the castle staff as we passed them on our way to whatever room the two Princesses are leading us to. Suddenly a door appeared floating in the air causing Angelle and me to jump back in surprise. The door opened to reveal a strange creature that was made of different body parts from random animals or something, "Ooooh. What did you bring me today Sunbutt? These two are absolutely covered in chaos. Especially him." the strange creature said pointing at me.

"Discord." Celestia said giving the creature an irritated look, "I told you to stop calling me that, and these two are not for you to toy with."

"Why are you so grumpy Sunbutt? I thought creatures of chaos were my domain not yours." it said getting serious suddenly.

"Because their kind are the ones that killed all other draconequis!" Celestia snapped as the temperature of the room increased slightly before Discord pinched her horn, like someone would a small flame, cooling the room.

"Now Celestia, we both know it was a race of proud warriors that killed my kin not some hairless apes." he said absently while he painted a portrait of himself.

"Discord, the humans are capable of great destruction if the need is great enough." Luna said as she stepped toward Discord, "Now if you will excuse us. We have work to do."


Deep in a Jungle on the other side the world a tall dark figure walks up the stairs of an ancient temple. The moonlight reflects off of a large sword strapped to the figure's back as it enters the temple. As it walks the torches of the temple light the way to a large room filled with other similar to the dark swordsman, "Brothers and Sisters!" he yells in a gravely voice, "The time that we have been waiting for has arrived! The humans have finally returned! It is time we take our revenge on them for destroying our once great civilization!" the crowd erupted in cheers, "They reside in the protection of the Sun and the Moon! Prepare the war machines! We are marching to war by next sundown!"


Celestia shudders suddenly, causing her to drop her tea, "Sister what is the matter?" Luna asked.

"I don’t know." she responded.

Angelle moved towards the window of Celestia's study, "How much longer are you going to be holding us here?"

Luna's gaze switched to Angelle quickly, "Quiet!" she snapped, "You do not have any right to ru-"

Celestia rose her hoof telling Luna to stop, "They have every right that our little ponies have. It will only be a little longer. We will make an announcement to the press then you are free to go."

"Thank you Celestia, but would there be anyway for me to play music while we wait? I need to work out a little stress and that is the least violent way for me to do it." I said standing up.

"I will see if it is possible. Depending on what you can and want to play there might be somepony you could play along with." Celestia said with a smile, "If you could give me a list of instruments you play I can send somepony to by them for you."

"Sister you can't be serious. Their kind killed hundreds of thousands of people in the Great War just because they were not happy. They can't be allowed to be free." Luna complained.

"Luna if you cannot let go of the past you will have to be removed from anything dealing with the humans. I placed a certain spell on the humans when we banished them. If these two were brought here then they are not the same as the humans that tried to take over."

Luna huffed and suddenly vanished in a flash of light. Celestia shook her head as me and Angelle approached her, "So what now?" Angelle asked.

"Now we wait and see if she comes around or just avoids you two at all times."

"That’s fine with me. I have never liked people who put themselves over others. You on the other hand I have not decided about you yet." I stated bluntly.


A Dark figure slowly moved in front of Celestia's study window with a bow. As Angelle turned her back to the window it drew an arrow and aimed at her back, "This is for our ancestors you monsters." once it finished the sentence it let the arrow loose sending it through the window and into Angelle.


Suddenly Angelle coughed up some blood and fell to her knees, "ANGELLE!" I yelled as I rushed to her. When I got to her I noticed an arrow in her back. I looked out the window and saw a tall dark figure running in the shadows. I refocused my self on Angelle, only to see the life slowly fading from her eyes. I screamed as the temperature around me quickly started to raise.

"John, calm down! You will kill everypony here!" Celestia yelled only to receive a death glare from me. She opened the door, "Guards evacuate the castle."

"Yes, Princess" the two guards saluted and ran off.

Celestia turned back to me, "John please listen." she pleaded.

"WHY SHOULD I LISTEN?! THE ONLY ONE IN THIS GOD FORSAKEN WORLD THAT LIKE ME IS NOW DEAD BECAUSE YOUR GUARDS COULDN’T STOP AN INTRUDER!" once I finished my sentence the furniture and books in the study burst into flames.

Celestia teleported out of the room as the flames spread engulfing everything.


Celestia appeared next to Luna on her balcony, "Sister I need your help to contain John. Something killed Angelle and he lost it."

"I told you not to trust them." Luna responded.

"He is using magic sister. If we don't contain him he will kill everything around him until he runs out of mana."

"I guess but if any of our ponies die I will personally see him executed." Luna said as she teleported away followed shortly by Celestia.


Celestia and Luna appeared outside of the study, "Sister why is it so hot?" Luna asked.

"John is of the Demonic line it seems. He has a strong connection to fire." Celestia answered as the gold door melted. The two sisters charged their horns and formed a shield around the room to contain the fire. Numerous unicorn guards ran into the room, "I thought I order everypony to evacuate the castle."

"You did, but I rallied up those of us who could cast a shield spell and came as soon as we could." the unicorn guard closest to Celestia responded. The horns of all the guards lit up as the added their power to the shield causing it to become a rainbow of colors.

Suddenly the flames inside the shield intensified further as it attacked the shield, "It is not safe for any of you to be here." Celestia said, "I order you all to leave or you will be court marshaled."

"Sorry Princess but this is our job. None of us wanted to be safe and just sit around." one of the guards said.

"We all joined because we wanted to make a difference. To be able to protect our fellow citizens of Equestria." another one said.

A single tear fell from Celestia's eye as a crack formed on the shield, "It is time for all of you to leave." she said quietly before she teleported all of them out of the castle, "Sister you need to leave. I can take the heat but you can't."

"Are you sure you will be fine?" Luna asked.

"Yes I will." more cracks appeared on the shield. As soon as Luna teleported the shield shattered and flames covered the room.


"We need all ponies who can cast a shield spell to come us." a unicorn guard said.

"Why do we need to go with you? You just evacuated the castle, and you want us to go back." a random noble yelled.

"So that we can contain what is happening in the castle and not have it destroy the entire city!" the guard yelled at the noble.

"You! Guard!" a white coated unicorn with a blonde mane called out, "You have no right to treat us like commoners! We are nobles so that means we out rank you! So we don't have to do anything!"

Suddenly Luna appeared, "Guards we need to surround the castle with a bubble while my sister deals with the situation."

"Yes ma'am" all the unicorn guards said as they saluted.

"Princess Luna," the unicorn guard who was trying to get help before said, "we have been trying to get all unicorns who could cast shield spells to help but none of them are willing to. The guard alone are not strong enough to do this job."

"Why are you buffoons still out here?! Get into the castle and help my Aunt Celestia!" the white unicorn yelled.

"Blueblood! Shut up!" Luna yelled at him, "None of us can even enter the castle anymore. My sister as used wards that have been in place for a very long time. Ones designed to stop anypony from entering or leaving the castle. Now every one of you who can will go help the guard with their shield spell."


The typically spotless white interior of the castle was now charred black in some areas where the fire has died. Celestia is using her magic to pull what fire she can into herself to keep it from leaving this area of the castle. Despite being aligned with the sun, Celestia was starting to have issues taking in the fire. Slowly she started to make her way towards John. John had changed, what compassion that he had in his eyes were gone along with anything positive. The only thing that were still there was hate and pain. Hate that was directed at her. Charging her horn she focused a spell designed to drain the mana of a living creature but leaving enough that they don't die. When the spell hit John, Celestia noticed a physical addition to him. He now had a large pair of white bat wings. Angelle's body was nowhere to be found.