• Published 22nd Mar 2016
  • 472 Views, 12 Comments

The Bass Falls - Okami1197

John and Angelle are pulled from their home and put into a world not their own.

  • ...

The Arrival

I walked through the door that lead backstage, "You guys ready?" I asked Josh; the drummer; Red; the guitarist; and Angelle; the vocalist.

Angelle walked over and gave me a hug, "We were waiting on you."

"Someone had to make sure that we would get paid this time. We don't want a repeat of last week now do we." I said causing Josh to scratch his head, "Just get to your instruments. We are playing another Evanescence song."

"Which one?" Red asked.

"Sweet Sacrifice." I responded, "I think the only reason they request their songs is because Angelle can sing it just like Amy Lee."

I grabbed my bass and plugged it into the amp as everyone else set up their equipment. Once done we signaled the curtain guy and he lifted the curtain. We waited a moment to let the cheers quiet down some then we started to play.

As the song came to a close I looked at Angelle signaling for her to bring the mic over to me, "Are you sure you want to do this John? The last time you did you only made it half way through the song." Angelle asked.

"Yes I am. This time I actually spent time preparing for it." I responded as she walked away to prepare her part of the next song.

The crowd was talking quietly as I switched to a longer cable for my bass. Once I was satisfied with my choice I moved forward away from my amp. The owner of the bar looked at us not expecting another song. One of my other friends walked out from back stage with his guitar on, "So you ready to do this John?" he asked.

"Yes I am Reece." I responded making Reece smile as Angelle started with her keyboard.

Once the song finished, we bid our farewell to the crowd and walked back to the room with our stuff. Reece, Josh, and Red headed out after they picked up their instruments into our trailer. Leaving me and Angelle alone, "That was an interesting show. Do you think the bar's owner will let us play here again after your little stunt John?" Angelle asked as she jumped up onto the side of the sofa and started to swing her legs.

"I don't think he will mind if more people come here to watch us. That is more business for him." I sat on the sofa and Angelle fell backwards into my lap, "You know it is a miracle that the others have not found out about us, but then again you only act like this when it is just us."

"Well have you seen how they look at me? They just want my ass. If they see us like this the band is done." Angelle responded as she started to twist her shoulder length white hair around her finger, "Plus those three give me the creeps sometimes, but they are good at what they do so I deal with it."

I pulled her up and rapped my arms around her body, "Is that why you don't like it whe-"

I was interrupted by a knock at the door, "John, I have your band's pay." the bar owner said.

"Bring it on in." I responded before the door opened, "I will give the others their shares when I see them again."

The owner stopped and looked at Angelle and me, "I am not interrupting anything am I?" he asked jokingly, "Just make sure that you warn me when you want to play a song other than what was requested. The crowd loved it but I need to know when you do that kind of thing."

"I will try and remember to tell you, but no promises. You know where to find us if you want us to play again." Angelle got off my lap and stood up as I finished the sentence. Once she was from in front the sofa I stood up and walked over to the owner and took the pay for the gig.

"Try to stay out of trouble you two. I actually like ya. Your other friends not so much." he said before leaving the room.

Angelle grabbed my hand as we too started for the door, "So do you want to stay at my place tonight? I want to spend some actual alone time with you for once John." she said as we approached the back door of the bar.

"I don't see why not. I mean we have been together for a while." I responded as I held the door open for her to walk outside into the back parking lot, "Lets just hope that the guys don't try and find me in the morning." when I finished the sentence something hit me in the back of the head sending me stumbling forward, "Da fuck was that!"

Red walked out the shadow and grabbed me, "That was Josh having a bit of fun before he has some more fun with Angelle."

Angelle's eyes went wide as Josh grabbed her arms and pushed her into the wall, "You have no idea how long I wanted to do this to you." he said into her ear as his hand started to wander over her body. Angelle started to try and fight against his grip but was slammed back into the wall for her efforts, "Now don't make this harder than it has to be."

"Josh! Stop this!" I yelled trying to get free of Red's grip. As I watched his hand trace over her body the sides of my vision started to turn red, "Let me go Red!"

"Not a chance lover boy." Red responded before ha dead legged me forcing me to my knees.

My vision went red as I heard another voice speaking to me in my head 'Let me take control. They won't be able to hurt her.' the voice said, "Please guys stop this." I pleaded as I felt control of my body slipping.

****3rd Person****

John's body went limp in Red's grip as Josh started to pull Angelle's shirt off. Angelle started to whimper in embarrassment, "Please don't do this Josh." Angelle said quietly.

"Quiet you whore. I am doing what I want and no one can stop me." Angelle managed to kick him in the shin causing Josh to let her go, "You bitch!" he spat as he grabbed her arm and threw her into the wall hard enough to bust her lip.

Suddenly John managed to grip Red's arm and break his hold, "I said to stop." John growled in a voice not his own, "Now you will pay." John grabbed Red's arm and forced it out of socket before he stomped on Red's knee cap causing a cracking sound as Red screamed in pain.

Josh turned and looked at the scene before him, "What are you doing John relax." he said causing John's glare to snap to him, "Now don't do anything haste my friend. This was all in good fun."

"Good fun. Good fun! You call raping a girl good fun!" John lunged at Josh and brought his elbow down onto Josh's collar bone. Josh screamed as his shoulder produced a cracking noise. Not stopping John pivoted on his toes and punched Josh in the chest sending him sliding away from Angelle.

"John please stop this." Angelle said not receiving a response from the guy standing before her, "Lucifer! Stop!" she yelled causing him to look into her deep blue eyes. She gasped when she saw that his normally hazel eyes were a dark brown. Not knowing what else to do she pulled him down to her and kissed him.

****John's POV****

I woke up to Angelle kissing me with a busted lip. I pulled away and looked around and saw the beaten forms of Red and Josh, "Angelle what did I do?"

"You saved me that’s what. How you did it I don't know but I am glad you did." Angelle pulled herself closer to John right before a blinding flash pulled the from the parking lot.


It was a normal day in Ponyville. Well as normal as Ponyville could get. The Friendship Castle glowed as Twilight Sparkle was testing a new spell. A spell that should allow for travel across distances that would have taken days with other teleportation spells. Suddenly her cutie mark started flashing causing her to loose focus on the spell. She did not think anything of it as it fades away and she runs to the Map. When she got there her jaw dropped when it showed that all of her friends were needed right here in Ponyville. The door to the room opened and five mares walked in, "Howdy there Twilight" Applejack greeted as she looked at the map.

"Haya Twi. Were are we going this time? The dragon lands? The Minator Kingdom? The Diamond Dog mines?" Rainbow Dash asked as she flew around the room.

"It says that somepony needs our help here in Ponyville Rainbow." Pinkie Pie said with an oddly serious voice.

"Really? That means that I don't have to leave my animals. Yay." Fluttershy said quietly.

"But who would need our help here girls?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know but I don't think it will be good." Twilight said.

"Ahh. Twitching tail!" Pinkie cries out as she dives for cover as a bright flash of light appears outside.

Rainbow was looking out the window and saw what appeared to be two bodies falling out the sky. Without saying a word she zoomed out the room to catch the duo before they hit the ground. The other five follow her with confused looks on their faces.


All I felt after the flash of light was wind hitting my body. I was unable to open my eyes for some reason. Suddenly a soft object hit me and grabbed hold of me. I felt my body touch the soft grass on the ground. I heard several voices around me all of them were female. The one voice I had hoped to hear I did not. "What are they?" one of them asked. What do you mean what are we? We are humans just like you.

"I don't know Rarity, but I think that one of the Princesses might. Lets get these things inside and I will send a letter to them." I felt some kind of warmth consume my body as I once again left the ground, "Fluttershy could you please go as Spike to meet me in the guest room closest to the throne room. Have him bring a quill and a piece of parchment."

"Ok Twilight."

****3rd Person****

Fluttershy flew slowly into the Castle followed by Twilight and the rest of her friends. The two humans held in Twilight's magic. The group moved slowly down the halls towards a largish bedroom. Once inside Twilight floated the two onto the bed. Spike came into the room not long after, "What do you need Twilight?" he asked.

"Spike take a note."

Dear Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,

Two strange creatures fell out of the sky next to the castle. They seem to be unconscious but alive. If possible
could either of you or both come and see these creatures and tell me what you think we should do.

Your Fateful Student and fellow Princess,

Twilight Sparkle.

"Send it Spike." Twilight said receiving a nod from Spike before he shot out a stream of green flames that consumed the letter turning it to ash. The ashes flew out the room carried by some kind of magical wind, "That is all I needed Spike." Twilight said.

"So what do we do now Twilight?" Rarity asked as she looked at the two on the bed.

"All we can do is wait and see what the Princesses say." Twilight responded.

"But I hate waiting…." Rainbow complained.

"Well we can't rush them. They do kinda rule the entirety of Equestria." Pinkie said drawing looks of confusion from the others in the room, "What I can make sense too."

"Pinkie……" Twilight said before lightning flashed in the sky, "I thought that there was no storms scheduled for today."

"There's not." Rainbow responded.

The door suddenly opened and two thestral night guards walked in flanking Princess Luna, "Twilight Sparkle. Tis good to see you again."

"Princess Luna." Twilight said and all of the mares in the room save for Twilight bowed to Luna.

"Please don't do that. We are friends, are we not?" Luna asked smiling at the six in front of her, "Now tell me where are these two strange creatures you have found."

"They are lying on the bed." Twilight said pointing her hoof at the two still forms on the bed.

Luna's eyes widened when she looked at the two, "Twilight I need you and your friends to leave the room."

"But Princes-"

"NOW!" Luna cut Twilight off. The six mares and Spike left the room, "Guards go stand outside and make sure they do not try and come in here."

"Yes mistress." the two said saluting Luna before they turned and went stand outside.

After the door closed Luna walked closer to the bed, "How did two of your kind manage to return to this world after the damage your kind did all those years ago. You shouldn't even be alive right now. You humans lost your natural magic when you tried to force the world to bend to your will." Luna's horn flashed and a light blue beam shot into John's forehead.


John looked around seeing nothing but darkness surrounding him. No sound could be heard other than the shuffling of his feet as he turned. Suddenly the darkness fell away and a grassy plain appeared beneath him. A full moon sat high in the sky surrounded by stars, "At least I am someplace beautiful. I missed the night sky."

"So a human with some taste. What a rare event." Luna said as she approached him from behind, "But tell me how did you come to our world, your kind was banished over two thousand years ago."

John turned around and jumped back in shock, "What do you mean banished from your world? And what world are you talking about because humans have always been on Earth?"

"Your kind has always been so ignorant. Even when we were allies I never trusted any of you. The only reason I allowed you humans to live is because my sister refuses to kill anything."

"Tell me where I am. Please. I need to find the one that I was with, she is the only thing I care about at this moment in time." John responded ignoring Luna's hateful glare.

"You won't find her here whelp. This is a dream that I am using my magic to sustain. The fact that you are still living speaks volumes for your heart. This world should be killing you but it is not. The one you are looking for is lying next to you in one of Equestria's castles, but she is in a dreamless state." Luna spoke coldly towards John.

Suddenly John's eyes flash brown but quickly return to normal, "Please let me wake. I want to see her."

"I can't do that until you swear that you won't corrupt this world like your kind does with everything it touches."

"If it makes you feel better I disown humanity, and it's actions. The only other human I will ever interact with is the one sleeping next to me."

"If that is all you will agree to then it will do, but I ask that you do not answer any of the questions anypony ask about your world. Also be happy it was me who came here and not my sister."


I slowly opened my eyes once the strange dream faded. The ceiling was a strange blue crystal like material and as I turned my head I saw that the entire room was like that. When I turned to my left I stared at Angelle's face and started to panic. Her face was still bleeding. It looked as though someone or something tried to clean some of the blood up, but they did not try and stop the bleeding. I picked her head up as I pulled a section of the soft bed spread to her mouth and applied pressure to the busted lip. Once I got the piece of cloth on the bleeding lip I heard a soft giggle. I turned my heard and saw the winged unicorn from my dream, "Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"Because, it is a joyful sight to see a human showing compassion to another. Now if you would like I can heal her mouth, and wake her up." the mare said with a soft but commanding voice.

"Please. I will do what ever you ask." I responded and pulled Angelle closer, "She is all I have here in this world. She was all I had on Earth other than my music."

"Very well." the horn on the mare's head started to glow a light blue as did the cut on Angelle's lip. After a moment the glow faded and the bleeding stopped. Not long after her eyes slowly opened and they met mine as she smiled.

"That is a face I can get used to waking up to." Angelle said softly before she pulled me into a hug.

"Angelle, something strange happened." I said.

"What do you mean strange?" she asked.

"Ask the magical talking pony at the foot of the bed." I said as her eyes got wide.

Her gaze drifted towards the mare, "An alicorn……" she said softly, "Were are we?"

"You two have been brought to Equestria by some unknown means of teleportation." the mare said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Princess Luna, Co-ruler of Equestria."

"Is there other humans here?" Angelle asked.

"There has not been humans on this planet for over two thousand years. All traces of your race have been destroyed over time so none of this day and age even know of your existence." Luna said, "My sister's student and her friends found you two and sent us a letter asking us to come and see what she found. My sister was to busy with the nobles in Canterlot to come. So I came instead of her."

"So when do we get to leave this room? Because the sooner I can get to a music shop the sooner I can start doing what I love." I said and received a glare from the Princess, "What do you expect me to treat you different because your royalty?" Luna kinda shrugged and nodded, "Well don't because you are no different from others in my eyes. Where we came from we elect our leaders and even then they only get a chance at two four year terms at max. Even then they do not have actual control of the Government." Luna backed up a little at my little rant, "So tell me Luna, when you I get to go get me a new bass?"

I see now that was a mistake because as soon as I said that she picked me up with her magic and threw me into the wall, "You have yet to call us by name you whelp! I shall have you-" Luna was cut off as Angelle's fist connected with her jaw, "How dare you?" Luna growled.

"I am only doing what I feel is right. I know what you alicorns are capable of, and I don't care. If I cannot protect the one whom I love and that has protected me when I needed, then what kind of person would I be?" Angelle snapped.

I chuckled a little, "My black-winged angle. I have been waiting for a chance to call you that." I pushed my hands against the wall trying to force myself away from it, "Can you please let me go? Because if she is like me if you don't you might be in pain."

"Did thou just threaten us? We are the Princess of the Night, leader of the Equestrian army, and the Nightmare!" Luna all but yelled.

"No just warning you. I incapacitated two guys who were bigger and stronger than me in less than five minutes without them even touching me. You are in a way a woman, so tell me what lengths would you go to protect the one you love?" I said calmly.

Luna sat down as soon as the question left my mouth and she started mumbling some uncomprehendable words. I fell from her magical grip not long after. Angelle ran over to my side and hugged me, "I see why you act the way you do, but that does not mean I forgive you for not addressing me properly." Luna said as she looked at us, "I will tell you now that I have no intentions of holding you two captive, but you need to come with me to Canterlot tonight before you can be allowed to roam and do as you please."

"I can agree to that but can I at least get something to pass the time?" I asked.

"You have her don't you." Luna responded making my face turn red and Angelle laugh.