• Published 31st Jan 2016
  • 200 Views, 0 Comments

A new beginning - game syndrome

In an alternate universe in which Zander, a main character in my other story, never met Sam or Sasha

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chapter 1, This seames familliar

Ugggggggggggggggggggggggggg, why is it so cold and wet in by bed? I rolled over to get my glasses, only to see that they were already on my face. Did I fall asleep with them on again? Getting back to the reason I sought them in the first place, I looked to investigate my current situation. I wasn't in my bed at all!?!?!? I was in some sort of forest, had I been sleepwalking again?

Well I attempted to stand, but was met with a sharp pain in my lower back( I thought this was due to the disease I "inherited", a disease that made my lower back ultra fragile, you could probably snap me in two if you tried hard enough) .Did I fall off a cliff to get here? despite the protest in my spine, I managed to stand.

Where in the wide world was I? I don't recognize this part of the woods. I started towards what I thought was my house, but being the dumbass I am, got lost, BAD.

I was wandering around for a good half hour trying to figure out where the hell I am. But so far, NOTHING, NOT EVEN A LIGHT FROM CIVILIZATION SIGNALING ME THAT I WASN'T BONED. After another half hour, I DID spot a small village of some sorts on the horizon, as I came up on the mysterious "village", I noticed it was more of a small town, not near the size of my home town in good old Virginia.

I approached the only house there with the lights on, and knocked on the slightly smaller than average door, I hear someone calling from inside

"Ya ,Ya i'm coming!

As for what came next.. well.. A small horse only coming up to my chest with a mane with dark and light blue highlights.

Ya what do you want. I presumed she said as she turned her head, and proceeded to scream, and slammed the door in my face. Meanwhile, I managing to stay conscious, slowly and carefully.... Ran screaming and hollering back into the woods.

Author's Note:

It was a slow start, but I managed to survive without my partner Ben he usually helps out with the start, but I needed to do this without him. Actually I doubt he even knows about this story ...... Don't mind the short chapters, I HAVE A LIFE YOU KNOW.. Well not at 1:00 in the morning. I just like a lot of short and sweet chapters :rainbowkiss: