• Published 11th Jun 2012
  • 965 Views, 35 Comments

Highschool for Ponyviille - lunasgirl21

  • ...

Meeting the Gang (and me!)

*continued from chapter 1*

...the limo hit a pot-hole. Melody burped blue fire and Spike tried not to burn Twilight's hair off with his fire. Fourty hours later, the Princess's private jet landed in Ponyville. Apparently, the school wasn't that far away. And by not far away, I mean, right next door to the airport. Melody shoved Spike out of the long car with Star and Twilight in tow. "Woah! Star! Twi! Ya gotta check this out!" said an excited Melody.

Twilight saw a large marble building, with a glass dome capping the large middle building. They all saw Princess Luna, who worked as the Principal of the school. Unlike most principals, she didn't have her light blue hair up in what Star calls, "a bun tight enough yo squeese the shampoo out". She had her hair down with a dark blue blazer and a light blue skirt. She wore black fuzzy loafers to go with the outfit. She stared the foursom up and down with her navy blue eyes.

Her face then broke into a grin. "Ahhh, you must be our four new students! Sister has told me all about you. Miss Sparkle and Miss Starsong are seniors I believe?" says Principal Luna. After a quick nod from the two girls, she said, "And Mr. Spike and Miss Melody, you two are freshmen, if I maybe correct?" They replied with a quick nod. "Well, our dorms are split into genders so, Miss Sparkle, Miss Starsong, and Miss Melody, you will be in the Female dorms over that way." she said, pointing to a pink building. "And Mr. Spike, you will be in the Male dorms over in that direction." she said to Spike, pointing at a blue building across the lawn from the girl's dorms.

Twilight snapped her fingers and the girl's luggage followed them. Spike grunted along with his heavy duffle. As soon as the girls entered the dorm, the lights flicked on and all the girls in the dorm shouted, "SURPRISE!" A girl with curly pink hair and blue eyes bounced up to them. "Welcome! Welcome to the 'Girls Rule Boys Drool' Dorm!" said the hyper girl. Star did the original way of greeting someone in their world. She said, "Hello! Starsong, age 18, Senior at Ponyville's School for Teens & Tweens, I am an Angel!" spreading out her short, but shimmery purple wings. "Pinkie Pie, age 17, Senior at Ponyville's School for Teens & Tweens, I am a Human!" said the hyper one. Now it was Twilight's turn, but she didn't want to do it. She kept quiet until Melody blew a small fire at her rear end. "Twilight Sparkle, age 18, Senior at Ponyville's School for Teens & Tweens, I am a sorceress!" she spat out. Melody was next, and did no rush to do so. "Melody, age 14, Freshmen at Ponyville's School for Teens & Tweens, I'm dragon-blooded!"

Pinkie Pie shook hands with all of them. A blonde girl with green eyes came over. "Howdy y'all! Applejack, age 18, Senior at Ponyville's School for Teens & Tweens, I am a Human. And I'mma might sorry if Pinkie here scared the wits outta ya." she said. "No prob! If you've have seen Twilight in a swimsuit, that even scarier!" Star said with a laugh.

Twilight looked around. The entire lobby was furnished with ivory, glass, and hot pink. Star and Twilight then noticed two girls sitting on the ivory colored couch, looking at the screen of a laptop.

One girl was very pale with light pink hair, and wore a over-sized yellow turtle-neck with jeans, the other had curly strawberry blonde hair and wore a black and white tee shirt and a pair of jeans. The girl with the pink hair asked her something and the one with the laptop pulled out a pair of wire-framed glasses and started to type.

"Those two are Fluttershy and Stardaisy, but we just call her Daisy." said another voice from down the hallway. The figure that came out into the light of the lobby had rainbow hair in a ponytail, obviously wearing her pajamas. "'Sup? I'm Rainbow Dash and I'm an angel." she said. Twilight and Star waited for her to go on. "What? I don't do that formal shiz.." said Rainbow difiantly. "Fluttershy is also an Angel and Daisy is a computer nerd." She was responded to by a flying muffin from the couch. "Ouuuuch! I didn't mean it like that! If anything, it was a complement!" Rainbow replied with a whine. Fluttershy immediately ran over to see if Rainbow was okay. Melody giggled and Star was holding in her laughing. Twilight just rolled her eyes. "Hey! Fluttershy! I found it!" Daisy shouted from the couch. "What? Your new theme song?" asked Pinkie Pie. Daisy nodded. "It's called Cinderella. It's by uhm.... Tata Young?" she replied. Starsong was suddenly interested. She went over to the couch and hit the play button. The song blared out through the speakers on the table. "Ga! TURN IT DOWN! I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP!" yelled an argivated voice. Another girl came running down the stairs in a pink bathrobe. She was sorta pale with royal purple curls. "Yeash Rarity, we're just having a bit of fun." Daisy said rolling her eyes. Rarity snapped her fingers and the music turned off.

*Same idea as last time, need to get another idea for the story. And if bassofthe is reading, NO COMMENT! BYE!- Flitter*

Comments ( 17 )

737750 I though I made myself clear. Well, whatever. And your age is irrelevant, I tell you these things writer-to-writer, not adult-to-kid (Am I an adult? Guess I am. At least my age says so :derpytongue2: I don't really think of myself as one, though. I digress). What I'm talking about is the issues with this fic that you need to work on.

I'll tell you some things you need to work on to improve the quality of your writing.
- Every time the focus shifts to a new character, start a new paragraph. If you don't want to do this then at least start a new paragraph whenever a new character speaks. This is a rule of formatting, not a guideline.
- Variety is good, repetitiveness is boring. There are many ways of saying that a certain character says something. Both
"Hello," Twilight said.
"Hello," said Twilight.
are perfectly useable. However, alternating only between those two is repetitive and boring, especially since there are many words that are more specific. Often, you don't have to use a 'talking' word at all, because another type of verb would convey the same and simultaneously be more interesting.
- The events happen too fast. Slow down, be descriptive. Don't skip details, and use all senses, not just sight. This chapter could be at least twice as long, if you fleshed it out a bit.
- Don't tell the audience what happens, show them. Don't tell us that Starsong is Twilight aide in the fashion world, show us a scene that makes us figure it out on our own. Your readers are smart enough to read between the lines, so use that to your advantage.
- Find someone who can read through what you write, pointing out mistakes and errors so you can fix them before you post the chapter for all the world to see. A good prereader would have made you avoid quite a few of the mistakes you have made here, and a good editor would have made the whole thing better and more interesting. A cowriter would have given you different perspectives and new ideas. Nothing wrong with doing this yourself, but if you do, then at least make sure you can do it well. Otherwise, get help.
- Ending a chapter with "[...] all of a sudden" isn't a cliffhanger, it's a desperate attempt at making the reader want the next chapter. It doesn't work, as the reader can tell that you're desperate. A cliffhanger is when you end a chapter with an unresolved plot twist, and should be used carefully. A cliffhanger, even a proper one, is just out of place in this part of the story.

Was that clearer?

Also, after reading the second chapter, I noticed another issue.
- If you are going to refer to the narrator in a third person story, you need a very good reason. Otherwise, don't do it.

still confused dude

you mentioned Twi in a swimsuit right? and Applejack is very competitive? Well Swimming Club... then Maybe Star could do a talent show at the school? Get a relationship going on other than the two young ones... also let those two have a chapter or two to themselves... Pinkie is 17 right? well her 18th party is gonna be amazing *wink wink* also don't include Fluttershy as she would have finished High School as she is a year older than Pinkie so she is in college. after the two chapters there are so many ideas in my head... but I prefer writing War books or dark ones... but I may have to do one of these... but I would do it from a guys perspective... well GOOD LUCK... and if I do one... I will try to make it Cannon with this :) maybe... a crossover?? well that shall be in the future dear :D

738964 thnx dude! and a crossover sounds good seeing as i had to disconyinue a story. Talk about this is the future?

When I think of one thing I am lucky... the ideas just roll out :) so yeah... I just finishes school so I have about 20 weeks till I have to do stuffs :P so yeah I have 2 books now... I think I will focus on this one though... I may put my OC in their just for skits and giggles :P and I am thinking BOYxBOY with mine :) cause I am bored :D see ya in the school :)

739123 sweet! also i recomend a story called Scootaloo's Life, realy neat story. Did you know Dash is a blonde? :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

SHe would have to be to die her hair rainbow colors :P

I have got some of the book done... but I am off to Cadets... I hope to have some more to work off of when I get back *wink wink*

738648 What exactly are you confused about? It's much easier for me to clarify if I know what it is you don't understand.

748430 stories are for fun dude. well mine are. so i dont give a buck!

748436 I was just trying to help you improve your writing. Also, if you don't want people to comment on your work and give you advice, why put it on the Internet?

748747 screwball it ^swag^ :moustache:

sorry about the sucky version. Here's a better version

*gets back on after who knows how long* *looks at this story* *cringe attack* Damn I sucked when I was 13...

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