• Published 14th Jan 2016
  • 182 Views, 10 Comments

Faded to Dark - 2099

Meet Dark Façade, a nice guy who lives in a dumpy abandoned apartment.

  • ...

Good Fucking Morning

An AC & MLP Crossover

"What the fuck," came from under the sheets has their inhabitant woke up, and banged his head on the cupboard above his bed. "Note to self, never install a bed under a fucking cupboard in the kitchen!" The sheets fell off the pegasus while messing his mane worst than some small rodent's ass. The pegasus was a sooty gray color, with a couple white patches and hooves that ended in white. The pegasus yelled as he then kicked the cupboard, only hurting his hoof this time. He then proceeded to lose balance and fall out of bed, pulling his sheets with him into a cotton and pony mess.

"Okay... Façade, you got this, just get... to the damn coffee!" Façade said as he picked up the sheets best he could, grumbling until he dumped the sheets onto his bed, and moved over to his life source: the coffee pot. Façade glanced about the dump known as his apartment, while brewing his sacred coffee. "Ah, this is shit." Façade muttered in mock happiness to himself as he took a draught of the bitter coffee. Façade took his coffee to the mini table in the corner of his bedroom/kitchen. He sat down at the low table, glad he didn't need a chair for it.

Façade looked again about his ramshackle apartment. It was small, the kitchen was joined with the bedroom with the cupboards above the bed, and the stove at the end of his bed. Not fire safe, but kept his hooves warm during the colder nights. The window had a thick layer of frost that Façade used as a mirror. He had a bathroom with a toilet that had calcium deposits in it and a shower that squeaked like hell. Then Façade visually inspected his living room for his current position. which contained a longer, less beat up table, a shabby couch, and a selection of worn books he had acquired over the years. Façade looked down his narrow kitchen to the impromptu closet. Façade looked at the frost covered window, and then downed his coffee, despising the bitter taste. He grabbed a slightly stale doughnut out of the box laying by his bed and devoured it.

"A little better I suppose, now where's my damn scarf... I know it's here..." Façade wondered aloud as he searched through his "closet". The pegasus finally claimed it from the ratty thing known as his jacket, and wrapped the black and gray striped scarf around his neck. He then pulled on the jacket which had been a black trenchcoat once upon a time, but now a stained brown and faded black color. Façade then put on his hoofgloves, and then his cap. He opened the door to his apartment, and stepped out into the even draftier hallway, then producing a key from his pocket, and locked the door. It was more out of principle than actual security. The door was about an inch thin, comprised of a bed sheet and wood. Plus the door didn't do anything in the case of a emergency.

Façade stood out in the hallway of the abandoned apartment complex. He looked down both ends of the hallway, before pulling out something from under the board infront of his door. He held the item carefully, but also reverently. "Our order is gone... Fucking gone. You were my family. Now, you're gone. All fucking gone." Façade said, angry. He quickly put the item next to him, and pulled out a worn tan knapsack with some old leather accents, and put the item along with the other things in there. Façade started down the hallway to the stairs. The hallway had many missing boards in the floor showing down into the floors below. Façade went to the stairs, and started down them. He went down several creaking flights of stairs when he heard shouting outside. Façade found the door and walked out, slipping into the crowd.

Dark Façade looked like your regular pony, except maybe a bit scruffier. He hadn't shaved in a while. 'It was such a chore,' Façade thought, 'shaving while keeping your coat on. Ugh.' Façade moved onwards toward his usual haunt, the homeless sections of Canterlot. Façade looked over in the distance, and saw with much disdain, Celestia's and Luna's new castle in the early stages of construction upon the mountain. The shouting was a constable directing traffic around the construction. "They're fucking insane, there's this thing called gravity," then Façade thought about it a little bit more before conceding, "At least until they involve damn unicorns. Fuckers," to nopony in particular.

Ponies milled about, doing their usual routines, Façade knew generally what they did, setting up their shops, making coffee and other good that Façade would always envy and wish he had. Nopony seemed to notice him, and he just continued to walk down the sidewalk of the cobbled road content with that thought. Ponies of high class had carriages to pull them around. Façade had noticed that a member of the House of Sparkle owned a couple stores on this street. Façade wasn't surprised. The House of Sparkle was one of the more kinder Houses, helping the poor and needy and establishing schools and low-cost bookstores. Façade was content with his meager lot however, and never called on the House of Sparkle's charity.

As Façade turned down several back alleys and through a building. Façade saw Melon Cut balancing on her back hooves over a trash can fire. Façade smiled at the old mare, and walked up, "Hey Melons, how are ya today with yourself?" Façade asked, leering upon his back hooves, he teeter tottered for a moment, and then gained balance. Façade looked at the cutoff end of his hoofgloves. He warmed his hooves over the fire. As he then looked at Melon Cut, the old mare was a light gray-green, and had a silvery and red mane. She pulled her jacket tighter around herself as it started to snow.

"I'm ok'y Dark'l. 'M al'ight" She said in her stuffy way. She she started coughing horribly and Façade started worrying, when Melon started laughing, "I 'ad ya 'ere Dark'l," she struggled to say while cracking up. Façade instantly burst out laughing when Melon did.

"Alrighty, you had me Melons, but do be careful, I'm guessing it's gonna be shitty winter. And you don't have a place. I could—" Façade was interrupted by Melon Cut, who then said, "I'll be stayin' wif the 'Ouse of Sp'rkle. They g've me a place to st'y."

Façade was surprised, and then he smiled, "I'm sure they'll take damn good care of ya, no prob." Façade smiled warmly, "When do you go?" he asked.

"'Morrow, th'y be comin' 'morrow. 'Ee ya Dark'l," Melon said as the snow started piling into mounds, and the old mare headed into the shadows down the back alleys. Façade stood at the trash can until the fire grew low. His stomach gurgled in hunger. Façade winced, and then he scooped up some of the recently fallen snow with his wing, and dumped it into the trash can, extinguishing it immediately with a big puff of smoke. Façade inhaled some of it, and coughed like an old mare. Then Façade decided to head home, it simply was snowing to heavily now. Tomorrow he'd have to find some food. The snow started to fall rather heavily as Façade trudged on home. "Fucking snow," Façade said as he entered the abandoned apartment complex.

Author's Note:

This is slightly edited work (just my own), and if you see any discrepancies, please comment or notify me.

Comments ( 9 )

What does AC stand for?

Is it assassin's creed?

Comment posted by 2099 deleted Jan 14th, 2016


Yes, it stands for Assassin's Creed.

I was crying tears of blood by the end of the first paragraph. Yet I continued.

By the fifth paragraph I was dead. Thanks a lot.

But seriously, here's some criticism. Go learn how to make a fucking character before you write stories.


I didn't have a title for the fic, and unnamed fic #21 wasn't working for me, because, obvious reasons. Character wise, I did it mostly indirectly for the first chapter on purpose the next chapters are to be more character development. And introduce our first antagonist...

6833301 Yes, but learn to make CONSISTENT DIALOGUE. Like, don't have your character swearing at his doorknob one moment, and talking like Shakespeare the next. Why? Because it feels incredibly choppy, ruins the mood, and just generally confuses the hell out of everyone.

Also, let me think of some titles for you, Mr. Lazy Writer:

Assassin's Pony

The Tale of Dark Façade


Poorly Written Story

Also, don't call your character "homeless". You clearly state that he lives in an apartment that he's clearly been in for a while.


No hard feelings aright? Calm down, you're coming across as if I have upset you, and if I have I'm sorry.

6833754 Bad writing just makes me a little upset, sorry :pinkiesad2:

Okay, a lot upset.


Bitches love my penis 'cause it's really big.

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