• Published 9th Dec 2015
  • 14,886 Views, 179 Comments

Seeing the Sunset - CoverArt

After a horrible week Sunset decides to end it all.

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Depression (Edited)

Sunset Shimmer looked down at the water. It was perfectly calm, sparkling in the moonlight. That calmness was soon interrupted by teardrops falling from her face. The tears fell the distance to the water, their ripples shattering the placid surface. Sunset would soon be joining those tears. Yes, Sunset was going to jump, and she thought it was the best idea she ever had.

It had been nearly a week since the Fall Formal, and though she knew it would be difficult going back to school after brainwashing the student body, she didn’t expect it to be this bad. It was worse than she could even begin to imagine. Sunset was lucky Vice Principal Luna didn’t really make her fix the front of the school, only pay for it. That was a problem in and of itself; she was living by herself and barely had enough money to make rent, let alone enough to pay the thousands of dollars it would take to repair the school. When Luna and Celestia find out about her not having parents, the want for the money will go away, yes, but it’ll lead to a slew of new problems that Sunset never wanted to face. Then there were the actual students. They all despised her, plain and simple. Even those who were supposed to give her a chance didn’t. They all glared at her, just like all the other students, although, oddly enough, Fluttershy’s seem to stem more from peer pressure than true anger. It was something Sunset would look into if she had the chance. Unfortunately, she was never given a chance to even get close to the pink-haired girl. Every time she tried, she would either be blocked by students exiting classes or by Fluttershy’s friends. They would tell Sunset to stay away from her. It was to be expected; Sunset bullied Fluttershy the most, after all. Sunset just had hoped they would all give her another chance.

The rest of the week was much of that same thing. Sunset was bullied mercilessly, specifically, but not exclusively, by Rainbow Dash, of all people. She would shoulder Sunset whenever the passed in the hallway, shot her constant glares, and was the one to always tell her off from talking with Fluttershy. Sunset didn’t know what her problem was but knew she deserved it. She bullied nearly everyone in the school. In some cases it was necessary to get money, seeing how she neither had nor was able to get a job. Because she came from Equestria, Sunset Shimmer didn’t really exist. She sold what keepsakes she could and bought fake papers so she could get an apartment and get into school. She would bully for cash when the monthly rent was coming up, and she would bully kids for their lunches since she couldn’t get them herself. But Sunset didn’t try to justify anything, even if she was forced in some circumstances. She deserved everything she was getting.

Even if she knew she deserved it, she wasn’t expecting the spray paint on her locker. ‘Whore’, ‘Bitch’, and ‘Demon’ were spray-painted onto her locker, and from there it didn’t take long to start hearing rumors about why one of the words painted was ‘whore’. The most popular one was that it was a reference to her above-average chest size. This did nothing to ease Sunset’s ever-growing anxiety. She constantly walked around with her books close to her chest and her head down. Even then, she felt the eyes of all the guys on her. This all persisted for the two more days until Friday.

Friday started out like any other day that week, with Sunset trying to navigate the halls with as little attention drawn to her as possible. Aside from a few comments and a few encounters with Rainbow Dash, she got through the day with little trouble. However, during the last period of the day, she was called down to Principal Celestia’s office. Shuddering slightly at being called down, as she knew what it was about, Sunset made her way to the office. Celestia motioned for Sunset to sit down. Celestia had papers scattered on her desk, and she took a moment to put them into a pile before addressing Sunset.

“Miss Shimmer, I'll cut right to the chase. Your parents have yet to pay for the damages done to the school. I have no choice but give you until Monday to give us the money, otherwise we will have to take legal actions. I really hope it doesn't come to that. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Principal Celestia. I’m sure we can get the money to you by Monday,” Sunset replied, muttering at the very end, “somehow.”

“Good. You’re dismissed.”

Sunset nodded and walked out of the room. Instead of going back to class, however, she walked out the front doors. She went over and sat by the statue, leaning against the portal face. She silently wished she could go back to Equestria. Even if she weren’t welcomed back there by Princess Celestia, she still had one or two friends there. In this world, she only had herself. Even the people who said they would be her friends didn’t want anything to do with her, and it was all her fault. If she hadn’t been so obsessed with power, if she hadn’t bullied and hurt all those people, she could have some semblance of a normal life. Now, Sunset had to pay for her cruelty, quite literally. She had no clue how she was going to get that much money by Monday.

For what seemed like the hundredth time that week, Sunset started to cry. She cried for what seemed like hours, although she knew it was only a few minutes. She had to quickly wipe away her tears when she heard the bell to signal the end of school. She continued to sit there, however, not seeing a reason to get up at all. That is, until she saw a certain pink-haired girl walk off alone down one of the streets. Sunset saw this and decided that it would be a good opportunity to try to talk to Fluttershy to get some answers, if nothing else. She ran after Fluttershy and caught up with her about a half a block up the road.

“Fluttershy,” she called out. Her name grabbing her attention, Fluttershy turned to see Sunset. Fluttershy gave a small smile.

“Oh, Sunset, I’m actually kind of glad you’re here. I’ve wanted to talk to you since the whole Fall Formal incident. Um, sorry to bring it up…” she added after she watched Sunset visibly wince.

“I-it’s ok,” Sunset replied in a faux-reassuring way. Fluttershy could easily see through the ruse, but decided not to push it. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

“I wanted to apologize for not being able to talk to you before. The others didn’t think it was a good idea. Not that I thought talking to you would be bad! They’re just trying to protect me, and I trust them. I hope it didn’t hurt you too much.”

“I’m fine,” Sunset said, too quickly, “I understand. Your friends are right; I probably should be kept away from everyone else. I’ve done nothing but ruin everything...”

“That’s not true, Sunset. I mean, yes, what you did wasn’t the nicest, but you deserve another chance, just like anyone else.”

“D-do you really mean that? I mean, if anyone should hate me, it’s you.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not entirely ready to outright be friends with you, but I’ll give you the chance to try.”

“Thanks Fluttershy, that’s all I can ask for, right now,” Sunset smiled and put a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder. It had just occurred to her that this was the first time in a whole week she actually smiled. This, however, was going to be short-lived.

“Hey! Get away from her!” They both heard from behind them. They both turned just in time for Sunset to get a fist to the face, knocking her to the ground.

Reorienting herself, Sunset looked back up to see Rainbow Dash there, standing above her and between her and Fluttershy.

“I don’t know who you think you are to even go near Fluttershy, but I don’t want you anywhere near her, got it? If I do see you even trying to talk to her, then I will drop you so hard you’ll go back to whatever dimension you came from!” Rainbow yelled. Fluttershy seemed to be trying to stand up for Sunset, but due to the sheer anger in and volume of the rainbow-haired girl’s voice, Fluttershy’s pleas for her to calm down were unheard.

“Rainbow, we we’re just--“ Sunset tried to explain before Rainbow cut her off.

“Shut up! When will you learn that none of us want you around? If it weren’t for you, we would be a whole lot happier. We would never have been your pawns in your stupid attempt to have some fake semblance of people actually liking you. Well, guess what? No one does. We all wish you didn’t even exist! Now get the hell out of here!”

Sunset stood up, the dam collapsing.

“Don’t worry. After today you and everyone else will never have to worry about me again,” she cried. She turned and ran as fast as she could away from the two other girls. She ignored what little she heard of Fluttershy’s pleas for her to come back.

Sunset ran for a few blocks before she came upon a bridge. It connected Canterlot to the neighboring town of Ponyville. The sun had set by now, the cool air blowing against Sunset as thoughts raced through her mind. Sunset looked down at the water below. It was perfectly calm, sparkling in the moonlight. Sunset slowly climbed up the railing separating the pedestrians from the open air on the other side.

Thoughts continued to race through her. Was this the best answer? Should she just go home? Should she take her money and go as far away as possible? Should she go back to Equestria? Eventually her thoughts zeroed in on her thinking that this was all her fault and that this would be an appropriate punishment. She tried to think of alternatives, her inner self wanting to live, but deep down, she knew that this was the only way for things to be okay. She doubted anyone would care anyway. Hell, the way things have been going, they might even throw a party for the event. So, she took one last deep breath and let gravity take her.