• Published 9th Dec 2015
  • 14,882 Views, 179 Comments

Seeing the Sunset - CoverArt

After a horrible week Sunset decides to end it all.

  • ...

Guidance (Edited)

It was Thursday morning, and Sunset was finishing wrapping her upper arm in a bandage. She sighed as she thought of the scars on her upper arms now. While not a huge amount, there were still too many. Sunset couldn’t help it, though. She kept having nightmares, so she would distract herself in the morning before school. Then school would give her a hard time, so she would distract herself when she got home, if not during school, although that only happened once in the past couple of days. She put on her leather jacket and went down to wash the tool of her self-destruction, a shard of glass from the mirror. They had replaced the mirror and thrown out the other shards on Tuesday, the same day Sunset started, but she kept one piece for this. She sighed one more time, putting the shard in a pocket of her jacket, a smile on her face as she walked out. She couldn’t let Fluttershy know anything was up; it would only end badly.

She walked downstairs and met Fluttershy, who was grabbing her bag for school. Sunset grabbed her own bag and together they waved ‘bye’ to Fluttershy’s mother as they headed out.

“So Sunset, how’d you sleep?” Fluttershy asked as they walked.

With all the nightmares, I didn’t. Sunset thought. “All right, I guess. Why?”

Fluttershy sighed before answering, “Because I know you haven’t been sleeping well, Sunset.”

“I’ve been sleeping fine, Fluttershy, there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Sunset, I hear you tossing and turning. I hear you whimpering in your sleep, or lack of sleep. I’m in the same room. I hear it all. Please, just tell me.”

“I’m fine, Fluttershy. Please just let me deal with it.”

“Sunset, please don’t shut me out. It’ll help if you let me and our friends help.”

“I told you I’m fine!” Sunset raised her voice. She paused before looking at her feet, walking forward again.

“I’m sorry, Fluttershy. You didn’t deserve that, but I just want to deal with it myself, okay?”

“But you don’t have to, Sunset. Just please understand that. You don’t have to be alone.”

“And I’m not. I have you and our other friends, but the stuff going on in my head is something only I can deal with, and you trying to help is just making it harder… I’m sorry, that didn’t come out right.”

“No Sunset I understand. I’m sorry. Just please, promise me you’ll go for help if you need it.”

“Alright, Fluttershy, I promise. Now can we please not talk about this anymore? Let’s just get to school.”


Sunset knew already that this was going to be a hard day. She already felt like she needed a distraction. She just hoped she had time and that no one was in the bathroom. There was still room on her upper arm, but she would have to unwrap the bandages from the night before to get an area to cut though; she dared not risk cutting lower, for fear of being discovered.

A distraction already… This is going to be a long day.

Sunset walked out of the bathroom with a fresh bandage on her arm and a new wound that needed to heal. There wasn’t enough time for her to put her books in her locker, as she already ditched Fluttershy as soon as they got to school, so Sunset would have to lug all her books to her morning classes. It wouldn’t be the first time she’s had to do it, though, so she didn’t mind. It would just be a pain, though. She started to walk towards her first class when the loudspeaker came on.

“Sunset Shimmer, please report to Dr. Discord’s office.”

A few students around her giggled and chuckled at hearing her being called to her office. She sighed and made the turn to go to his office.

Grow up, for Celestia’s sake. Wonder what Discord wants so early.

Sunset could feel eyes on her as she walked towards the guidance counselor’s office. It was located near the other offices of the school, though it was across the hall from them. It was supposedly equipped with soundproof walls to ensure that no one except Discord and the student heard what was being said. Of course, there were no such walls in the room, but that didn’t stop Discord.

She opened the door and walked in. Discord was sitting at his desk, reading some papers. He snapped his fingers as she walked in, and the door closed behind her. He looked up from his papers and sighed.

“What am I going to do with you, Sunset? I really don’t want to hold your hand through this, but your making it hard for me not to.”

“What are you talking about? I’ve been fine; I haven’t tried to kill myself or anything since last week.”

“And self-harm is just a step down from suicide, Sunset. In fact, it often leads to suicide, whether on purpose or by accident.”

“How do you know about that? What does it matter? It’s helping me, Discord.”

“It's not helping, Sunset, it's only hurting you more. What if Fluttershy or one of your other friends finds out? How hurt do you think they’ll be?”

“That’s why they’re not going to find out, Discord. This is what works for me. Who are you to say its bad?”

“I’m someone who cares, Sunset. As weird as it sounds, I care about you. I feel for you because we were both villains who were saved by friendship. We have a connection and the same friends, even if they’re from different universes. I don’t want to lose a friend if I can help it.”

“What would you have me do, then?”

“Well, frankly, I would want to transfer you to Crystal Prep. You need a change of scenery from here, but--"

“That’s your big idea?” Sunset screamed, “Send me to a new school so I can have no friends whatsoever but be safe from kids who hate me? Thanks, but no thanks, Discord. This was a waste of time.”

Sunset stormed through the door again before Discord could even snap his fingers to cause the door to open right back into the office. He sighed, snapping his fingers to send his message.

Sunset walked through the halls towards her class. Who the hell is Discord to tell me how to live my life? It's fine the way it is right now. I know I shouldn’t distract myself like that, but it's what works.

Sunset’s thoughts were interrupted by a piece of paper flying in her face, sending a chill through her body. She grabbed the piece of paper and was about to chuck it away when she noticed whom it was addressed to. Her.
I know you don’t want to listen to me, but just hear me out this once. Be careful. I’m giving you a second chance here. Don’t make the same mistake; even if you think it works, hurting yourself isn’t the answer. I just healed your scars. They’re totally gone. Don’t make them come back. I believe in you, Sunset.
Discord, Master of Chaos and School Counselor

Sunset took off her jacket and looked at her arms. Sure enough, not even the bandages were there. Her mind was filled with mixed feelings towards Discord. She was thankful that he did that, but also mad that he wouldn’t just let her be. Either way, it didn’t really change her opinion. It was her life, she knew what was working and what wasn’t, and Discord and her friends treating her like a baby wasn’t working. Even if it was bad, her distractions helped her.

She put her jacket back on and reached into her pocket to see if she still had her shard; she had a feeling she might need it some time that day. She growled slightly when her hand felt not a shard of glass, but a lollipop. She threw it on the ground and stomped on it. She knew Discord had the best intensions, but he could go to Tartarus for all she cared. She needed that small amount of comfort, even if it was self-harming. She just had to go through the day without it, then.

The rest of the day, Sunset was met with continued harassment of the rumor and her outburst that accompanied it. It had been happening since Monday, and there was nothing Sunset could do to stop it, so she had to deal with it and hopefully give herself the distraction she needed later when she got home. It was hard for her, though. She desperately wanted to fight against the accusations, but if she did they’d just tell her that she was either in denial or lying. There was nothing she could do to get the rumor to stop. She constantly contemplated talking to Celestia or Luna, but she knew they’d only send her to Discord or make it worse some other way. She decided it was just best to ignore them and deal with it later, so that’s what she did.

Sunset and Fluttershy walked home in complete silence. The sun was already setting, since they both stayed after school to hang out with the other girls. Fluttershy tried to start a conversation once or twice, but Sunset wouldn’t say a word, not even to acknowledge Fluttershy said anything at all. When they were with her friends she seemed normal. She talked and laughed, but as soon as they left, she fell into this depressed mood. She also could swear she heard sniffles coming from Sunset, as well as tears falling, but she couldn’t tell, exactly. Sunset had let her hair down, covering her face just enough so she herself could see but also so no one could see her face. Fluttershy had done the same once or twice before when she was scared of someone or something. It was plain as day that something was hurting Sunset, but it was also painfully obvious she didn’t want to talk about it. Fluttershy decided to leave Sunset be until they got home. Hopefully, by then, she’d have calmed down a bit. The walk home was eerily quiet, and Fluttershy suddenly realized how much she missed having her chats with Sunset on their walks to and from school. She silently thanked whoever was up above when thy arrived at the house. They walked inside, and Fluttershy closed the door. She heard Sunset drop her backpack and start to walk upstairs.

“Sunset, wait,” she said. Sunset ignored her, however, and walked straight into the bathroom. Fluttershy contemplated waiting until she got out, but she didn’t hear Sunset lock the door, and she needed to get to the bottom of what was wrong, so she walked upstairs. She tested the knob to see if it was locked. She was right: It wasn’t. She opened the door.


Sunset was taking it hard. All of the comments and snickering behind her back, sometimes even in front of her face, they all hurt. She kept a happy face for as long as she could, sitting through the classes and lunch and even hanging out with the girls, but now, as Fluttershy and she walked home, she was mentally exhausted. She knew Fluttershy tried talking to her once or twice, but she couldn’t bring herself to say anything. She was on autopilot. Just walk forward, and get back home. She started thinking about whether or not she should distract herself when she got home, her talk with Discord still ringing in her ears, but right now, she really needed it. She saw the front door and opened it, dropping her backpack on the floor. Any thought of avoiding the pain was clouded as she again remembered her day. She just walked upstairs and went into the bathroom. She thought she heard Fluttershy call for her but was too preoccupied to listen.

She closed the bathroom door, went over to the mirror, and opened the medicine cabinet. There had to be something she could use. While she looked she took off her jacket and let it fall. There, she saw it. A straight razor. It would do perfectly. She grabbed it and opened it. It looked like it hadn’t been used in a while, but it still looked sharp. She brought the blade close to her upper arm, prepared to make the cut.


Sunset gasped as the door opened, and Fluttershy stared at her. Sunset dropped the razor and started to stutter, not knowing what to say. It looked like Fluttershy didn’t, either, as she was just silent, with a hand over her open mouth. They stayed like that for a few moments, until Fluttershy broke the silence.

“I-is that your first time? Tell the truth.”

Sunset started to tear up. She knew she had to answer her, and she knew she had to tell the truth, but she was dreading it. “N-no, I’ve been doing it since Tuesday. I don’t have scars because of something Discord did.”

“Discord knew? And he didn’t say anything? Why?” Fluttershy raised her voice, becoming a bit angry at not Sunset but Discord. Sunset, however, took it as Fluttershy being mad at her, causing her to burst into tears.

“I’m sorry, Fluttershy. Please, it was the only thing that was working.”

“You could have talked to any of our friends, especially me, Sunset! Come downstairs. Please. I’m not mad at you. I just want to talk.”

“How can you still be so nice to me? I’m horrible, no one likes me, people probably hate you because you’re friends with me, and I cut myself. In fact, why do you even like me? I hate myself,” Sunset screamed, more angry at herself and getting caught than she was at Fluttershy. Fluttershy knew this, so she tried to get Sunset to calm down.

“Sunset, I don’t just like you. I love you. I care about you, and so do our other friends. We don’t hate you, and we would gladly help you if you let us. I don’t regret being friends with you, and I know for a fact neither does any of the other girls. Please, just let us help.”

“A-are you sure?” Sunset asked, tears still rolling down her face.

“Of course, Sunset. I’m here for you. It’ll be hard for you, Sunset, but I know if we all work together, we can make you feel better.”

“Thank you, Fluttershy.” Sunset hugged Fluttershy, which was immediately accepted. Sunset sobbed into Fluttershy’s shoulder, something that Sunset only just realized she desperately needed.

Sunset cried for a good ten minutes before slowing down.

“How do you feel, Sunset?” Fluttershy asked.

“A little bit better. Not one hundred percent, but definitely better.”

“Good. How about we go take a walk so we can talk?”

“I think I’d like that, Fluttershy,” Sunset sniffled, “Let me just wash my face and get my jacket.”

“Alright,” Fluttershy said. She waited for Sunset to finish before they both went downstairs. Fluttershy grabbed her light jacket, and together, they walked outside and down the street.