• Published 17th Jan 2016
  • 2,950 Views, 89 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Alternate Season Six) - FlareGun45

A fake MLP: Season Six attempt keep the fandom at ease throughout the hiatus. This isn't the real season six, nor do I know what's happening in season six for sure. There are no sources in this story that are relevant to season six.

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Runway Success

One day over at Canterlot Carousel Boutique, Sassy Saddles was using her magic to place gems on a blue peacock-like dress when suddenly the front door opens and rings the bell as it opens. “Hellooooo?” Rarity calls out.

Sassy excitedly walks out of the back office and excitedly says, “Rarity, well I’ll be a gem!”

“Sassy Saddles!” Rarity said excitedly as they gave eachother a hug. “I’m glad to see that the shop isn’t burned down when I was gone.”

“Oh Rarity, you didn’t tell me you were coming!” Sassy said.

“I wanted to surprise you!” Rarity said.

“Well the plan sure worked!” Sassy said. “How are things in Ponyville, dear?”

“Very well actually!” Rarity said. “Business is really taking off! I’m working to the bone just to keep my customers happy!”

“Oh ditto over here, darling!” Sassy said. “So what brings you here?”

“Just wanted to check up on things.” Rarity said as she looks around the boutique. “I also wanted to give you a little something for your hard work.”

“Splendid!” Sassy said. “Let me just go get the mail real quick and I’ll be right back with you.”

“I’ll be here waiting!” Rarity said as Sassy walks out of the boutique to get to the mail. Rarity then starts talking to herself, “Rarity, you are a genius! Hiring somepony like Sassy Saddles to manage the expansion might be the most genius thing you’ve ever did. Oh shucks, Rarity, no need to flatter yourself. Of course Sassy Saddles was a good choice! She’ll a very loyal employee and wants what’s best for the business. She’s always proven that. Maybe not the best ideas all the time, but she knows what’s best.”

“RARITY!” Sassy cried as she slams the door open and runs back inside with a letter.

“What? What is it?” Rarity asked.

“It’s a letter from Fashion Plate!” Sassy freaked out.

“The editor from Cosmare Magazine?” Rarity asked happily.

“Yes! He wants to come back here tomorrow for another one of his… how you say… delicate observing?” Sassy said.

“Well that’s just splendid!” Rarity said excitedly. “I mean, the boutique has already had a part in one of his magazines already.”

“Yeah, umm… yeah.” Sassy said as her excitement dies down.

“What’s wrong?” Rarity asked. “Do we not have enough new dresses to show him?”

“Wha- NO, no. Not that.” Sassy said. “It’s just… he wants somepony to pose as a model to try on the dresses.”

“Oh my, that is bad.” Rarity said.

“Well that’s not so difficult, dear.” Sassy smiles. “We just hire some wannabes we think looks enough and they’ll try on the dresses.”

“Oh but these dresses are very delicate, Sassy.” Rarity said. “Not just anypony can actually wear them from somepony in high places like Fashion Plate.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Sassy said as she observes the shop for the dresses. “Somepony that really looks the part needs to try on these dresses for him.”

“Somepony like… you?” Rarity suggested.

“What?” Sassy asked surprisingly. “Oh no, Rarity, I couldn’t!”

“Oh but you must!” Rarity insisted. “Look at you! Not only do you have an eye for fashion and detail like me, but you really look stunning yourself! Why, even I like plain and boring compared to you!”

“Oh don’t doubt yourself, Rarity. You look beautiful!” Sassy said.

Rarity giggles and then says, “Not as beautiful as you, Sassy!”

“Aww, well shucks.” Sassy blushes. No, don’t start shipping these two ok? They’re just colleagues. Also I bet people already beat you to it before I even released this chapter.

“So what do you say? You want to look the part for Fashion Plate?” Rarity asked.

“Hmm… give me some time to think it over.” Sassy requested.

“Take all the time you need.” Rarity insisted.

So they both stood there and stayed quiet for a few seconds, and just then, Sassy cries out, “Ok enough thinking. I’ll do it!”

The next day came, and Canterlot Carousel was packed by all sorts of ponies. They all gathered around the boutique chatting while they waited for the show to start. Rarity from behind the curtains on the stage was peeking through and observed the crowd. She then spots Fashion Plate in the crowd and glees in excitement. “There he is, Sassy! Fashion Plate is here!”

“Oooooh, I’m so nervous, Rarity!” Sassy said worryingly.

“Don’t be nervous, dear.” Rarity informed her.

“Oh like that really helps me!” Sassy said sarcastically.

“Sassy?” Rarity asked.

“Sorry… sorry… oh feathers and spots, Rarity! I’m so nervous!” Sassy said.

“Trust me, you’ll do fine.” Rarity said. “Now let’s do this!” As everypony was still talking, the lights start to dim and everypony starts to quiet down. The spotlight shines over Rarity as she walks up on stage. The real question right now is: who’s the one controlling the lights? Rarity clears her throat and says, “Good morning, everypony! We at Canterlot Carousel would like to thank you for coming to this occasion! And especially… one of you.” Rarity looks over at Fashion Plate. “Now, without further ado, I’d like to introduce to you a new style we have this season! I give you: the Sapphire Peacock!”

The curtains open revealing Sassy in her peacock outfit that she was making earlier, that is now finished obviously. The crowd gets impressed over Sassy’s dress. Sassy gets a little shy but she doesn’t hesitate to pose for the crowd. “Oh marvelous! Simply marvelous!” Fashion Plate said as he starts to take pictures of Sassy in the dress.

“Oh but wait, it gets better!” Rarity said as she nods at Sassy. Sassy nods back as she uses her magic to unleash the colorful feathers on the dress. The back of the dress spreads out like a peacock, and the audience felt even more woed at her look.

“Oh my goodness! Sweet Celestia! Sweet Luna! Sweet… all the princesses!” Fashion Plate cheered. “This is like… like… well I dunno what to say!”

“I do.” Hoity Toity said. “The dress is simply the most divine thing I’ve ever seen! Oh, but that’s simply not the secret to the dress is it?”

“Of course not!” Photo Finish said. “Za real magics come from za pony behind za dress! Who is zis fabulous pony?”

“Probably the next best thing, that’s for sure!” Hoity Toity said.

“Oh I agree! I agree 100%!” Fashion Plate said excitedly. Sassy and Rarity both looked at eachother in excitement as the crowd cheers for them.

A little later, everypony leaves the boutique, and some had a few bags of dresses on hoof before they left. Once everypony leaves, Rarity shuts the door behind them. “We did it, Sassy! We should woo’d them all!”

“Including Fashion Plate?” Sassy asked.

“Including Fashion Plate!” Rarity said.

“Well polish my buttons, Rarity! I can’t believe we actually pulled it off!” Sassy said excitedly.

“I can! When it comes to working with me, Sassy, you’re always a success, and I know my success has already rubbed off on you.” Rarity said.

“Oh but it was the dress that was the main theme of this event.” Sassy said. “Everypony was quite fond of it.”

“Oh but it wasn’t just the dress, dear.” Rarity informed her. “Everypony was impressed at you! They were impressed at you!”

“Me?!” Sassy asked surprisingly. “B-but… I was just there for show! I was the only thing there holding the dress up for everypony to see. I’m not that important.”

“Oh hush, darling. You were gorgeous!” Rarity said as she takes Sassy to a mirror to look at herself. “Everypony thought you were a star. See that? That is a very gorgeous pony with a genius mind of expertise and good looks!”

“Yep! And there’s me too!” Sassy teased.

Rarity laughs and says, “Don’t doubt yourself, Sassy.”

“I know I shouldn’t.” Sassy said. “But I just don’t want this to be about me. I want it to be about the dresses.”

“Well, you do have a point there, Sassy.” Rarity said. “It is indeed about the dresses, and there’s nothing anypony could do to change that.” They both smiled.

Later that night, Sassy returns to her house and was brushing her teeth before she turns in for the night. She gargles with mouth wash and spits into the sink, and then she wipes her face with her towel as she looks through the mirror and sees the reflection of her closet housing all her dresses that she’s worn in the past. She walks over to her closet and observes some of her dresses, and she smiles. She then finds a book lying on top of a box. She picks it up with her magic and opens it.

Sassy sighs and says, “Wouldn’t I give to experience that moment again.” She looks through the pictures and sees some of the photos of her in her younger years in various fashion shows in various dresses. She then sees the final picture and it featured her in tears as she wore a sparkly dress, and held a bouquet of flowers, and there was even a banner around her that says ‘Miss Equestria’. She smiles again and places her hoof under the picture. Just then, her door bell rung.

Sassy was tying up her robe as she ran down stairs as the door bell was ringing constantly. “I’m coming! I’m coming! Hold yourselves!” she shouted. She opens the door and gasps in shock. “Fashion Plate?!”

“Sassy Saddles! My dear, you look as beautiful as ever!” Fashion Plate said excitedly.

“Oh, umm… thank you!” Sassy said with a smile. “Can I… help you with something?”

“Oh I saw you over at the boutique this morning, and you were very FABULOUS!” Fashion Plate said as he said ‘fabulous’ in a girly tone. Why do all these fashion stallions sound so girly all the time?

“Oh… thank you!” Sassy blushed. “Would you, umm… like to come in?”

“Why certainly!” Fashion said as he walks inside her house and Sassy closes the door after he walks in. “And might I add, this place looks just as lovely as the pony who lives in it!”

“Oh stop it!” Sassy blushed. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were hitting on me!”

“Oh goodness, no!” Fashion said in shock. “I mean… hmph, no offense, but this is strictly a business opportunity I have in stock for you!”

“Business?” Sassy asked as they both sat down on her sofa. “What kind of business?”

“I know who you are, Sassy Saddles.” Fashion Plate said mischievously to her.

“Umm… I don’t follow.” Sassy said.

“Before you went into the boutique businesses?” Fashion Plate reminded her.

“Oh that?” Sassy asked. “Well… it was good while it lasted. But I wanted to move to other things. Working in boutiques all around Equestria sounded more of a smart career choice for me.”

“I know, I know, but you were so sensational!” Fashion Plate said. “You know, when you first retired, I said to myself, ‘Fashion Plate, Sassy Saddles might not have it in her anymore’. But after seeing you up there on that stage in that gorgeous dress. You proved me wrong. I thought ‘she’s still got it’! I’m giving you a chance to redeem your title.”

“Thank you, Fashion Plate. I really appreciate the offer, really I do.” Sassy said. “But being a successful model has its limits. I ran through my course. After becoming Miss Equestria, I thought it was the limit, so I decided to retire.”

“But don’t you ever feel like you ever want to, you know… go back?” Fashion Plate asked.

“I do! All the time!” Sassy said.

“I’m going to give you this offer.” Fashion Plate said. “It’s not about going to the top. It’s about showing off your designs. Perhaps you can use your modeling career to help out your friend. Rarity, is it?”

“Well… if I were to be a model and showed off some of Rarity’s designs, it might help for her business.” Sassy thought.

“So what do you say, Miss Saddles? You want to take my offer?” Fashion Plate asked.

“Well I’ll be a needle pulling thread!” Sassy said excitedly. “I’ll have to talk to Rarity about this first, but if she accepts, I totally will!”

“Excellent, excellent! I can see you becoming a star again!” Fashion Plate said excitedly.

“Umm, and Rarity’s dresses, right?” she reminded him.

“Oh sure, yeah, and that too.” Fashion Plate said. Sassy was pretty excited to her new opportunity that she couldn’t wait to tell Rarity the next day on what she has in stock.

The next day came, and Rarity was working on copies of peacock dress. She wipes the sweat from her forehead as she hears the bell at the front door ring. Rarity walks out and sees Sassy running in, looking pretty excited. “Ah there you are, Sassy!” Rarity said. “You’re running a little late today, dear.”

“Sorry, Rarity, but I couldn’t sleep! I have fantastic news to share to you!” Sassy said as she held onto Rarity and jumped around in a circle.

“Whoa, whoa! It must be a very big deal for you to be this excited!” Rarity said.

“Oh it is the best news!” Sassy said.

“Well, Sassy? I’m all ears.” Rarity said.

“Ok, well let’s start from the beginning.” Sassy started. “About a decade ago before I started working at the- I’m sorry, Rarity!” She giggled. “I just want to get straight the point so badly, but… no, no I have to tell you this first.”

Rarity giggles and says, “Well, you’re only stopping yourself from telling me, darling.”

“Ok.” Sassy takes some deep breaths. “Ok, I’m good. So, about a decade ago, before I started working at the boutiques, I…” She clears her throat. “I was into modeling.”

“No doubt! You look like the modeling type.” Rarity observes her and whistles. “Fascinating!”

“So you knew?” Sassy asked.

“Oh not at all, darling!” Rarity said. “When I read your résumé I only read the work you put into the boutiques. I didn’t get that far, I’m afraid. Well, that’s what I get for jumping to conclusions. So why are you telling me this now?”

“Well, Fashion Plate came to my house last night.” Sassy explained. “We were talking.”

“Oh?” Rarity asked.

“Oh yes!” Sassy said. “He’s been watching me throughout most of my modeling career. Even when I became Miss Equestria!”

“Wait… time out for a second.” Rarity stopped her. “I’m starting to remember now! When I watched the Miss Equestria pageant, there was a Sassy Saddles that won the title. It was… a decade ago. Back before I even opened my Ponyville boutique. That was you?!”

“So I guess you knew me before you even met me, huh Rarity?” Sassy asked as she love-taps her shoulder.

“Wow!” Rarity said surprisingly. “I knew there was something about you that made me want to hire you on the spot! I just couldn’t put my hoof on it. Wow! I can’t believe my employee was actually one of the Miss Equestrias!”

“Surprise, surprise!” Sassy said.

“Oh, darling! I’m so proud of you!” Rarity said. “So, did you get to the point yet on why Fashion Plate visited you?”

“Oh right.” Sassy remembered. “He was offering me a business opportunity.”

“What kind of business opportunity?” Rarity asked.

“Heh, what a conscience!” Sassy chuckled. “I said the exact same thing!”

“Great minds think alike!” Rarity said.

“So, the business opportunity he has in store for me involves me modeling for his magazines.” Sassy said.

“Well that’s nice!” Rarity said. “I’m sure you’ll do great! But working two jobs. Is that going to be a little too much for you?”

“Of course not!” Sassy said. “All I have to do is smile and pose while wearing your dresses. I mean, I told him I’d only model if it involved wearing your dresses.”

“Ah, a little bit of sponsoring I see! You indeed know your way around contracts, Sassy! I like that about you!” Rarity said. “So when’s your first skirt?”

“Today actually, this afternoon at 2.” Sassy said.

“Well, I believe you’re going to do fabulous!” Rarity said.

“Are you sure, Rarity? Because… I’m feeling a little nervous.” Sassy said as she started shaking.

‘Oh c’mon, dear! You were just well not too long ago.” Rarity said.

“I know I was, but… I have mixed feelings for this.” Sassy shudders (I just learned that word ‘shudders’ recently).

“Sassy, look at me.” Rarity started as she places her hooves on Sassy’s shoulder. “Just do whatever your heart takes you to. Your dream is your dream. It was my dream to open a boutique in Ponyville, and then it was my dream to open an expansion in Canterlot, and they both came true through hard work and patience. It might be hard work to get over your mixed feelings, but it’ll all be worth it in the end. I assure you.”

Sassy smiles. “Thanks, Rarity!”

“And hey you’re sponsoring my shop in the process, so why not?” Rarity teased and they both laughed.

Later that day, both Rarity and Sassy went over to the Cosmare hangout at the Canterlot Gardens. Everypony was getting ready for shooting. Certain fashion celebrities like Hoity Toity, Photo Finish, and Prim Hemline were also there, chatting as they waited for the star to appear. Other Canterlot ponies were there as well, including Fancy Pants and Fleur Dis Lee, and even Jet Set and Upper Crust. Sassy was just getting her make-up on by one of Fashion Plate’s employees.

“So, Sassy? Are you ready for this?” Rarity asked.

“I sure am, Rarity!” Sassy said. “Thank you so much for coming with me! It’ll really give me confidence to know I have a friend with me.”

“Oh like you even need me!” Rarity said. “It’s nothing you never did before. You should be professional at this by now.”

“I know, but it’s been years.” Sassy said nervously.

“Sassy Saddles! So glad of you to accept my offer!” Fashion Plate said excitedly.

“The pleasure is all mine, Fashion Plate!” Sassy said.

“You’ll be up in just under a minute. Let’s make music here ponies!” Fashion Plate called out.

“Well… this is it.” Sassy said.

“Break a leg, Sassy!” Rarity said.

“But, Rarity, this isn’t theater.” Sassy reminded her.

“In that case, break an elbow, or whatever bone you break when it comes to modeling.” Rarity teased. Sassy chuckled as she get up from her seat while wearing the peacock dress, and she walks over on stage so they can start shooting.

She starts to pose for the camera while wearing the dress. After twelve photos with seven different poses, Fashion begins to cheer in glee, and everypony watching was wooing impressively. “Marvelous! Simply marvelous!” Fashion Plate said excitedly. “Miss Saddles you certainly have never lost your touch! You still have the magic within you!”

Sassy giggles and blushes and says, “Thank you!”

“Oh he is right, my dear!” Rarity said. “It was a very wise choice for you to return to modeling for a day!”

“For a day? My word, I have so much more use to you and your unique looks!” Fashion Plate said to Sassy. “You must model for me again! You’ll become a big star!”

“You really think so?” Sassy asked happily.

“I know so, my dear! The next issue will be about in approximately two in a half weeks. You’ll be making the cover, my dear! Mwah!” he explained.

“I can’t wait!” Sassy said excitedly.

“Neither can I!” Rarity agreed.

Two in a half weeks later, back in Ponyville, Twilight, Pinkie, AppleJack, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Starlight were hanging out at Carousel Boutique, helping Rarity fill out a big order. Once the pony gets the order she wants, she leaves the boutique while carrying a bunch of bags and plastic-covered dresses with her magic. “Thanks for coming!” Pinkie waved. “Don’t forget to give us five stars! Not actual stars though, because they’re too bright! One star is good enough for this planet!”

“Phew! Glad that’s over!” Rainbow wiped her sweat in relief. “I thought we’d never get finished with that!”

“Yeah, for real!” AppleJack agreed. “Some ponies are too demanding for their good it would seem.”

“At least you have another satisfied customer, Rarity!” Fluttershy said.

“Thank you so much girls for helping me fill this big order.” Rarity said. “I know it was all last second, but I really didn’t think I’d get this one done on time.”

“Well we’re always glad to help out a friend in her time of need!” Starlight said.

“I couldn’ve said it better myself, Starlight!” Twilight said. “Good job!”

“I’m learning from the best of the best!” Starlight said. Twilight smiles.

“So is there anything else you need help with, Rarity?” Twilight asked.

“No I’m good for today, thank you, Twilight!” Rarity said. “But I do want you all stick around and wait for the mail pony to come.”

“What’s going on, Rarity? Expecting something really good?” Twilight asked.

“I too am waiting for the mail pony!” Pinkie said.

“Oh? What are you getting?” Fluttershy asked.

“A new backscratcher!” Pinkie said.

“Oh, that sounds nice!” Fluttershy said.

“And how are you supposed to use it, Pinkie?” Rainbow asked. “Are your arms that flexible, and how are you supposed to attach your hooves onto it? Your friends could scratch your back for you.”

“I have my ways!” Pinkie said.

“How about you, Rarity? What are you expectin’ in the mail?” AppleJack asked.

“Well, remember when I said two in a half weeks ago, I visited Sassy Saddles over at Canterlot, and she just got back into modeling?” Rarity asked. “Well, we’re expecting-“

“YES!” Pinkie interrupted.

“Excuse me, Pinkie?” Rarity asked.

“You didn’t let us answer your question.” Pinkie informed her. “Yes we do remember. Or at least I do. Do you, Dashie?”

“Barely.” Rainbow said.

“Well, as I was saying, today’s the day the magazine gets released, and we’re expecting our copies to come in pretty soon.” Rarity said.

“Well that’s very interestin’, Rarity!” AppleJack said. “Ah’m really proud of you to have an employee like Sassy Saddles to go back into modelin’ in an effort to sponsor your business.”

“Oh I know, AppleJack! I’m so excited!” Rarity started to freak out in excitement. “Wow! I’m starting to get goosebumps right now!”

“RARITY’S GETTING SICK?!” Pinkie freaked out as she puts on a biosuit and takes out a defibrillator. “CLEAR!”

“PINKIE NO!” Rainbow yelled as she and AppleJack held her back.

“It’s just an expression, Pinkie.” Twilight informed her.

“Wow, that nearly gave me a heart attack.” Rarity said feeling pretty surprised at what Pinkie did.

“CLEAR!” Pinkie yelled.

“IT’S A FIGURE OF SPEECH, PINKIE!” everypony corrected her.

“Oh I knew that!” Pinkie said. Just then, the front door opens and the mail pony walks inside with a package.

“Package delivery for a Miss Rarity.” He said.

“Oh thank you!” Rarity said excitedly as she signs his clipboard and takes the package. “I knew it was only a matter of time! This is going to be so exciting!”

“I also have a package for Pinkie Pie.” the mail pony said with an extra package.

“Ooo my back scratcher!” Pinkie said excitedly as she takes her package. “And it only cost me 45 cereal box tops!”

“Ah there she is!” Rarity said excitedly as she shows everypony the cover of magazine.

“Woooow!” everypony said once they looked at the cover.

“She’s really beautiful in that picture, Rarity!” Fluttershy said.

“Oh she does!” Rarity agreed.

“This certainly wasn’t the first time a friend of hers was on the cover of a magazine, huh Fluttershy?” AppleJack reminded her as Fluttershy blushed.

Rarity immediately opens the magazine and starts to read it with a big grin on her face, but, like we all expected, Rarity’s grin goes away. “Huh? This isn’t right.”

“What’s wrong, Rarity?” Starlight asked.

“Nothing on here mentions anything about my business.” Rarity said. “Everything on here just mentions Sassy and the dress, but I don’t see my business anywhere.”

“Really? Let me see it.” Starlight said as she takes the magazine and takes a look at it. “Huh, you’re right. What a bunch of backstabbers!”

“Well I wouldn’t say that, Starlight.” Rarity said as she takes the magazine back. “But I do feel ripped off by this.”

“You think Sassy didn’t tell them about your business?” Fluttershy asked.

“HEAVENS NO!” Rarity yelled and scared Fluttershy. “Sassy is a very loyal employee! She got into modeling just to help sponsor Carousel Boutique and Canterlot Carousel.”

“Are you sure about that, Rarity?” Starlight asked.

“Of course I’m sure!” Rarity said.

“Do you think she just got back into modeling just so she can live her dream and leave you in the dust?” Starlight asked.

“Starlight!” Twilight yelled.

“What? It’s true!” Starlight said.

“I wouldn’t say that.” Twilight said. “Sassy Saddles has been a loyal employee to Rarity, and she’s only doing what she thinks is best for her company. She always has. Right, Rarity?”

“Huh? Oh yes, Twilight. Of course! I would never doubt her for a second.” Rarity said with confidence.

“See that, Starlight?” Twilight asked. “Rarity knows how loyal Sassy Saddles is.” Rarity started to feel a little nervous.

“Perhaps I should go up to Canterlot to check up on her, just in case.” Rarity thought.

“Are you sure you want to do that?” AppleJack asked.

“Yeah, I thought you said you trusted her completely?” Rainbow asked.

“I do! I just… think it’s a good idea if I checked up on her.” Rarity said.

“Well… if you really want to be sure, we should come with you, just in case.” Twilight suggested.

“Yeah, just in case she needs to be taught a lesson!” Rainbow said mischievously as she bumps her hooves together.

Twilight glares at Rainbow as she says, “But it won’t come to that.”

“I sure hope not, Twilight. I sure hope not.” Rarity said.

So the Mane 7 take a train over to Canterlot to check up on Sassy at the Canterlot boutique. Sassy was at the boutique wearing one of Rarity’s dresses as she hums and poses as she worked. When she uses her magic to carry some fabric across the store and passes a mirror, she reverses back to the mirror and poses to it. “Ooo, Sassy, you look good and everypony knows it!”

Just as she was posing in the mirror, Rarity and her friends walked into the store. “As good as you look, Sassy, it’s never worth bragging about.”

“Rarity!” Sassy said excitedly. “What a pleasant surprise to see you, and your friends too! What’s the occasion?”

“BACKSCRATCHER!” Pinkie yelled as she held the backscratcher in the air.

“Also we think you have something to hide.” Rainbow said.

“Me? Something to hide?” Sassy asked. “Why, what do I have that’s worth hiding? Especially to Rarity of all ponies.”

“I was reading the Cosmare magazine. It got delivered to me today.” Rarity said.

“Oh yeah me too!” Sassy said as she shows Rarity her magazine. “Don’t I look smashing in this?”

“Oh you’re smashing alright.” Starlight said sarcastically.

“Yes, you look great, Sassy.” Rarity said.

“Umm… you don’t sound that pleased.” Sassy said. “Is something wrong?”

“Well… yeah.” Rarity said. “The magazine mentioned nothing of my shop.”

“Wait, really?” Sassy asked. “Huh… perhaps they forgotten, because I told them.”

“Really?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Rarity, my dear, you do know I’m there for your company, right?” Sassy asked. Rarity raises one of her eyebrows as she looked at her.

“Something tells me this pony is saying a load of bologna!” Rainbow said.

“Oh stop making up words, Dashie!” Pinkie instructed her. “Bologna. What kind of word is that?”

“Are you sure you’re tellin’ the truth, Miss Saddles?” AppleJack asked. “Because ah know when someone’s a-lyin’.”

Twilight sighs and says, “You might as well get it off your chest. It’ll certainly help you feel better.”

Sassy starts to get nervous, but then she sighs and says, “Ok, you got me, but I’m not lying. I told Fashion Plate to sponsor your business. Honest and truly, Rarity!”

“But…” Rarity started for her.

“I begged him to keep your sponsor on the magazine. I’m being 100% sincere to you, Rarity!” Sassy said nervously.

“Sassy… please tell me the whole truth.” Rarity asked calmly.

“I… I…” she stutters. “I made a deal with Fashion Plate. He says… he says he doesn’t like this boutique because it’s… how you say… made dresses from a pony from Ponyville.”

Rarity was shocked to hear that. “Well… that’s certainly rude. But I know how these high-class ponies feel about ponies from a small town like Ponyville, and as I do respect his opinion, I cannot accept the fact he would avoid sponsoring this shop for it. Does he not know that he can gain a lot of money for sponsoring my shop? I’d pay for it.”

“I told him that.” Sassy said.

“He won’t accept my money, will he?” Rarity asked.

“No he’d accept it.” Sassy said. “But he wants… 1,500 bits for the sponsoring.”

“1,500 BITS?!” Rarity cried.

“Per month.” Sassy added.

“Well this changes everything!” Rarity said angrily. “Fashion Plate is nothing but a big cheapskate! He doesn’t care about fashion! He’s only in it for the money!”

“And I agree!” Sassy said.

“Wait… what?” AppleJack asked.

“Wow, I expected more of an argument there.” Rainbow said.

“You agree?” Rarity asked.

“Yes I do.” Sassy said. “I threatened to quit on him and star in any of his magazines ever again. He even offered me a big bonus, but I still declined. There’s more to life than money, Rarity.”

“Well that’s very thoughtful of you, Sassy.” Twilight smiled. “I know a lot of big ponies out there are using everything they can to gain more money and greed, but I’m glad you know better than to quit on him.”

“You didn’t let me finish.” Sassy corrected her. “He eventually gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse. He would give me a spot in the next Miss Equestria pageant if I cooperated with him for one more month.”

“And you accepted it?” Rarity asked.

“Not yet.” Sassy said.

“Then what’s stopping you?” Rarity asked.

“You, Rarity. You.” Sassy said.

“Who am I to stop you from achieving your dream?” Rarity asked. “Is this what you really want? You really want to be the next Miss Equestria again?”

“So badly!” Sassy said. “I know this is hard for you, but… that would also mean I’d be forced to quit working for you. It’s the only way he’d offer me this.”

“Well… I’ve never been so insulted in my life!” Rarity said angrily. “That fool Fashion Plate! Well, if he hates my store so much, he is officially banned from it! Both of them, and all other expansions that I soon may have in the future!”

“So… that’s it then.” Sassy said upsettingly. “I guess I won’t do it. If you hate Fashion Plate that much, then I’ll decline his offer in being in the next Miss Equestria pageant.”

“Good!” Starlight said.

“No, hang on!” Rarity said as she walks over to Sassy. “Sassy, right now, I am so angry at Fashion Plate. So angry that he doesn’t deserve brilliant ponies like yourself, but if it’s the only way to achieve your dream of being Miss Equestria again… I won’t be in your way.” She smiles. “I’ll accept any path you take.”

“Why, Rarity? Why would you do that?” Sassy asked.

“Because you’re not just an employee, Sassy.” Rarity said. “You’re also my friend. We share very common perspectives, and I like that about you. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t let you go out and make your wishes come true? Even if it is with somepony like… ugh, Fashion Plate!”

Sassy smiles with tears in her eyes. She then gives Rarity a big hug. “I’m giving you my two week notice.”

“No need.” Rarity said as she started to get teary eyed too, and she doesn’t hug back. “But… I think its best… if you just go.”

Sassy gasped and immediately backed away. “Rarity?”

“JUST… go.” Rarity ordered her as she looked away. “Go… get your things, and just go.” Sassy didn’t say anything, she just used her magic to get whatever things she owns, and then she sadly walks over to the exit and walks out.

“Wow… I can’t believe you just did that.” Fluttershy said surprisingly.

“Ah can’t either.” AppleJack said.

“Rarity, I’m so sorry.” Twilight said.

Rarity takes a deep breath and says, “So am I.” She then calmly walks over to her drawing board, puts on her glasses, and starts drawing another dress design.

“Well I’m not sorry.” Starlight said. Everypony gasped.

“Starlight! How can you say something like that?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, even I know that’s not cool.” Rainbow said.

“Well, that’s just how I feel. I’m not sorry.” Starlight said.

“Well… you don’t have to be.” Rarity said as she started to draw aggressively. “I’m better off without that TRECEROUS… BACKSTABBING…” That was when her pencil breaks. “UGH!” She then slams her head on her drawing board.

“Exactly.” Starlight said as she walks over to Rarity to comfort her. “Don’t be sorry for Sassy. If she doesn’t want to work with you anymore and work for that sell out of a magazine writer, then it’s her loss that she’s not working with the best fashion designer of all of Equestria. You don’t need her!”

Rarity lifted her glasses and wiped her eyes with her hooves, and then she smiled and turned around towards her. “Starlight Glimmer… you are absolutely right! I don’t need her!”

“Yeah! You’re better off managing two boutiques by yourself!” AppleJack said. That’s when Rarity started to get upset again. “Oh woops. Heh. Mah bad.” AppleJack blushed in embarrassment.

“Perhaps we can go back to Ponyville and look after your shop there while you manage here until you find a new manager.” Twilight suggested.

“Oh would you girls do that? I’d really appreciate it.” Rarity said.

“It’s no trouble at all, Rarity!” Fluttershy said.

“Then I’m leaving you in charge, Fluttershy.” Rarity said.

“HEEEEY!” Pinkie whined. “She was the first one to talk and she automatically becomes in charge?”

“No because she’s good at sewing.” Rarity corrected her.

“I agree. I’m ok with that!” Twilight said.

“Woo! Go Fluttershy!” Rainbow cheered.

“You deserve it, sugarcube!” AppleJack said.

Fluttershy started to blush. “Well gosh, I… I don’t know what to say.”

“Well we better head back to Ponyville before we’re missed. We have a shop to look after.” AppleJack said.

“If you need us at all, just let us know, and we’ll be right back here before you know it.” Twilight said.

“I strongly appreciate that, Twilight. Thank you!” Rarity said. “Now Rarity must not rest, for she has a new design to make!”

“And what might that be?” Fluttershy asked.

“The Fashion Hate.” Rarity said.

“Oh… sorry I asked.” Fluttershy said.

“It’s not the final name.” Rarity said. “It was the best one I can come up with.”

“Ooo! How about Fashion Waste?” Pinkie suggested.

“Ooo good one!” Rarity said.

“Not helping.” Rainbow said as she pulls Pinkie by the tail and drags her out of the shop and everypony else followed. Starlight stopped and looked back at Rarity as she continued to draw, and then she followed the others out leaving Rarity alone in her boutique.

Rarity was sighing to herself as she continues to draw on her board. As she drew she started to sing a calm tune, because she obviously doesn’t have enough solos. “Never let go… of your dreams. They are there for a reasoooon. Don’t let anypony get in your way, because that’s a price to pay – don’t ever think that it is… treason.” Rarity finishes drawing, and she rips it off of the board with her magic and begins to walk as she started to have flashbacks of the good times she had with Sassy as a manager. “Never let go… of your dreams. Your dreams may mark your destinyyyyy. None is too big or too small, you can really have it all – perhaps it’s truly how it’s meant to be.” She hangs the drawing on her billboard on her office and the drawing was actually a picture of Sassy up on a stage with a sparkly dress and a Miss Equestria banner around her.

The drawing suddenly changes to an actual photo of a younger Sassy as Miss Equestria. Sassy takes one final look of the photo before she puts it on the table. She then looks through her dresses on which ones she should use for the next Cosmare meet, as she starts to sing, “Should I let go… of my dreams? I left a friend for my own selfish neeeeeeds. I left my career behind, I threw away what was mine – how do I know if I made the right deeds? Rarity says I should not let go of my dreams, but this sacrifice really riiiiiiiight? I have had a choice to make, and my friendship I did break – is my dream going to fulfill my deliiiight.”

Back at the boutique, Starlight opens the door, walks inside, and says, “Rarity I forgot my-“ But then, Starlight just noticed Rarity singing, but Rarity didn’t even notice her.

“Perhaps it is all that it’s meant to be.” Rarity sang.

“I know I have you… watching over meeee-eee.” Sassy sang.

“I won’t peg… and I won’t plea.” Rarity sang.

“But I don’t feel like jumping up with glee.” Sassy sang.

“Oh should you! Oh should you, oh should yooou… let go of your dreeeeams! Let go of your dreams!” Rarity sang with energy.

“Oh should I! Oh should I, oh should Iiiiiii, let go… of my dreeeeeaaams! Oh should I?” Sassy sang. “Is this… really riiiiight? I’m reaching for the stars, but no, it is not ours. My mind is… oh my mind is… my mind is putting up a fiiiiiiii-i-i-i-iiiight!”

“Oh should you let go? Should you?” Rarity sang as she started to sing softer and remove her glasses. “No… no, no. Never let go… of… your… dreeeeeeeeeeeeams.” Rarity lays her head on her desk, with no lights on in the boutique other than the desk light shining over her head. Starlight watches the whole time feeling bad for her. She didn’t want to stand by on what she just witnessed.

“You may be ok with this, Rarity. But I’m not.” Starlight said angrily. “I will get you your employee back! You’ll see!” She starts to back away slowly and back out the door, and she closes it behind her. Just then she opens it again and walks back in. “I forgot the main reason why I was here. I left my… umm… meh, I’ll come back for it.” She then walks out again and shuts the door.

A few days went by, and over at the Canterlot Theater, hundreds, maybe thousands of ponies were arriving over there for the next Miss Equestria pagent. Ponies from all over Equestria were being gathered inside to take their seats. It was so full in there that every ticket was sold out. Every seat was taken. Inside the theater, Sassy Saddles was getting her make-up on, and Fashion Plate was there speaking to her.

“Ooooh! I am so proud of you, Miss Saddles!” Fashion Plate said excitedly. “I knew you would make the right choice in staying with me!”

“Well… it’s only to achieve my dreams.” Sassy said with a fake smile.

“Ah, those snapshots of you – it’s like printing my own money!” Fashion Plate said.

“If you say so.” Sassy said.

“Make me proud, S.S.! You’re going to the top!” Fashion Plate said as he leaves the dressing room. Just then, three mares walk into the dressing room. The lead one, who is emerald colored, much like Disgust from Inside Out, is a pegasus, and has a ponytail mane and a cutie mark of a gold medal says to her two friends, “…and that’s when I finally got my ear rings not to fall off. Super glue the back! Even though, it like, totally messes with my hair, so I gotta be super careful.” Her friends agreed with her, and right after, the green mare notices Sassy in front of her. “Sassy? Sassy Saddles, is that you?”

Sassy gasps as she turns around and notices the pony. “Vogue Velvet?”

“Sassy! It’s been ages, girl!” Vogue said. “What are you doing here?”

“You know her?” one of Vogue’s friends asked her. The one that asked her was a pony named Tropical Dream, the one unicorn that resembles Adagio Dazzle that appeared on Princess Spike. The third pony was Cayenne, that one fashion pony from the Canterlot Boutique episode with the two red peppers for a cutie mark.

“Yes! This is Sassy Saddles!” Vogue said excitedly. “We went into modeling together!”

“Well, I’ll be a quill on a cat!” Sassy said excitedly. “We had so much fun modeling together!”

“Yes…” Vogue said as her mood starts to damper. “…until of course you got chosen to compete in Miss Equestria, and… after all that we did together, they didn’t allow me to go.”

“Oh I know! I wish there was some way for us to do it together.” Sassy said.

Vogue turns around jealously and says, “Well… like the manager said, only one can go on.”

“But… you’re here now, right?” Sassy asked happily.

“YES!” Vogue turns back at her and yells at her angrily. “But I worked hard to get this far! And here you are again after a couple of issues for Cosmare Magazine! Why do you always take the easy way? Why do you have to look so much better than any of us?!”

Sassy started to get nervous and started to feel bad. “Well… I… I don’t mean to-“

“Yeah whatever.” Vogue said. “Just watch your step, Saddles! You were already Miss Equestria once! I think it’s time you let somepony else handle it. C’mon girls.” They all walk away, but not before Cayenne sticks her tongue out at Sassy. Sassy started to feel bad.

“I don’t know. Maybe I shouldn’t do this.” Sassy said sadly.

Just then, Sassy started to get a flashback of Rarity saying to her, “Sassy, look at me. Just do whatever your heart takes you to. Your dream is your dream. It might be hard work to get over your mixed feelings, but it’ll all be worth it in the end.”

Sassy takes a deep breath and says with confidence, “Rarity’s right! I have to do this – for her, and for my dreams!”

Just then, the show was just about to start. The announcer says, “Fillies and gnetlecolts – welcome to the 87th annual Miss Equestria pageant!” The audience cheers. “Now please welcome your host – Prim Hemline!” As Vinyl Scratch plays some upbeat fashion music on her DJ station, Prim Hemline walks onto stage and begins to announce the pageant.

“Thank you, thank you! It is so wonderful to see you all here for the pageant!” Prim said. “It is such an honor to host this year! I hope I do much better than Photo Finish was last year!” The entire audience laughs.

“Oh boooooo!” Photo Finish called out from the audience. “Get off zah stage!”

“Now, without further ado, let us get started with the Miss Equestria pageant!” Prim said. “We have a ton of fabulous rounds to show to you! First off, we have talent!”

We fast-forward through the contest showing the different talents the contestants show off during the round. Sassy Saddles shows off her dress making skills, Vogue shows off her knife throwing skills, one of the other contestants show off their unicycle skills while saying tongue twisters, and there was even a mare lifting weights who struggled as she lifted a pole with marshmallows on both sides. “And the winner of the talent contest…” Prim started as she was given a piece of paper from the judges and she reads it. “…Vogue Velvet, with her impressive knife throwing skills!” The audience cheers as Vogue bows to the audience.

“Good job, Vogue!” Sassy said happily to her.

“I thought I told you not to talk to me?” Vogue reminded her. Sassy sighs upsettingly.

“Now for the next round – we have the hairdress contest.” Prim continued. “Our models are going to show off their unique mane styles, and the winner of this contest will compete against Vogue, one on one, for the next round.”

Over in the audience, Starlight walks inside and down the aisle while drinking soda out of a cup. That was when she saw Rarity in one of the rows, watching. “Rarity?” Starlight asked surprisingly.

“Starlight, dear? What are you doing here?” Rarity asked.
“I came to see Sassy.” Starlight said.

“Oh me too!” Rarity said. “It is swell for you to come! I saved an extra seat here. You want?”

“Sure, I want.” Starlight said as she walks down the section and sits down with her. “Why did you come? I thought you were upset with Sassy?”

“I am, but that does not mean I don’t want to be here to root for her.” Rarity said. “She’ll need all the luck she could get.”

“But don’t you feel anger within you, Rarity?” Starlight asked. “Sassy Saddles, your employee, she left you to fulfill her dreams.”

“And I will not stand in her way.” Rarity said.

“But don’t you miss her?” Starlight asked.

“Of course I miss her, darling.” Rarity said. “I miss her, and… I need her. Canterlot Carousel hasn’t been the same without her. Not only was she a good employee – she was a good friend. I’ll never find somepony as unique and fascinating as her. Oh do I wish to have her back. But… this is what she wants, and…” She starts to tear up. “I’m sorry, Starlight. I wish to change the subject, if you don’t mind.”

“It’s ok, Rarity.” Starlight comforts her. “I know how much you want her back, and I know this conversation bothers you. I won’t bring it up again.”

“I do very much appreciate it.” Rarity smiles.

“Now, please excuse me for a minute, Rarity.” Starlight said as she stands up. “I need to use the little filly’s room. I’ll be back momentarily.”

“Take your time! I’ll save this seat for you.” Rarity offered. Starlight walks out of the isle, and she takes one more look back at Rarity and sees how sad she is. Starlight knew what she needed to do.

Back up on stage, Prim was discussing the winner of that round. “And the winner of the hairdressing contest…” She opens the envelope and reads it. “…Sassy Saddles!”

“Well I’ll be a snake scale on silk!” Sassy said excitedly.

“Grrrr!” Vogue growled at her. “You always have to be better than everypony, Sassy! You’ve always been number one in our old modeling community! Why do you have to look so good all the time?! Let other ponies get attention for a change!” Vogue angrily walks away to prepare for the final round.

Sassy sighs as she walks back stage so she herself can prepare for the final round. When Sassy upsettingly walks back stage, she sees an empty soda cup rolling across the floor. “Huh?” she asked.

She curiously walked deeper back stage and observed to see if there was anything out of the ordinary. “So… this is what you wanted, huh? To be a big winner?” a voice from the shadows asked.

“Huh?” Sassy asked.

“Well, if I was you, I wouldn’t abandon a friend just to live a dream. I’d find a way to improvise.” Starlight said as she reveals herself from the shadows.

“Starlight Glimmer?” Sassy asked curiously. “How did you get back here?”

“I know my way around guards.” Starlight said.

Meanwhile at the back door to backstage, the bouncer was thinking to himself. “Hmm, what is a face with no eyes? Umm… A CLOCK!” he snapped his hooves and yelled out. He then looked around, and he realized what just happened. “Hey, I’ve been had!” he complained.

Back with Sassy and Starlight, Sassy said, “Hmm… figures, but what are you doing here? Is… is Rarity and the others here too? No… I doubt it.”

“Oh Rarity is here.” Starlight said.

“She is?!” Sassy asked surprisingly. “But… but why? I left her alone back at the boutique. I abandoned her. Why would she want to see me?”

“Because no matter what, Rarity will always care about you.” Starlight said. “You’re her friend. That’s the only reason she let you do this.”

“How is she?” Sassy asked.

“Devastated.” Starlight said.

“Of course she is.” Sassy said upsettingly. “I shouldn’ve done this. I made a terrible mistake. Rarity trusted me. Rarity believed in me, and I left her alone. I have to… no… she won’t accept me back.”

“Yes she will.” Starlight said. “You just have to try. I mean, unless this contest really meant that much to you.”

“Ooooh.” Sassy shuddered. “To be honest, Starlight, I forgotten the main reason I stopped modeling.”

“Oh yeah?” Starlight asked.

“Yes. I forgot how jealous I made other ponies.” Sassy said. “I was number one when it came to my modeling career. This mare, Vogue Velvet, she used to be my best friend. We did modeling together, until I was asked to go on Miss Equestria years back. She got jealous and stopped talking to me. I realized a lot of my other friends got jealous too. My modeling career cost me my friendships. Now it’s happening all over again!”

“Perhaps it is time to do the right thing.” Starlight suggested. “Sassy, I know this has been your dream, but… out of all my time having real friends for the first time in years, I know I’d do anything not to lose them.”

“So… I should quit modeling?” Sassy asked.

“No, of course not!” Starlight said. “But do you need to be Miss Equestria again? Do you want some phony to tell you what to do, or how to live your life? There will be other contracts in the future, from ponies that treat fashion as a hobby, and not a way to make money.”

Sassy smiles. “You’re right, Starlight. I was already Miss Equestria once. I think it’s time for Vogue to have the victory she deserves!”

“So you’re going to disqualify yourself?” Starlight asked.

“Even better!” Sassy said. “I’m going to make sure Fashion Plate doesn’t want me to be his model anymore, and I know just the way to do it!” She smirks.

The crowd cheers as Prim returns to stage she announces the final round. “And now, for the moment we’ve all been waiting for – the dress round! Our remaining two constants are going to show off their best dresses. First up we have Vague Velvet with her sapphire wing dress!”

Vinyl Scratch starts paying some techno pop as the curtains open with Vague in the shadows. The shadow shines some sparkling reflections onto the audience, and the audience woos in amazement. Vague starts to walk out onto stage and shows off her sapphire dress to the audience. But wait, it gets better! She expands her wings revealing jewels on them, which brings the wings onto ‘sapphire wings’. The jewels on her wings reflect onto the jewels on her dress which reflects lights throughout the whole room like a disco. The audience cheers for her as the curtain drops.

“Phenomenal! Absolutely phenomenal!” Prim said excitedly. “It’s going to be pretty tough for Sassy Saddles to beat her! Can she do it? Well let us find out!”

“Well, this is it.” Sassy said from backstage.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Starlight asked. “Ponies may not look at you the same again.”

“I don’t want to take any chances of winning. Bring me on stage!” Sassy demanded.

“And finally, we now have Sassy Saddles with her dress. The…” Prim said as she reads the card and makes sure she’s saying it right. “Umm… the dirty dumpster?” The crowd got curious, but curiosity gets the best of them as they watched the curtain rise as Vinyl plays defeat music on her DJ system since that’s what Sassy requested.

Sassy was pretty much wearing nothing but a trash bag around her, with the holes snipped out for her front hooves. The audience was in silence as Sassy smiles, and that smile was indeed not fake. “Woo hoo!” Rarity cheered in the background. “You know your fashion Sassy Saddles! Classic! Simply classic!”

“I agree.” Hoity Toity said. “This outfit is the most original I’ve ever seen in a Miss Equestria pageant.”

“Iz plain, but zat’s what makes zit good!” Photo Finish said. Just then, the entire audience (including the judges) began to cheer for Sassy. Sassy was surprised, big time. “No, no, no!” she cried.

“Wow! Truly unexpecting!” Prim said. “It’s going to take the judges a lot of deep thinking to announce the winner!”

Sassy returns backstage with Starlight and says, “I don’t understand! How can the audience like this garbage I’m wearing? Literary!”

“Yeah, I did not see that coming.” Starlight said. “But then again, these Canterlot ponies are the dumbest ponies ever!”

“It’s probably after Hoity Toity and Photo Finish gave their opinions.” Sassy assumed. “Ponies would do anything to agree with celebrities. Oh, Starlight! What am I going to do?”

“Nothing.” Starlight said. “The contest isn’t over yet. The judges are giving their opinions now, and I’m pretty sure they’ll be going for your opponent.”

“Well for Rarity’s sake, and for Vague’s, I hope you’re right.” Sassy said.

“Well I believe we officially made up our minds.” One of the judges said to Prim back on stage as he gives Prim the paper showing their choice.

“And now – it is time to announce the winner of this year’s Miss Equestria pageant!” Prim said as Sassy and Vague went back up on stage.

“I hope it’s you, Vague.” Sassy whispered.

“I know.” Vague whispered back as she smiled at her.

“You noticed the trash bag gig, huh?” Sassy asked embarrassingly.

“Nah, I thought everything you wore you looked like trash bags.” Vague teased playfully. They both chuckled.

“And the winner is…” Prim continued.

One paragraph pause for affect…

“Even if I don’t win, thank you for at least trying.” Vague whispered to Sassy. “I know now you never meant to outshine yourself.”

“I want to look good, but I’m not trying to steal the spotlight from everypony.” Sassy whispers. “I just want to have fun while looking good. Is that so bad?”

“Vague Velvet!” Prim announced. Vague gasped in amazement. She had a very surprised look on her face. So surprised that she could hardly believe it. Prim walks up to Vague, gives her a bouquet of flowers, she places a crown on her head, and then she puts the Miss Equestria banner around her. Vague had tears in her eyes as she joyfully waves to the audience who cheered loudly for her. Vague gave Sassy a big hug in excitement before Sassy went back backstage.

After a while when Sassy and Starlight left the building, Rarity runs over to them. “Sassy!” Rarity called out. “What happened up there? You were doing so well, dear!”

Sassy shrugs. “I guess ponies are only meant to be Miss Equestria once in a lifetime.” She said as she winks at Starlight.

“Starlight? Ok what’s really happened?” Rarity asked.

“She remembered, Rarity. She remembered.” Starlight said.

“Sassy? What does she mean?” Rarity asked.

“I remembered why I stopped modeling.” Sassy said. “It turns out I made ponies jealous. I couldn’t live with that guilt, so that’s why I took on clothing. And… I also remembered how much you supported me when you took me as your manager at your boutique. I shouldn’ve left you like I did.”

“Oh, but I didn’t want to keep you from your dreams.” Rarity said.

“Rarity… working at your boutique IS my dream.” Sassy said as she smiled. “And I want that dream to come true again.”

“Of course, Sassy! You’re always welcomed back!” Rarity said as she and Sassy hugged.

“I’m so glad you two got to reunite again!” Starlight said.

“Wouldn’ve happened without you, Starlight!” Sassy said. “Thank you for reminding me how much Rarity needed me.”

“Oh I agree completely!” Rarity said. “Twilight is truly teaching you well! I can see a big future for you, Starlight Glimmer!”

Starlight blushes. “I’m only doing what Twilight has taught me.”

“Never let go… of your dreams.” Rarity started singing. “Just fulfill what you want to fulfillllll.”

“Believe what you want to believe, and then you’ll probably see –“ Sassy sang.

Now they both sing together, “How much you can make them all so welllll!” Back at the Canterlot Carousel, Sassy is back working full time for Rarity. Ponies from all over visit the shop, including Photo Finish, Hoity Toity, Prim Hemline, Vinyl, Vague Velvet, the rejected Miss Equestria competitors, and even the rest of Rarity’s friends from Ponyville. Spike looks after the front door letting ponies in, while wearing some cool bouncer sunglasses. When Fashion Plate shows up, that’s when he blocks him from coming in.

Rarity and Sassy continue singing the reprise together as they help out the other ponies around the store. “Just don’t ever let go… it really goes to show – how much your dreams can make you succeed! Your friends can show you the way, and you know it is okay – just don’t everrrrr let goooooooo of your dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeams!”

“Good job, Starlight!” Twilight said as she pats Starlight on the back.

“I learned it all from you, Twilight!” Starlight said as her cutie mark begins to glow a strange glow. The glow on her cutie mark slides down the little toothpaste things on her cutie mark, and then her star pops out a flash from the inside out.

Author's Note:

That's right! Sassy Saddles has returned with a chapter featuring her and Rarity! Now I gotta say, I loved how this chapter turned out! It really even taught me a friendship lesson, and I'm the one who wrote this! How is that possible?! I even loved the duet between Sassy and Rarity! Wasn't easy to make still. I didn't know whether to make a song in this chapter or not, but since almost every season has a Rarity single (probably to make sure Kazumi Evans has a fair role in a season), I thought it would be a good idea for Rarity to have her own song, even if it means having a duet with Sassy. Creating Sassy's backstory was really fun! She kinda had the makings of a good model, even though I have no idea if she was actually one in the past.

I also thought to make use of Starlight Glimmer and have her have moments with each of the Mane Six, starting with Rarity of course. I also thought it would be a good idea to have some past characters to return that haven't been on the show in a long time like Hoity Toity and Prim Hemline, or just haven't talked in a long time like Photo Finish. This chapter also gives Fashion Plate an extended role since he didn't do much in Canterlot Boutique, and also give the pony an antagonizing side - the opposite of Rarity: greed. Even though Suri Polomare kinda took the opposite of Rarity role already. Won't hurt to have more.