• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 196 Views, 0 Comments

The Mission - High Flyer

My goal is simple. My target, unaware. Hopefully, she'll never see me coming

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The Mission

For all intents and purposes, it was a normal September day. Birds were chirping, a soft breeze was blowing, and the sun was shining bright across the peaceful town. Everypony was relaxed, as they should be on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Everypony, that was, except for me. I had a mission of the highest importance, a task that only I could accomplish that may very well determine the fate of Equestria. My goals were clear, and my conscience clean. No matter what it took, I would have to hunt down my target.

I had tracked her to a cozy house near the outskirts of the town. She was friends with her neighbors, helped out with local functions, and even organized the Winter Wrap Up last spring. Everypony loved her, and not a single one suspected anything nefarious from the unicorn. As far as they knew, she was just the average mare down the block. They were oh, so wrong. With luck, the ponies of this town would never hear of the disturbing things that she had done in the past. Or the sick, twisted things that she was planning for the future, all right under their muzzles.

My mission had to be of the utmost secrecy, nopony could know that I was there, even the sight of me would tip her off of what was about to happen. My target and I shared a past. Once we had been friends, but now... I couldn't risk tipping her off to my presence. The outcome would be horrifying, not just for me, but for anypony in the immediate area.

I silently flew up to her roof, both it and the backyard of her home were cast into shadow by a large tree one house over. Without having to worry about my own shadow being seen, I could survey the area from above, taking note of the two guards that she had with her. To the normal eye, they seemed to be her housemates, but the average pony didn't have the history with these three that I did. Those two were dangerous. With even the slightest provocation, they would be upon me, and I knew from prior experience how that would turn out. My wing was never the same...

Luckily for me, the guards occupied. One was digging a hole in the corner of the yard, while the other watched, it appeared as if she was taking a nap. The guards were twins, almost never having spent a day apart from each other. If one caught wind of me, the other would know about it before I could react. Confident that they wouldn't see me yet, I switched my focus to my target. She was putting up laundry on a clothing line to dry, I could just hear her humming from where I sat upon the roof. She also seemed distracted by her task, perhaps she had grown complacent in her new lifestyle.

I couldn't afford to hope for that though. For all that I new, the moment I made a move, her and the guards would be all over me. This mission was going to take perfect timing, I couldn't rush into it. After checking how much laundry she still had to hang up, a full basket, I decided to make my move. I was downwind of her, so it wasn't likely that she would hear me, or feel the wind from beneath my wings. I slowly hovered down from the roof until I was just above the ground, my soft wing beats keeping me suspended without to much noise.

I neared my target. I could smell her from this close, the shampoo she used had a strong fruity smell that I couldn't quite place. I shook my head, I couldn't get distracted this close to my target. The next few seconds needed my full attention, there was a lot riding on me being able to complete my objective. I hovered over to her, slowly opening my mouth to get my weapon ready. It would be impossible to do this from a long range, it had to be up close and personal.

I was right behind her, and she had no idea. My heart was racing out of my chest, the sleeping guard woke up across the yard, but she was facing away from me. I had to be quick. All my preparation had lead me to this moment, my time spent hiding and planning was about to come to fruition. As soon as I was close enough, I struck. It was a quick blow, and her eyes went wide as soon as I made contact. She was stunned, her mouth opened slightly, and she reached up with a hoof. She pressed it against her cheek, feeling the warm, sticky liquid that was now splashed across her face. She looked at the substance on her hoof, then turned to look at me. My job was done, I had succeeded.

“That is disgusting Flyer!” My darling wife Esca shouted as she started to wipe the saliva off of her face where I had licked her. I stood next to her, tongue still sticking out, feeling pleased with myself. I reached up to her face and pressed softly on her nose.


She closed her eyes and sighed. When she opened them back up, there was a mischievous look in her eyes that made me suddenly nervous.

“Aurora, Kahwah, your father looks like he could use a hug” My eyes grew wide as my young colt and filly's heads turned to look at me.



I turned to run, but wasn't fast enough to escape the oncoming tide of cuteness that attacked me. Soon, I was at the bottom of a pile of ponies with little to no chance of escape. Between my gasps for breath, I saw Esca walk over to look at us. She was smiling, and enjoying my torment at being set upon by our foals. That smile was replaced with a look of shock and a gasp as I reached up to her and pulled her down to the ground with me. The children took no time in attacking her too. In a matter of seconds, the peaceful scene in the backyard was replaced with four ponies rolling, wrestling, and giggling like the lunatics that they were.

The mission was a complete success.

Author's Note:

Just a quick thing that I wrote for my Fiance when she thought that I was being productive

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