• Published 23rd Nov 2015
  • 1,482 Views, 56 Comments

Princess Sky Stormer - Skymaster9929

When a Pegasus unexpectedly becomes an Alicorn, she's taken away from her current life and plunged into a world of romance, political intrigue and backstabbing. Can Sky Stormer survive this place, while staying true to who she is?

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Chapter 16

"Wow!" Sky said in awe as the Wonderbolts flew in circles and spirals, their cloud trails forming intricate shapes in the air. She, the other Alicorns (Except Cadence) and their friends - sat in the VIP booth as they watched the Wonderbolts show.

"The ponies of this era... their skills are unmatched." Princess Luna said in shock.

"Last decade's team was better." Princess Celestia said.

"No way! This decade's team is better." Rainbow Dash said.

"Amazing!" Prince Blueblood said as he tried to wrap his arm around Sky, but her wings suddenly stood up and he couldn't reach, his stubby fat arms waving angrily against her wingtips.

The wonderbolts flew some more, making a picture of Spitfire out of clouds, and destroying it with a big explosion.

"They're going to bring on the fat foal next." Princess Celestia suddenly said.

"Huh?" Sky asked.

"Fat mares got together across Equestria to protest how only the fittest and best Pegasi make it into the Wonderbolts." Princess Celestia said. "Thanks to public demand, the Wonderbolts have a new Pegasus, one that didn't have to pass any tests."

"But they're an elite flying squad. That's what elite means." Twilight commented in confusion. "And what'll they do if they don't get their foal in there, blow stuff up?"

"Boycott all sports events." Princess Celestia said.

"Huh?" Patty asked.

"That means they'll never go to see a sports event, and tell their friends to never go to see a sports event either." Snowy explained.

"And that works on some idiots?" Patty asked.

"Only on the dumb sheeponies." Snowy said. "Real fans would still watch, and die-hard fans would still watch if an apocalypse happened."

"If you were told an organization was evil, would you support them?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Of course not. But the Wonderbolts aren't evil! They just only accept the fastest fliers into their Wonderbolt Camp, and train them to make them good enough to be a Wonderbolt. And if somepony tried telling me that was evil, I'd laugh at them!" Patty laughed. "They're obviously just saltier than their tears over how they can't get in. The wonderbolts are cool. Even though they're not as cool as wrestling!"

Snowy groaned.

"I hope Blue Bomber wins the belt. He's amazing." Patty sighed.

"Isn't he a villain?" Stroke asked.

"Sure, but it's all part of the fun." Patty said.

"You know those ponies are just actors, right?" Snowy asked.

"The losers in your dumb musicals are actors. Wrestlers are so hardcore, they need their fights to be scripted so they don't destroy the planet! And there ain't no way to fake falling off a ladder." Patty said as Twilight whispered something in Sky's ear.

"That doesn't matter. Look, who cares if some losers decide they want nothing more to do with sports?" Snowy asked.

"Sadly, money talks. And negative press talks more. That army of fat mares has a chokehold on most things, especially the press. When some sheeponies think something, the newspapers tell them to think otherwise." Princess Celestia said sadly. "And if I put my hoof down and threaten to burn any newspaper that trades their dignity for money while suckling up to those fat mares, I get another hundred years of bad PR."

"I wish Obesity was a giant monster you guys could punch to death." Stroke said.

Through the glass, they saw the wonderbolts point to the bleachers as a pony in a ripped blue flight suit too small for her came out of the shadows. Tons of ponies clapped and cheered, and it got quieter when they saw the incredibly fat light-blue foal, fat moms and mares screaming while others murmured in confusion. She was like a pig, with rolls of fat instead of a neck and her Cutie Mark of a thunderbolt flying from a grey cloud was stretched and ruined by her size, fat poking out of the tears in the costume. Her bowlegged hooves waddled her forward, not even able to stand properly thanks to how disgustingly fat she was, and she looked like she was even having trouble breathing. Just standing, and she could still barely breathe. She left big sunken hoofprints in the clouds, too. She waddled to the edge of the cloud base and got ready to take off, her wings looking like tiny winged splinters stuck in her fat flesh. She spread her wings a little more than usual, since she was too fat for her wings to fold properly, and ponies resumed cheering, as if it was amazing she made it this far.

And the fat pony jumped from the cloud, falling like a boulder.

"The Wonderbolts are doing WHAT?" Sky shouted.

"Yep." Twilight said sadly.

"But... this is dangerous! And stupid! She's too fat to fly! She could die out there!" Sky said, genuinely concerned for the poor foal.

"Her parents let her get this fat without doing anything about it. You don't become obese overnight. Do you think they'd care if she died?" Snowy asked.

"Princess Celestia... why are we allowing this?" Sky asked.

"The ponies of Equestria must see what their obesity is doing to them." Princess Celestia stated. "If it helps, you should know her name is Raindrop, and her mother's name is Rainstorm. Her father left the family in disgust many years ago. If alimony was not made illegal in this country after years of evil mares abusing the system, he'd likely still be paying for their eating habits. Instead, she had to go out and find a new stallion to latch onto like a parasite. A dirty beta mule."

The wonderbolts flew in a circle as they spun down slowly to catch the pony... and while their rehearsals had them throw her into the air like a ball where Spitfire would catch her, using a football to practice with because the fat mare got out of mandatory practice due to "health problems"... when four strong Pegasi tried to lift her, they found they could not. She dragged down all who caught her, and nopony was strong enough to lift her. She and the Wonderbolts fell closer and closer to the ground beneath them at terminal velocity,

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" Sky yelled, rushing through the glass and flying out, ignoring how the glass cut her as she flew to grab the fat mare, saving her and the ponies that tried to catch her. The Wonderbolts flew away, and Sky dropped the fat pony down on the clouds, expecting to hear applause.

"You saved me." Raindrop said in surprise.

"BOOOOOOOO!" The crowds shouted.

"You ruined her show!" A thin and lanky mother yelled.

"You ruined THE show!" A normal-looking stallion that wanted to see the fat pony fall yelled.

"She was fine! She was going to fly up and everything would be fine!" A horribly fat pony with three chins shouted, her fat and chins wobbling. "But you ruined her show, and her chance at stardom! Did you get jealous, seeing somepony that EATS get time in the spotlight for a change?"

Ponies started to throw cans and nachos at her, and she blew the nachos back with a flap of her wings, the gust pushing the cloud seats back.

"I'm under attack! Fat ponies are under attack!" The fat pony yelled as other fat ponies freaked out, the others laughing at them until they miraculously calmed down upon realizing nopony was buying it or coming to their aid.

"Citizens of Equestria..." Sky said. "It is good to be healthy. It allows you to live longer, and enjoy life better. You can gallop, swim, fly, LIVE! Even Unicorns can better use their magic when their bodies are healthy. It is NOT good to be SO FAT, you drag others down with you! If I hadn't saved that pony, the Wonderbolts would have either died, or flown away, letting the pony die!"

"And it would have been awesome!" The stallion that wanted her to die yelled.

"This filly is real, and her name is Raindrop." Sky said.

"THAT'S REAL?" The stallion gasped in horror. "I thought it was a new-fangled animasonic! HOW DOES THAT THING EVEN BREATHE?!"

The fat mares gasped.

"Very loudly." Sky said flatly.

The fat mares gasped loudly. Again, nopony really noticed, since they usually had trouble breathing anyway.

"GAAAAAASP!" The fattest mare shouted, one with four chins. She was blue, like Raindrop, and she sunk into the cloud seating by being too heavy for it to support. "How could you say something so horrible to fat ponies? HELP! HELP! WE'RE BEING ATTACKED!"

The ears of beta stallions pricked up, their eyes flashing red for the briefest of moments.

"Ohhhhhhhh nnnnnnno." Princess Celestia sighed.

Comments ( 2 )

It would allow you to show blood, yes. I'm also going to explain the difference with gore and just regular blood. Now, in a fight scene, it's okay to show the combatants bleeding, even in Star Wars and Lord of the Rings there was a lot of dismemberment and even quite a bit of blood in the latter example but that isn't gore. Gore is the description of bloody scenes. For example, you can say a pony exploded and then died, but that's not gore. But if you say the pony "exploded into a hundred bloody chunks, covering the bystanders in foul-smelling intestines and entrails" THAT is gore. If you have more questions about this let me know and I'll explain in greater detail once I get to my computer and not use my phone.

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