• Member Since 14th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 30th, 2023

Oak Stride

Formerly Sindraq. Mostly I read stuff here, maybe some day I'll write something worth reading too...

Comments ( 28 )

Mmm... juicy!:pinkiehappy:

I'm totally reading this.

6660387 I hope you enjoy :)
That goes for all of you :)

Bwahaha. :rainbowlaugh:

'Twas a good plot twist, cheers for you.

Did.... did I just get trolled... by a Clop fic.... :rainbowderp: ... GENIUS! PURE GENIUS!!! :rainbowlaugh:

6660833 Yes. Yes you did. :trollestia: Don't feel bad, you aren't the only one. When I thought of the ending, I had to stop typing for several minutes, because I was laughing so hard :pinkiehappy:
6660698 Thx! it is my experience, that there are usually a lot of plot in clopfics. Lot of twisting too :trollestia:

sharin their loooooove, between the sheets!

6661655 good choice, nice ambiance, fits the fic :)

6662021 omg didnt expect this reply lol

Rofl. You got me. That was quite saucy, even with that ending. Would like to see more of your works.

6665118 I can't guarantee a quick follow up, because it was a spur of the moment thing. I have some ideas for fics, but they are the adventure, and dark adventure types, and longer projects.

6665412 That's cool Oak Stride. I read them anyways.

Ah, you noticed Fernando! And the fact that Pinkie has the habit of making up imaginary (?, given her powers) friends, and even previously in vanilla canon at least one imaginary (?) lover, King Grover. And she tends to use actual inanimate objects as the focus.

Watching the last episode, I noticed this, and something else. Pinkie Pie could, especially given her abilities to manipulate objects in her hair including tail hair, be using Fernando as a dildo. This would make sense for her to do even if (perhaps especially if) she's a Chaste rather than Promiscuous Pinkie Pie. Given Pinkie's previous track record ("Party of One," "Lost Treasure of Griffonstone") she'd be quite likely to make up an elaborate romantic and sexual fantasy in such a situation.

Now I'm waiting for Fernando to get his own Group.

6670195 Interesting thoughts. Though using Fernando as a dildo honestly didn't occur to me until now. But if we are there, then let's take it a step further. Just what are the limits of Pinkie's hair? Might it be possible that her mane and tail are somehow interconnected through a pocket dimension? If so, than she doesn't have to be obvious about putting stuff in her tail... Now as per your hypothesis regarding the true function of Fernando, just where do you think she pulled it out of in the episode :trollestia:
Anyway, I like the free spirited, even polyamorous Pinkie Pie. I think she honestly gives love freely to whomever or whatever... and whenever. This is why I don't like singular shipping with her.
BTW. When did you catch on that it was Fernando? Did I get you? And how did you like the writing? Cause I'm new to this...


She'd have to use Fernando delicately to avoid breaking him, but she could tease at herself with him. And if Fernando is crafted out of something much tougher than the plastic we use for straws, maybe he wouldn't have to be used all that delicately. There's no sign that Equestria has much if any plastic yet -- that's a specific materials technology and a spin-off of petrochemicals. If not, they would use wood and horn and bone for the same purposes.

Incidentally, one of the economic niches which my Changelings occupy after the Reconciliation is industrial chemistry. They are expert genengineers and can produce bacterial mashes which can isolate pretty much any desired chemicals, given the right feedstock, and assemble them into pretty much any desired products which do not require extreme heat to form.

Pinkie Pie can directly access a sort of hyperspace. In her case, she can especially do so through her mane and tail: my Pinkie is an especially-intelligent Daughter of Paradise who looks more normal than most of her half-sisters (the Fluffy Ponies), and like all of them her hair is fractal and spirals off into other dimensions. That's, seriously, where she keeps various objects she seems to be able to produce at random.

As you might know from "Her Special Gift," the Pinkie Pie who is in the main worldline of the Shadow Wars Story Verse is not only one of the chaste ones, but one of the chaster ones (Scoots2 and Sketcha-holic's are chaster than her, though -- Sketcha in particular tends to write sympathetic characters with very strong sexual morals and ideals). As you might also know, I've written at least one essay on the issue of chaste vs. promiscuous Pinkie Pies, including defining the parameters of how a promiscuous Pinkie Pie would have to operate in order to spread Joy rather than Sorrow.

Pinkie Pie is not, of course, unique in having analogues of herself in parallel worlds who have made different choices in terms of their morals and other aspects of their way of life. Where she is unique is that she can, at will, access knowledge from her alternate selves. This is why even a chaste Pinkie Pie seems to sexually know far more than she should: it's not the same thing as personal experience, but effectively she has access to a database of knowledge discovered by all her alternate selves.

Of course, she uses this for a lot more than sex and sexual fantasies. She also uses it in cooking, party planning, and keeping herself and her friends alive in dangerous situations.

But even the chaste Pinkies have strong sex drives, as part of their overall strong positive attitudes toward other Ponies.

Thus, Fernando. And other imaginary friends.

6671123 Actually Equestria DOES have plastics. In the show. Canonically. Some examples are the bakelite records that they listen to (bakelite is the oldest synthetic plastic), the rubber spiders Luna played with in Luna Eclipsed, Vinyl Scratch's turntable, which is electronic, and cannot be manufactured without a crapload of different types of plastics, be it adhesives, insulations, or just a button. And I can't believe that a herbivore species would use bones and horns as base materials, because we humans found those stuff by looking at the remainder of our meals. So you might want to rethink and adjust this part of your headcanon.

The stuff you say is very thought-provoking by the way, and I already put some of your fics on my read later bookshelf. Now I might get them to the front. But I have my own headcanon, and I like to look at different works contained in their own verse, and rules that apply in one fic are completely absent in another.

Damn... I think that the comment section is now longer than the fic... :pinkiegasp:


You are right and I am wrong on the plastics! Thinking about it, though vulcanized rubber predates plastics (and is the treated exudation of the rubber tree), celluloid and cellophane both existed over 100 years ago, before the main Plastics Revolution. Most plastics are probably cutting-edge industrial chemistry, but then both the Pony and Humanoid Vinyl Scratches seem to have access to technology about 25-50 years ahead of the surrounding technology of their societies -- I'm guessing that they are the unusually-musical scions of techie industrialist families, in both cases.

You're also right that at least bone and horn would be more expensive without a big meat industry from which to be byproducts. There'd still be some meat-eating in Equestria, because not all the inhabitants are Ponies and for that matter some Ponies might pick up unusual tastes from other cultures, but nothing on the scale of Human civilizations' meat processing. So mostly they'd be using wood, plant fiber and clay products instead.

The fact that your story has provoked discussion is actually a sign that you succeeded.

One more thing -- what's really plain from Fernando, Grover, and numerous other instances of Pinkie's imaginary friends and apparently sometimes imaginary friends-with-benefits -- Pinkie has a vivid imagination!

6671936 I always thought that the Equestrian technological level was a bit strange and inconsistent, but there might be a good explanation for it. One such factor is Magic. Unicorns are able to do things that we are unable to. Unicorn magic can be more precise than any tool, and it can even replace some functions that computers have (for example in this last episode, the magical autotune-beam, or Twilight's spy-cam and projector in her horn.) There is also the fact, that Equestria has a nearly all-powerful immortal force as it's protector. This causes a double effect on technological development. On one hand, there is no technological regress like the dark ages in our history. There is freedom to do whatever you like, and if your Cutie Mark tells you to do some science than you'll do some science. However, there is also the fact that there is no real need for these breakthroughs. In our world, science has been a means to improve on life. Where there is magic to heal, grow food, and even control the weather, and life is simple and peaceful, what do I need an iPhone for? Science becomes a curiosity, not a necessity. The presence of the alicorns also causes a cultural drawback, as they are from a different time, and possibly harder to change. this brings a greater love for the classics, and ponies wouldn't always rush to get the newest of everything.
And there might be some trade of materials like bone with other races (griffins or dragons for example) but I still think that equines would be wary of such things at the very least. Just look at how some vegetarians react to bones and such 'Ewwww, it's the part of a dead animal!'
So we have to look at Equestrian and human history as separate, and not compatible. And by 'human' I mean ours, and not EG, because it is a mirror world, and I always thought that it wouldn't exist without Equestria.

And I think Pinkie's imagination is not only vivid, it is actually alive...

Ahhh, you trolled me good there. Also,


is spelled tongue. :twilightsmile:

6843271 Crap... I have to return my Grammar Nazi license...

*Begins clapping slowly then wipes a tear from the corner of her eye*. Glorious! Simply wonderful! Thank you for writing such a delightfully silly yet sensual piece.

7188145 You're very welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

How did this resurface after 7 years?! Awesome reaction, btw, thank you!

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