• Published 22nd Nov 2015
  • 757 Views, 1 Comments

Rule 43 - Black Hailstorm

Cadence's foal is born and everyone is excited. But aren't things going a little to smoothly?

  • ...


Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic and well-known expert of friendship, was an emotional wreck.

The young alicorn princess knew not what to do after what she had seen merely two weeks ago, and every time she went over to visit her brother and his family she swore under her breath that she could still hear that evil laugh when her back was turned to the foal.

“The foal” she whispered to herself in silence as she sat in her library back in Ponyville. That poor poor innocent child had no idea what lay deep within the very depths of his soul at this very moment.

A tear slowly slid down the young alicorn’s muzzle as she thought of the horrors that Sombra could be performing on the child’s mind to ultimately make it his own.

At this very moment for all she knew every time that baby cried it was because of Sombra. Every time that baby got hurt, it may have been because Sombra desired it so. Every time her brother and sister looked exhausted from not only running the empire, but taking care of their newborn colt, it was because of Sombra.

“Twilight” Spike’s voice said dragging the mare out of her dark thoughts.

She turned to face the baby dragon who was standing by the doorside. “You are still going to the Crystal Empire today right?”

She sniffed and nodded, a small look of concern passed over Spike’s face.

“Are you alright? You’ve been crying ever since we got back from the Crystal Empire. Is something wrong?” he asked moving towards her and resting a gentle claw on her forehoof.

Twilight smiled, a sad smile. She blinked to clear her vision of the tears that blinded her as Spike lifted a claw to wipe away a tear.


The mare shook her head and quite suddenly brought the dragon into a tight embrace, causing him to yelp as the mare wrapped her forehooves tightly around him. “It’s nothing Spike” she said as more tears began to sting her eyes.

“It’s nothing at all.”

Shining Armor was tired. In the two weeks that had occurred after Twilight’s babysitting night, the stallion had watched his sister leave in tears after he had escorted her to the train station by himself.

When he had asked why she was crying the mare had been incapable of forming words, her only hint being to look at him then to glance at the castle before once again bursting into tears and sobbing. It had taken Spike and the prince quite a bit of effort to calm the young alicorn enough to get into the train.

It had taken even more to assure her all was alright since he decided it would be better to accompany his sister and adoptive brother back to Ponyville.

The stallion on that day as he rode the train back to the empire upon fulfilling his escorting duty felt eerily strange by Twilight’s reaction.

The only thing he had really been able to get out of her was from what Spike said before he left the castle involving something about “glowing eyes.”

Now presently sitting on his throne as his wife attended to their child the stallion shuddered as that disturbing thought that strange night forced it’s way back into his mind.

That very night he had escorted his shaking sister out of the baby’s room the stallion had seen glowing eyes as well. The same glowing eyes they had watched been defeated a year.

No! he shook his head to force the thought out of his mind. “Sombra’s gone. Plus there’s no magic that I’ve heard of that could possibly revive someone from the dead and cause a reincarnation.”

That’s right! It was impossible, improbable, highly unlikely for such a thing to ever happen. There was also the fact to mention that -a small blush appeared on his cheeks- the stallion and his princess of love had only had relations heavily almost five months prior to Sombra’s short return and defeat. So it was impossible for him to even be capable of doing such a thing.

Shining Armor nodded with conviction. “It was impossible.”

The clicking of hooves soon sounded in the royal throne room as Cadence came inside carrying the young colt in his crib.

“Shining could you watch the baby for a second while I get his bottle?” she asked rubbing her nose against the giggling foal. Shining nodded with a smile. His horn glowing he carefully lifted his child on to the ground as he watched the young stallion play and roll around on the floor as it made popping noises with it’s mouth.

Princess Cadence couldn’t help but let out a “Awww, so adorable” before turning around with a blissful smile on her face as she headed towards the empire’s kitchen. “I’ll be back in a second you two.”

Shining Armor watched his wife leave through the open throne room doors, before setting his eyes on the young foal. He smiled as the foal looked up at him with innocent eyes, offering a childish smile as it waved its arms in the air at him, vainly trying to reach his father.

Shining smiled, “Trying to walk Sunlight?” he asked the foal merely giggled in response. Shining chuckled heartily, before turning his attention for a few seconds back to the list of papers in front of him.

Then he heard it.


His eyes turning over to the child Shining’s eyes widened in utter amazement.

The young unicorn...was standing on all four hooves, though wobbly little Sunlight attempted to make his way towards Shining Armor.

Immediately scrambling down to his knees Shining Armor flew off his throne and sat on eager haunches just a few inches from his son with liquid pride making it’s appearance clear in his eyes.


A loud “WHAT!” echoed somewhere through the castle., along with several other clicking hooves accompanying her. Most likely the guards wanting to see this as well.

Shining Armor’s lip trembled in great anticipation as his foal wobbled and moved towards him eagerly. And as his eyes stayed glued to the colt’s face Shining Armor saw something change that caused his most joyous moment, to switch immediately to one of fear and confusion.

Sunlight’s horn glew red, a green aura taking over. The giggling foal closed his eyes no longer walking wobbly but naturally with a confident prideful stride. And when those eyes re-opened, no longer were they the light blue that stared at the father. But glowing green eyes.

Shining’s brain shut down, unable to process what was slowly unfolding before him.

Sunlight was still trotting towards his father, though the giggling had transitioned from light joyful laughter, to a dark and slow chuckle.

Shining’s eyes were glued on his child.

The colt was getting closer, and so were those glowing green eyes.


Another step now, and Shining’s arms that were still outstretched frozen by what he was seeing still desired to wrap them protectively around his son.

The laughing grew darker with another step, Cadence and company’s hooves were getting closer.


The colt had now passed the threshold and was nearing the father’s arms. Shining caught something in his vision and to his bemusement he watched his son’s shadow cast a second one. A larger one. One that reached the very roof of the large throne room, and threatened to consume both father and son.

N-no, Shining thought. His arms starting to tremble when he felt the possessed colt’s tail touch his right forehoof.

Those glowing green eyes that struck fear into so many others now looked at Sunlight’s father with a cold stare. Shining Armor could do nothing but stare back into those cold, hate filled eyes, feeling his own body starting to tense up with the sudden change of tension in the air.

The two stared at each other in silence. The former king of the crystal kingdom saying nothing, and the young prince staring with a mixture of fear, confusion and rage. Shining Armor’s mouth went dry as he could hear his wife merely inches away from them now.

He swallowed, mustering what little faith he had in his sleep deprived state.

“This isn’t happening” he said to himself, now staring at one of the guards who was beaming at him as the rest of the group came.

The foal leaped into Shining Armor’s arms the dark laugh gone, and returning to what it was; a peaceful innocent laugh.

Shining Armor looked at his wife still looking shocked as she and the others smiled at him, Cadence’s expression changing to confusion.

“Honey? What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost” she said carrying the bottle towards him before she stuffed it into the young colts mouth as he greedily began to suck the milk out.

Shining shook his head to clear himself of the dark thoughts that were making themselves clear within him.

“Yeah sorry I-...I think I need to get some sleep” Cadence nuzzled him as the guards let out another "aww" who by this time should have been back to work.

A bark from down the hall the guards stood, made them draw their attention back to the their positions as they closed the throne room doors behind them.

“Try to get some rest after this alright honey?” Cadence said with a smile once Sunlight had finished drinking all of its contents.

Shining nodded, then extended his arms so he could get a good look at the colt in his forehooves. There was nothing wrong with him. Perhaps he had just been seeing things since he hadn’t slept much in the past four days.

Sunlight let out a small burp, then began to tear up.

“Shining!” Cadence said from her throne.

“Don’t worry I’ve got it” he said reassuringly as he moved the colt to give him a gentle pat on the back.

The colt let out an audible burp, making Cadence giggle and Shining sigh a breath of relief.

“Thank goodness” he said.

“For what?” Cadence asked.

“O-Oh it’s nothing don’t worry” he said with a reassuring wave of his hoof. Lifting his son back up to get another look at him the foal tapped Shining’s nose, making him chuckle a bit along with the colt before he brought his son back into his arms.

“I’m glad that didn’t happen” he said whispering into Sunlight’s neck.

And as if the colt understood what he said the foal gently tapped Shining’s arm, making him rise his son to look back into those light blue eyes. Except, they were no longer light blue.

They were red.

Shining Armor’s expression changed to a completely stoned and silent look, as he slowly brought his son back into his arms believing that he was seeing things again. Giving the colt a tight squeeze.

It didn’t happen, he told himself.

A small chuckle rose into the air that sent a chill up his spine and the hairs on his neck stand up on end. He looked to Cadence. She hadn’t noticed.

“Oh...but it did Shining” the deep voice of Sombra whispered into the unicorn’s perked up ear. “And it still is.”

Tears began to well up in Shining Armor’s eyes as denial began worming it’s way within him. He refused such a horrible thing could, or even would happen to him. Or any other pony for that matter.

Cadence immediately trotted over to her husband who had now shed a single tear, his face remaining impassive with shock, but his eyes full of pain.

“Shining? Dear, what’s wrong?” she asked with worry.

Shining Armor said nothing, which only put Cadence on further edge. She now took notice of how close he was holding their child, and a look of confusion crossed her face. Raising a hoof, she gestured for Shining Armor to give her the foal.

He hesitated. But complied within a few seconds, shedding another tear in the process.

Cadence placed her now sleeping foal back in his crib and turned to look at her husband with a look of worry and confusion on her face as her ears drooped at the pained look on his face.

“Shining...sweet what’s wrong? Are you alright?” she asked wrapping a hoof around his neck and pulling him close. Her ears perked up on his reply.

His voice broken, filled with what could only be sensed as denial, Shining Armor’s lips trembled.

“No, babe” he sniffed.

“I’m not...nothing is.”

She stared at him in confusion as more tears began to pour out of his eyes, following his gaze to the crib.

And for a split second the princess of love thought she saw something, but merely dismissed it as her seeing things. Turning back to her husband she gently rubbed her strong, military commander, and prince’s neck whispering sweet words of reassurance in his ear.

Eventually the stallion got up and the two carried their foal up towards the colt’s room not too far away from their own.

Once dropping Sunlight off, Cadence escorted her husband back to the room and stayed with him till the shaken stallion fell asleep.

And as she heard him mumble and whisper things of incoherence she couldn’t help but wonder.

What was that light I saw back there?

Twilight Sparkle and Spike had made it to the Crystal Empire. The young alicorn had sent a letter ahead of time to inform the group that she would be there shortly.

Upon arrival Cadence informed her that her brother was asleep and would do well to require silence. She stated the baby was in the room and that she could check up on him if she wanted, and also to keep an eye out for Shining.

She had to head to the castle’s conference room to engage in some matters soon so she would be leaving. Spike decided to head down to the empire’s snacking section leaving Twilight by herself once the other princess was gone.

Twilight was now alone.

Heading over to the royal bedroom first Twilight took a peek inside to see her big brother was silently snoring. She smiled.

“Poor guy must have tuckered himself out with work.” Closing the door silently the young princess headed towards the colt’s room.

Upon reaching the door to the baby’s room she froze. Feeling disturbed by the fact that there was a huge chance her nephew was being possessed by an evil tyrant that had enslaved thousands of ponies.

She shook her head. Don’t think like that Twilight.

She went inside, and felt the strange coldness of the room. Quietly she shut the door behind her, hearing a coincidental creak that occurred the entire time it was being closed, before it clicked silent.

Twilight froze. Hearing movement behind her she turned.

Sunlight was standing on his hind legs with his hooves on the crib, just like the last time she’d seen him the night two weeks ago she had checked on him.

The young princess could feel her heart beating a bit faster as she took a deep breath and began trotting towards the baby that was gooing at her. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Once Twilight was a hoof away from the cooing baby she leaned her face in closely to Sunlight’s who was now staring at her with a confused smile at the narrow eyes she was giving him.

“Goo?” he said, making Twilight’s eye twitch from the cuteness.

Sunlight shrugged and kissed her on the nose, causing Twilight to whinny and back up a bit with slightly warm cheeks.

“U-um thank you” she said smiling a bit at her nephew. At least I can be reassured that he’s still in there.

“Your welcome” a deep voice responded, making Twilight’s wings instinctively pop out.

Her eyes slowly lowered to the glowing eyes looking at her with a wicked grin, as she began to feel both fear and anger taking place.

“Get out of him” she said after a few seconds of silent staring between the two.

Sombra’s cold laugh was the only response she got. Sunlight’s red tipped horn now becoming caked in a sick green glow as the dark king levitated himself towards her.

Doing so Twilight suddenly became aware of the sound of rain hitting the window and the sound of thunder outside. Just like that fateful day.

Lightning struck and it showed that large menacing shadow that loomed behind her nephew’s body.

Twilight shook, but she did not back down.

King Sombra’s glowing green eyes now stared at Twilight on the same level. His deep voice let out another cackle at the recall of her statement.

Ushering to her to come closer Twilight did as such, sure that the evil king wouldn’t do anything that would throw suspicion she inched forward, suddenly feeling a pull that made her come closer to the levitating baby colt.

Sombra’s breath now gently caressed Twilight’s ear. He whispered.

“I’d like to see you try.”

Lighting struck once again revealing the menacing shadow of the king that glared at her from the walls as the darkness began to seep in closer, from all corners. The evil lord’s laughter began to grow, though silently as Twilight backed away from his statement.

Turning on her hoof and facing the door, as the mare could feel inner conflict with herself on what she should do to help her nephew she glanced back at the colt who was now back in his crib, and back to normal.

Twilight felt tears sting her eyes as the baby waved bye to her when she opened the door before laying back in bed.

“Don’t worry Sunlight. I’ll save you. I promise” she whispered to the dozing baby. Galloping quickly inside she gave the foal a peck on his forehead, before quickly leaving the room and closing the door.

“That’s a pinkie promise” she stated wiping a tear away.

The response from the room was the faint glow of that sick green light. Twilight could see it radiating from under her hooves, knowing Sombra had accepted her challenge.

And she knew, she had to win. For her, for her brother, and Cadence. For. Her. Nephew.

She had to. That was something she was sure of.

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