• Published 5th Nov 2015
  • 1,013 Views, 69 Comments

Seven Days in Sunny June: Innocence Lost - FlashFrame

Sweet Pea has had it hard from the beginning of her life, but now, Living in San Francisco, things are starting to look up. She's got a great friend, wonderful family, and the chance at a real life instead of that of a street walker.

  • ...

July 20th,P.M. Chances

July 20th, PM.

“So then, I see Sapphire Shores and her entire dance crew coming down the hall. And this guy just busts through the security blockade and rams right into Sweet Steps, knocking her over; then into Twinkle Toes, who twirled and landed with his face right between Sapphire’s cleavage.” Rose chuckled, shaking her head and taking a drink of the mocha latte seated in front of her. “And you know what Sapphire does? She just laughs it off, helps him up, makes sure Sweet Steps was fine… before making sure the guy who ran through security was alright, then gave him an autograph and just moved on. Turns out, the guy didn’t even really care about that, he was trying to get to a meeting and was running late.”

The soft chuckle of Sweet Pea joined that of her friend’s. “Man, it’s gotta be pretty cool getting to see all these big name stars all the time.” She sipped her white chocolate mocha, relaxing with her friend. After the morning she’d had, she was just glad to get back together with Rose and get some time with one of the few people she felt comfortable with.

“Yeah, it’s kinda cool, but you get used to it, and they just become people.” Rose voice evened out a little, as she shook her head. “I’ve only got a couple of days left in town… turns out, my dad wants me back in LA by the 23rd.” she said, letting her eyes drift up to those of her friends.

Pea had been in mid-sip when she stopped; her eyes went wide as she barely turned to spit out the swig she’d nearly choked on.

“That soon?!” She felt the panic well up inside her: her friend was heading back to LA in just three days, leaving Pea behind...and broken.

“No...nonononono!” Her mind went into panic mode, but then she felt Rose’s hand on her own.

“Relax Pea. I know you’re in a rough spot, but there’s always our phones and Skype and all, so it’s fine… we’ll be able to keep in touch. We can call and text whenever you need it.” Rose tried to calm the other girl but she shook her head.

“Rose, seriously I-I don’t know if I can handle it alone, I mean, you… you’re one of the few people that knows all of it, you’ve been able to pull me out of my stupid every time I’ve gone into it.” she looks up into Rose’s eyes. “Y...you’re one of the few people who I trust, like Shining.”

Her mind shot back to that time, where she’d propositioned the cop that had ended up doing so much good for her. Shining Armor had been... well, a prince worthy of his namesake. He didn’t take her up on her offer, and that had allowed her to trust him, and...make a few rather inappropriate passes at him in the hopes that maybe he’d sweep her off her feet. It wasn’t to be: Ms. Cadence had him firmly locked down, not that she blamed her—they made a fairly cute couple.

Rose blinked. “I know that but…” She was cut off by Pea.

“No, Rose I….” Pea had turned her hand, and was holding Rose’s, before she leaned forward quickly, her lips inches from Rose’s before her friend leaned back.

“Yo, Pea, the fuck? Girl, look, I like you and all but… wait, do…” realization dawned on Rose as her eyes widened, looking to a very heartbroken Sweet Pea...who had now let go, and was currently grabbing her purse.

“Whatever... Look, sorry I tried that, but I’m out. Have a good trip to LA, okay?” Sweet Pea’s motions caused her to knock over the chocolate mocha she was drinking, the resulting brown puddle escaping her notice as she hastily made for the door.

However, Rose had quickly gotten to her feet, getting a hand on the other’s shoulder before she’d gotten anywhere.“Pea, wait… I… look, I’m just... I don’t swing that way, okay? You’re a sweet girl, and the last thing I want to do is lead you on.” Rose sighed, then continued. “You’re vulnerable and afraid, I get that… and you latched onto me, which I appreciate. I’m glad I could be that important to you but….”

Rose warred with herself; those eyes of Pea’s looked so fragile, so broken. Rose winced inwardly at having to let her down like this, and it didn’t help that what she had to say next tasted bitter even to her. “I don’t think that it would work out, even if I did swing that way. A long distance relationship would just be too strenuous for both of us. You need someone who can be here for you, Pea, but I’m not that girl, not in that way. I’ll always be your friend, and best friend if you’ll still have me, but I can’t be more than that.”

Pea stood, shaking for a few moments, trying to reign in her emotions… and ignore the cackling laughter in the back of her head from that damned voice. “Oh, fucking classic! Good job girl, almost assault the love of your life, then have her drop your skanky ass at the first sign that you’re into her? FUCKING PRICELESS!”

Pea brought a shaky hand to her head and shook herself free. “Yeah, I’m falling apart. I keep hearing shit, and the nightmares are getting worse… and yeah, I got clingy. You’ve been so nice and understanding and all I… I guess I misread you. I’m sorry, Rose… but I just need some time to myself right now.” Moving towards the door, she didn’t get very far as Rose’s hand rested on her arm softly.

Sweet Pea wanted to run, she wanted to leave and get away from this mistake, but she couldn’t just walk away yet and leave her (possibly former) best friend without at least some form of explanation. “I, just really need some air, okay? We’ll… talk about this later.” With that said, she headed for the door and out onto The Embarcadero.

Rose looked down at the spilled drink, and sighed, finishing off her own. “Yeah, later.” she said, the taste of the Mocha Latte an unsatisfying, bitter taste in her mouth. Just like what she’d told Pea.

The sound of the hustle and bustle of the pier met her ears as she walked through the Embarcadero’s waterfront. Stopping, she looked out over the Pacific Ocean that stretched out in front of her, taking in the sights. Before long, she ended up settling on admiring the Golden Gate Bridge, its crimson lines stretching out with the dimming light shining behind it. Sighing, she let her eyes close, finally coming to terms with the situation that had happened nearly an hour before.

The tone of “Love is an Insane Chimera” issued from her phone, and with practiced ease she fished it from it’s pocket in her purse and answered. “Hey, bro,” her voice easily holding the hurt of the day.

“Hey kiddo, you okay?” Buck’s voice was that of a concerned parent, regardless of adoption status. It made her smile lightly, but only for a moment.

“I’m...no...no, not really. Today’s been kinda a crapshoot.” She checked the time on the phone. “I know it’s getting late. I’ll be coming back soon, should be home in time for dinner.”

Lemony’s voice could be heard in the background, and Buck’s own voice brightened. “She told me to tell you she’s making Lemon Chicken.”

Pea’s own face brightened at that. “Then I’ll definitely be home. Thanks for checking up on me bro.” She felt better as they said their goodbyes. Hanging up, she slid the phone into her rear left pocket of her jeans. Guess I’ll walk the pier once more, then head home.

It was then that just as she started moving, she nearly ran face first into the body of another girl, both nearly falling save for the quick reflexes of the other green haired girl. Her hand shooting out to ensure Sweet Pea didn’t bite the pavement, causing Pea to let out a surprised squeak.

“I was so into this music, I didn’t even notice you, Totally sorry, okay?” She’d taken off the green headphones... well, not entirely; the little kitty ears on top of them seemed to pulse with a neon green light to the music, but she’d moved the ear cups so she could hear.

“No...look, I wasn’t paying attention. You’re okay though, right?” Pea asked. Her eyes darting over the other girl’s form, checking mostly for injuries. As neither had fallen, she soon laughed lightly in relief. “God I’m such a space cadet lately.” She extended a hand. “Sweet Pea… again, sorry about this.”

The green-haired girl smiled brightly. Shifting the book bag that hung at her hip, she took Pea’s hand with enthusiasm, “Hey it’s totally cool, name’s Lemon Tart.” She took a moment then blinked a few times. “Wait a sec, I’ve seen you before…” She tilted her head, as if trying to get a better look at Sweet Pea, which caused the other girl to shift a bit uncomfortably. “Yeah, no, I totally saw you hanging out with those girls from the Gods of Rock concert, right? The Friends of… Fluttershy I think her name was—the one that admitted to being the daughter of Discord live on stage and all?!”

Sweet Pea coughed a bit at that, “Uh, yeah… I know her, and her friends, I guess.” She rubbed the back of her neck. “So I guess you saw the concert?”

Tart nodded quickly, her body almost screamed energetic, thin, and she wore a T-shirt with the words ‘Cute as Hell’ over a pair of short shorts. “Hell yeah I did, and Fluttershy’s been the talk of the Internet!” she giggles. “Then again, most of it’s been the guys going on about well… you know guys,” she said as she rolled her eyes. “Anyway, I like Discord and all, but I’m way more into K-rock—and by that I mean the one out west, not down south—and K-pop.”

Without warning she slid the headphones around Sweet Pea’s head, which caused the other teen to eep as the sudden beat of K-pop met her ears. She couldn’t tell what it was, but the beat was fairly enjoyable.

After a few moments, Sweet Pea returned the headphones to their owner. “Well, I mean, as good as that sounds, I kinda like understanding what I listen to.” She ran a hand through her hair to straighten it out. “Those are kinda cool headphones though.”

Lemon Tart smiled bright, readying an onslaught of explanation as to where she got the neko inspired design before a slight cough issued behind her. “You really should be more careful, Tart, and pull your head out of the clouds.”

Sweet Pea’s eyes landed on someone she’d met earlier in the day, the ebony skin and white hair of one Sugarcoat easily seen, the girl still in her school uniform, purse slung over her left shoulder, she blinked a few times. “Sweet Pea, didn’t expect to see you again so soon.” her voice, that typical rushed tone.

Lemon Tart laughed. “Oh relax, Coat! I mean yeah, we kinda literally bumped into each other, but then again, maybe it was fate, like in…”

Sugarcoat rolled her eyes. “You know the likelihood of an event happening in your life being fated like in one of your anime is abysmally slim.” But Coat had lost the other girl in her own mind for a moment, as she went on about something or another anime pairings. She sighed a bit rubbing the bridge of her nose under her glasses. “You’ll have to excuse her. She’s an otaku.”

Sweet Pea couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. “It’s ok… but she’s right: we did kinda run into each other, I’d say it’s likely both our faults.” She found a smile back on her face for the first time since this morning.

“Well, she tends to have her head in the clouds.” Coat uncrossed her arms, a smile finally playing at her own lips. “But she’s been there for me no matter what.” she looks over to Pea. “You seemed out of it when I left this morning.”

Pea winced a bit inwardly. “Yeah, I’ve had a lot on my plate, but I’m dealing.” She turned away, and in that movement, Lemon Tart finally stopped and looked at the one she’d accidently ran into.

“Hey, we all go through stuff, it’s cool.” Offering a genuine smile to Pea, one that Pea had a sneaking suspicion was always genuine from this girl, Lemon Tart bounced up, before Sugarcoat rested a hand on the younger’s shoulder.

“We really should get going Tart, we’ve both got homework.” Coat’s eyes turned to Sweet Pea. “Here, my cell number.” she held her phone up—a recent model, Pea noted—she’d already set it to broadcast her number to any phone with bluetooth capability if they came close enough to one another.

“Oh yeah, here’s mine too!” Lemon Tart extended her own phone, which Pea mirrored the gesture, gathering the two’s contact information.

“Thanks girls, I... yeah I think it would be cool to hang at some point.” Pea gave a slightly awkward smile as Coat and Tart nodded in agreement.

“Awesome!” Tart smiled brightly, bobbing a bit to the music coming through her headphones. It was hard to tell if the awesome was about the music, or exchange of contact information… or both. “We’ll catch ya later Sweet Pea!” With that, Lemon Tart and Sugarcoat took their leave, heading back down the Embarcadero Sugarcoat tossing up a wave as they left.

Sweet Pea herself, turned, a slow smile finding her face… Yeah, maybe today was looking up a bit. In the very back of her mind, that dark voice simply laughed.

Lemony Gems wiped the sweat from her brow. She’d been standing over the stove since she got home. Right now, however, she found herself putting the finishing garnish on three plates of lemon baked chicken, the wonderful aroma of the chicken and pasta dish she’d created wafted through the air and pleased the senses.

“Oh, now there’s my girl.” Buck slipped behind her in a big bear hug, causing her to give an “eep” of surprise, though she soon relaxed back into his embrace.

“Think this will help?” she asked, turning to press a soft, but warm kiss to his lips, one he gently returned with a warmth of his own.

“She sounded better than this morning over the phone, so yeah, I think so,” he smirked. “I know good food always makes me feel better.” Buck’s grin fell slightly as his wife elbowed him playfully.

The sound of the front door opening and closing announced Sweet Pea’s arrival. “I’m home!” she called out, stopping long enough to take her shoes off and slip inside, locking the door behind her.

Lemony looked up to Buck and kissed his cheek before smiling. “I think, we may end up doing a girls night after dinner; she may need it.” She hugged him warmly as he returned the gesture.

“Yeah well, I wouldn’t want to intrude, I’ve been meaning to go see that new action flick that came out anyway.” he finally addressed Pea. “Welcome home, Sis!”

Sweet Pea sighed, the wonderful scent of the meal hitting her nose. Her hunger got the better of her as her stomach gave an appreciative growl. “Thanks Bro, wow, that smells amazing, Lemony!” She had a little more pep in her step as she walked into the kitchen, giving Lemony and Buck both hugs, causing the two adults to blink a bit owlishly.

“I guess things turned around after Buck hung up. Either that or the food smells really good?” Lemony asked with grin, returning the hug while it lasted. Around three months in, Sweet Pea had gotten much more comfortable around them. It had been the first time she’d been hugged by the girl… and since those other girls from Canterlot had come to visit, Sweet Pea had seemed to revert to nearly the same level of distance she’d been at during her first month with them.

Sweet Pea’s nod and smile said it all. “I um, met some new friends… at least I think I did.” Settling her purse on a hook just outside the dining room, she stretched a bit before settling in at the dinner table with her family.

Lemony moved off, serving up the delicious chicken meal and finally settling in as Buck nodded in approval. “That’s great, but you were saying things weren't too good today?” He asked, taking a bite of the meal and giving a pleased “Mmm.” at the flavor.

Sweet Pea’s smile faltered a little. “Yeah... I, uh, had an issue with Rose, then found out she’s heading back to LA in a couple of days.” She sighed and took a bite of the meal herself, savoring it despite the unpleasant conversation.

Buck nodded. “Everyone gets in arguments at some time. It’s how you handle it that counts,” he said as he took a drink of the milk. Lemony nodded her own agreement.

“Exactly, Sweet Pea. Trust me, things will work out I’m sure of it. But honestly honey, what I’m concerned about is, well… you’ve been getting kinda distant lately.” She gave a gentle gaze towards her sister. “After all, things were going very well, then after those girls from Canterlot came to visit for the concert, you’ve been… hiding again… pulling away.”

Pea winced, and sat her fork down, sighing and looking up to her adoptive siblings. And it was Lemony’s words that reminded that this was Pea’s family. “I know, and I’m sorry.” she sighed, taking a breath and lifting the fork from the food. “Can we discuss it after tomorrow? I-I’m pretty much done with all my schoolwork for the week and… I’m going to need a night's sleep before we get into things.”

Lemony relented, nodding as she sat back. “Sure, in fact, I’m all ears now that I’m home, and I do have tomorrow off. What do you say we have a girls day tomorrow: get some trashy movies, and watch them while we talk, just you and me, hmm?”

Pea blinked as she was about to take a bite, and chuckled lightly. “Yeah, I think I’d like that.”

Buck for his part, just smiled. Hoping that maybe some sororal bonding would help his sister with whatever she’s going through.

January 14th, 11 years ago.

Tripwire grunted, running a hand through his shaggy hair. A bottle of Jack Daniels hung loosely from his fingers as he lounged in his favorite chair, his eyes were bleary, and he could barely make out the room around him. All but around a fifth of the bottle had been consumed.

The military vet grunted again, his hand moving to his own crotch for a moment, scratching a spot on the inside of his left thigh. The brush caused him to become instantly aware of another mounting problem, one he hadn’t been able to really take care of since that little rotten kid came into his life. No woman wanted to date a guy in his twenties raising a five year old girl.

He growled. “Fuckin’ split-tails don’t know what they're missin’ out on.” His slur was strong, and he rolled his head forward, just in time to catch a bit of movement. “Speak of the devil.” he mumbled, before calling out, “Sweet Pea, get your ass over here!” An idea had started to form. After all, the girl was exactly that, right? A girl… and it wasn’t like he hadn’t had experience with a younger generation while he was overseas anyway… Chances were, she’d be even better than that near-bleeder he had in Phuket.

Sweet Pea jumped and hugged the doorway for a moment, big eyes looking up at the man she called her uncle. She wore a little white sundress and socks currently, since she was just inside.

“Y-yes Uncle Tripwire?” she asked, slowly letting go of the doorframe and working her way towards him. She’d learned early that to disobey him when he was like this usually earned her either a sore rear in by way of a spanking, or on more than one occasion, she’d been slapped hard across the face. And it never felt good. The pain only served to reinforce that she should do what he told her.

“Come here, Sweet Pea… climb up here and let ol’ Uncle Trip tell ya some stories.” The slur was even stronger now, as the drink had time to settle even stronger in his system. His eyes gazed at her, falling on creamy white legs. Oh yeah, she’d do just fine. His smirk grew as he motioned her over.

Sweet Pea blinked. She could already smell that foul drink on his breath, he always got mean when he drank that stuff. But now... now he was being unusually sweet. Yet something in her mind craved that; she saw other kids outside with their parents being kind to them, and it was something she wished for with every part of her being. She nodded and climbed up into his lap.

“What kind of story, Uncle Tripwire?” she asked with all the enthusiasm of a five year old.

“Welp…” he drew his hand around her, gently holding her to him. He leaned forward taking in the scent of her hair, his fingers caressed over the softness of her leg, he did his best to make it seem accidental. “You know, I was in the military right? That I fought for this country to protect it from those evil men overseas.”

Sweet Pea shifted uncomfortably, it wasn’t often he was gentle, and definitely not touchy. But he was being kind, soft. “Mmmhm, you fought the bad men.” She said. There were pictures that she’d asked about, and he’d told her about fighting ‘the bad men’.

He nodded. “Yeah, yeah I did.” He dropped the bottle, using his other hand to keep her and held her against him, his strength easily overpowering the young girl in his grasp, as his hand slid up along her thigh. Caressing that soft, sweet flesh. “And you know what I got for it? Nothin’. So I think you should give me a little prize for it.”

He turned her head, and forced a kiss on her lips. She thrashed against him, but what could she do? After all, he’d have his release soon enough. “My Sweet Poon.” he growled, as he slid his hand home under her dress.

Author's Note:

1:00am MST, november 22nd, updated with additional edits provided by Flynt Cole.

Thanks Flynt, and to the rest of the 7DSJ crew on the whole.