• Published 5th Nov 2015
  • 1,013 Views, 69 Comments

Seven Days in Sunny June: Innocence Lost - FlashFrame

Sweet Pea has had it hard from the beginning of her life, but now, Living in San Francisco, things are starting to look up. She's got a great friend, wonderful family, and the chance at a real life instead of that of a street walker.

  • ...

July 20th, A.M. Doubts in Darkness

July 20th, Junction County Correctional Facility.

“One, two, three, four, five.” The figure counted, voice rough as hands were parted on the cold concrete. Down and up, sets of five. Sweat dripped off the brow of the man as he lowered and raised. It was hard to gauge how many set’s he’d already done, but the sweat pouring from his face made it apparent he’d been at this for some time. His chest bared, the orange jump suit tied around his waist by it’s arms.

BZZZT! “All Prisoners are to step away from the cell doors for inspection.”

He stood, his hair was buzzed in the military style, though clearly in his late forties to early fifties, his dark brown eyes narrowed as he slipped up to his feet, backing up against the wall. It was a small prison, and he knew most of the staff here. His eyes fell on the uniformed visage of Hard Case, who eyed him right back.

“Keep right there, Wire.” The guard said, pointing his nightstick towards him as he walked in, and began a check for any contraband.

“Right, you know, Case, here I thought you’d have wised up, gone back into the service, not babysit the rest of these assholes.”

Hard Case grunted. “I’m still here because your stupid chomo ass is here, Wire.” He scoffed, finding nothing and standing to turn to him. “Look, get this straight: You’d better jump when we tell you, because right now the only thing keeping me from killing you for what you did to her, is that.” he motioned up to the camera in the hall.

Tripwire laughed. “Nothin’s been proven yet! The bitch is just blowing smoke,” he growled. “And I’d love to see you even try to kill me Case, couldn’t do shit to me in Twentynine Palms back after basic, and couldn’t do shit on deployment either… or are you still pissed at yourself over Iraq?”

Hard Case eyed the inmate before walking out of the cell. “You best watch yourself, Wire, or we might just turn the other way once these guys hear just what you did.”

Trip’s eyes narrowed. “Didn’t do shit… and until court says I did, you got no fuckin’ grounds to stand on.”

Hard Case smirked. “I’ve got my own morals, Tripwire. Unlike you, I’ve always had those to cling to.”

Tripwire simply watched the guard move on as the door to his cell closed. And the plans started forming...he’d get out. He’d get out and he’d kill that bitch for putting him through this. With a roar of hate, he slammed his fist against the rock wall. It didn’t give, but neither did his meaty hand. “You’ll get yours bitch....You’ll get yours.”

Darkness surrounded her as Sweet Pea looked around. She could feel the cool air on her skin. She was naked, a state of dress she knew all too well. The scars adoring her body seemed almost colder than the rest of her. “H...hello?” She hazarded a call out.

“So, the whore has a voice… so unsure of herself, not at all like the Amelia I knew.” the voice was dark, but also sensual, it held a draw to it, one that made Sweet Pea shiver. “The Amelia I know, well, she might not have been strong, but she was certainly sure. Sure of the size of cock she could take, of how many orgasams she could give a man, or woman.” The voice chuckled, dark, and not at all friendly.

“That’s not me anymore! I’ve changed, alright!?” Pea screamed, as she was slammed against an invisible wall. She could feel the figure next to her, though she couldn’t see it. It felt...female, warmer than the surrounding darkness. It’s flesh pressed into her own, warm and inviting yet cold and distant all the same.

“Oh it’s not is it, what about Rose hmm… I know the thoughts you have, the desires, I can sense every...little...one.” The being caressed what felt like talons along pea’s body, up over the swell of her breast. “How you want her to be your knight in shining armor, right? To come sweep poor Sweet Pea off her feet.” the voice grew darker, even more malice filling it as the taloned hands seemed to wrap around Pea’s neck. “You want to be her Sweet Poon, don’t you? Forget Amelia, forget Sweet Pea, no, you want that name back.”

Sweet Pea tried to breathe, but she couldn’t; the talons around her neck cut off her ability to. She thrashed helplessly under the hand of the creature against her. “N...noo….” she managed to squeak out before the hand became rougher, more human, and distinctly more masculine. And she could just see Tripwire’s face as he leaned in close.

“My Sweet Poon.” he growled, before kissing her harshly, his hands moving to spread her thighs. She could do nothing as he had his way with her once more, the sound of ringing filling her ears with each thrust…


Sweet Pea let out a gasp as she shot upright in the bed. The sea-green nightgown she’d picked for herself clung to her damp body, which was more than a little soaked with sweat. She sighed, running a hand over her face and through her short hair, groaning as she felt the wetness behind her too.

Great, going to have to let the sheets air out. She sighed again and slipped from the bed, taking a glance at the clock on her nightstand, which read 4:53am. Still a good three hours before she usually woke up. She took a breath as she felt something else, a dampness that wasn’t sweat between her legs. She gathered up the sheets, taking them into the laundry room before making it to her bathroom. Slipping inside and disrobing, she positioned herself under the warm water before breaking down and curling into a ball along the tile floor. At least she made it to the shower before breaking down this time.

Lemony’s eyes filled with tears as she could hear her sister’s sobs from her bathroom. Having gotten up early to get ready, she listened to the girl’s fitful dreams, the outcries and groans of near pain. She wiped her face, banishing the tears away God what she’d do to save Sweet Pea any more grief. But she knew there was more to come, and not that far off either.

Her cellphone’s chime went off and she sighed. It was going to be a long day already, she had to go pick up Sapphire Stones for the carpool, and while she and Buck usually went in at the same time, Buck had the day off.

“Sapphire’s going to talk my ear off too,” she murmurred, taking a long drink of the coffee as she adjusted her suit’s sleeves, and shifted the skirt down a bit. After a moment, she quickly pulled out a few of Pea’s favorite treats, hoping to ease the teen’s burden. “Sorry I can’t be here right now, but work calls, sis.” She sighed and headed out the door, having penned a small sticky note she left next to the foodstuffs.

A large glass of chocolate milk and a few breakfast pastries later, a much more refreshed Sweet Pea sat in front of the television, flipping through the channels. She looked up as she heard the rather large yawn of her brother.

“Morning Bro, there’s a fresh pot of coffee.” she motioned towards it, and he gave a half wave as he stumbled into the kitchen, causing a rather girly giggle to escape his adopted sister. Pea had to admit, she was feeling better. The note she’d been left by her sister had made her feel less alone. But still, could she talk to Lemony about everything bothering her? Sure she’d told Rose, but… she didn’t want to burden her family with this crap.

“Morning sis,” came the voice of her brother finally, as Buck downed his first cup of coffee without even adding any sugar. “Ahh, yeah, that’ll wake you right up!” he chuckled and poured another as he snagged one of the other pastries. “You doing okay, kiddo?” he asked as he walked into the living room and slipped into the recliner close by.

“I’m… yeah.” she said, looking down she shook her head. “Okay, no, not really, but I don’t think you guys can really help. It’s just my past ya know, despite all you two have done for me, it just feels like I’m all alone.” Her eyes moved back to his and he nodded sagely.

“I get that, and we see you hurting, Pea.” he sat the pastry down on the coffee table in it’s plate, before turning his full attention to his sister. “You’ve been through a lot, and we knew what we were getting into when we adopted you, sis. But you have to trust us, okay? We’re not going to hurt you, and if anything we’ll do everything we can to help. Hell, kid I’d move the damn sun and moon if I thought it would help.” Buck sat up a bit straighter in the chair, his eyes on her own.

“And that means a ton, seriously you have no idea how much I’ve craved exactly that.” She pouted as she added, “Yet, at the same time…” “At the same time you want him to bend you over the coffee table, tug down your pajama pants, and ride you cowboy style is what you want.” She grimaced, and shut up, looking away.

“Pea, please don’t shut me out.” he reached out, and she shied away, looking almost like a hurt animal as she did, her eyes held a fear he’d never seen directed at him.

NO! No… it’s... I’m fine, bro. I’ll, I’ll be fine, okay? Just had a bad dream last night and I really can’t deal at the moment.” She got up, grabbing and downing the remainder of her chocolate milk. “I’m going to go change, then go for a walk, I need to clear my head.” she looked to him, her face had softened a little. “I’ll have my cell on me, of course.”

Buck nodded, and sighed, sitting back in the recliner. “Okay, kiddo. Just... be safe. We’re here for you. Always. Don’t forget that, alright?”

“Yeah, I know bro.” She walked off, trying her damndest to ignore the little voice in her head telling her just how much she wanted him slamming his manhood deep inside her, while she buried her face between Lemony’s thighs.

The air was cool this morning but warming fast, as Sweet Pea walked around the park that was a few blocks up the road from her house. She walked fast, something that she had taken up since moving in with Buck and Lemony, power walking mixed with the occasional jog. Music blasted in her ears, the pumping bass of some techno track or another. The sweatpants and hoodie combo, both a dull grey, made her feel like another face in the crowd, and not the broken girl she knew she was.

The park was fairly empty—save for the occasional other jogger—and she had the path to herself. She soon found herself at one of the smaller ponds. Taking a seat to rest, she brought the hood down and pulled the earbuds from her ears. The jogging had been a nice distraction and had helped clear her head. She let her eyes drift closed for a second, just feeling the cool morning air surrounding the park.

Looking up, her eyes landed on another girl on the other side of the park, seeming about her age wearing a rather severe looking school uniform. Her white hair streaked with alice-blue, it was done up in almost tri pigtails, or so it looked like from this angle. A pair of orange glasses framed lavender eyes. The girl looked up, their eyes meeting before she crossed her arms. “It’s impolite to stare you know.” The African-merican girl’s voice sounded almost rushed.

“Totally wasn’t staring,” Sweet Pea defended, crossing her own arms and sticking her tongue out, which caused the other to chuckle.

“Right, anyway you don’t look like you’re from around here...no uniform.” Her tone was almost harsh, but there was also an air of curiosity to it. “I’m Sugarcoat.”

Pea offered a genuine smile, “Sweet Pea. I don’t go to any of the schools around here,” she admitted waving lightly since they were too far for a handshake. Maybe this morning would be better than she thought.

“Homeschooled? You look the type, you know.” She smirked. “I attend Cornerstone Academy. It’s one of the more prestigious in the area.” Sugarcoat glanced down at her left wrist, blinking a few times. “I’ve gotta go, Sweet Pea right? See you around.”

Without a single word more, she got up and headed off, leaving a rather confused Sweet Pea to offer a weak “Goodbye,” towards her back.

“Or, maybe it won’t be as good as I’d hoped.” She closed her eyes once more, doing her best to ignore the voice telling her that she was a creep, and no wonder a slut like her scared away a potential friend.