• Published 5th Nov 2015
  • 1,010 Views, 69 Comments

Seven Days in Sunny June: Innocence Lost - FlashFrame

Sweet Pea has had it hard from the beginning of her life, but now, Living in San Francisco, things are starting to look up. She's got a great friend, wonderful family, and the chance at a real life instead of that of a street walker.

  • ...

August 10th, PM. Dance the night away.

August 10th, PM.

Thumping bass could be heard coming from the building, various lights flashing through the doors and windows of the cafeteria-turned-dancefloor for the night. A few students and teachers lined the outside, and a table for checking tickets stood, with a couple of volunteers checking admission and taking money for at the door sales.

Sugarcoat pulled the car into the parking lot. Shifting the vehicle into its space, and putting it into park, she looked at the other two. “Alright girls, we ready for this?”

Lemon Tart smirked; she was rocking out to the music on the radio, but she nodded. “Hells yeah, you know I’m always down for a dance, Coat!”

Sweet Pea glanced up, she’d been holding on to her phone, looking at it the whole ride… her sister’s request for them to call her if something came up echoing through her mind. She blinked, Coat was looking at her with a concerned eye. “What, oh, yeah, I’m totally down for this. Just... still a little shaken up you know.”

Sugar smiled lightly and rested a hand on her friend's shoulder… Lemon however, wrapped her arms around the taller girl. “Chillax, Pea, seriously! I know that uncle of yours is a total freak, but we’ve got an awesome dance to hit up, plus, we should totally dance together!”

Pea laughed lightly, sliding her phone into her purse, grinning ear to ear, as she hugged her friend back and chuckled. “Yeah, I suppose I do owe you that much.” she teased, which got a squee out of the smaller teen.

Sugarcoat, of course, smiled. Yeah, maybe Lem had finally found the one for her, she did kinda hope so. “Well regardless of who’s dancing with whom, we need to get moving.” she got out of the car, Lemon and Pea following.

Lemon Tart had gotten into her own little black dress, the girl’s form hugged in all the right ways. She grinned ear to ear as she hooked an arm through Sweet Pea’s own, wrapping her up and leaning in close. Pea blushed, but just let it happen, at this point, not shocked.

The trio worked their way inside, immediately getting some looks, a few of the boys casting appreciative looks over the trio, and a couple of the girls too, save for the typical elites, who scoffed, and Lightning Dust, who just looked away after noticing Sugarcoat and the others.

Tripwire rolled the vehicle he’d been using for the past few days up along the street. The school coming into view, he could see the lights pulsing, the bass hitting him even this far out. His eyes lingered on the front of the school, just a couple of adults, it’d be easy enough to sneak in, he’d do it through the back, not like there were going to be guards. He smirked; it was sad how low-security schools were these days after all the troubles.

He parked down the street, and slid from the vehicle, his eyes on the wall before him. He climbed it with little trouble, his training making it easy to scale, and slipped over the wall. Glancing around, he moved to the rear of the building, and began looking over the place. Given the school was open for the dance, the alarms were turned off, making it easy to breach the door and enter the school.

The halls were empty, making moving about the place very easy, as he worked his way towards the event, following the heavy thumping of the music. He slid his hand to the gun at his hip, caressing the 1911’s handle slowly… maybe he’d fuck her with it, yeah… then fire off a round in that used up cunt… that’d teach her. Maybe he’d do that after he took her friends in front of her, starting with that little mocha number.

He could already feel the rush of blood to his loins just thinking about it, but he focused beyond the lust, the desires to destroy this girl had him on a razor focus. She’d ruined his life, so he’d ruin hers, then end her like he should have years ago, before that little bitch ran off and started fucking the whole of Canterlot.

He’d been researching, and he knew what she’d gotten up to. She had gone by Amelia while there, the exotic name that those who hired her called her. He smirked, maybe he’d whisper it into her ear while he dumped a load in her.

He smirked, his eyes falling on a janitor's closet, popping the lock with his knife, he nodded, this would work perfectly…. Now he just had to get at them, one by one.

The music pumped, and it practically flowed as Pea walked into the hall, she could feel the energy of it, of course, having a cute teen dancing on your arm helped with that. She giggled a bit at Lemon Tart, watching the younger girl dance.

Lemon let Sweet Pea go, just feeling the music work through her, the audiophile of the group, Lemon was practically melting into the music, her body swayed, popped, locked… Pea had to wonder just where the girl had learned some of these moves, then she remembered the internet was a thing, and chuckled, just swaying a bit to the music herself for now. She was never really much of a dancer, and far be it for her to display her lack of skills now.

Sugarcoat smiled, watching the pair from a short distance, she moved in, speaking loud enough for the pair to hear. “I’ll get us drinks!” Lemon and Pea both nodded, at that, the idea sounding perfect.

Sugarcoat headed off towards the refreshment table, sure things were a little pricey, but the dance had been thrown together to help fund the senior trip. Most everyone was away from the area, out on the dance floor. She never saw the powerful arms wrap around her, one around her chest, the other around her mouth, her attempted scream was met by only the thumping of the music.

Lemon Tart felt alive. The thumping of the music, the sound of the bass, the highs, the lows. The girl practically lived for this. Her body moved practically of its own accord, working it’s way over the dance floor, and around the object of her affection. She’d opened her eyes now and again to spy Sweet Pea, who’s gaze had kept on the slightly younger teen through every move.

Lemon Tart smirked a bit as she wrapped her arms around Pea and danced against her slightly. She felt slender arms work around her waist… just as the music changed, a softer, gentle song hitting the air.

She fell into the swaying motion easily. With Sweet Pea behind her, arms wrapped around her waist, the pair swayed. And Lemon Tart, was in heaven. “Thanks for this Pea, even if this is just as far as things go…”

Sweet Pea shook her head. “Just, I’m scared, Lems, okay?” she said softly, though she was swaying with the girl, there was a stiffness to it. Lemon could feel it, and she turned to the other, looking up into citrine eyes.

“Talk to me Pea, what’s got you scared of this?” she asked, head tilting to the side.

Pea for her part, just shook her head. “Old habits, Lemon… I never really got to explore my personal sexuality, ya know.” she drew back gently, and sighed. Glancing around for a few moments. She wasn’t the most comfortable talking about this, but the girl deserved to hear this. “My sexuality was decidedly chosen for me: bisexual.”
“Why?” Lemon dared to ask.

Pea laughed bitterly. “Because for the right price, you could buy my sexuality.” The laugh went away and she said honestly, “You could get more money out of someone who could swing both ways,” she said flatly. Her eyes fell on Lemon’s, and she could see the sadness in those orbs. At that, Sweet Pea reached out, and drew the girl into a soft hug. “That doesn’t mean I don’t like you that way, because, I do, Lemon, I really do, but I’m afraid that I’ll hurt you.” she says softly. “I’m broken goods and…”

Sweet Pea didn’t get the chance to continue that line of thought, as Lemon Tart leaned up, and captured her lips gently, a soft, loving kiss pressing against her lips, one that caused the older, taller teen to stiffen slightly at first, before relaxing into after a few moments. The kiss lasted just a few seconds before Lemon broke it, looking into Pea’s eyes. “You might be broken, but you’re still wonderful.” she said softly. “All I ask is you give me the chance, Pea, please... “ There was a hint of desperation in Lemon’s voice, of a girl who’d been shot down so many times.

Sweet Pea could only smile gently, and nod. “You got it Lem. Seriously, girl, I was working up to asking you out tonight,” she admitted, rubbing the back of her neck before she glanced up.

Then it finally hit her. “Hey… where’s Coat?” she asked, scanning the crowd.

Lemon blinked a bit, as it hit her too, she looked around, nowhere, could their dark, platinum-haired friend be found.

She was strong, incredibly so for her age, yet Tripwire pinned the girl against the wall and pulled the gun, placing it right against her temple. “You know what this is, bitch?”

Sugarcoat went still, and nodded, eyes wide, she knew very well what that was… the sideways glance, she could see the barrel, and she winced.

Tripwire smirked. “Yeah...Colt 1911, .45cal of death… play nice, and maybe you’ll make it out of this.” he grabbed her arms, and withdrew the rope he’d wrapped around himself for storage, and began binding her arms behind her, a knee pressed into her lower back to keep her held against the wall.

She was sobbing now, Sugarcoat could handle herself in a straight up fight, but this...being held at gunpoint. “W...why?” she asked.

He smirked even wider… a rictus of a grin that would have made the Joker proud… “Because, you’re friends with Sweet Pea.” he struck her against the temple with the gun, and she crumpled. That’d make it easier to move her, and he hefted her over his shoulder. She was built, and he could appreciate that. Dropping her off in the janitor's closet, he couldn’t help but gaze over her form for a moment. She alone would be one hell of a prize…

He reached down and cupped the teen’s ample chest in his hand, getting a feel for her breasts, before he pulled himself back. “Time for that later.” he chided himself, before shutting the door behind him, yeah, he had two more victims to gather, then, the real fun could begin.

Sweet Pea’s eyes shifted around, Sugarcoat hadn’t been gone that long, but the girl wasn’t at the refreshments table, Lemon came out of the bathroom, and shook her head. “Naah, and none of the other girls had seen her, or at least, weren't talking.” the Korean teen said as Sweet Pea sighed.

“I doubt she’d just bail without saying anything, plus she’s our ride. Still, it is a bit early...” her thought was interrupted as she heard Lemon’s cell chirp.

“Yeah it’s a text.” She glanced down at it reading over. “Huh, she went out back, said she just needed some air, wanted to give us some alone time, but she needs to talk to me.” she sighs a bit and glanced up to Sweet Pea. “I really should check on her. I think she’s a bit twitchy, about us. Not in a bad way, she just...she worries about me, ever since well…” she looked down, right hand moving to her left wrist, rubbing softly.

Pea noticed the motion, and she knew, nodding. “I...it’s fine, Lem, trust me,” she smiled lightly. “She’s been your friend for a while, and she worries, I’ve seen her worry.” She giggled. “Go, I’ll be here, the music’s good and I could use a drink.” She gives her friend a tight hug. “Just text if you need me, okay?”

Lemon Tart nodded, before heading off, giving Pea a little wave. Watching her go, Sweet Pea jumped when she felt the tap at her shoulder, she turned around, only to face one Lightning Dust.

The girl just looked at Sweet Pea for a few moments before finally speaking up. “Hey look, I just... I wanted you to know I’ll be backing off you and your friends.” She turned, as Pea was about to speak up. The athletic teen shook her head, ignoring Pea beyond that, she headed back into the crowd. Pea was a little taken back, but after the asskicking she’d gotten from Coat, she guessed that was to be expected. Still, that was one less problem to worry about. She looked out over the dance floor, once more alone, and sighed, heading to get some refreshment herself. hopefully Coat was okay.

Lemon Tart walked outside, phone in one hand, purse on her shoulder as she walked, heels clicking on the concrete. She glanced up as she rounded the building. Coat must be more worried about her than she’d thought, given the text, and they’d been friends for so long…

When she rounded the corner, she’d been about to call for Coat, when the blow came, a crack could be heard and she was suddenly sideways, her eyes crossed, she groaned as she turned, trying to crawl away from whomever had just hit her, when she looked up and saw him… that face, that grin, those eyes… “Y...you…”

Tripwire just grinned back as he leaned over her, and hefted her up. “Yep, it’s me.” he grabbed her and she tried to scream, at least, she’d started to take the breath, when she was suddenly staring down the barrel of the gun, and she shut right up.

“Yeah, that’s a good little piece of fuckmeat, keep your trap shut and maybe, just maybe, I’ll let you out of this alive, got it?” he left little time for her to respond, as she hefted to her her feet and slammed her against the wall. She cried out, but instantly quieted down, despite the sobs that were beginning to rack her body. He worked fast, tucking the gun into his waistband, then expertly bound her arms with the rope he’d kept with him, much like he had Sugarcoat. He yanked her over to the spot he’d initially hit her, she’d dropped her cell, and thankfully, the device hadn’t broken. He pocketed it, and shoved her in past the door, heading for where he was already storing the other one.

“You, and your little mocha friend are going to watch, as I get the payback against my niece that I deserve… bitch ruined my life, so I’m going to ruin hers...and you two get to watch.” His gravelly voice hit her ears, and she just let him lead, what else could she do? She’d lost her phone, and he had it, not only that Coat was the martial artist and… then it hit her. “C..coat?”

He opened the closet, and there was Sugarcoat, knocked out, a trickle of blood staining her white hair at the Temple, as he tossed Lemon in with her friend. “Now sit down, shut up, and wait for me, we’ll have a wonderful little reunion in just a bit.” He shut the door, plunging the two girls into darkness…

Sugarcoat groaned, slowly rolling onto her back. “Ugh, fuck… L...Lem?” the voice was music to Lemon Tart’s ears, as she nodded, though she worked herself to a sitting position.

“Yeah, Coat, it’s me, I thought you texted me, and well, it was him…”

Coat whispered. “It’s okay, Lem, you couldn’t have known, but he’s after Pea…”

“Yeah, I know.” the smaller teen just sniffled.

That was when Sugarcoat shifted her way up, she had a headache from hell, but she supposed steel hitting your temple would do that. “Lem, put your back to mine. I’ve got an idea.”

The dance was in full swing, and Pea felt lost in a sea of people, that at most that she had no ties to. She sighed and looked down at her phone, leaning back against the far wall, watching the minutes tick by. It was already 8:30pm, and her friends had seemingly abandoned her…

“Some friends they are huh, the minute things seem to be looking up, the second you get that sweet, sweet girl interested, they ditch you.”

Pea winced, as she tried to shut out that voice, that cruel, dark voice that nagged the back of her mind. “No, it’s not like that…”

“Oh, isn’t it? I bet Coat and Lem are out back getting their freak on together, that’s why Coat was worried about Lem right, she just wanted that sweet, sweet mu…”

Pea grit her teeth, and pushed the voice out of her mind as her own phone chirped and buzzed in her hand. Glancing down she looked to the text.

“Hey, Coat and I need to talk to you, we’re still out back. K?”

Pea blinked a bit, her heart sinking a bit. Did Coat have that big of an issue with this?

“Alright, BRT.” Pea pressed SEND and sighed. Sometimes this kind of social stuff was so damned difficult.

The air outside was cool, compared to the warmth of the bodies inside the dance. She took a deep breath, just taking a moment outfront. She had to admit, she did like it here; things were better than her old days in Canterlot, she had family that cared, she had friends that seemed to care. She was probably overthinking things here. Her friends cared, she knew that.

Rounding the corner, her eyes lifted just in time to fall on the form that haunted her nightmares, reaching out for her. She was unable to get the scream from her lips as powerful arms worked around her, one around her waist, lifting her easily off the ground as the other clamped down around her mouth, cutting off the scream she’d been about to let out.

Pea’s mind was reeling as she bit down, hard, sinking her teeth into the nearest finger she could get.

Tripwire let out a grunt, and slammed her hard against the nearest wall, knocking the air out of her with a gasp, before she doubled over, a fist having met her gut quite hard.

Tripwire was pissed, and he grabbed her by the hair, dragging her towards the door. “Alright, you fucking slut, time you got what was coming to you!”

Sugarcoat worked her fingers against Lemon Tart’s rope; thankfully, Tripwire was in a hurry, and getting sloppy: the knot he’d used, while tough to get out of yourself, was easily undone by another. Lemon, on the other hand, was still curled up, crying.

“Alright Lemon, I know you’re scared, but I need you to focus, okay? You should be able to get out of the rope now, but I need you to undo mine, and do exactly what I say after, alright?”

Lemon nodded and sniffed. There was just enough light in the small room to see by, and Lemon trusted Sugarcoat. She drew her hands free and wiped at her eyes, before turning around, and quickly working at Coat’s rope. She was trying to push past her fear. “Yeah, yeah, okay.” she finally got the rope free and Coat stood, rubbing at the side of her head with a wince.

“Alright, find something hard. He’ll be back soon, so find something hard and heavy, and we’re going to clock him good.” Sugarcoat looked around, grabbing a rather large can of cleaning spray. She could spray this in his face too if it came to that. “Alright, we both need to get on each side of the door, I’ll slam him from one side, and spray him in this face with this, you hit him with what you have…”

Lemon found a wrench, it was on the smallish side, but metal. “Yeah okay…” she moved to the one side of the door, curling up and trying to make herself as small as she could so she wouldn’t get spotted when he came back… and judging by the sounds coming down the hall, he’d be here soon.

Coat smirked, oh she was going to get some payback on this asshole when he came through. She uncapped the spray, ready to get at his face, when the sound of a loud bang down the hallway allerted her to something more going on out in the hall. Carefully, she pried the door open, glancing out.

Pain, a familiar feeling, one that Sweet Pea had become accustomed to during her time as Amelia. Her body ached already, her stomach was pounding, and she was pretty sure, she felt like she was going to throw up. All of that pain paled in comparison to the excruciating sensation running through her scalp as she was practically dragged by her hair into the school, and flung against the nearest set of lockers with a loud BANG.

Crumpling to the floor, she was only there for a second, before those big, burly hands found her tresses yet again, and hoisted her up.

“Enough sandbagging, Sweet.” The voice was gravely as he pushed her against the wall, and she wanted to just withdraw in on herself as she felt that other large hand grope at her chest. Practically enveloping her left breast in a painful squeeze. She wanted to protest, but instead, her body defaulted, and she just did nothing. She just stood there, letting a man have his way with her, as if a switch had flipped in her mind. She just stood there, pain coursing through her form, and took it, her eyes just gazing off past him.

She registered it all, every touch, the feel of him yanking down her top or freeing her breasts of the bra she’d chosen for the evening registered in the back of her mind, but she just stood there, pinned against the lockers, head to one side. Maybe he’d just go away when he got what he wanted.

Of course, she knew better, deep down. This was her first abuser, this was the man that had set her on the path she’d lived for several years before finding a home. She could feel that hand having retreated, and her thighs being spread, she could feel him working his way inside of her, taking her as he had all those times before. She just grunted, barely a sound as the tears streamed down her face. In her mind, she was eight years old again and her uncle’s play thing once more, his Sweet Poon….

Seeing the actions of the man outside, Coat sprung into action, she motioned for Lemon to follow, and slid outside the closet, working her way, carefully, towards Tripwire, whose back was to them, and was currently…. She shoved aside the thought as she had what amounted to a front row seat watching her friend be violated by the man who had nearly destroyed her life once before.

The two girls just moved in behind him, until Lemon took a swing, clocking the large male in the temple with the wrench she’d found, it sent him reeling, his pants tripping him up as he pulled free of Sweet Pea, falling over, exposed to the world. That gave Sugarcoat the chance she was looking for. She spread the cleaning chemicals into his face, causing Tripwire to scream out in pure, unadulterated pain as the chemicals did a number on his vision, and sent him into a coughing fit.

With Tripwire down, and writhing on the ground, Sugarcoat went for the gun. “Get Pea outta here!” she called, looking to the two girls, wrestling with the incapacitated male, who knew he was at the disadvantage, but was trying to use size and skill to overwhelm the younger opponent.

Lemon had already moved to Pea, who was still stock still, her chest exposed to the cool night air of the school building, her dress hiked up. Lemon just got into her line of sight.

“Pea, sweetie, you need to come with me, okay?” The smaller girl was in tears at seeing her love like this, but she had to be strong, she had to be, she took Pea’s hand, who just blinked a few times.


Lemon nodded, “Yeah, come on, we gotta go, we gotta get the cops now.” She pulled her friend, who just seemed almost too shocked to move, but began moving with Lemon towards the exit.

Shaking her head, Sweet Pea let go of Lemon gently, looking into her eyes. “I can’t...not yet.” she looked over, seeing Sugarcoat deliver a strong kick to Tripwire’s side which made the male double over yet again. She saw the gun, and picked it up… fingers tightening around the grip, index finger caressing the trigger as her eyes fell on Tripwire once more, the man that had ruined her life again and again.

“Sugarcoat… go, get Lemon out of here.” her voice was hard, harder than she’d let her voice be in well over a year, her eyes narrowing on the male once more. Sugarcoat just nodded, grabbing Lemon, who looked worried.

“A...are you sure we should just?”

Coat shook her head. “She needs this, Lem, trust me.” she took the younger girl towards the door.

“Whatever you think you’re gonna do bitch, you won’t! This is my day! Mine!

The sound of two shots rang out down the hall and out the exit as Sugarcoat helped her friend out of the school. The sound of the dance coming to a halt, screams could be heard after the shots as the students began pouring out of the front of the school, evacuation in full progress.

Sugarcoat stopped long enough to turn as Pea walked out, the white haired girl helping Pea pull her top up, to cover her friend’s modesty as best as she could, before Lemon drew Pea close, hugging her. “Okay, okay…” she looked around, seeing Pea’s phone on the ground, she ran for it. She was sure cops would be on the way with two shots fired at a school, she could already hear yelling from the other side of the building as she used the emergency function of the phone to dial 911.

Pea was in shock, but the two shots she’d pumped into the man having rocked her to the core, however, and she was starting to come to her senses, which only served to make her slide down the side of the building’s wall, curling her legs in on herself. She could still feel him, inside her again. She hugged her legs against her chest as she listened to Lemon frantically make the call to the authorities.

Squad cars were on the scene within three minutes, Lemon having told them about Tripwire, about the assaults, and everything to the dispatcher after reporting the initial shots.

Paramedics arrived on scene moments later. A stretcher brought out with Tripwire on it, the big male still screaming and cursing, even trying to fight against the paramedics. Then he saw Lemon and Pea and fought even harder. His attempts to get free of the stretcher caused it to tip over, spilling him to the ground with a cry of pain, as it became clear what had happened, the big male’s legs a mess of blood.

Sweet Pea had shot out both of his kneecaps, yet despite this, he tried to crawl towards Pea as if compelled by some twisted psychosis. Pea in turn moved to lash back at her abuser, her fight or flight reflex pinning firmly to fight,slamming kick after kick into the man’s face as he attempted to grab at her. Police quickly moved in, pulling the violated teen back and finally subduing Tripwire, ensuring he was put under by the paramedics before they pulled him back onto the stretcher and carried him out.

A female medic from another ambulance walked over to Sweet Pea and Lemon Tart, who were finishing up with the police after Tripwire had been wheeled away. “Hello girls, My name is Bedside Manner. Lemon Tart and Sweet Pea, correct?”

Both girls nodded, Lemon speaking up. “I’m Lemon, she’s Pea.” She looked over, watching Coat explain everything as one of the cops held the 1911, sealing it away for evidence

“Alright, Lemon, Pea, I just... given the nature of what happened, and the reports…” she looked to Pea, who just held up a hand.

“I… I know what you’re asking, and what you need,” she said softly, her eyes looking to the paramedic, and nodding. “I’ll go to the hospital after this; my family will want me to anyway.” She wrapped her arms around herself. Looking over to Lemon, the girl nodded, never leaving Pea’s side, something Pea couldn’t help but be happy for despite this entire situation.

Bedside nodded. “Alright, I just...if what I overheard your friend telling the cops is true, I want this guy put away forever.” She squeezed Pea’s arm very gently, letting her know she was in her corner, before looking to Lemon. “I need to check you out as well – I can see you took a blow to the head.”

Lemon nodded. “I know but…” She looked over to Sweet Pea, who looked down to her friend, nodding.

“Go, Lem, get yourself checked out. I’m safe,” she said, as if disbelieving the very notion. “I’m finally safe.”

Lemon nodded, heading off with Bedside as a very familiar car pulled up. Buck Withers and Lemony Gems rushed over to Pea, hugging her tightly from both sides.

“Sweet Pea, oh God, you’re okay!” Lemony was in tears, as she held her adopted sister, with Buck looking absolutely pissed.

“Where the hell was the faculty in all of this!?” he growled as one of the officers stepped up.

“Buck Withers, I assume? Sweet Pea’s guardian?” The officer asked, as Buck just nodded. “Officer Elm, SFPD. The facility was unaware of the situation given the dance, and the locations everything took place were not patrolled. Your...sister shot the assailant in his kneecaps. Hell of a shot too.” Elm nodded over to Pea, who was looking, shaken, clearly not in the best of places, which got Buck quite upset.

“I see… I want full charges pressed against Tripwire. Everything you can pin on him, I want brought against him.”

“Invent something, if you have to,” Lemony growled.

Elm nodded. “Trust me, we’re already looking into that. He’s also an escaped convict, so I really don’t think there’s going to be much problem with that, Mr. Withers, Mrs. Gems. Just take care of your sister, because she’s going to need you.” The officer withdrew a card, passing it to Buck. “This is the number for RAINN. You won’t believe how often this happens, to the point that we have to carry cards.”

Buck took the card, and moved back to his family, as Sugarcoat, rejoined by Lemon Tart, saw to their friend. Buck, nodded to Sugar. “You saved her...thank you Sugar.”

Sugarcoat sighed and shook her head. “She’s my friend, and… I just want her safe, and after what he did… what he’s done, everything, I just...I had to save my friends.”

“They were there for me, he...he attacked them first, then me.” Pea looked down. “S..so what now?”

Lemony looked to Buck, then back to her sister. “Now we bring him to justice.”

Author's Note:

And we've finally hit nearly the ending of all of this.

I want to thank each and every one of you who have kept up with this fic, and driven me to continue.

Thank you, all of you.