• Published 21st Oct 2015
  • 6,329 Views, 152 Comments

Twilight the clown - TechnoPagan9

When the circus comes to town, Twilight decides to see the show but a certain magician has other ideas

  • ...

Of Strings and Spinning Disks

It was getting close to night time and Glimmer made her way to the friendship castle's map room where Pinkie was practicing her juggling. There were some brownies on map table leading to Glimmer licking her lips and grabbing one with magic.

"Oooo Sweetie Belle would kill me for not sticking to my diet but there is no shame in just one" Glimmer thought as she moved the brownie closer to her mouth about to take a bite when pie was thrown into her face causing her to drop it. Glimmer wiped the pie off her face as she looked at Pinkie who was pointing at the brownie which was leaking liquid rainbow.

"Trust me, you don't want to eat anything that leaks that stuff plus me and Skittle are saving them for tomorrow's performance" Pinkie said with a smile. Glimmer gave out a little giggle before Sweetie Smiles and Rodeo Jumper came bursting in with excitement.

"Ah did what you asked Pinkie, I got Derpy to hand out flyers all over Equestria, we should have a bigger crowd for the show" said Jumper while Sweetie placed a crate on the map table.

"Skittle told me to take the crate of brownies to the circus so the audience can have something to eat but Sasha and Magic, while liking the idea of giving them to the audience, didn't want them in the circus outside of performances. Mainly for Loopy's sake so I brought them here to be stored" said Sweetie. Pinkie opened the crate to find a lot of rainbow laced brownies in small packets, it would seem Skittle's business is catching on. Glimmer, Sweetie and Jumper went to their rooms while the Wonderjokes told Pinkie that Skittle was asleep in her room to which she herself retired to her own room. Sometime later, Sprinkle and Tricky entered the castle and looked at the dimensional mirror.

"Here it is Tricky, another world in need of some clown nosed joy" said Sprinkle with her eyes half open and a wide grin.

"Does Tricky get to turn a 'human' into a joy machine, please say Tricky gets to do that" Tricky said while barely able to keep her excitement

"Indeed silly Tricky, my little student for all we need to do is turn a few humans and then they will do the work for us but for now, Equestria must be our prime focus" lectured Sprinkle. Tricky didn't seem to like waiting to turn a 'human' but as Sprinkle was her teacher she thought it best to follow her.

"May Tricky ask, who will we specifically be turning" Tricky said with curiosity in her eyes. Sprinkle grin wider as she faced Tricky and said:

"O, the two I wish to turn are......"

The next day

Within Ponyville lies a two sided house touched by the beat of dub-step on the left side and the serenity of classical strings on the right half. The sun slowly rose as classical music emitted from the house before an earth rocking beat of dubstep drowned out the sound.

"VINYL, TURN THAT NOISE OFF" said Octavia after falling off her bed. Vinyl turned her clocks alarm off causing the music to switch off before Octavia opened the door and checked the clock's volume to which she sighed.

"Vinyl, can you please lower the volume of your alarm" Octavia said while pointing to the volume knob which was on max.

"O come on Taviy, its always good to way up to sick beat in the morning" Vinyl said while stretching her legs. Octavia wondered how she either of them have managed to retain their hearing despite being exposed to the loud music through Vinyl's odd inventions such as her bass cannon and dishwashing bass although she is grateful for the bow and dubstep cello Vinyl had made for her last Christmas.

"Anyway lets get some breakfast, I am starving" said Vinyl as she ran to her oven to cook some hay burgers. Octavia made her way to her side of the living room and found a flyer. It said that the circus that moved in over a week ago was having another performance today at around 11am. Octavia hadn't been to a circus in years due to her cruel racist unicorn parents forcing her to play at the concert hall every week and using a story about summoning an entity who will used hooks on strings to painfully control her and make her play. She was lucky the butler and cook had sympathy for her and managed to take her to a circus in secret with the parents being none the wiser. Octavia shook off those memories as Vinyl spoke.

"Hey Octy, you want to go to the circus with me, you could use the rest given you have been practicing for the concert you are in tonight" Vinyl said with a face showing concern.

"Its fine, Vinyl and no I am not going, I still need to practice and get this done perfectly even though I am not very fond of performing for high class snobs" Octavia said with some disappointment in her voice. Vinyl gave her friend a hug to comfort her and telling her not to get overly stress over it. The burgers were ready and they both sat down on the dinner table to eat while listening to a mix of dubstep and classical music and shortly after that It was 10:30am and Vinyl left the house, telling Octavia she would bring her something nice and made her way to the circus. While passing the hotel Hay and Stay, she saw Iron Will and Bulk Biceps (who she prefers to call Snowflake) talking about becoming strongmen for the circus to which Vinyl found funny before she saw three figures leaving the hotel. One was a brown and grayish white female griffin who's feathers on her head were flat and she was wearing a headband with a yellow shocked face as well as blue eyes. She was flying and snuggling with a blue pegasus stallion with a whitish blue mane (from what little Vinyl could see of it) which was covered by what looked like a 'aviator's hat and goggles' from human mythology and had green eyes along with a hot air balloon cutie mark. The last one with was walking with them was a dark grey unicorn mare with a long dusty brown mane and tail, she had brown eyes and a cutie mark that was simple a brown eye as well as small glasses. They also seemed to be heading towards the circus.

"Where have I seen them before" Vinyl thought to herself before continuing on. There was a long line of various races waiting to get in from minotaurs to ponies to centaurs to griffins to sirens to donkeys and changelings and so on. Vinyl noticed some activity around the back of the tent and decide to take a look. She saw what looked like a clown human and a magician mare were pushing a large crate saying 'Skittle's Enterprises' in to the tent.

"Caty, are you holding Loopy down" asked Sasha impatiently. Vinyl manged to catch another voice from inside the tent.

"Yes but hurry, even with the strength of everypony here, she is putting up a strong fight" Caty said in desperation as Magic and Sasha pushed it into the tent. Vinyl heard what sounded like a bank vault's door being shut and locked as well as this 'Caty' telling Loopy that the contents are being placed in there for her sake. Vinyl shrugged and walked back to the line which most had already gotten into the tent.

"Are those brownies, I love brownies" Vinyl said with a smile as she spotted a plate, she also noticed a small sign above it saying:

'Please eat only one, you won't be able to tolerate more than that'

Vinyl took two so she could give one to Octavia and proceeded to the stands. She found a seat and ate her brownie but noticed other members of the audience who ate the brownies had the heads quickly switching colour as well as complain about them being spicy. These effects happened to Vinyl but due to her having her fair share of drinking tough drinks and partying when she was a little younger, she manged to tolerate the effects and loved the spicy burn afterwards.

"Dammmmmm, this stuff would be perfect for bars and parties. Octy is going to love these" Vinyl said while picturing Octavia's reaction to the brownie. The show was about to start and Sprinkle walked out of the curtain alongside Sasha, Pinkie and Magic.

"Welcome to the TF circus everyone, are you all ready for some fun" Pinkie said while tapping all of her hooves. The crowd gave a clear yes before Sasha opened her mouth

"But before we start, I would like a volunteer to come up on stage" she said. The crowd all put their hands, claws and hooves up although the grey unicorn from earlier was having one of her hooves forced up by the griffon and pegasus causing her to blush. Sprinkle scanned the area with her eyes and noticed Vinyl holding up her hoof in the crowd.

"That is the one we want Magic" Sprinkle said telepathically.

"You there, white unicorn with the purple shades come on down" said Magic. Vinyl walked towards the stage as Sprinkle hid a clown nose under her dress while Vinyl made her way towards the stage with all eyes of the crowd on her.

"So you must be the famous DJ PON-3, is that correct" said Sasha

"Heck yeh, say how do you make these brownies, they taste like a night at a gig if it were food" Vinyl asked. Sasha looked to Magic with a nervous smile who simple nodded no.

"Its a secret, lets leave it at that" Sasha said with a nervous chuckle while thinking about what would happen if Loopy found a new place to get Rainbow Brownies. Magic proceeded to speak.

"The reason we asked for someone in the audience is because we want to introduce a new segment at the beginning of each show where our lucky volunteer gets to perform as a clown beside us performers for the whole show" before Pinkie interrupted.

"And maybe join the circus full time where more will laugh until their throats become soar" Pinkie said with some excitement. Magic sighed at the interruption.

"Tactically put, Pinkie because its not like those brownies have likely already made some of the audience near mute from the burning" Magic thought in a sarcastic tone. Vinyl thought for a moment, she had never really engaged in acrobatics, juggling or any of the tricks that clowns typically do. She did once watch Octavia's cousin Fiddlesticks perform as a rodeo clown once but that was a while ago and Vinyl didn't consider herself as agile as Fiddlesticks to be a clown.

"Well it could give Octy a laugh and its always good to do something new plus I could get more publicity from this" Vinyl thought before looking at Sasha with a smile.

"Ok human, I will give it a go so clown me up" Vinyl said before Sprinkle placed the nose on her.

"As you wish, Silly Spinner the techno clown" Sprinkle chuckled. Vinyl felt a slight tingle before the circus suddenly turned into a colorful nightclub version of itself. She saw a DJ booth just near by and proceeded to walk up to it when the light blue streak on her mane and tail turned light red and after which started glowing like a glow stick along the blue parts of the mane. She noticed a full body mirror on the wall behind the DJ booth where she noticed the changes.

"O man, I am digging the the glowing mane through I am not sure about red" Vinyl said. She turned to DJ booth and noticed that all the attendants at the gig dressed as various circus performers including Octavia and Fiddlesticks. They waved to her causing Vinyl to blush at her friend's clownish appearance. She noticed a colour-shifting glow stick with a ring linked to it which change colours at random and Vinyl decided to let it dang from her horn. Suddenly a rubbery suit form around the front half of her body, the same substance found in the glow stick was also in the rubber suit and change colours to match the sticks. She looked in the mirror and giggled.

"Octy will surely laugh at me now" Vinyl said as she began to switch the booth on, playing a dubstep version of typical circus music. The lenses of her glasses turned rainbow coloured and her mane curled back while a rainbow bow kept it in place. She noticed a box of juggling balls in the booth and began juggling them while some electric streaks formed on her back legs and flank which ere animated. She turned to the mirror again.

"I am really starting to enjoy this clown stuff" Vinyl said as she noticed a case saying 'Dubstep gun, it really works, ACME corporation' to which Vinyl opened as she grin with joy while feeling like something was being rubbed on her face. Red jagged lines had formed on her mouth making it look like she had a glasgow grin while dark blue eye shadow formed on her eyelids and pink upside triangles formed under her eyes. She took the gun and began firing it into the crowd, causing colourful blasts to engulf the crowd while Vinyl laughed wildly. Upon finishing this, she saw the crowd were all on the floor with happy grins on their faces. Vinyl turned to the mirror and removed her glasses to find her eyelashes had curled, the nose was dark blue, her cutie mark was now a disk with a red button that said press me and her eyes were now pink. She gave a big smile before the world shifted to find the circus crowd were both amused and confused.

"Hello everyone, who is up for a wild show by yours truly, Silly Spinner" Vinyl, now Silly Spinner announced to the crowd. They all cheered and the rest of the clowns apart from Caty and Loopy enter the show, performing well as usual although Magic was wondering where Caty and Loopy were. After a few hours of this, the show was over and after the crowd had left, Spinner asked Sasha for a clown nose to take home which she complied. Spinner went home to Octavia while Sasha and Magic found Caty tied up in a barrel.

"What happened Caty" Sasha asked after getting her out.

"It was Loopy, she tied me up and threw me in here and I am not sure where shes gone" Caty said with worry.

"I have a good idea of where she is" Magic said as she opened the safe door. She found Loopy now a lot fatter than before next to an empty brownie crate. Magic frowned at Loopy who simply smiled nervously at Magic's piercing gaze.

"You know, this stuff should be outlawed as a drug but I will get the juicer" Magic said in annoyance.

Meanwhile, it was 4pm and Octavia was still struggling with the song she had to play tonight at 8pm. She felt like throwing her cello out the window in frustration.

"O I wish I went with Vinyl, I really should just stop playing for those snobs in Canterlot and play here instead" Octavia said. The door swang open causing Octavia to jump with fright and land on her flank. She got up and was about to tell Vinyl to stop slamming the door when she noticed her friends goofy appearance.

"Hey Octy, you like what you see" Spinner said while honking her nose causing it to shock her. Octavia tried to hold her giggling in but couldn't causing her to giggle out of control.

"hehehehe, Vinyl why are you dressed like that" Octavia asked

"I am called Silly Spinner now and I thought you needed some cheering up given that concert you clearly hate, plus brownies" Spinner said with a grin and giving her the brownie. Octavia giggled again before speaking

"Thanks, Viny.... I mean Silly Spinner, you know I like brownies" Octavia said. She ate the brownie but gave the reaction that everyone normally gave when eating them.

"What was in that brownie" Octavia said while trying to tolerate the spicy burn. Spinner chuckled before pointing out that being a clown involves a few pranks. Octavia couldn't argue there before speaking again.

"Why have decided to be a clown, I thought you preferred being DJ" Octavia asked, curious of Spinner's answer.

"They have this thing where the circus allows audience to join in the show, I was the lucky one and I have grown to like it. I may even make it part of my DJ career. Thinking of that maybe you should be a clown too" She said. Octavia didn't know what to think. Her being a clown would be a joke alone. She wasn't very colourful in appearance and she did classical music which tends to be too formal for a chaotic clown act.

"I don't think that would be a good idea, I am not circus material Spinner" Octavia said before sighing and speaking again. "I will admit though it would be more fun to do than most of the concerts I have been having recently as audience are a bunch of uncaring snobs who think my charity towards kids is stupid.

Spinner thought for a moment before taking out the nose. "Octy, just wear this nose, you will make a good clown I am sure".

"Well if you think so than place on my nose". Octavia said. Spinner did so and Octavia's vision shifted to what looked like the very concert hall she was going to perform at. She could see the usual snobby unicorn high class crowd who were hurling insults at her.

"Get off the stage you mudpony"

Octavia winced at the insult as her mane and tail began to turn pink with light red streaks, it curled up to appear should length. She turned back towards the curtains where a mirror was standing, she saw her new mane and her clown nose had turned pink and strangely felt happy with it. She turned to the crowd and decided to put a lot of force onto her her cello's strings with her bow causing the a nasty scratching sound much like scratching nails on a chalkboard. The crowd held their ears in pain and started to scream as Octavia smiled while the concert hall seemed to become brighter and foals were visible outside the windows.

"How cute, the little ones want in, they would spice up you stupid snobs" Octavia said, she was surprised to say that yet she felt no fear and no remorse for insulting them. Her fur coat turned bright white as her bow tie grew in size and turned rainbow coloured as another snob spoke.

"Keep those brats out, this is a private and respectable hall"

Octavia had turned to the mirror and admired the new white fur before turning her gaze to the crowd with a smile on her face, she noticed the waiters and waitresses didn't seem too fond of the current audience and seemed eager to let the foals in. The concert hall grew brighter as the night was turning to day and more children were visible.

"Let those children in, the crowd we currently have is not respectable enough" Octavia giggled as the waiters and waitresses nodded and ran to the doors, trying to get them open. A mismatched purple, pink and blue dress with red buttons formed on her body with the skirt covering her flank. Red and blue socks formed on her hooves and legs while purple shoes formed on the hooves. A quick check in the mirror and Octavia took the time to admire the outfit. She turned back to find some of the door had been broken and some foals had gotten in.

"This is a lot better than this rubbish you snobs want me to play, at least I don't use others like puppets" Octavia said with joy. She noticed her parents were in the crowd and had clear anger on their faces.

"Octavia, stop humiliating the family with this stupid act and do as your told" her mother said before her father talked "and get that stuff off your face you little brat"

Octavia was confused by this before looking in the mirror again and seeing what her father was talking about. She noticed pink blush and eye shadow had formed on her face along with curled eyelashes and purple triangles much like Spinner's own. She gave the widest smile she had ever had and turned to her parents.

"You know" Octavia said while ripping the strings from her cello "I think I may manipulate some ponies as puppets just this once" She said with a grin, Her parents were taken aback by her grinning before talking.

"That is it, we are setting off your collar". The parents use their magic to activate the collar but only end up shocking themselves. They are dumbfounded by this result before Octavia seemed to throw the strings at them. They pierce their skin and fuse with the bone as Octavia began pulling on the strings allowing her to control their movements and force them to come to her. She move her head close to their ears and said:

"You are in my world now"

Octavia gave a creepy grin as the foals finally got in and it seemed to be daytime before forcing the parents to entertain the foals through humiliating acts. She laughed and laughed as she pulled the strings to make the parents whack each other with the now string less cello and her eyes slowly turned pink and her cutie mark turned into a marionette. A filly approached her with the dubstep cello.

"Thank you, Grinning Marionette, I love this birthday party you threw" the filly said

"It has been my pleasure little filly" Octavia, now Grinning Marionette said with joy as her vision turned back to normal. She saw Spinner cooking up some pancakes.

"Hey Spinner, you were right I do feel better like this" Marionette said as she cuddled Spinner. Spinner responded with a kiss to the cheek before asking "So what you going to do about the concert".

Marionette turned to see a case containing other instruments as well as the dubstep cello and thought up a plan.

"Spinner, would you please accompany me to the concert hall and help carry these instruments. I think we can really liven up the performance" She asked. Spinner grinned as she tried figuring out what was on Marionette's mind.

"Ok but first pancakes then concert". Spinner said with her belly rumbling.

Author's Note:

Well this was a little dark. While I was writing this my mind shifted to an old fanfic I like called 'A puppet to her fame' which in my opinion has the cruelest interpretation of Octavia's parents so I have placed some references to it in this chapter.
A link to 'A puppet to her fame fanfic' http://www.fimfiction.net/story/89729/a-puppet-to-her-fame
Also links to Pony Tales reading of said fic (The music and voice acting really set the mood)
Chapter 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hkZSSU3zts
Chapter 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gsrn0QTG43I
Chapter 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7X-aI4mE5c

By the way, do you know where the griffon, unicorn and pegsus are from?