• Published 21st Oct 2015
  • 6,328 Views, 152 Comments

Twilight the clown - TechnoPagan9

When the circus comes to town, Twilight decides to see the show but a certain magician has other ideas

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The trouble with mimes, a laugh at the spa and interrogating a naughty dragon

As Twinkle Sprinkle and Sasha were running back to the Friendship Castle, their clowny forms continued to shifted into the black and white appeal of mimes as did the voices drifted further and further into silence. Sprinkle's dress wrapped around the front of her body and reforming into a rainbow coloured shirt before the colours seem to melt away and leave behind black and white stripes.

"No No No, I don't want to be a silent mime, I love being a noisy clown" Sprinkle tried to shout but came out as something close to a whisper. Sasha wasn't doing any better as her shirt did the same and its buttons seem to fade from existence. Sasha's bow-tie lost all its colours apart from red while Sprinkle's gold collar reformed into a light purple scarf with her original star cutie mark on it which Sprinkle tried to rip off as Sasha seemingly crashed into an invisible wall.

"Ow.....how can we even get rid of this 'wall' when we have not idea how to mime" Sasha complained while rubbing her head. Her large pink and purple skirt stated to shrink and soon turned into a simple white skirt just short of knee height. Black and white stripped socks formed over Sprinkle's back hoofs and legs just below her exposed flank while Sasha's own socks became completely black while her shows became red. The blue shoes on Sprinkle's hooves turned white (on the front hoofs) and black (on the back hoofs) which Sprinkle ignored as she stayed focused on the 'wall'.

"Sprinkle, do you think your magic can make the 'wall' disappear?" Sasha asked while hitting the wall. Sprinkle tried to but the transformation screwed about with her ability to cast anything. Sasha's hair changed from blue to black while Sprinkle mane and tail turned black with gray stripes. As they continued to bash at the 'wall' the blush on their cheeks faded from existence as their clown noses turned black and Sprinkle tried to find another way out through flying but they were boxed in by an invisible box. Sprinkle tried to call to Sasha but nothing came out so she tapped her shoulder only to find Sasha had the same problem. Unable to use sign language due to Sprinkle being unable to understand hand signs and Sasha being unable to understand hoof signs, they started to panic as they were running out of options as well as a few timber wolves approaching them.

The wolves charged at them but the 'wall' prevented them from getting to the clowns turned mimes. As Sprinkle's heart was beating with fear, her fur turned as white as a marshmallow while black eye shadow formed on her eyelids and her cutie mark turned from a clown face to a mime face. Sasha who had a mirror on her showed Sprinkle the change causing her to pull a shocked expression at the chalk white fur before she then turned the mirror to Sasha's own face which revealed that upside down triangles had formed under her eyes and her lips were as black as midnight. They started to have a headache as they lost their skills in clowning which were replaced with knowledge of miming. Feeling drowsy, they closed their eyes and held their foreheads for about a minute and opened them again, revealing pure black eyes. While both annoyed at the change, they quickly realize that they can now understand both each others miming. Sasha decided to call Sprinkle 'Whitelight' much to Whitelight's dismay.

Sasha asked through her hands how they were going to get out of this mess, Whitelight had an idea and pressed the 'wall' in the direction of the castle and start pushing it. The box moved and started to drag some of the dirt with it, Sasha joined in and the confused timber-wolves kept leaping at them, still being unable to enter the 'box'. After five minutes, Sasha and Whitelight had managed to make it out of the forest and Sprinkle, her horn glowing snow white and causing the invisible box to shatter like glass. The mimes smiled with relive and ran to the castle.

Back at the castle, Magic had come back to the friendship castle due to having left Sasha's mobile there (which she used to play games) but now found herself chasing after Glimmer Joy who was messing about with it after a guess of the phone's pin number. This had been going on for about 20 minutes now and Magic was getting very frustrated at the fashion clown's antics especially due to Glimmer having purchased several pizzas and sent them to the TF circus back on earth.

"Glimmer, enough of this just give me the phone" Magic demanded before a spell cast by Glimmer hit her causing her to look like a pony mare version of Ronald McDonald. Glimmer laughed as she looked through the internet on Sasha's phone (using her magic to strengthen the internet connection) and found a ringtone shop and pressed 'preview' on one of the ringtones.

"Badababaaaa I'm loving it" the phone said on full volume causing 'Magic McDonald' to blush with embarrassment and Glimmer to laugh uncontrollably. Suddenly the main doors crashed open and Glimmer and Magic turned to see 2 mimes looking back at them, they were blushing with embarrassment as their eyes were locked on Magic who froze on the spot.

"I am surprised, Magic can't stand McDonalds food and dislikes the clown even more and is that Glimmer with my phone" Sasha thought.

"Well lets take a photo of you three, I look through your messages and Sasha, your darling maid would surely love to see you as you are now" Glimmer teased as she saw Sprinkle and Sasha waving their hands and hoofs in a 'No' motion while Magic was too embarrassed to move. Glimmer with an evil grin, looked on Sasha's contacts to find one 'Yuki Pieromeido' in the list, she tapped the contact and sent a message with the photo attached causing the 2 mimes and Magic to grow wide eyed with further embarrassment. Despite the message being sent to another world, it managed to find its way on Yuki's phone.

"Wait where did all these pizzas come from" Yuki asked. She saw the newest 'recurits' eating an untold amount of pizza and only received a shrug from them all. Yuki, despite having a fondness for pizza, nodded her head in annoyance at the mess and a reseat for the pizza that apparently came from Sasha and checked her own phone.

"O I can't be mad at her, she was probably just treating us all. I hope she is having fun on that other world, this picture should be good" Yuki said as she opened the message and wide grin formed on her face. She laughed at Sasha's predicament and decided to show the new 'recruits' who joined in with her laughter. Back at the castle, Sasha appeared to be acting like a baseball pitch and threw an invisible ball at Glimmer who was grinning until (much to her shock) she was hit with an invisible ball and Sprinkle began forming walls around her. Glimmer banged on the invisible walls trying to get out while Magic (who had removed all the McDonald clown clothes apart from the make-up) approached the mimes.

"So, are you going to tell me what had happened that resulted in you becoming mimes?" Magic asked. Sasha used sign language to explain what they did at Zecora's house while Whitelight explained the cause of their transformation by pointing at the Magic's poison joke plant.

"Ah the plant is so wonderful I mean mimes are a soundless bunch so my ears can happily relax" Magic said, the 2 mimes frowned as Whitelight looked through the castle library to find the book on supernatural afflictions. Sasha on the other hand found a comic lodged between the books about the Power Ponies, she opened it up to see scrolls of recording that look like they were to be sent to the princesses soon. She poked Whitelight who had found the book and showed her the scrolls.

"Well well, it seems Spike doesn't want us to have our fun. I guess I could make use of him to lure the princesses in but that will wait until morning" Whitelight thought while grinning. She wrote a note and slipped it into Pinkie's room and reassuring Sasha she knows what she is doing.

"I don't know about you two but I am heading back to the tent to sleep after getting this stuff off my face, it is nearly midnight" Magic said as she teleported to the tent. Glimmer teleported back to her shop while Sasha removed the invisible box and Whitelight showed he the guest room and made the bed bigger for the human to sleep in it. Whitelight went to her own room afterwards to find the ingredients needed for the poison joke cure then sleep.

The next morning

Before heading to the spa, Pinkie notified Sprinkle that she got the message and has sent Derpy to 'collect' Spike. Sprinkle smiled and headed to the spa with Sasha. On the way there, they noticed another mime Mute Grumpy who was sitting on a bench waiting for Fat Boomer and Silver Gem's performance to end. They decided to 'talk' to her where she expressed surprise at seeing other mimes in the area and Whitelight motioned her hoofs to ask who the mime was to which Grump responded by pointing her hoof furiously at the two lovebirds performing nearby and showing that the beret can't come off with their permission. She also pointed to her flank which had a piece of grey paper attached to her flank with a crude drawing of Limestone Pie's cutie mark.

"She could be a good mime if she tried, I wish she would teach me" Sasha turned behind her to the source of the deadpan voice to find Maud standing behind her. Grump, remembering her little sister dragging her in the family house and having to perform for her parents, merely glared at Maud. Maud gave a small smile as she saw Silver Gem performing with Boomer.

"It is nice to see Marble coming out of her shell, Limestone should perform miming with them instead for trying to hit them with her invisible hammer" she said, her voice still deadpan. Grump tried to hit Maud with said invisible hammer only for it to bonce off her and flatten Grump instead. Whitelight and Sasha 'laughed' at the flatter pony mime. Just then Sasha had an idea, she hit the light bulb that appeared above her head (how she did that no one knew) and performed her nose spawning magic but due to the effects of the poison joke, this magic instead spawned mime berets. She pointed her finger at the beret before pointing it at Maud who gave a small smile at the thought.

"I don't see myself as being a clown trust me, Pinkie tried to turn me but the nose doesn't do anything but maybe I could make a good mime and could teach Limestone to enjoy it" Maud said. Whitelight used her magic to take the beret out of Sasha's hands and placed it on Maud's head and upon doing so, black and white streaks formed on her mane and tail. The lower half of her dress split and reformed into a black skirt while the top half reformed into the typical black and white striped shirt. A grey sleeveless blazer formed over the shirt and Maud's face turned pale white while her purple eye shadow turned grey while her eyelashes curled up. A purple scarf much like Grump's formed around Maud's neck with Boulder appearing on it and speaking of the little rock, Maud placed her hoof into the pocket of the blazer to find Boulder had been affect as the middle of him now had black and white stripes on it while one part had a mime face crudely painted on with a tiny beret painted on it. The green from Maud's eyes faded, leaving behind grayish black eyes as she felt her voice fading from her lungs however despite this, Whitelight manged to read her voiceless lips to make out the line.

"I am now Stoic Silence"

Grump face palmed at the sight of her sister's transformed body while Maud turned Stoic requested that Grump perform alongside her to which the older sister shook her head and refused. Whitelight pointed to the spa with one hoof and used the other to beckon the two Pie sisters to follow. Stoic nodded and requested that Sasha and Whitelight help tie Grump up and take her with them by force to which they obliged and while Stoic held her older sister down, Grump made many soundless screams as she tried to shake her off while Sasha and Whitelight tied her with (if one was able to see the ropes) four sets of ropes. Grump struggled against the bindings as Whitelight place 'duct tape' over her mouth (logical to a mime I guess...) and they all made their way to the spa. Upon entered the spa to find that only the spa ponies, Lotus and Aloe Blossum were there trying to get some hot rocks out of Bicep's back which had sunk through and are now burning him from the inside.

"O NO NO NO NO NO that is dam hot, I need WATER!" Biceps shouted as he began to get off the bed and charging towards the recently installed crystal empire 'mud' bath that Iron Will was in.

"No Biceps wait" Iron Will said as Biceps landed in the mud which would normally not splash but due to Bicep's size it did. Stoic however reacted fast and quickly formed a wall around the mud bath, limiting the mud's distance and saving a lot of clean up. Sasha was shocked at Maud's surprising speed while Grump and Whitelight were not surprised at all. After Stoic took the wall down, the musclebound stallion and Minotaur quickly got cleaned up and left.

"Thank you mime for preventing a huge mess" said Aloe

"Huh I never took you for a mime Princess Twilight. Word around town is you have been clowning around" chuckled Lotus before Whitelight showed the poison joke cure page in the supernatural book and pointing to herself and Sasha. The spa ponies laughed upon realizing the poison jokes involvement.

"Guess plant life prefers mimes over clowns" said Lotus

"Well given that the human made us laugh back at the circus we will do it free of charge, I really don't think miming suits you" Aloe said to Sasha leaving her both annoyed and to some extent agreeing of the comment. Whitelight gave the needed items for the cure to the spa ponies and they got the bath ready. Whitelight let Sasha go first who jumped into the bath who then emerged from the water back to her clowny self although her clothes were now soaking wet.

"Glad to be back to my old clowny self" Sasha said as she waved her rubbery arms with joy and and used some of the hair dryers to dry herself. Whitelight jumped in and like Sasha she returned to clown form as Twinkle Sprinkle and was happy to have her voice back.

"O I was afraid I would be mute forever, isn't it great Sasha?" Sprinkle asked as she began drying herself before noticing Sasha's wide eyed expression.

"What?" Sprinkle asked

"You should check the mirror" Sasha said while pointing to the nearby desk mirror to which Sprinkle looked in to the mirror and gasped. Her fur had remained white even after curing the poison joke and She also notice light blue eye shadow that matched her mane and tail. Sprinkle was not too sure how to react to it. On the one hand she had lost her purple shade of colour that she had her entire life but on the other she does look a little more goofy then before.

"You know what Sasha I am happy with this" Sprinkle said with a smile

"You are?" Sasha said with confusion.

"Yes, I think the white colour makes me look more humorous plus if I didn't like I can just dye my fur if I wanted a change" Sprinkle explained. Sasha was happy with that response she turned to the spa ponies with grin.

"Lets celebrate Sprinkle's makeover" Sasha said, her grin getting wider.

"Mimes capture the twins" She ordered. Stoic untied Grump and forced her to help tie the spa ponies to invisible chairs with invisible ropes. The spa ponies were shocked and desperately tried to break out but the rope kept them in place leaving the frightened at what is going to happen. Sasha summoned 2 clown noses and walked towards them, eager to transform them.

"We celebrate by turning you two into clowns, you will give such sweet funny endings to your clients from now on." she said. The twins looked at each other, not knowing what to do before the noses were placed on their stouts. Their visions shifted to....their spa but with a built in theater stage. They both looked at each other in confusion before noticing their manes switching and tails switching colours with Aloe's going from blue to bright yellow with green dots and Lotus's going from pink to light green with yellow dots leading to them gasping in horror.

"Why have our manes turned silly?" Lotus asked her sister. Aloe was about to answer when the door bust open revealing a gang of clowny clients want some service.

"Who are these ponies?" Aloe said as her head started to ache.

"Come on we must give them a show...wait what" Lotus said as her fur turned bright yellow and Aloe's turned light green. They felt their bodies being moved against their wills like puppets. As they did so, rainbow bow ties formed on their collars which the twins tried to rip off but the force controlling them would not allow it.

"Comey, are you having any luck stopping this?" Aloe asked leading to Lotus looking at her in confusion.

"My name is not Comey its..." Lotus said while trying hard not to forget before continuing "I don't remember my name Tragy"

"Wait that is not my name its....o I don't remember either of our names" Aloe said in fear. In the backstage area they came across a wardrobe that had 2 tutus in it. One was blue with pink stripes and tragedy masks on it and the other was reversed with pink with blue stripes and comedy masks. The tragedy tutu merged with Lotus's body as if becoming a second skin as did the comedy tutu with Aloe to which they bit at in an attempt to get it all off.

"Comey, why are you smiling like that?" asked Aloe. Lotus was trying to speak but her face was forcing her to make an uncomforable smile while Aloe's own was forced to a sadder expression. Both couldn't change their expressions as they were forced to stare into the dressing mirrors where they were shocked to see their faces turn pale white with black markings on their eyes and mouths making them look like the 'Comedy and Tragedy Masks'.

"My face, I can't do anything but pull this creepy smi.....Come sister, lets get on stage" Lotus said with her face stuck grinning

"Yes my dear...No No" said Aloe as they approach the stage. Lotus nose turned blue while Aloes turned pink and feeling very light headed they closed their eyes. Their minds covered with laughter and dancing as they opened their eyes back up revealing the joyful pink pupils. The twins now known as Comey and Tragy waved to the crowed before their vision turned back to the spa.

"Well was that fun" Sprinkle asked. The twins nodded to her

"Wonderful, this could help our business boom if we can get a stage in here. Tragy lets get some tools for our project" Comey said. Sasha and Sprinkle smiled as they told the mimes that they are leaving. The mimes followed and Grump appears to be a little happier because according Stoic, she had been teaching Grump to be a better mime as well as helping her confidence as well explain they were going perform on the town center for a bit. The mimes waved goodbye to the clowns as Sprinkle and Sasha make their way to the friendship castle to see if Pinkie and Derpy had managed to get Spike.

"Pinkie, is the little dragon here" said Sasha as they entered the castle to find a smiling Pinkie and Derpy in front of them.

"Wow, loving Sprinkle's new look and to answer your question yes Derpy captured him just before he filed this recording crystal to the princesses" Pinkie said while holding a green diamond shaped crystal.

"And as something extra, I filed an identical crystal with something to encourage the princess to visit" said Derpy with a smile. Sprinkle used her magic to access the recording. It showed that Spike used it to record the doings of the circus as well as the strange behaviors of those who have been turned, using Sprinkle's own behaviors as well as the newspaper about the clown nobles trashing Canterlot as a way of encouraging the princesses to look into the matter. He also shows a recording of documents in Pinkie's and Sprinkle's rooms as well as a document he managed to obtain through pick pocketing Sasha which all discuss a non-nonsensical plan of conquest of Equestria.

"Well well well some dragon is being such a spoiled sport" Sprinkle said to her dragon companion who was tie to one of the map table's chairs.

"Twilight listen to me, this has to stop. You are not your normal self, heck you look nothing like yourself now with that white fur. This is the sort of thing Discord would have wanted not someone like you". Spike said in desperation. Sprinkle giggled at him

"Silly, my name is Twinkle Sprinkle now and I have never felt better. I can't believe my little dragon would say such a thing about my fur" Sprinkle said false sad tone with a hint of mockery. Spike rolled his eyes.

"It is that blasted human who did this to you. Think for a second, would you have wanted to conquer Equestria? no because you protect it with your friends so that circus that helped caused this needs to go" Spike said on the verge of growling at Sasha.

"Hey those plans Pinkie, Sprinkle and me made will bring happiness to all, I should know as I learned from Deadpool just with a little less guns" Sasha said proudly causing Spike to breathe green fire at her which she just manged to avoid.

"Hey that wasn't very nice Spike" Pinkie said

"O you played a big part, I am smart enough to know that the pink eyes means your brainwashed and you just willing went with this. How can you do this to your friends plus if you two come near me, I will use my fire to send you to Tartarus" He threatened before Sprinkle grabbed his tongue with her magic.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you because the second I see that green fire the instant I will send a nose into the fire and when it ends up in Tartaus.....well you know who its going to find" Sprinkle said as her eyebrows narrowed and a very stern expression formed on her face. Spike had seen the Alicorn's stern face before but somehow her clownish appearance made it more terrifying. Spikes face shifted to one of fear as Sasha handed Sprinkle a clown nose.

"Well Spike, I think this will educate you into being more accepting" Sprinkle said developing a grin on her face while keeping her eyebrows narrowed. Spike who was struggling against his bindings and too afraid of what a certain centaur will be like once clownified, he braced himself as the nose connected to his. His vision spiraled as he felt a little ill only to find he was being used as a juggling object back Sprinkle who was also balancing on a ball.

"Isn't this fun Silly Scales?" Sprinkle asked. Spike was unable to answer as he felt dizzy from the spinning until Sprinkle dropped him and the other equipment (which included Derpy playing a musical saw, a chainsaw, a ball and a flaming torch). His scales change colour to represent the rainbow as he stroked his head and recovered from the drop.

"Wait what is this" Spike asked aloud as he found himself on in the center of what looked like a Big Top Tent with a cheering crowd. He looked around to find the other 5 of the mane 6 also performing in the tent.

"Ow my head" Spike said as he clutched his head. Red clown shoes formed on his feet as he noticed at the back area that Sprinkle was talking to a human but it wasn't Sasha yet she seemed familiar. She appeared to be a clown too but didn't look like a human from Sasha's world but he noticed a symbol on the side of her flank area which was a smiley face with at first glance looked like tentacles coming out the back but Spike realized they are meant to be flares of the sun.

"Honestly I think you would be great at doing Harley Quinn's voice" The clown human said to Sprinkle

"What can I say, I am a natural" Sprinkle responded. When this happened, blue clown pants with pink straps formed on his lower half with the straps linking to the shoulders.

"I better get Sprinkle, we must continue wit.....wait what, why am I wearing this stuff and that human was Su...oof" Spike said before being cut off by Sprinkle who charged into him.

"Come along lazy bones, you must do your unicycle tight rope ride" She said as she left Spike on one end of the rope with a unicycle. A red shirt with white frillies on the neck and wrists formed along with a blue bowtie. He started to ride the cycle over the rope and against his will, performed tricks often involving fire being thrown at him.

"Stop throwing th....come at me I can take some small flames.....No stop" He said, his mind struggling to focus. His eyes and mouth became coated in white as red smiling lips and green lids formed on them. In his struggle to keep his mind he noticed Sprinkle also on a unicycle charging at him. Almost out of instinct, he charged at her while closing his eyes and uttering a few words.

"n..noo....I....fail.....save....equestria....fro..clo...scourge" was all he could say before he crashed into Sprinkle causing them to flat on their faces on the ground. They both giggled as Spike now Silly Scales reveled his pink eyes and his vision returning to the castle. A grinning Sprinkle was pressing her nose to his green nose.

"Well Silly, do you understand what we do" She asked, he nodded yes

"Good now follow me to the tent, we have much to plan" She said as she untied him

"Yes my Lady, I was just a fool not to follow from the start" Scales said as he followed Sprinkle to to the circus tent.

"Indeed" responded Sprinkle

Meanwhile at the royal palace, Celestia and Luna along with some members of the Solar and Midnight Guards were staring at a screen generated by a recording crystal with an advertisement for the TF-circus in Ponyville. Their eyes unable to turn away from the hypnotic disk in the center as well as the words of Pinkie demanding they visit or everyone will be sad.

"Guards, cancel all appointments, we have urgent business in Ponyvillie" Both Celestia and Luna said

"As you wish" said the guards.

Author's Note:

This took a bit to do though I will explain somethings:

Thing with mimes: I have been thinking about making some characters mimes instead of clowns as a way of adding some variation. I always saw Sasha as being frighted of becoming a mime because of how opposing their style of comedy to clowns and as a result can't be her natural self so I used it as to ensure that Sasha suffers a lit for fun of it.

Sprinkle's white fur coat: I thought up an idea about Twilight getting stuck in 'Discord Victory' world where Celestia and Luna are in their TF clown forms and brainwashed to worship him. Twilight end up getting a nose placed on her and turns into her TF clown form where all her memories of the original timeline is replaced with false memories and her fur turning white is meant to show this disconnection where she worships Discord, has no knowledge of her friends or Starlight Glimmer altering the timeline.

Mime Maud: I was trying to turn the character into a clown but as I am sure u lot will tell me, she can't be turned. I however pictured her as a mime and how she can be very silent as well as not wanting to leave her out.

Before I go here are links to Yuki (Sasha's maid), a comic strip of mime Sasha and if you wonder about the battle plan and Deadpool mentioned by Sasha here is a link.

Yuki: www.deviantart.com/art/Yuki-Pieromeido-Maid-OC-536399516
Mime Sasha: http://tf-circus.deviantart.com/art/Halloween-Clowns-2-565490379
Deadpool Battle Plan: http://heidi.deviantart.com/art/Deadpool-Battle-Plan-578256103

With that said, hope you liked the chapter